Wednesday 15th July 2020...Wednesday 15th July 2020 Spelling Handwriting Use your spellings within a...


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Wednesday 15th July 2020Spelling Handwriting

Use your spellings within a sentence.

cian cian cian cian cian

sion sion sion sion sion

tion tion tion tion tion

Punctuation Ladder – embedded sentences.

Copy these sentences and put the commas back around the embedded clause.

1. The boy who was only seven could play the piano.2. The beach which was very crowded was hotter than ever.3. The ball which was kicked by the goal keeper flew through the air.4. The music which was too loud gave me a headache.5. The old lady who had lots of bags waited for a taxi.6. The bus which was empty sped down the street.

PSHE –The Year Ahead.

Can you suggest ways in which the bungee run is a symbol of starting your next year in school. What could the bungee run mean? (They are looking forward but maybe are being held back by some fears or concerns like the bungee cord around their waist.)

Matilda - Reading Comprehension ~ Chapter 12 – Lavender.

Online version - Matilda

Read Chapter 12.

Mile Track 10.10 – 10.20

Home Learning Task ~ 10 minutes physical activity

English ~ The King of the Fishes.

Online version of the story fishes/s-v410Lk1dxJy

Forest School 11.30

1. Paint like Monet. <— have you ever painted outside? This is a fun outdoor activity for the whole family.

2. Go on a bug hunt. – They don’t have to be real bugs if you don’t want them to be.

3. Run through a sprinkler.

4. Melt some crayons in the sun. Got a heatwave? This is the activity for you.

5. Play in a sandbox.

6. Investigate your yard with a magnifying glass.

7. Paint some rocks with watercolors.

8. Wash the paint away with the hose.

9. Hunt for “dinosaur” bones.

10. Play with a hose.

11. Play Angry Birds (with water balloons).

12. Hose down some chalk letters and shapes.

13. Ride a bike or scooter around the block.

14. Plant something (anything) in the garden.

15. Mix some colors with water balloons.

16. Play with a water table or make your own.

17. Climb up a tree, a wall or a jungle gym.

18. Make some bird feeders and feed some birds.

19. Have a backyard toy car wash.

20. Wash a real car.

21. Go on a nature scavenger hunt.

22. Have a family meal outside.

23. Dig in the dirt.

24. Jump in puddles.

25. Have a soccer shoot out all you need is a ball big enough to kick.

Home Learning Outdoor Learning Activities ~ What will you choose to do today?


4 and 5 x Tables practise.

Fluent in 5


Watch the 3rd video clip from White Rose Maths

Complete the activities from BBC Bitesize

Science -

End of the day Reading

