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Development of Atomic Theory

Name: _____________________

Date: ___________

Period: ______

Early Atomic Theory

Chapter 4 Section 1

Slide 3:

“Atoms” comes from the Greek word atomos that means “unable to be cut or _______________”

They determine the properties of matter

Matter is made up of particles called atoms

Slide 4:

Greek Philosopher ______________ – thought atoms were indivisible & indestructible

Lacked experimental support

4th century B.C.

Slide 5-8: Dalton’s Atomic Theory

John Dalton – (1766-1844)

Dalton’s Atomic Theory

1. All elements are composed of tiny, indivisible ___________

2. Atoms of the same__________ are ______________. Atoms of 1 element are different from another _____________.

3. Atoms of different elements can either ________________mix or _______________ combine in simple, whole number ratios to form compounds.

4. Chemical _____________ occur when atoms are ___________, joined or _________________. Atoms of 1 element ____________ change into another element by a chemical reaction.

Dalton’s Theory is mostly accepted today

Development of Atomic Theory

________________ that we now know atoms __________ be divided - into subatomic particles (i.e. _______________, ______________, & _____________)

Slide 9-15 : JJ Thompson (Plum-Pudding Model & Cathode Ray)

JJ Thompson (1856-1940)

Discovered electrons using a device called a ______________ _______ __________.

He sealed ____________ in a tube fitted at both ends with _______________ (metal disks)

Connected to a source of high voltage ___________________.

A glowing beam formed between the 2 ________________.

He called it the ______________ _________.

CATHODE has a _______________ ( ) charge

The cathode ray is attracted to metal plates that have a ____________ charge

It is _______________ by negatively charged plates

From Cathode(____) to Anode(___)

The ray must be composed of _______________ charged particles moving at a high


He called these particles _______________

___________ has a positive charge

Development of Atomic Theory

JJ Thomson’s model of the atom is called the __________ - __________ ________

He thought the _______________ were randomly placed throughout the _______, like

the currants in a plum pudding

Slides 16-18 : Ernest Rutherford (Gold Foil & Nucleus)

Ernest Rutherford discovered the _____________.

He used a thin sheet of ________ foil and bombarded it with alpha particles

(helium nuclei)

Most particles ___________ through the foil as he expected

However, some were ______________ slightly and came through at an angle

Some particles _____________ back at him

He hypothesized that there must be a dense positive part of the atom, but

most of the atom is empty space

Rutherford’s ______________________________________

Development of Atomic Theory

Slides 19-20 : Bohr(Electron Cloud)

Bohr – proposed that ___________ have a fixed energy and move in ___________ __________

around the nucleus – which is why they don’t fall into the nucleus

The energy levels are like the rungs of a ladder – electrons cannot be in between

levels, and need a specific amount of energy to move from one to another


Dalton – thought atoms were solid and indivisible

JJ Thomson – discovered the electron, & made the plum-pudding model

Rutherford – discovered the nucleus

Bohr – proposed electrons in orbitals around nucleus


What do you already know?

What are the subatomic particles?

How can you distinguish between the subatomic particles?
