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Filling in the form

Copy the web address below and paste it into your browser and press Enter:

The Healthy Schools Whole School Review form will be displayed.

Page One

Note: Fields marked with * are mandatory and must be completed.

On this page, you must enter your school’s details (School Name, DfE number, etc.) in the boxes provided. Note: Please make sure you select the correct District/Borough Council.


There are two drop-down lists for selecting your school’s priorities. You must select at least one priority using the first drop-down list. If your school has two priorities, select the second priority from the second drop-down list. There are three buttons at the bottom of Page One:

Save – Clicking this button saves the form (you will be able to return to it later to complete it). For more information see the “Saving a partially completed form” further on in this document.

Next – Clicking this button takes you to the 2nd page of the form.

Cancel – Clicking this button cancels the form and returns you to the Healthy Schools website. Note: If you choose this option, the information you entered into the form will be lost.

Page Two

On the second page, you should enter detailed information about each question where appropriate in the boxes provided. NB: Unfortunately you cannot add bullet points to the text, unless you type the text in Microsoft Word first and then cut and paste it into the form. (Bold and italic text cannot be copied either. However, you can USE CAPITAL LETTERS for emphasis.)

…some more questions…

At the bottom of the form there are four buttons:2

Previous Clicking this button takes you back to Page One. (No information is lost)

Submit Clicking this button sends the form to the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) and it cannot be accessed again for further editing. For more information see the Submitting a completed form later on in this document.

Save Clicking this button allows you to save the form (you will be able to return to it later to complete it) – for more information see Saving a partially completed form below.

Cancel Clicking this button cancels the form and returns you to the Healthy Schools website. NB: If you choose this option, the information you entered into the form will be lost. Saving a partially completed form

Creating a new account

If you do not have all the information to hand when completing a form, you may need to save your progress. In order to do this, you must first create an account in our electronic forms system, so that you can be identified on subsequent occasions when you want to update your form. This is done as follows:

Press the Save button.

If you are not already logged in, you will be faced with the following screen:


You will need to log in or sign up to the electronic forms service. Press the Log In / Sign Up button, which will take you to the following screen:

IF THIS IS THE FIRST TIME YOU HAVE LOGGED IN: You will need to sign up. Enter your email address and name in the relevant fields. Choose a password, which you will need to re-type in the Confirm your password field. NB: The password is case sensitive so lower case letters and UPPER CASE letters count as different letters. As the person currently filling in the form, the ‘Form Filler’, use your own name and email address for this Sign up screen. In some schools, the Form Filler may be a different person to the Healthy Schools Manager listed on Page 1 of the form. (Continued overleaf…)


IF THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME YOU HAVE LOGGED INTO ACHIEVE FORMS: You should use the Log In box instead, using the email address and password with which you signed up to the AchieveForms, then press Log In. Note that this may not necessarily be the same password as the one which you use to log into the school network in the morning, especially if you signed up some time ago. If you cannot remember your password, press the entry marked Click here if you have forgotten your password; an email will be sent to the email address you have entered which will allow you to reset your password.

Sign up (Continued)

If this is the first time you have used AchieveForms, press Sign Up. This will create an account in our electronic forms system. On subsequent occasions, when you need to log in, you need only enter your email address and the password you used today.

Press Continue. This will take you back to your form. IMPORTANT: At this stage of the process, you have not saved your form; you have merely created an account so that you can save your form. Now that you have created an account you will be able to interact with our electronic forms system. It’s a little like needing to get a library card before you can borrow books from the public library.

Saving a partially completed form

Following account creation, you will now be directed back to the electronic form:


Press Save again! You should be alerted that the form has been saved and you will be provided with a reference number. It is recommended you take a note of this reference, so that if you experience any difficulties, it will be easier for IT Services to identify the form.

Two emails will be sent. One will be sent to the email address indicated as the Healthy Schools Manager containing a PDF document of the partially saved form. A second email will be sent to you as the Form Filler, to the email address used to create the account. If you are also the Healthy Schools Manager, you will receive both emails…

Pressing Continue at this point will return you to the partially completed form. To exit the form, close the current tab or browser session.


The references should match!

Retrieving a saved formWhen you wish to return to the form to edit and add more information, follow the link in the email and you may be faced with this screen

Note: The only person who will be able to use the email link is the person who actually started the form in the first place. If the link is forwarded to another user, they will not be able to use the form as AchieveForms does not “know” them in relation to this instance of the form.

Press the button marked Log In, which will cause the following screen to appear:

Enter the email address and the password you set up for this account and then press Log In. You will then be redirected to your form to continue editing. It can be resaved and you will be sent another link.


If you press the Home button, you will reach a home screen, where your saved forms can be found down the right hand side. From this selection, you should be able select the relevant form.

Submitting a completed form

Clicking the Submit button sends the form to the QAG (Quality Assurance Group) and it cannot be accessed again for further editing.

When the Submit button has been clicked, a page will be displayed that shows the reference number for your form.

An e-mail will also be sent to the Healthy School Manager’s e-mail address. This e-mail will have a PDF attached to it that contains a copy of the school’s completed form.

Note the Form Filler, if different to the Healthy Schools Manager, will not receive an email. The form will no longer be accessible from any of the links in your e-mails.


You do not need to log out of AchieveForms; closing the current tab or browser session is perfectly acceptable.

When the QAG have reviewed the form, the Healthy Schools Manager and Head teacher will receive an e-mail with a copy of the form (in PDF format) that includes the QAG’s comments.

EnquiriesFor form submission and these instructions, contact Julie Thompson, Hampshire Healthy Schools team, Tel: 02380 383312 or email

For technical issues, contact the HCC IT Helpdesk, Tel: 01962 847000 or e-mail , quoting the form reference number.

Last updated: Feb 2014

