Welcome to 10 th Grade Information Night! October 16, 2012


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Welcome to10th Grade Information Night!

October 16, 2012

Mike Bartusek A – Ha

Katie LoScalzo He – O

Angie Erickson P – Z

Counselors address three main needs of their students:

Academic Career Personal/ social

School counselors: advocate, mediate, coordinate, consult, and collaborate with other teachers, parents and administrators.

Sophomore Information Night- October PLAN- completed today Curriculum Guide Received- January Registration- February

Call counselor with any questions

GRAD Reading Test- April

Press Play

What percent of NPHS graduates in 2012 attended either a two or four year college the following fall?

87% ◦ 64% is the National statistic

According to several national studies: what percent of high school graduates who enrolled in a two or four year college will need to take remedial courses?


60% of HS students will work in jobs that currently do not exist

The top 10 jobs in 2010 will not have existed in 2004

Richard Riley former secretary of education

The average adult will have three or four different careers and ten different employers over his/her work life.

Career Interest Inventory Results

PLAN-World of Work-Map Same format as 8th gr EXPLORE

