WEEK 14 - USLI€¦ · WEEK 14 BEGINNER Row to Fly Stand with feet hip width apart with a slight...


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With Dumbbells

Stand with feet shoulder width apart, with

dumbbells in hand, resting on your

shoulders. Press your hips back as you

bend your knees, lowering your weight

until your knees are at 90 degrees and

your quads are parallel to the floor. Make

sure to keep your weight in your heels and

not let your knees go past your toes.

Return to starting position.

Walking Lunge

With Dumbbells

Begin standing with feet together with

dumbbells in hand. Step one leg out into a

lunge, dropping your back knee down

toward the ground and bending your front

knee until it is bent at a 90 degree angle.

Push off your front leg back to standing

position and lunge forward with the

opposite leg. Don’t let your knee go past

your toes.

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Row to Fly

Stand with feet hip width apart with a slight bend in your knees. Lean slightly forward at the hips to 45 degrees with arms

straight and palms facing each other. Bend elbows to row dumbbells toward your torso. Keep your elbows close to your sides

throughout the movement. Lower dumbbells back down. Keeping a slight bend in your elbows, squeeze your shoulder blades

as you slowly raise dumbbells until your hands are in line with your ears. Lower dumbbells back down.

Skull Crusher

With One Dumbbell

Lay on a flat bench or on the ground with

your feet flat on the ground. Hold a

dumbbell sideways with both hands above

your head. Hinge at your elbows and bring

the dumbbell down slowly towards your

forehead. Press the dumbbell away from

you while extending at your elbows until

you are back to the starting position.

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On Knees, With One Dumbbell

Position your body weight above your knees with your hands directly under your shoulders on the floor or a mat. Grip a

dumbbell with your right hand. Keeping your body straight, slowly lower yourself towards the mat, squeezing your elbows

straight past your sides, until your triceps are parallel to the ground. Press back up to your starting position and roll dumbbell

to your left hand. Perform pushup with your opposite hand elevated on the dumbbell.

Wood Chop

Begin standing with feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent and toes pointing to the left. Hold a dumbbell with two hands to

the side of your left knee. Slightly twist your torso and pull the dumbbell from your hip in towards your midline. Allow your

toes to pivot as your torso twists. Twist your torso and press dumbbell diagonally across your body towards your right

shoulder, finishing with your toes pointing right. Slowly pivot and twist back to your starting position. Remember to keep your

back flat and strong. Perform repetitions on one side then do the same amount of repetitions on the other side, starting with

the dumbbell on the outside of your right knee and rotating your torso to the left.

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Bicycle Crunch

Lay on your back on the floor or mat. Lift

your feet off the ground and bend your

knees. Bring your right knee in to meet

your left elbow while your left leg extends

straight out parallel to the floor. Repeat on

the other side.

Mountain Climbers

Hands On Bench or Step

Start with your hands up on a bench or

step, positioned shoulder width apart and

legs extended behind you. Quickly drive

your knees in one at a time towards your

chest. Engage your core throughout the

