· Web viewThe Naracoorte Lucindale district is home to many business entrepreneurs who are...


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Business Entrepreneurs / Innovation Fund


BackgroundThe Naracoorte Lucindale Council (“Council”) has a vision to be:

The best place in regional South Australia to live, work, raise a family and retire.

Council aims to realise this vision by focussing on the key areas outlined in its Strategic Plan 2016-2026:

1. A Prosperous Community; with2. Healthy Landscapes;3. Liveable Neighbourhoods; and a focus on 4. Harmony and Culture.

The theme A Prosperous Community is explored further in Council’s Economic Development Plan which seeks to achieve the following outcomes:

A sought after visitor destination; A vibrant and progressive business centre; and A diverse range of thriving primary industries

The Naracoorte Lucindale district is home to many business entrepreneurs who are contributing to the region’s prosperity. To further encourage entrepreneurship Council has created a fund that will assist business owners to bring their ideas and plans to fruition, it is called the Business Entrepreneurs / Innovation Fund.

Future budget allocations and funding rounds will be at the discretion of Council and will depend on the availability of funds.

Naracoorte Lucindale Council 1DeGaris Place (PO Box 555) Naracoorte SA 5271Telephone (08) 8760 1100 Email council@nlc.sa.gov.auwww.naracoortelucindale.sa.gov.au

Business Entrepreneurs / Innovation Fund

ObjectivesThe objectives of the Business Entrepreneur Innovation Fund are to:

1. To enhance Economic Development in the Council area;2. Help local businesses to realise their potential and improve financial sustainability;3. Encourage innovative and creative business projects;4. Support projects that demonstrate a tangible benefit to the district’s residents

and/or business community;5. Encourage business diversity and strengthen the region’s product or service offering;6. Strengthen local business networks; and7. Contribute to the vibrancy of the district.

Available FundingOne-off cash grants are available to individuals, businesses and organisations located in the Naracoorte Lucindale Local Government Area. The fund is competitive and will be allocated on merit. In 2019/2020 the total funding pool is $20,000

Types of projects that may be supported:This is a list of the types of projects that may receive support. This list is not exhaustive. Individuals, businesses or organisations are encouraged to submit any project ideas that meet the fund criteria:

1. Collaborative promotions and marketing initiatives – projects that increase the awareness of events, attractions, products and services available in the area;

2. Capacity building - activities that enable individuals or groups to acquire knowledge that will help improve business profitability and productivity;

3. Research and Development – developing projects and conducting research for commercial purposes;

4. Planning - development of strategic and business plans that support the growth of a business precinct or industry sector collective; and

5. Activating precincts – projects that improve the shop front street appeal and improve aesthetic standards for retail or commercial areas, activate underutilised property / retail spaces, including temporary, creative and varied use of tenancies or projects that enhance the attractiveness of businesses.

Naracoorte Lucindale Council 2DeGaris Place (PO Box 555) Naracoorte SA 5271Telephone (08) 8760 1100 Email council@nlc.sa.gov.auwww.naracoortelucindale.sa.gov.au

Business Entrepreneurs / Innovation Fund

Types of projects that won’t be supported:

The following types of projects will not be supported by the fund:

Purchase of capital equipment that is not directly linked to a business innovation; Purchase of basic operational equipment, furniture or consumables that are not

substantively linked to a business innovation; Reoccurring costs such as wages, utilities, lease or loan payments; Projects that contravene Council policies and regulations; Routine maintenance; Costs associated with achieving industry standards, fulfilling statutory or legal obligations

or mandatory industry training; and Projects deemed socially or environmentally irresponsible.

Eligibility To be eligible for a grant under the Business Entrepreneur / Innovation Fund, applicants must:

Be an individual, business or incorporated not for profit association located in the Naracoorte Lucindale Local Government Area;

Have a valid ABN or are in the process of applying for an ABN (in the case of an individual or new businesses);

Have in place or in process appropriate approvals, insurances, registrations, permits and licenses to carry out the business purpose or subject of the grant application; and

For building improvement projects the applicant must be a property owner or have the owner’s written consent to carry out the project. Where the applicant is a lessee they must have a lease on the building that extends at least twelve months from the time the application is submitted.

The following are not eligible to apply for the fund:

Individuals, businesses and organisations that are located and operate outside of the Naracoorte Lucindale Local Government Area;

Government departments or agencies; Organisations that receive the majority of their operational income from Government

sources; Political groups or alliances; and Unincorporated not for profit associations.

Naracoorte Lucindale Council 3DeGaris Place (PO Box 555) Naracoorte SA 5271Telephone (08) 8760 1100 Email council@nlc.sa.gov.auwww.naracoortelucindale.sa.gov.au

Business Entrepreneurs / Innovation Fund

Assessment CriteriaApplicants must demonstrate (where applicable) how the project will help to achieve the fund’s objectives (listed on page one).

In addition, projects will be assessed using the following criteria:

1. Financial viability and/or value for money demonstrated by attaching one or more of the following to the application:

o Business Plano Budgeto 12 month cash flow budget

2. Capacity of the applicant(s) to deliver the project; 3. The extent to which the project demonstrates a sustainable approach to doing business;4. Preference will be given to applicants which have not previously received funds.

Businesses or organisations do not need to provide a matching contribution to the fund. However, projects where private funds are committed will be viewed favourably.

Assessment Process1. Applications are received by Council;2. A selection panel will be convened to assess the applications based on the fund criteria;3. Where the number and dollar value of applications exceeds the total funding pool the

Panel may recommend reduced amounts or varied project conditions for some applications;

4. Regardless of the number of applicants, the Panel may recommend one applicant’s project be funded;

5. The Panel may also recommend that no funds are distributed if it deems there are no worthy proposals from applicants.

6. An assessment report is prepared by the Panel and recommendations are forwarded to Council for consideration and determination;

7. Council may provide funding on a conditional basis. These conditions will be provided to the applicant to consider.

8. The decision of Council shall be final. No rights exist for appeal. Unsuccessful applicants may request feedback from the Panel.

Naracoorte Lucindale Council 4DeGaris Place (PO Box 555) Naracoorte SA 5271Telephone (08) 8760 1100 Email council@nlc.sa.gov.auwww.naracoortelucindale.sa.gov.au

Business Entrepreneurs / Innovation Fund

Grant Agreement and Payment Terms Once approved the applicant will be sent an agreement outlining their responsibilities

and payment terms.

To claim the funds applicants must submit an invoice to Council. Copies of tax invoices/tax receipts for relevant costs associated with the approved project should be attached to the invoice. Where an applicant does not have sufficient capital to purchase project related goods or services Council may choose to provide the funding ‘up front’ and agree to reconcile relevant costs at the conclusion of the project.

The amount being claimed by the applicant shall not exceed the amount approved by Council.

Once a project is finished the applicant must provide evidence of completion (photos, short report or testimonial).

Applicants must acknowledge Council support when promoting the project.

Applicants must allow Council to publish details of the project including photographs. Exceptions will be made for information that is commercial in confidence.

Application PeriodApplications open on 16 January 2020 and are due on 27 February 2020. Future rounds are subject to funding availability.

Further InformationPlease contact: Sally Klose, Manager Governance & Community DevelopmentPhone: 8760 1100. Email: sally.klose@nlc.sa.gov.au

Naracoorte Lucindale Council 5DeGaris Place (PO Box 555) Naracoorte SA 5271Telephone (08) 8760 1100 Email council@nlc.sa.gov.auwww.naracoortelucindale.sa.gov.au

Business Entrepreneurs / Innovation Fund

APPLICATION FORM(Round 5, 2019/2020)

Applicant InformationApplicant Name:

-------------------------------------------------------------------Business or Organisation Name:

-------------------------------------------------------------------Contact person and positions:

-------------------------------------------------------------------Physical location of business or organisation: -------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------------Postal Address:

-------------------------------------------------------------------Phone Number:

-------------------------------------------------------------------Email Address:

-------------------------------------------------------------------Web address:

-------------------------------------------------------------------Amount Requested(max $10,000)

Total cost of project

Have you previously received a grant from Council?

YES NOWould you accept partial funding? YES NO

Naracoorte Lucindale Council 6DeGaris Place (PO Box 555) Naracoorte SA 5271Telephone (08) 8760 1100 Email council@nlc.sa.gov.auwww.naracoortelucindale.sa.gov.au

Business Entrepreneurs / Innovation Fund

Business or Organisation Information Individual, Business or Organisation description (Describe your business or organisation purpose. Tell us what you do.)

Project InformationProject description (describe the project you are seeking funds for):

Naracoorte Lucindale Council 7DeGaris Place (PO Box 555) Naracoorte SA 5271Telephone (08) 8760 1100 Email council@nlc.sa.gov.auwww.naracoortelucindale.sa.gov.au

Business Entrepreneurs / Innovation Fund

Project Budget:Please list the main expense categories for the project and the amount being sought from the fund as well as contributions from other sources:

Income ExpensesCouncil contribution sought


Project Timeframe:Expected commencement date: __________________ Estimated finish date:___________________

Naracoorte Lucindale Council 8DeGaris Place (PO Box 555) Naracoorte SA 5271Telephone (08) 8760 1100 Email council@nlc.sa.gov.auwww.naracoortelucindale.sa.gov.au

Business Entrepreneurs / Innovation Fund

Selection Criteria:Provide a description of how your project meets the fund criteria and objectives. If any criteria are not applicable to your project, please write N/A.

How does your project deliver on the fund objectives?

1. support the implementation of Council’s Economic Development Plan

2. help local businesses to realise their potential and improve financial sustainability

3. encourage innovative and creative business projects

4. demonstrate a tangible benefit to the district’s residents and/or business community

5. encourage business diversity and strengthen the region’s product or service offering

6. strengthen local business networks

Naracoorte Lucindale Council 9DeGaris Place (PO Box 555) Naracoorte SA 5271Telephone (08) 8760 1100 Email council@nlc.sa.gov.auwww.naracoortelucindale.sa.gov.au

Business Entrepreneurs / Innovation Fund

7. contribute to the vibrancy of the district’s central business areas through building and streetscape improvements

Additional Criteria:8. How does your project demonstrate financial viability or represent value for money? Have you

attached one or more of the following to the application:

YES NOBusiness Plan


12 month cash flow budget

9. Describe your capacity to deliver the project; (what skills and experience do you possess that will enable you to succeed?)

10. How does the project demonstrate a sustainable approach to doing business?

11. Tell us about your contribution to the project. (A matching contribution is not required, however, projects where private funds are committed will be viewed favourably.)

Naracoorte Lucindale Council 10DeGaris Place (PO Box 555) Naracoorte SA 5271Telephone (08) 8760 1100 Email council@nlc.sa.gov.auwww.naracoortelucindale.sa.gov.au

Business Entrepreneurs / Innovation Fund

Applications from community organisations must be signed by two Office Bearers. Applications from businesses must be signed by Senior Management (eg business owner or Company Director).


Signature_____________________________________________Date / /


Signature_____________________________________________Date / /

Naracoorte Lucindale Council 11DeGaris Place (PO Box 555) Naracoorte SA 5271Telephone (08) 8760 1100 Email council@nlc.sa.gov.auwww.naracoortelucindale.sa.gov.au
