Week 22 My Diary from Here to There Day 1. Character, Setting, and Plot Student book page 570


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Week 22

My Diary from Here to There

Day 1

Character, Setting,and Plot

Student book page 570

Stories contain three main elements: character, setting, and plot. The characters and setting work together to shape the plot. Each event in a story affects the events that follow it. The plot often includes several events that reveal a conflict or problem. At the end of most stories, the conflict or problem is resolved.

Read the paragraph below. Then look at the graphic organizer. It shows how the characters and the setting work together to shape the plot.

Wai-Ling looked around the classroom. Everything was different here in the United States. She thought that she would never make friends. Then the teacher asked everyone to draw a portrait. Wai-Ling drew Mei-Mei, her best friend back in China. When Wai-Ling finished, two students admired her drawing. They invited her to eat lunch with them. “Maybe I’ll make friends here after all,” Wai-Ling thought.

Wai-Ling looked around the classroom. Everything was different here in the United States. She thought that she would never make friends. Then the teacher asked everyone to draw a portrait. Wai-Ling drew Mei-Mei, her best friend back in China. When Wai-Ling finished, two students admired her drawing. They invited her to eat lunch with them. “Maybe I’ll make friends here after all,” Wai-Ling thought.

(Thanks to Clare Pechon, Independence, Lousiana) for the voc. Slides.

burstWhen a person feels ready to burst if he or she doesn’t say something, it means that the person is very excited and cannot wait to say that thing.

If you had to keep a secret from your best friend

would you feel as if you might burst? Why or why


opportunitiesOpportunities are chances to do something you want to do.

What opportunities for fun are there at your school or neighborhood playground?

huddleWhen people huddle together, they gather close to each other in a tight group.

When might a group of animals huddle together?

comfortedIf a person comforted a friend, he or she helped that friend feel better about something.

When was a time that you comforted a friend? What

did you do?

recognizesIf someone recognizes you, it means they know who you are when they see you.

What could you do to make sure that no one

recognizes you?

journeyA journey is a trip from one place to another that usually takes a long time.

What is an unforgettable journey you have taken?

Adventure in MexicoMonday, August 22We’re finally in Mexico! We’re staying at a place near the beach, so we’ll have lots of opportunities for swimming.

PAGE 572

Wednesday, August 24Tamika was feeling a bit sick today, so Mom and Dad said we shouldn’t go for a boat ride. They said maybe we could go after she’s feeling better, which comforted me a little.

Thursday, August 25Today, we visited some pyramids outside town. The journey took us two hours by bus.I thought I’d burst with excitement when I climbed a pyramid. I felt as if I had traveled 500 years back in time!

I thought I’d burst with excitement when I climbed a pyramid. I felt as if I had traveled 500 years back in time!

Saturday, August 27Last night, we were walking to a restaurant, and it began to rain like crazy! The four of us had to huddle together in a doorway to stay dry!

Tuesday, September 6 Today was the first day back at school. With my new shirt from Mexico and my new hair wrap that I had done on the beach, I’m surprised that everyone at school still recognizes me! I had some difficulty studying tonight. All I could think about was climbing that pyramid!
