WEEKLY SCHEDULE - The Congregational Church of...


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WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sun (10/30) 9:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal 10:00 a.m. Worship ~ Service of Remembrance 11:15 a.m. MSAC Meeting (Library) 11:30 a.m. Youth Choir Rehearsal 3:00 p.m. Bistro Box (Kitchen) 6:00 p.m. Jazz Band Rehearsal (Kelsey Hall) 7:00 p.m. NA Mon (10/31) 10:00 a.m. Al-Anon 7:00 p.m. Flute Ensemble Rehearsal (Music Room) Tues (11/1) 10:30 a.m. AA 6:30 p.m. Stewardship Committee (Parlor) 7:00 p.m. AA Wed (11/2) 6:15 p.m. Yoga (Kelsey Hall) 7:00 p.m. Music Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. NA 7:20 a.m. Chair Yoga (Kelsey Hall) Thurs (11/3) 6:00 p.m. Amadeus Ringers (Bell Choir) 6:00 p.m. Diaconate Meeting (Library) 7:00 p.m. NA 7:15 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Fri (11/4) 7:00 p.m. C.E. ~ Gathering in Fellowship (Kelsey Hall, Library, Parlor) 7:00 p.m. NA Sat (11/5) 6:30 p.m. NA Sun (11/6) 9:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal 10:00 a.m. Worship ~ Communion 11:30 a.m. Youth Choir Rehearsal 11:30 a.m. Scrip Order Available (Kelsey Hall) 1:30 p.m. CT Rose Society (Kelsey Hall) 5:00 p.m. Bistro Box (Kitchen) 5:00 p.m. AA 7:00 p.m. NA

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Rev. Abby Mae Gackenheimer, Transitional Minister

Jurg Oggenfuss, Organist Richard Carsey, Director of Chancel Choir

Karen Hodge, Bell Choir and Children’s Choir Director Kathleen Marsan, Sunday School Superintendent

Teresa Talarico, Church Secretary The Congregational Church of Plainville, United Church of Christ

130 West Main Street, Plainville, Connecticut 06062 (860) 747-1901 (Office Hours 9:00-1:00 p.m. Monday~Friday)

Email: churchoffice@uccplainville.org Website: www.uccplainville.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thank you this morning to:

Deacon in charge: Barbara McClellan Trustee in charge: Renny Astolfi Greeters: Deanna & Frank Hoxie Ushers: Lauralee Colella & Ken Hodge Nursery caregiver coordinated by: Donna Blanchard

Please remember to help yourself to a line on the sign-up sheets for Ushers, Greeters, Coffee Hour! As a matter of courtesy and welcome to those who may be visiting, please take a moment to pick up your name tag on the wall

in the narthex....and put it on.


Founded in 1840

A Congregation of the United Church of Christ

A “God is Still Speaking” Church

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

God of both oppressor and oppressed, hear my prayer. Help me to approach You

with an honesty that lets me and all Your children stand in the light of Your forgiveness and grace. Trusting in Your vision of a creation that is whole and

good, in the name of the loving Christ I pray. Amen.

The Order of Morning Worship

Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost October 30, 2016 10A.M.

We offer a warm welcome to all who have come here today. May you receive God’s comfort, insight and inspiration through worship, prayer and song.

* All who are able may stand

The Church Gathers to Worship God

Welcome and Announcements

Prelude Here I Am to Worship – Amadeus Ringers Peggy Bettcher

Introit Come, O Come, Our Voices Raise – Chancel Choir Withe/Bender

Call to Worship One: In Luke's gospel, Jesus called together the disciples and a great multitude to a level place. There he touched, healed, and taught. There he spoke, "Blessed are." There he named the blessed — the saints of the faith. All: O God, call us together as you did those so long ago to discover your blessed people. One: Today, in this place, Christ gather us. All: Let us remember, confess, celebrate, and embody the blessed saints of God. Christ, come among us. Alleluia!

Opening Prayer Almighty God, your people of all the ages live and praise you without ceasing. In our communion with you, we have communion with generations past and generations yet unborn. Before your throne we are one with a great multitude which no one could number, and in praising you we join with those from every nation. Grant to your church on earth that as we celebrate the triumph of your saints in glory we may profit by their example and enter with them into the inexpressible joys you have prepared for those who love you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

*Opening Hymn Come, O Fount of Every Blessing NCH #459

A Story for All Ages * the children arrive to the Chancel to the “traveling music” of Jesus Loves Me!, NCH #327, v.1 The Parable of the Good Samaritan – C.E. Puppet Show * the children depart to their classrooms to “traveling music” of Sing Them Over to Me Again, NCH #319, v.2

Anthem Sing for Joy – Chancel Choir Purcell/Hopson

Prayer of Confession All: God of our parents in faith, through the ages you called forth people — courageous, faithful, and steadfast. Forgive us when we disregard the witness of those who have gone before us. Our memories are dim. Our faith does not burn with a passion as that of those who offered their entire lives to you. Open us to the past and to the bold testimony to faith in our world today. Connect us to the great cloud of witnesses so we may proclaim Christ's justice and compassion in our own time.

Words of Affirmation One: God welcomes us, like a mother scooping up her lost children, like a father embracing his prodigal offspring. We are encouraged to learn from that forgiveness, to offer it to ourselves and others again and again. In Christ Jesus, you are forgiven.

*Gloria Patri PH #513 Message of Christian Concern Pauline Mowry Joys and Concerns Prayers of the People Pastoral Prayer The Lord's Prayer (trespasses) Choral Response Precious Lord, Take My Hand NCH #472, v.2

Supporting the Church’s Mission in God’s World

Invitation to Giving The Offertory The Summons – Chancel Choir Scottish Traditional * The Doxology NCH #780

Offertory Prayer/Prayer of Dedication God of life-giving purpose, may these gifts build the forces preparing to unleash more peace, compassion, and justice into your world. May they – and may we – be released with power to make all these real in your people and your creation. With Jesus’ spirit of patience and power we participate and pray. Amen.

The Word of God for the People of God

Centering Hymn I Come to the Garden Alone NCH #237 The Scripture Reading Revelation 7:9-17 p. 249

The Faithful Response of the People of God

The Service of Remembrance

Litany of Remembrance In the rising of the sun and in its going down, We remember them. In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of the winter, We remember them. In the opening of buds and rebirth of spring, We remember them. In the blueness of the sky and in the warmth of summer, We remember them. In the rustling of leaves and in the beauty of autumn, We remember them. In the beginning of the year and when it ends, We remember them. When we are weary and in need of strength, We remember them. When we are lost and sick at heart, We remember them. When we have joys we yearn to share, We remember them. So long as we live, they too shall live, for they are part of us, As we remember them.

Reading of the Names see insert Psalm 23 (Unison) p. 501

*Closing Hymn Take My Life and Let It Be PH #404 *Benediction *Choral Benediction Fourfold Amen NCH #813 Postlude

We remember those who have passed on in the last

twelve months, with gratitude:

†Dwayne Strick

†Arthur Pedroso

†Bill Clark

†Bernie Skinner

†Steve Mangold

†Valerie Chanthavong

†Joey Edmonds

†Helen Snow

†Dorothy Griffin

†Steven Hebenstreit

†Bobbie Kpolowitz

†Robert Dabrowski

†Robbie Zonk

†Fred Meyer

†Samija Kokic

†Bob Wransky

†Orlando Shooting


†Eleanor Sunderland

†Frederick Ibitz

†Pauline Langen

†Pat Hardy

†Beatrice Oulton

†N. David Osella

†Brandon Caron

†Polly Camerato

†George Lewis

†Baby Elena

†George Marshall

†Becky Chaplinski

†George Goodall

†Henry Shepherd

†Edna Atkins

†Pam Belisle

†Jacob Dorhauser

†Donald Fox

†Debbie Tardiff

†Andrea Kienle

†Udell Stoddard

†Susan Steele

†Ron Silvernale

†Faythe Hawley

†Paul Davis

†Jeffrey Brown

†Judy Witman

†Dennis Lazer

†Ezra Schwartz

†Diane Gonzalez

†June Berg

†Bill Bergen








In our Prayers this week, we remember: Phyllis Brown (Rinette Yanez’s cousin), Eleanor Kordes, Carlos Machado (Lynette Astolfi’s brother-in-law), Emily and Sydney Christiansen, Joyce Lagana, Savannah and Luke Coté, Ann Campbell, Jocelyn Michaud, Jeff and Judy, Signe Lynch, Wally Smykla (Robin Anderson’s son), Joseph Gagnon, those affected by Hurricane Matthew, Cliff Carlson, John (Ann Campbell’s friend), Carmen’s son & wife (Ann Campbell’s friend), Nancy Downs (Pam Christiansen’s mother), Humanitarian efforts in Syria, Mercedes & family (Eleanor Kordes’s great-granddaughter), Leslie Urbanski (Bobbie Turcotte’s sister), Yamilèe de Zuniga (Bobbie Turcotte’s sister), Jorgè de Zuniga (Bobbie Turcotte’s great-nephew), Friend of Joanna Vastola, Bernie (Ann Campbell’s friend), Bruce Morris (Ann Campbell’s friend), Karen (Ann Campbell’s friend), Diane (Ann Campbell’s friend), Cheryl Myeski, Bill Hopkins (Vicky Stilwill’s father), Victims of the NJ train crash, Our youth & the children involved in the NC School shooting, Carol Marchese, Carol & Aralea, those affected by the fire at the First Congregational Church in Berkeley, Daniel Talarico (Teresa Talarico’s son), Michael and Amber (Ann Campbell’s friend), James (Ann Campbell’s friend), Paula (Ann Campbell’s friend), Linda Catucci and the McClellan & Catucci families, Vinny (Vicky Stilwill’s friend), Tommy McCormick (Bev Letendre’s cousin), Scott Carpenter, Carol & George Peterson, Rachel (Deanna Hoxie’s sister-in-law), Betsy (Lauralee Colella’s co-worker), Barb Edge, Victims of the NYC Bombing, Wade Raymond (Beverly Raymond’s grandson), Mary (Ann Campbell’s sister), Taylor (Ann Campbell’s nephew), Luke Coté, Anna Mae (Eleanor Kordes’s sister), Carrie (Jen Zakrzewski’s friend), Beverly (Marilyn Borry’s friend), Laura Mayne (Richard Carsey’s sister), All travelers, People of Italy, Joanna Vastola and family, Dr. Edward Toffolon and family, Marcia (Ann Campbell’s friend), Colleen (Ann Campbell’s Friend), Families affected by the Louisiana Floods, Kaara Koplowitz, Lena (Robin Anderson’s friend), Jaden Lopez, Vickie Flener, Nancy Novack (Michelle Janota’s friend), and the families and friends of: Dwayne Strick, Arthur Pedroso, Bill Clark (Jocelyn Michaud’s father), Bernie Skinner (Cheryl Cone’s uncle), Valerie Chanthavong (Ruthe Boiczyk's neighbor), Kenneth (Pauline Mowry's uncle), Judy (Pauline Mowry's aunt), Steve Mangold, Helen Snow, Joey Edmonds, Dorothy Griffin, Steven Hebenstreit, Bobbie Koplowitz (Kaara Koplowitz’s mom), as well as members and friends serving in the military: Justin Meyers, Spencer Pelletier, Tim Conklin, Renny Astolfi Sr., James Palmer, Tommy Daigle, Mark Terrill, Dalton Morehouse, David Sauer, Ryan Steikers, Shawn Ellis & Steve Boertmann.
