Wei wen jun 555279 algorithmic sketchbook




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ADSAirWen Jun Wei

T01 roSie & CAm


2014 SemeSTer 1

1 - Exploring the Development Environment

Simple lofting curves and explore different forms by changing control points.

Triangulation Algorithms in 2D

Triangulation Algorithms in 3D by proximity and voronoi definition

Creating Vectors (Point & Plan)

Mathematics Operation

2 - Geometry, Transformation and Intersection

Discrete Geometry

Constructors & Parameters

End Point & Discontinuity

Offset & Boundary Planar

Divide & Interpolate


Transform Menu


3 - Patterning

Lofting form with Geodesic

Incorporating transformation techniques learnt from the previous section

Patterning with Morph

4 - Introducing Parameter Space, Data Types and Functions

4 - Introducing Parameter Space, Data Types and FunctionsAranda Lasch - Fractal Tectrahedra

5.1 - Controllers, Samplers and FieldsEvaluating Field and Graphing section

Evaluating Field and Graphing section

Use spin force to compute field lines without its initial definition of pint charge

Isolate spin force as a single point

Merge spin for with point charge to compute field lines

Isolate spin force as a single point

2D Input

Adjust strength makes a lot difference

Adjust strength makes a lot difference

3D Input



Positive charge

Negative charge

Incoporating negative charge (attractor) has more control over the form

Positive charge Repulsion



5.2 - Controllers, Samplers and FieldsGraph Controllers

Graph Controllers

Exploration 1

Exploration 2




Delaunay Edge


Proximity 2D

6.1 - Controlling Data Structures: Visualisation, Path Objects and Matching

6.1 - Controlling Data Structures: Visualisation, Path Objects and MatchingContinuous patterning

NTW1.1 - Controlling Data Structures: Visualisation, Path Objects and Matching

NTW1.1 - Controlling Data Structures: Visualisation, Path Objects and MatchingGradient Descent

NTW1.2 - Controlling Data Structures: Visualization, Path Objects and Matching

NTW1.2 - Controlling Data Structures: Visualization, Path Objects and MatchingFractal Patterns

Add materiality through Weaverbird