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COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICESCalifornia State University, Long BeachHealth Care Administration Department

HCA 538 Management Challenges in Long-Term CareSpring 2019 Syllabus

Instructor: Rebecca Perley, DBH, MSHCA, LNHAPhone: (562) 508-6671E-mail: rebecca.perley@csulb.eduCampus Office Hours: Thursday 11:00 am – 3:00 pm. Appointments should be arranged via email for in-person, phone conference or Zoom meetings. Office Location: SPA-027

Course Number: 8473Section Number: 1Class Meets: OnlineClass Room: Not Applicable

Additional Contact Information:HCA Dept. Administrative Coordinator: Deby McGill, dmcgill@csulb.eduOffice Location: HHS2-118Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886

Course/Catalog Description

Functions and essential skills to manage LTC organizations and facilities: Institutional arrangements; Patient/family/community relations; workforce management; marketing; reimbursement. (Lecture)Letter grade only (A-F).

**Instructor reserves the right to alter or change the syllabus and/or assignments based on class needs . Changes in the syllabus will be announced in class, via email and on the BeachBoard. It is a student’s responsibility to remain updated on course changes.

Course Outcomes, Competencies, and Assessments. The Health Care Administration Department has adopted a competency-based curriculum, based on the American College of Health Care Executives (ACHE) Competencies Model in Appendix A. This course is designed to develop competencies in the domains of Professionalism, Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment, Business Knowledge & Skills (Financial Management, Human Resource Management), Communication and Relationship Management and Leadership. The chart below describes course outcomes and how they will be met and measured.

Learning Objective Domain Competency Activities (A1) , Assignments (A2) & Assessments (A3)

Identify the principal clients and stakeholders of Skilled Nursing Facilities

4 A & D A1 – Debate Presentation, A1 – Guest Presentation, A2 – Course Readings, A3-Exams

Identify the major state, federal and regulatory agencies for LTC organizations, and the statutory sources of their authority.

4 A & C A1 – Debate Presentation, A1 – Guest Presentation, A2 – Course Readings, A2 – Movie Critique, A3-

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Learning Objective Domain Competency Activities (A1) , Assignments (A2) & Assessments (A3)Exams

Differentiate between principal LTC coverage including financing and payment systems currently in use, including both public and private payers.

5 B, E & G A1- Guest Presentation, A1 – Debate Presentation, A1 – Guest Presentation, A2 – Course Readings, A2 – Movie Critique, A3-Exams

Discuss physicians and other allied health professionals’ roles and practice

1 A & B A1- Guest Presentation, A2 – Course Readings, A2 – Movie Critique, A3 -Exams

Illustrate how support staff (e.g. nursing, housekeeping, dietary) affect quality assurance, quality of care and quality of life.

2 B & C A2- Course Readings, A2 – Research Paper, A3- Exams

Discuss the role of the administrator in overseeing the clinical, social, therapeutic activity and facility management functions of LTC organizations.

3 A & C A2 – Course Readings, A2 – Movie Critique, A3-Exams

Develop recommendations to improve the LTC workplace through the application of effective leadership, management practices and culture change.

2 A, C & D A2 – Course Readings, A3-Exams

Text(s) and other course materials Required: Perley, R. (Ed.). (2016). Managing the long-term care facility: Practical approaches to providing quality care. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Wiley. (Course text is on reserve in the library under instructor and course name)

Articles supplied by instructor, posted on BeachBoard and/or distributed in class.* (*If you miss a class lecture it is your responsibility to procure materials distributed.)

Recommended: APA manual (6th Edition) (in the library under general reference)

Perley, R., & Merchant, K. (2006). Nursing home administrator guide to an amazing career. Retrieved from http://www.cdph.ca.gov/certlic/occupations/Documents/NHA0906online.pdf, 2006.

Student Assignments and GradingIn our course you have an option to use the "Checklist." Checklist is a tool that you can use to mark which assignments have been completed and which assignments are still outstanding. The lecture material due dates are posted as a suggestion to help ensure you are ready for quizzes and exams.

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1. Debate Presentation Groups will illustrate through debate the affirmative and negative positions for ethical issues faced in long term care and in management. Groups will be randomly assigned and posted in the “Groups” section of BB.

Each group will have the following roles: affirmative speaker(s) and negative speaker(s). Affirmative and negative speakers will each present points illustrating their stand on the issue and refute opposing arguments.

The three deliverables for this assignment are: 1. the topic, 2. the PowerPoint, and 3. the presentation. Check the class schedule for the due date of each deliverable.

A. TopicEach group must discuss and decide on a debate topic. There are topics posted on BB but if you would like to pick a topic not listed then have the group leader e-mail the proposed topic to the instructor for approval. There can be no duplicate topics so, the sooner you claim a topic via the sign-up sheet on BB, the better. Topics must be posted to the Google drive titled “Debate Group and Topic” in the content area of our course shell and the designated drop box no later than the due date in the class schedule.

B. Debate PowerPointEach group will organize and upload their PowerPoint to the drop box.

PowerPoint Presentation Requirements: – Each affirmative and each negative speaker is responsible for 3 slides with 3-4 points per slide– A minimum of 8 references cited in the text and in a reference list on the last slide– Presentation will be used as your guide during the debate

Points will be deducted if the above format is not followed.

C. Group VideoYou group will create a debate video from your debate PowerPoint. Zoom is the platform suggested to record your video (https://zoom.us/). Webcams will be needed so that each group member can be seen. There is a free membership which allows sessions of 40 minutes which should suffice for this assignment.

Each team member will present their argument in the video for 2 to 3 minutes. Use your PowerPoint slides to aid you in your presentation but remember that eye contact is important for effective communication and persuasion.

This video may be used in one of our discussion board assignments. Please upload it to YouTube and select the setting “Unlisted” vs. Private or Public. Unlisted means that only people with the link can view the video. Then, upload the YouTube link on a Word document or in the comment section to the designated drop box by copying and pasting the link from YouTube. When adding your link to the discussion board include the argument presented so that the topic of your video can be easily identified. See below for the due date.

If a team is dissatisfied with a member(s) participation then the team must notify the instructor as soon as possible but no later than one week prior to the due date. An evaluation of each team member (including him/herself) will then be submitted to the instructor on participation in the project. Each team member will receive an individual grade to be determined by the instructor. This is only necessary if member(s)

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of the team are unhappy with another member(s) completion of team duties.

Grading is based on clarity of presentation, organization and support for arguments

2. Preparation

A. Preparation and ParticipationIt is expected that you have read the material and are ready to engage in the discussion boards and take chapter quizzes. There is a lot of information in these chapters so it is important to keep up with the reading and assignments. More information on weekly quizzes is in the “Exams” section.

3. Discussion Boards (DB)

Questions and Answers DBThis discussion board is available for you to post questions and answers regarding class assignments. Please use the netiquette in our syllabus when communicating with each other. I will monitor this board but I encourage you to help each other by answering questions and posting helpful tips.

Chat Café DBThis discussion board is an opportunity for you to introduce yourself to your classmates. Answering the posted questions will give you practice on how to post to the discussion board. I will look forward to reading about you and welcome you to the class. Note that there are no points associated with this assignment but I will be checking to see that you completed it. Also, you can use this forum to communicate with each other regarding concerns and comments about long term care.

Discussion Boards 1-5Discussion boards require a well-planned and thoughtful substantive post and response post to one classmate. The substantive post and response post should demonstrate your familiarity with the reading material and concepts, understanding of the topic discussed, your ability to conduct additional relevant topic research and integrate the knowledge from the class material and other sources with your personal and professional experience.

You are expected to cite and reference a minimum of three sources of information in APA format; it might include the class textbook, lecture notes, and any other sources you find during your research activities for each lesson.

Submission Instructions for Discussion Boards: Initial post must be completed and posted by Friday, 11:59 pm. Response post must be completed and posted by Sunday, 11:59 pm. Each posting should include constructive comments, be respectful in communication style and include overall active participation by asking questions, expressing opinions and making statements. A late post/response will receive 0 points.

When answering discussion board questions please use the following format:1. Sdljflsdjflsdjflsjdflsjf2. Sfklasfljsdfjsdfjksfjjsf3. Sldfjksd;lfjsdf

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There is no need to re-type the question. The question will not count towards the total word count requirement. Please include a total word count at the end of your post. The question itself is not considered part of the word count.

Type (or copy/paste from a word file) your answers, comments, and reference entries into the class main discussion board under the forums designated. It is to your advantage to develop your posting in a word processing document and then copy it to BeachBoard. The word processor will check spelling and grammar so you can maximize your points.

Word Count RequirementsSubstantive Post: 450 to 500 words. Please include a total word count at the end of your post.Response Post: 150 to 200 words. Please include a total word count at the end of your post.

Grading Rubric (does not include salutations and references): Substantive Post20 points per lesson--relevant content provided to all questions for the lesson; well-organized, good writing mechanics (check spelling and grammar), evidence of relevant research; at least 3 sources are cited and referenced according to APA format

16 points per lesson—relevant content provided to all questions for the lesson, well organized, good writing mechanics, and evidence of relevant research at least 2 sources are cited and/or referenced according to APA format

14 points per lesson—relevant content provided to most of the questions for the lesson, reasonably well organized, writing mechanics is acceptable with only some spelling and grammatical errors, and at least 1 source is cited showing evidence of relevant research

12 points per lesson—relevant content provided to some of the questions for the lesson, reasonably well organized, writing mechanics are acceptable with only some spelling and grammatical errors, BUT no evidence of relevant research (no citations or references)

0 points per lesson—no response posted OR the content is insufficient, no organization, no evidence of research.

Response to Classmate’s Post5 points per comment—at least one comment posted per lesson; the comments are constructive, acknowledge some of the points, arguments, propositions stated in the discussion posting(s) to which the comments are made. Comments must be at least 5 sentences.

3 points per comment—the comment is constructive, acknowledges some of the points, arguments, propositions stated in the discussion posting to which the comment is made. Comment does not have the required amount of words or sentences or does not acknowledge the points in the posting.

0 points per comment—there are no comments posted; OR the comments are openly hostile; OR the comments are limited to simple greeting-like statements (“I agree/disagree”; “Well said,” etc.) without explanation or justification

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4. Movie Critique Essay

Choose one of the following movies: Away From Her (Alzheimer’s), The Notebook (Alzheimer’s), Love and Other Drugs (Parkinson’s), Still Alice (Alzheimer’s) or Driving Miss Daisy (changes that occur as people age).

This written essay should be typed using MS Word, should include 2000 words (please show word count) and be double-spaced. The objective of this assignment is to help you identify key long term care implications presented in the film. Your essay should provide an analysis of the long term care issues placed on caregivers and society brought about by both physical and mental changes presented throughout the film. Utilize current events, material from the textbook, personal experiences and the regulations in week 11. Do not recount the movie, but use points/situations in the movie to illustrate long term care issues and their impact. You should have at least 6 references other than the movie to support your assertions, the movie will be the seventh reference. References are to be listed at the end of your paper. Submit the essay to the drop box and use APA 6th edition formatting. A title page and abstract are required.

5. ExamsQuestions are worth one point each for all quizzes and exams.

A. Weekly QuizzesYou will have 16 true/false/multiple choice quizzes over the textbook reading assignments. You will be allowed to take the quiz one time. There are 10 minutes allowed to take your quiz. Once this time limit is up you will not be able to answer any more questions and the exam will automatically be submitted. Once you open the quiz, you must finish it. Therefore, you cannot save it and return to it later. All weekly quizzes will be opened 8:00 am on Thursday and closed 11:59 pm on Saturday. You will be able to see questions answered incorrectly beginning Monday, 12:00 am. You will also see the correct answer for questions answered incorrectly. Questions answered correctly will not be available for review.

B. MidtermThe mid-term will be multiple choice/true-false format. Exam questions will come from assigned readings and lectures. One take of the exam is allowed. There are 75 minutes allowed to take your exam. Once this time limit is up you will not be able to answer any more questions and the exam will automatically be submitted. Chapters covered on the exam are listed in the class schedule. See below for exam date which is available 8:00 am on Thursday and closed 11:59 pm on Saturday.

C. FinalThe final will be multiple choice/true-false format. The exam questions will come from assigned readings and lectures. One take of the exam is allowed. There are 105 minutes allowed to take your exam. Once this time limit is up you will not be able to answer any more questions and the exam will automatically be submitted. Chapters covered on the exam are listed in the class schedule. See below for exam date which is available 8:00 am on Thursday and closed 11:59 pm on Saturday.

All exams use the Respondus LockDown Browser Feature. Please see the “Exams and Respondus” section in the “Content” section for instructions on how to use this feature. This class is not currently using the Respondus Monitor feature. If you have difficulty please contact BB technical support at 562-985-4959.

6. EPortfolio During your HCA 580 class you will be required to create and update an ePortfolio. The debate

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PowerPoint from this class can be used in your ePortfolio.

7. Summary: Course Assignment Summary and Grade Weights Item Points Percent

Debate Topic 15 2.31%Debate PowerPoint 45 6.92%Debate Video 80 12.31%Movie Critique Essay 75 11.54%Quizzes (16 quizzes @ 10 points each quiz) 160 24.62%Discussion Board (DB). 1st post 25 points with no response post needed. Remaining 4 DB Assignments: 25 points each. Initial post 20 points, response post 5 points

125 19.23%

Midterm exam 60 9.23%Final exam 90 13.85%Total 650 100%

Extra Credit: Up to 7 points are available by taking the ACHE quiz. This quiz can only be taken one time and is available throughout the course for your convenience.

Final Course Grade Thresholds: A = 100 - 90% B = 89.9% - 80% C = 79.9% - 70% D = 69.9% - 60% F = 59.9% and belowA = 650 - 585 B = 584 - 520 C = 519 - 455 D = 454 - 390 F = 389 – 0The total number of points determines your grade. There will be no curving.

8. Course Schedule and Assignments Date Topic Reading

AssignmentsClass Work/Deliverables

Week 11/22

Review syllabus for assignments and due dates

“Remember when you were small”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CotPiIXDGHA

N/A Discussion Board 1 Post “Remember when you were small” No response to classmate posting for this discussion board only.

Week 21/29

Public Policy: Historical Overview of Long-Term Care

Long-Term Care Continuum

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Due: Chapter 1 and 2 Quiz

Week 32/5

Resident Advocates, Diversity and Resident Centered Care

Physical Environment of Long Term Care

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Due: Chapter 3 and 4 Quiz

Week 42/12

Human Resources: Managing Employees in Long Term Care

Chapter 5 Due: Chapter 5 Quiz

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Mandated Reporter/Abuse VideoPart 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=810mV4zwA6Y

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3416baKWz6c

Discussion Board 2 Post and Response

Week 52/19

Movie Critique Essay N/A Movie Critique Essay Due: 2/23

Week 62/26

Reimbursement in the Long Term Care Environment

Compliance and Risk Management

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Debate Group Topic Due: 3/2

Due: Chapter 6 and 7 Quiz

Week 73/5

Legal and Ethical Issues

Marketing and Public Relations

Chapter 8

Chapter 9Due: Chapter 8 and 9 Quiz

Week 83/12

Health Information Systems

Biological and Psychosocial Aspects of Aging

Handle with care: Gillette’s new assisted shaving razorhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjjhcdcBkK4&feature=youtu.be

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Due: Chapter 10 and 11 Quiz

Week 93/19

Midterm Exam – Online Exam Chapters 2-8

Week 103/26

Resident Centered Clinical Operations

Facility Centered Clinical Operations

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Due: Chapter 12 and 13 Quiz

Week 114/2

Spring Break

Week 124/9

Appendix PP – Guidance to Surveyors for Long Term Care Facilitieshttp://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Guidance/Manuals/downloads/som107ap_pp_guidelines_ltcf.pdf

National regulations – skilled nursing facilities

Discussion Board 3 Post and Response

Week 134/16

Facility Operations and Quality Management

Chapter 14 Due: Debate Group PowerPoint Due: 4/20

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Financial Issues and Tools Chapter 15 Due: Chapter 14 and 15 Quiz

Week 144/23

International Comparisons and Future Trends in Long Term Care

Ethical Issues Facing LTC Administrators – Demonstrated through Debate

Chapter 16 Due: Chapter 16 Quiz

Discussion Board 4 Post and Response

Week 154/30

Debate Group Presentations N/A Group Debate Video Due: 5/4

Week 165/7

So you want to be a CNAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehjAehrTNUQ

N/A Discussion Board 5 Post and Response

Finals Week5/14

Final Exam – Online Exam Chapters 10 - 15

9. Classroom Rules

Actively participate in all classroom activities and discussions. Be respectful of others’ opinions and perspectives. You are responsible for ALL weekly reading assignments and are expected to have read the chapter

prior to attending the lecture. Check BeachBoard regularly, including the gradebook. If there is any discrepancy between the posted

grades and your records, advise the instructor immediately and no later than one week before finals week.

Rules on academic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. See “cheating and plagiarism” below. Text messaging during a quiz or exam will result in your exam being voided for presumed cheating and a grade of 0 points.

10. HCA Department Classroom & Online Conduct and Behavior

1. Arrive at the classroom on time and stay for the entire class period.2. All cell phones and other electronic devices (e.g., pagers, iPods, iPads) must be turned off (on vibrate)

and hidden from view during class time.3. NO use of any electronic devices e.g. cell phones, iPads, smartphones, laptops, etc.) Laptop computer or

tablets are allowed for (quiet) note taking only: I.e., other activities such as checking personal e-mail or browsing the internet are prohibited.

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4. Students are responsible for what transpired if they miss a class. It is the student’s responsibility to contact a classmate to determine what was missed. “Excused absences” are specified in the University “Excused Absences Policy Statement” (e.g., hospitalization, death of an immediate family member). See catalog for policy statement.

5. Students should address faculty as “Professor” or “Dr. “6. Students are expected to dress in neat and clean clothes. Business casual dress is recommended. Avoid

overly revealing clothes.7. Students (and faculty) must adhere to University rules regarding online access and usage.8. NOTE: Individual instructors may have additional requests regarding classroom behavior. Please

adhere to those as well.

11. Grading Policies

Rubrics (grading scoresheets) will be provided for all written assignments. Assignments are due on the date specified. All assignments must be submitted to the appropriate drop

box on BeachBoard before class begins. Late work will not be accepted. Draft submissions: You may submit a draft of your individual paper for review and comment 2 weeks before the due date of each of each assignment. I will assign a preliminary grade, and offer suggestions for improvement. Submitting a draft offers you an opportunity to revise and resubmit your work and earn a better grade, but there is no guarantee. Your submission must be documented APA style and submitted through the assigned drop box on BeachBoard. If you submit a draft assignment and are satisfied with your grade, you do not need to resubmit. NO ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED AFTER THE LAST DAY OF CLASS.

Students absent for a scheduled presentation, quizzes, or the final exam must provide written third party documentation of unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances in order to be eligible to take a make-up quiz or exam or reschedule the presentation.

Students absent for a class session in which a graded in-class exercise is conducted who wish to receive make-up credit must provide either: 1) prior written request to instructor stating reason for absence; or 2) written third party documentation of unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances. Instructor will evaluate requests on a case by-case basis, and may request additional documentation.

Disabled students, who qualify for alternative testing arrangements, please advise the instructor at least 2 weeks prior to the exam.

12. Expectations of Student Skill Performance

Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. Cite all references using APA style. Communicate articulately in oral presentations; use appropriate audio-visual aids. Search the web and research publications and apply the information found. Analyze information, both numeric and text; don’t just present data. Apply internationally-accepted metrics to compare health and healthcare systems. Synthesize information about factors that impact health and healthcare systems. Compare and contrast countries, situations, historic and current times. Participate in class discussions. Submit all assignments on time through BeachBoard drop box dedicated to that assignment.

13. Student Responsibilities and University Policies

Assignments are due before class on the date specified. If you submit a draft assignment and are satisfied with your grade, you do not need to resubmit. Late work will not be accepted. All work must be submitted to the appropriate drop box on BeachBoard before class begins. Once the instructor has collected the assignment, all other assignments are considered late. Students who miss class or appear

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late for class will be penalized. Students may have a valid reason to miss a class. When any of the following reasons (see below) directly conflict with class meeting times, students are responsible for informing the instructor of the reason for the absence and for arranging to make up missed assignments, tests, quizzes, and class work insofar as this is possible. Assignments/papers are NOT accepted by e-mail.

Campus Behavior “Civility Statement-Civility and mutual respect toward all members of the University community are intrinsic to the establishment of excellence in teaching and learning. The University espouses and practices zero tolerance for violence against any member of the University community. A threat of violence is an expression of intention that implies impending physical injury, abuse, or damage to an individual or his/her belongings. All allegations of such incidents will be aggressively investigated. Allegation that are sustained may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment, expulsion from the University, and /or civil and criminal prosecution.” (CSULB Catalog, AY 2010-2011, p. 743).

Unprofessional and Disruptive Behavior-It is important to foster a climate of civility in the classroom where all are treated with dignity and respect. Therefore, students engaging in disruptive or disrespectful behavior in class will be counseled about this behavior. If the disruptive or disrespectful behavior continues, additional disciplinary actions may be taken.

Cheating and Plagiarism. Please be aware of and ensure that your behavior conforms to University Policy, as contained in the California State University, Long Beach Policy Statement 80-01: http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/grad_undergrad/senate/documents/policy/2008/02. All papers will be screened for plagiarism using the “Turn-It-In” software system. The Turn-it-In percentage must be 25% or less which can be seen via your “originality” report. All assignments with a higher than 25% will not be accepted.

Although the University catalog does not cover this aspect of plagiarism, please be aware that it is NOT acceptable to submit the same paper for two courses. If you want to write a paper on the same topic area for two different courses, you must submit two different papers. If I discover that you have submitted the same paper for another course, you will receive an “F” for your paper in this course.

E-mail address and Internet access to use the online BeachBoard course software system. All grades including attendance will be posted on the online BeachBoard. For problems, contact the CSULB Technology Help Desk by phone at 562-985-4959, via e-mail at helpdesk@csulb.edu or go in-person to Horne Center.

AccommodationIt is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor in advance of the need for accommodation of a university verified disability (PS 11-07, Course Syllabi and Standard Course Outlines).

Students needing special consideration for class format and schedule due to religious observance or military obligations must notify the instructor in advance of those needs.Students who require additional time or other accommodation for assignments must secure verification/assistance from the CSULB Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) office located at the Student Success Center. The telephone number is (562) 985-5401.

Accommodation is a process in which the student, BMAC, and instructor each play an important role.

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Students contact BMAC so that their eligibility and need for accommodation can be determined. BMAC identifies how much time is required for each exam. The student is responsible for discussing his/her need with the instructor and for making appropriate arrangements. Students who are eligible to receive accommodation should present an Accommodation Cover Letter and a BMAC Student/Teacher Testing Agreement Form to the instructor as early in the semester as possible, but no later than a week before the first test. (It takes one week to schedule taking an exam at the BMAC office.) The instructor welcomes the opportunity to implement the accommodations determined by BMAC. Please ask the instructor if you have any questions.

Withdrawal policy. Withdrawal is the responsibility of student. Per University policy: http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/grad_undergrad/senate/documents/policy/2002/02/. Withdrawal after 2nd week and before final 3 weeks is “permissible for serious and compelling reasons;” instructor will evaluate student withdrawal requests on a case by case basis.

Communications: Students are expected to check email and BeachBoard accounts regularly for class announcements and their standing in the course.

E-Cigarettes: Are not allowed in the classrooms.

Leaving class early will result in an absence for the day unless the student has made arrangements with the instructor in advance.

14. Commitment to Inclusion

California State University, Long Beach is committed to maintaining an inclusive learning community that values diversity and fosters mutual respect.  All students have the right to participate fully in university programs and activities free from discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, and retaliation.  Students who believe they have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, or retaliation on the basis of a protected status such as age, disability, gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, veteran/veteran status or any other status protected by law, should contact the Office of Equity and Diversity at (562) 985-8256, University Student Union (USU) Suite 301, http://www.csulb.edu/depts/oed

15. Additional Resources

Allen, J. E. (2015). Nursing home federal requirements: Guidelines to surveyors and survey protocols (8th Ed.). New York: Springer

Alzheimer’s Association. (2013). Alzheimer’s disease facts and figures. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 9(2). Retrieved from http: //www.alz.org/downloads/facts_figures_2013.pdf

American Association of Medical Assistants. (2014). State scope of practice laws. Retrieved from: www.aama-ntl.org/employers/state-scope-of-practice-laws

American Medical Director’s Association (AMDA). (2013). The younger adult in the long-term care setting. Columbia, MD: AMDA.

Benz, J., Sedensky, M., Tompson, T., & Agiesta, J. (2013). Working longer: Older Americans’ attitudes on work and retirement. The Associated Press–NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

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Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). (2013b). Occupational employment statistics: NAICS 623100—Nursing care facilities (skilled nursing facilities). Retrieved from http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/naics4_623100.htm

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2013, April). Health care provider guidance: Effective healthcare provider emergency planning. Retrieved from http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Provider-Enrollment-and-Certification/SurveyCertEmergPrep/HealthCareProviderGuidance.html

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). (2014). State operation manual: Appendix PP - guidance to surveyors for long-term care facilities. Retrieved from http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Guidance/Manuals/downloads/som107ap_pp_guidelines_ltcf.pdf

HIPAA Compliance Program for Covered entities and Business Associates, Priority Healthcare, 2014.

Jancin, B. (2014). Elderly suicide prevention: Focus on change in living location. Caring for the Ages, 15(8), 7.

Kaiser Permanente. (2014). History. Retrieved from www.kp.org.

Landro, L. (2013, April 15). In diabetes care, a push to simplify. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324030704578424734246102490.html?mod=WSJ_article_RecentColumns_TheInformedPatient

Meals on Wheels Association of America. (2014). Website homepage. Retrieved from www.mowaa.org

Medicare Payment Advisory Commission. (2014, June). A data book: Healthcare spending and the Medicare Program. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. (2014, March). The NPUAP selected “Quality Of Care Regulations” made easy. Retrieved from http://www.npuap.org/resources/educational-and-clinical-resources/npuap-selected-quality-of-care-regulations-made-easy/

National Resource Center on LGBT Aging. (2012, March). Inclusive services for LGBT older adults: A practical guide to creating welcoming agencies. Retrieved from www.lgbtagingcenter/resources

Safer Healthcare. (2014). Why is SBAR communication so critical? Retrieved from http://www.saferhealthcare.com/sbar/what-is-sbar/

Social Security Administration. (n.d.). Retrieved from www.ssa.gov/payee

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Understanding the costs and benefits of health information technology in nursing homes and home health agencies: Case study findings. Retrieved from http://aspe.hhs.gov/daLong Term Carep/reports/2009/hitcsf.pdf

Wright, A., Henkin, S., McCoy, A., Bates, D., & Sittig, D. (2013). Early results of the meaningful use program for electronic health records. New England Journal of Medicine, 368, 779–780. doi:10.1056/NEJMc1213481

Yong, V., & Saito, Y. (2012). National long-term care insurance policy in Japan a decade after implementation: Some lessons for aging countries. Ageing International, 37(3), 271–284.


Frontiers of Health Service ManagementHealth Care Financial ManagementJournal of Health and Human Services AdministrationLong Term Care MonthlyMcKnight’s Long Term Care NewsModern Healthcare

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Web Sites

American Health Care Association Home Page www.ahca.org American College of Healthcare Executives Home Page, www.ache.org American Hospital Association Home Page, www.aha.org California Association of Health Care Facilities (CAHF) Home Page, www.cahf.org Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Home Health Agency Center:

http://www.cms.hhs.gov/center/hha.asp. Journal of Science and Health Policy Home Page, www.scipolicy.netNational Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information,

http://www.cms.hhs.gov/Partnerships/LTCInformation.asp. University of Minnesota. NH Regs Plus: http://www.hpm.umn.edu/nhregsPlus/.

Appendix A


Domain 1 – Communication and Relationship Management. The ability to communicate clearly and concisely with internal customers, establish and maintain relations, and facilitate constructive interactions with individuals and groups.

A. Relationship ManagementB. Communication SkillsC. Facilitation and Negotiation

Domain 2 – Leadership. The ability to inspire individual and organizational excellence, create a shared vision and successfully manage change to attain the organization’s strategic ends and successful performance. According to the HLA model, leadership intersects with each of the other four domains.

A. Leadership Skills and BehaviorB. Organizational Climate and CultureC. Communicating VisionD. Manage Change

Domain 3 – Professionalism. The ability to align personal and organizational conduct with ethical and professional standards that include a responsibility to the patient and community, a service orientation, and a commitment to lifelong learning and improvement.

A. Personal and Professional AccountabilityB. Professional Development and Lifelong LearningC. Contributions to the Community and Profession

Domain 4 – Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment. The understanding of the healthcare system and the environment in which healthcare managers and providers function.

A. Healthcare Systems and OrganizationsB. Healthcare PersonnelC. The Patient’s PerspectiveD. The Community and the Environment

Domain 5 – Business Skills and Knowledge. The ability to apply business principles, including systems thinking, to the healthcare environment.

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A. General ManagementB. Financial ManagementC. Human Resource ManagementD. Organizational Dynamics and GovernanceE. Strategic Planning and MarketingF. Information ManagementG. Risk ManagementH. Quality Improvement

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