Weight Management How Can I Lose Weight?. Burning Calories Exercise and nutrition are key components...


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Weight Management

How Can I Lose Weight?

Burning Calories• Exercise and nutrition are key components in losing


• To lose weight you must burn more calories than you are consuming

• 3,500 calories= 1 lb. body weight

• To lose 1 pound per week, must have 500 calorie deficit per day with diet and exercise

• Maximum amount of weight you should lose in order to stay healthy= 2 lbs. per week

Basic Nutrition

-Meals should include 3 food groups

-two of which include a fruit and a vegetable

-Total caloric intake each day should consist of 45-65% carbohydrates, 20-35% fats, and 10-35% proteins based on a 2,000 calorie diet (Howley, 362)

Dieting?• This is a short-term technique

– Must change eating habits in order to keep off the lost weight after dieting

• Want long-term results?– Change your eating habits– Rate, amount, and frequency of meals are

important aspects for losing weight

Rate of Eating

• Eat slower

• May take 20 minutes for stomach to signal brain that you are full

• Allows you to consume less calories before realizing you are full

Amount of Food• Consume larger portions of low-calorie foods (high


• Examples– Drink water before and during a meal to feel full

faster– Eat fruits and veggies for a snack for

fewer/healthier calories– Eat salad before the main course– Try to not consume everything on your plate

• Skipping meals to save calories may cause binging at the next meal

• 5-6 small meals a day controls hunger


Snack on Veggies= satisfaction with fewer calories

Healthy Snack-Healthy snacks include a portion of protein, carbohydrates, and fat

-On a 2,000 calorie a day diet, while eating 5-6 smaller meals per day, snacks should be about 300-325 calories

- Whole grain snacks are rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates which give you energy

- Nuts contain protein (fuller longer) and monounsaturated fat “good” fat

- Fruits and vegetables contain very few calories and provide vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients

Healthy Snacks ContinuedExamples

-a piece of wheat toast with peanut butter

-oatmeal and egg whites

-chocolate milk

-string cheese

-a serving of nuts


Healthy Snacks ContinuedExamples:

-Apple and peanut butter

-Banana and peanut butter

-Chicken salad (with a serving of ranch dressing or mayonaise)

-Peanut butter sandwich

Healthy Snacks Continued


-carrots with ranch dressing

-Celery with peanut butter or cream cheese

-Granola with skim milk and sliced bananas


-The frequency, amount, and rate at which you eat are key components in changing your eating behaviors

-Decrease calorie intake and increase exercise in order to create a larger calorie deficit to receive better results

-Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables daily

-Drink calorie free beverages before and during meals

-Monitor your fat intake while still consuming the daily recommendation

Helpful Linkswww.mypyramid.gov

-provides nutritional information based on age, gender, weight, height, and activity level


-can search for nutrition based articles

Works CitedMypyramid.gov

(United States Department of Agriculture)


(American College of Sports Medicine)

Howley, E.T., Power, S.K. Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance.

McGraw Hill: New York, 2007.
