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Teachings of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter

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Michael Of Nebadon Teachings of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter





Michael of Nebadon sponsors a bi-monthly global Universal Family Conference.

Join us for an intimate gathering .. into a pure and gentle field of light .. where you can make that inner

connection more potently with your own selfhood, understand yourself more deeply in order to make

sense of your life experiences, clarify your purpose and direction by finding a more clear space and

inner connection to all that is .. an immersion into the essence of the Kingdom of the Heavens in this

purified field of Consciousness that is the Divine Circuits of the Paradise Trinity Endowment given to

humanity for their progressive advancement.

Our Conferences are a time to learn of the precepts of the Creator Son Michael and to open to receive

the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of the Creator Son and the Holy Spirit of the Universe Mother in a

guided meditation and healing. Our time together bathes participants in a pool of pure unconditional

love. Michael gives instruction on the way towards deepening relationship with the Spirit of the

Father’s Bestowal; that part of the Infinite God that is our own force and consciousness.

Michael offers students insightful keys in allowing their relationship to blossom into realization, and

even then, revelation. Relationship through recognition and acknowledgement of our true nature

allows the unfoldment .. the expansion .. the realization and remembrance .. and the revealing of our

self understanding and greater spiritual illumination.

These gatherings will enhance your receptivity to life, giving to you a renewal and a lightening of heart

and mind by bathing in our field of purified awareness of the Host of Heavens; you’ll feel the Infinite

washing through your body, mind, and spirit allowing you to have a more continual and uninterrupted

experience of unconditional acceptance and love, less reactivity to circumstances and struggles in

relationships, a profound sense of peace and calm and safety, and the feeling of overflowing prosperity

and the goodness of life even in the midst of a chaotic and unstable world.

Our Creator Son will show you how to establish real security and stability in your life within the

undifferentiated absolute... the truth of your own essential nature, and the open doorway leading

aspirants into the Kingdom of God.

Students learn to stretch into life, breathe into love, chant into joy, receive into a more expanded

creative flow by bringing a greater illumination to any obstructions to unconditional loving, and

finally, to learn to live the conscious yoga of a more perfected union with the One God Force of Love,

Wisdom, and Power; a subtle and fulfilling union with the fullness of their own indwelling essence and

eternal nature.

Receive this time as an opportunity to strengthen your connection and relationship with the Eternal

One, to touch the ‘hem of the Infinite’, and to refine and heighten your experience of the immaculate

purity, goodness, truth, and beauty of your own essential nature. Truly, the outer life perfectly mirrors

the positive transformations of the internal life within the student; true freedom and a sustained

experience of unconditional love blossom organically.

All that exists within your personal consciousness and world that is imperfect, has been set into

creation by you. We are the creators of all conditions and relationship dynamics in our personal life

and experience. The solution to changing things for your benevolence is always Our association of love

and mercy. Relationship whereby you are 100% dependent upon the Father Spirit within you gives to

Him the power and respect by which He can expand and transfigure all imperfection. Commanding His

expansion and inviting the Flames of the Host of Heaven .. these are the two-fold means of your

liberation and mastery over everything in your world. This is the living demonstration that ye must

fulfill in order to become His Individualization .. His Son and Daughter within creation. This

demonstration that I speak of requires a living of His nature and identification with the Father Principle

within. These principles which I come to share with you are the primary precepts towards perfecting

thyself into the garment of life everlasting.

Entering into the Kingdom of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Humanity with Our Global

Family Conferences and other activities

The teachings of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon is really the true science of

alchemy .. the changing of the temporal and limited into the eternal and unlimited. Awareness is

evolving in the western world. It is encompassing more and still more of the precepts to find truth.

Truth is the only thing that doesn’t change. Truth is reliable and stable. It is sturdy and secure. It is

dependable and worthy. Truth, which again, is the only thing that is not subject to change, is the

pinnacle of all personal destinations. What and where is truth? And is there really an absolute truth

and a definitive and objective approach or way to find truth within us?

Take a moment and contemplate in a bit of silence .. a silent time .. if you can find some time .. and

think about this. Attempting to find happiness by depending upon things that change .. well ..

eventually, those things that we might wish to depend upon that are changeable, will let us down.

Truth is stable and it is unchanging, and there is a part of our nature that is this truth .. this essence

residing beyond all the world of change. To build our life upon the unchanging and the absolute…the

objective…does bring about a harmony and happiness that surpasses a life that is constructed from the

world of change…the world of appearances which come and go, and by their very nature simply

cannot be relied upon to give us security and stability, clarity and conviction. Only the unchanging

principle can do this. And this principle or truth resides within everybody, and everything.

Truth is the only thing that changes not. In all the world there are two things; the one is truth ..

unchanging and stable, secure and sincerely present with us all of the time; the other is falsehood; and

truth is that which is, and falsehood that which seems to be. Contemplate this, if you will … falsehood

only seems to be .. it appears to be real and stable and objective, yet in the midst of upheaval when you

are searching for the immediacy of finding something to depend upon, falsehood and the appearances

of the relative world, simply cannot measure up.

Now truth is what I would call the ‘aught’, and has no cause, and yet it is the cause of everything .. and

it is everywhere simultaneously all at the same time. Falsehood is what I may call ‘naught’, and yet it is

the manifest of aught. Falsehood, or the naught, is really only the temporary effect of the aught…of

truth .. of the unchanging principle within each human soul. And it is ultimately our goal .. our

destination .. to build our values and priorities in seeking and living in truth .. in the aught .. to live as

cause rather than a mere effect subject to the ups and downs of the society.

In our time together, a field of stability and truth is present. It becomes slightly more visible and

available for the students to touch its hem, to taste its beauty, to cultivate a purpose to find this truth,

and to learn to live life in it and from it, and even as It. Truth delivers satisfaction and even fulfillment

when we bring the fullness of it into our human experience. It delivers confidence and faith and the

hope of goodness does become more palatable to our inner senses, as we gather with a single pointed

focus and intention to uncover truth, and to make the truth within you .. your essential nature .. more

conscious and user-friendly.

Whatever has been made with a mind that is but finite and imperfect will be unmade; and that which

begins must someday end. All things that can be experienced by the human senses are only the

temporary .. the ephemeral effects. The senses can only reveal the manifests of aught, yet these are

naught in that they are only an appearance and temporary, and so must pass away. We simply cannot

build a life of happiness upon that which is intended to pass away. We must find the aught, and allow it

to flourish in us.

The things we see with our human eyes are but reflexes just appearing, while the ethers vibrate so and

so, and when conditions change they disappear. The Holy Breath which is also called the all-pervading

One is truth; is that which was, and is, and evermore shall be; it cannot change nor pass away.

What is it to be human? A person is the truth and the falsehood strangely mixed together. Some days

you wake up in the morning and you are feeling good, in touch, peaceful and tranquility is ever-

present. These are the days when truth happens to make itself more available and known.

A human being is this living Holy Breath … this force of Life made flesh; so truth and falsehood are

conjoined in him; and these two elements do strive and battle, and eventually naught goes down, is

conquered by truth .. by the aught .. and truth abides. This is the inner yoga, the inner destination,

above and beyond all worldly achievement and attainments. Yoga offers in so many virile and powerful

ways, the opportunity to fulfill the alchemical laws of existence by changing falsehood into truth, and

by allowing truth to take up residence in us more fruitfully in its expression.

Even the idea of power .. the very thing that so many human beings seek to possess in certain odd ways

through the world .. power is a yet only a manifest of aught .. it is only temporary so it is as naught .. it

is as not a thing to be building our life upon .. for power can be obtained and possessed, but only for so

long until it is taken away by circumstances and changes in the environment; power is the result of

force; it is but naught; it is illusion, nothing more. Force is truth, and it is an objective and stabilizing

thing. Force and truth changes not, but power changes as the ethers change.

Force .. truth .. this is the will of God and is omnipotence itself, and worldly human position and power

is that will in manifest .. made visible and manifest but only for a short time. These are things that have

as their cause .. the spiritual force .. the Holy Breath … call it what ye may. All is directed by this

essence, of which a small part dwells within each human being, and must become unearthed to become

available for greater constructive use.

There is power in the winds, a power in the waves, a power in the lightning's stroke, a power in the

human arm, a power in the eye. The ethers which are as the omnipresent or all-pervading force and

intelligence .. causes these outer temporal powers to be, and when we place the power of our creative

impulse and free will decision through our thought into a direction that we desire to see manifest, then

we are acting in creation, from that inner place of truth, of cause, and of force. Thought brings forth a

blueprint and feeling ignites that blueprint with force in order to bring it into manifest view. Our

thinking is a great power that holds the capacity to help us build our life upon truth, or to become a

mere effectual and ineffective life which is erroneously built upon falsehood .. or the naught. Our daily

Thought over time becomes our attitudes, and these do form our direction and destiny because thought

and feeling directs the force.

In our Global Conferences we offer seekers and aspirants a fuller understanding of these divinely

scientific laws of nature .. natural universal laws which operate in our lives every second of the day,

and it is ‘up to us’ to determine how we shall make use of these laws for our betterment or not. To truly

understand these things is to build our life upon the rock of knowledge. Aspirants of Truth and Love

builds this knowledge one inner posture at a time whereupon our asana .. our position in life .. is

determined by our attitudes of thought and feeling over long periods of gestation. Human beings can

build for themselves the gnosis of the aught and of the naught, of falsehood and of truth. This is done

through discrimination and discernment. It is the knowledge of the lower self; the sensing of the

powers of man himself.

Even wisdom is brought forth through this yogic alchemical transmutation; by changing the lesser into

the greater. Wisdom then, is the consciousness that man is aught; that God or the great universal light

and man are one. That naught is naught; that power is but illusion; that heaven and earth and hell are

not above, around, below, but in; which in the light of aught becomes the naught, and Spirit or light or

God is all.

And through knowledge coupled with trust and true faith, we are brought to a surety; it is the surety

and goodness of the omnipotence and omnipresence of the force of Life, in human beings and all

around us. In this way, you can experience more of the beauty and truth and goodness that true

certainty brings; and the inner faith that it is possible and even probable to reach the deific life in

harmony and union with the particle of the Source within us.

True communion and divine fellowship become then, a ladder reaching from the heart of humanity to

heart of the Source, Center, and Creative Fountainhead of all.

Michael Of Nebadon offers a refinement of understanding which then lends itself to attainment and

actualization. It brings forward the potential of human being .. its fruition. And in fruition faith is

fulfilled by science and law; the student is raised into a more deific life; when they are made to

experience a life of cause, of truth, of love, and of union with their essential nature.

Everlasting Beatitudes, Eternal Verities, Cardinal Virtues, Infinite Righteousness, Paradise Precepts,

Primordial Priorities, and Universal Values of Existence

The conferences with Michael Of Nebadon are the very first step towards your fuller actualization in

the Kingdom of the Infinite Persons of the Trinity. Here with us in the beginning, you are first

introduced to the Father’s Ideal. You begin to know that there is a plan for your life .. a divinely

orchestrated purpose, and a great meaning in your life towards attaining that Ideal.

You begin to understand Michael’s Ideal in a more granular and detailed way. He gives you many

beatitudes and eternal verities which become a guiding light upon this royal road to your freedom

through mastery of all things in you. In time and space, you are beginning to be aware of what’s

required for your fulfillment to enter into the Kingdom of His Sovereignty; the things that must be

attained by you in order to prepare thyself to enter into the Kingdom of His Consciousness.

Then, and only then, after your peripheral study, you are strengthened and clarified in the illuminated

ideal of Michael. It is where you actually become more in earnest a disciple and a living candidate to

enter into the Kingdom and prepare for the Second Birth of the Eternal Embrace .. this is the graduation

and completion of all thine lifetimes in your earth journey which allows you to become His unique

Individualization beyond the ups and downs of mortal living.

You become stabilized in His grace and mercy; the inheritance that is yours by divine right comes closer

to you in vibratory realization because you are opening to the requirements of the Universal Father Son

Spirit .. and you come to experience a great renewal of mind and heart and even body .. and a

redemption in your personal consciousness awakening into universal citizenship .. sonship and

daughtership .. as the cycle of all your lifetimes of seeking are maturing .. and your soul development

tremendously accelerates. You are accelerated in your karmic redemptions as the misqualified

conditions which you have been carrying and which have been an obstruction to your fuller

actualizing become evaporated in our association.

To become born .. once again .. into the more abundant life everlasting .. through the ‘hand’ of the

Father .. into the Kingdom of His Eternity and Personal Divine Immortality.

Our Instruction to New Seekers in Our Paradise Trinity Endowment Activity

There is a glorious new dispensation for the earth. We welcome you. We are here to truly assist you.

We serve in alignment with the Eternal Father Mother, the great Source of all Life and Light. The Ray of

Light that we serve upon extends from this Universal Source, through the Mighty Host of Heaven, unto

the terrestrial reality of human life. This avenue of approach unto Truth and Immortality will take you

clearly beyond all limitations, and yet, it depends upon your will and determination to succeed.

In our association together, Michael and the Infinite Universe Mother Spirit show you how to have a

fuller relationship with God indwelling you and how to expand this flame of love and mercy, wisdom

and power in the raising upwards of your life force energy and vibration, according to the pattern of

perfection of the Paradise Source and Center.

With this expansion of the Kingdom of His Sovereignty in you and through you, you become his will in

expression. This transformation occurs for you as you learn to fulfill his law so that you can live more

fully His will and intent.

The Spirit Endowment of Consciousness is your primary focus in your initial association with Us. These

divine strategies are your daily approaches to having a fuller relationship and realization with the

Nameless One Father; with His Paradise Trinity Endowment given to humanity.

Our spiritual association prepares you over time to become a candidate of the Eternal Embrace by

supporting your day to day embracing of eternity – the changing of density and darkness into the

everlasting light. This is the fulfillment of the law and the living of his will and intent. Each day you will

be embracing eternity as you prepare thyself for the Eternal Embrace, bringing a permanent entrance

into the Kingdom of His Sovereignty and the Network of His Supremacy.

Sovereignty is thy birthright, thy inheritance, thy destiny, and this destiny is yours as you understand,

apply, and cooperate with the law of thy existence in raising all thy field of receptivity into universal

harmony and order…

You will learn to draw into your human experience the Cosmic Fire of Creation which is the Love Force

Principle… Omnipotence Itself. Michael and the Infinite Universe Mother Spirit show you where your

obstructions are, as you work daily with the authority and power of your free will – the Spirit

Endowment of your Consciousness and the exercises of the EEE’s, and as you choose to enter more

completely into The Private Dialogues with Michael. Michael holds the capability to show you your

obstacles ahead of time, so that you may bring harmony to those areas of your consciousness that need

integration with the Father Principle.

You will be quickening all human imperfections, all imperfect vibratory rates, back into the purity and

pristine nature of the Divine Life Force of thyself. And as you attain this, you are gradually becoming

what Michael refers to as the Self Directive Governing I AM . . . the Vaster and Fuller Consciousness of

yourself, allowing and creating the vibrational space to have your own greater consciousness take up

residence within your human experience.

Spirit Endowment of Consciousness

Within the (EEE’s) Embracing Eternity Exercises, you will be working with the Seven Eyes of Eternal

Attainment and Empowerment. This includes the opportunity to grow your personality soul and

character into a greater attunement with all truth, beauty, and goodness within you. The Beatitudes that

brings forward for His aspirants are taught to you step by step through these EEE’s. The All-Powerful

M’s of Manifestation are given to you over time to bring you the capability to live the kind of life that is

lived in the higher octaves of life. These Powers to generate all that you would desire in alignment with

your own life plan are Magnification, Magnetization, Momentumization, and Manifestation. You will

also learn to attune to the Divine Mirror which teaches you to reclaim and recapture your prior karmic

‘misqualified’ momentums and the hidden accumulations of your personal energies and vibrations

from lifetimes of co-creating. These prior momentums are the inner causes and outer manifested visible

effects that appear as your life circumstances and the environment of your personal surrounding. You

begin to erase these energizations, and set into motion new and upward momentums which will

catapult you into the fuller light.

Upon your attendance, you will gain the benefits and the eternal verities . . . the eternal truths and

portions of knowledge that the Paradise Trinity Endowment intends to offer human beings in their

evolutionary progression into fuller light. Michael teaches you an art of living and a divine universal

science which naturally fulfills the Law of Existence and awakens you upon the shores of greater

illumination and a fuller abundance with this Self Directive Governing I AM – the Supreme Essence

Individualized as your greatest potential and reality. You have chosen herein to enter onto a path of Self

honor and divine dignity; One which will greatly enhance your spiritual perception and divine insight

of the One Reality.

By learning how to receive of your divine inheritance, you will be taking upon yourself a spiritual

mantle of comprehension and the personal empowerment in its application. The EEE’s offer you the

Holy Grail of the Eternal Verities. Through, for instance, the Be Attitudes (the A’s of Invocation), you

will begin to take back your power from the world of appearances, you will be recapturing your divine

association with the Father Principle, the Primordial Force of All Life everywhere which dwells right

within your own midst. You will be transfiguring all your personal energy and power, once given away

to the world of imperfect appearance and the illusions of the egoistic phantom self. You will be

quickening your personal soul consciousness into tasting and drinking in more of the Universal

Consciousness, returning your life and existence into fuller sovereignty and supremacy as you practice

and apply our divine precepts upon this Royal Road of Life Everlasting.

Sovereignty is becoming at one with the Flame of Life or God within you; consciously expanding that

Living God Flame throughout your personal energy field and flooding your physical life conditions with

this radiant light and love; transfiguring all things into pure life as you gradually weave a garment of

eternal truth out of the human imperfections of the garment of the flesh body; it is learning to receive

the gift of the Eternal Embrace through cooperation with Paradise Trinity Endowment!

With our association together, you will be naturally unfolding your human and divine potential,

growing and purifying your character, maturing your consciousness, and preparing a place so that you

can receive of the Eternal Embrace leading into the ascendant life everlasting – personal immortality

and the actualization of your personhood, soul, and indwelling Spirit into fuller godhood through

eternal fusion…the exaltation and glorification of these human and divine aspects which become

eternally One. You become something and someone greater while still retaining your inherent identity

and personalness; for this is the High Ideal and the Eternal Goal of our Aspirancy Curriculum.

The road to Sovereignty through the teachings of Michael, and the guidance and instruction offered to

you, is in alignment with the Infinite and Eternal Father Mother God of us all, the great Source and

Center of all Life and Light. The Paradise Trinity Endowment is an illuminated highway and approach

which we travel upon, and we are in perfected alignment and cooperation with the Immortal Host of

Heaven, teaching aspirants each day to draw upon the omnipotent radiation of the Sacred Fire of the

Host in a variety of ways.

This dispensation of divine energies which is extended to humanity through Paradise Trinity

Endowment acts as a specific ray of Light, Love, and Life which is directed to aspirants from the

Universal Source through the Immortal Host of Heaven, and unto the terrestrial reality of human life.

This avenue of approach unto Truth and Immortality will take you clearly beyond all limitations and

imperfections. It is dependent upon your understanding, your cooperation, and your willingness to give

your devotion and energies into this supreme purpose – to fulfill the law of heaven, and to give your life

into the will and intent of the portion of the Paradise Father dwelling within you, and enfolding you, by

becoming more of His nature and identity in your personal consciousness. You will need to activate the

Great C’s of conviction, concentration, consecration, communion, and cooperation.

Conscious dominion and mastery over all imperfect conditions is the destiny you are born to attain and

express. Through your association with Us, you will be instructed and supported in commanding all

imperfect energy conditions to become evaporated and quickened into the Universal Light. This is the

Law of Etherealization and Precipitation made active through your adherence to the precepts and

principles that we offer to you.

Fulfillment and happiness reside within His will, and for this reason you must seek to realize His will

within your life. As you acknowledge the Source of Light from which you've come and as you recognize

that you are this great Light, you will be able to experience your own glory in Him. Your true identity is

in His Omnipresence, Omniscience, and Omnipotence, and His indwelling and enfolding Spiritual

Presence is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the open doorway of your own indwelling Spirit, and

in the expansion of this great spiritual light, you fulfill the requirements necessary to become a

candidate of the evolutionary progression and completion within the Earth school curriculum of the

Eternal Embrace. You catapult yourself into joining Us as a new and immortal member of the Network

of His Supremacy. You will be preparing to attain the completion of your personal cycles of birth and

death by embracing eternity each day . . . in the Great Initiation of the Ages.

Through the divine science of intelligent prayer, sincere worship, and the art of unbroken communion,

you build sincere expressions of spiritual attitude through the A’s of Invocation, and you expand and

mature and grow into the empowered knowing that you are a unique individualization of the Supreme

God. You are His Omnipresent Omnipotence and Omniscience, which is individualized in His Divine

Body of the time and space creation.

You are naturally his Omnipresence individualized, yet your conscious effort is required to bring forth

this reality into your direct experience. As you awaken your determination and desire to claim your

inheritance, and as you expand into His glory as a Son and Daughter of the Source, you will be learning

to fulfill the Law of your being, and you will be raising yourself into the eternal Light of your own inner


As your Identity is in his Omnipresence, your Intelligence can aspire to the heights of greater

Omniscience. You hold within you the seeds of His creative power; you are a portion of His

Omnipotence. The unfoldment of your well designed creaturehood is an everlasting unfoldment of

magnificent proportions; always will you be transmuting yourself into an ever fuller expression of His

Existence. By understanding your relationship to the Source, you will be given the power and wisdom

to illuminate your consciousness. All love, wisdom, and power reside deep within you, and this Flame of

your divinity is meant to be brought forth into your outer activity and use. It is in this way that you will

demonstrate your readiness to attain Initiation. This is the greater works, and it is your inheritance to

claim and embody.

You are intended to become the authority for your own life through the gift of your free will. By living

your right identity, understanding and becoming accountable for your godhood, and working each day

to express more fully the great Light that you are, you bring that potential into its fuller expression.

The Family Conferences and then the Private Dialogues with Michael of Nebadon are the very first steps

in your association with Us. It is a way to hold an ongoing exchange of instruction, guidance, and

energies with Michael, and for him to help you prepare a greater place within your own field of

receptivity…your personal consciousness…to receive the nectar of radiation from your own higher


The Universal Family of Michael Of Nebadon Conferences are a worldwide association and fellowship

with Michael Of Nebadon and the Mother Spirit of the Universe with the Planetary Administration of

the Host of Heaven; this is an offering of a powerful transmission, radiation, and outpouring of the

Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter, and this same Holy Comforter is the Spiritual Presence of Christ

Michael which is available to you as guidance, protection, and eternal ongoing fellowship with

Michael. Even after your physical association here in the flesh ends in the culminating completion of

the Eternal Embrace of the Second Birth into Universe Citizenship, your relationship with Christ

Michael Of Nebadon will always continue on. As you enter the realms of eternity in this progressive

realization and evolutionary journey of existence, your relationship with our Creator Son will continue


During our Private Dialogues there is opportunity to ask questions and share your personal concerns

and challenges in working each day Our Precepts and Principles and Powers of Precipitation. It is the

beginning of a new and more conscious and eternal association together with Paradise Trinity

Endowment; an opportunity to remember the deepest and highest Self within you.

Michael Of Nebadon and his Private Dialogues offer aspirants the instruction and guidance, personal

dialogues and radiation with the Planetary Administration of the Host alongside the Creator Son and

Universe Mother focus upon building upwards the right understandings, pure values and divine

meanings, righteous priorities and everlasting virtues, and the divinely artful application of Our

precepts and principles; these all lead the aspirant to become groomed and refined, prepped and raised

into a true discipleship with Paradise Trinity Endowment .. into a gradual embrace of more, and still

more, of the eternal frequencies and vibrations of the Father Son Spirit through the very Host of

Heaven. You begin to actually and practically embrace your own divine Selfhood. You progress from

child of God into a more personalized expression as His Son and Daughter – an immortalized

expression of the Father Son Spirit Source.

Presently, Michael has written a number of books and virtually an endless number of discourses

through several public writings online which are continually updated by us, and which you are able to

access, study, and apply. Its value is all in your daily application; for no one can raise you more than

you can raise yourself. We provide the radiation, guidance, and the divine platform by which you can

enter the Kingdom of Heaven within you by your eternal union with the Spirit of Bestowal.

So, you have the opportunity to begin with the conferences and public discourses, and then, you may

feel the need to apply for a closer working relationship and sovereign discipleship with Michael and the

Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter. It is our way of gradually introducing you to the intensity of the

energies and focus which are held under this divine activity.

Hence, for those new seekers of truth, beauty, and goodness in accordance with the Universal Father

Son Spirit, who desire to continue with us and who wish to take themselves into greater service and

unfoldment can progress in their personal studies with Michael Of Nebadon, and then move naturally

into the more intensified focus of sovereign discipleship with Michael and the Mother. This is especially

helpful for those aspirants who wish to become a much more conscious individualization of the

supremacy of Deity.

Be sure to preview at the end of this letter for all our private and public writings, and may your

attainment unto Light be swift and bold with the winds of determination and devotion at your back as

you invite each evening the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter to guide you and bring to you His conviction

of faith and love, and the pure immaculate desire for God Himself; and as you invite and invoke the

Person of the Infinite Mother Spirit of Paradise Trinity Endowment to enter you with Her Holy Spirit

and the planetary administration of the Immortal Host of Heaven, allow the Love of this Perfected

Power and Intelligence of the Mother to quicken and refine yourself unto the fullness of His Grace and

Glory, His Power and Protection – the Eternal Embrace of the Second Birth into Universe Citizenship.

Michael Welcomes You

“I come forth once again unto the fold of humanity to teach ye of the path of illumination through the Descent of the Cosmic Fire of Creation and the expansion of the Flame of God presiding in thy midst; for in this way, the mortal shall place upon itself immortality.

“…It is the pathway for those with the courage of heart who yearn for God union and are willing to place upon the altar of Love their own free will choices in service to their own awakening and freedom in Light. Only these shall find the strength and conviction to come forth out of the fold of unconscious humanity to do the bidding of the Paradise Gods.

“If you thirst for truth and love and freedom, come unto Me, and I shall give unto thee Manna from the heavens…out from My own Being.

“… For I am prepared to reveal myself unto those individuals who are proven to be receptive by preparing a place within their character, their personality, and their soul energies, and in this way have made themselves worthy of our association…

“Blessed is he who shall receive of my words of wisdom and love, for ye shall be awakened unto everlasting Illumination. Ye shall progress from child of God unto thy Sonship with the Father of Eterni ty; at this time it is an absolute that the populace may come to know Myself, the Mother Spirit, and the Host of Heaven, who come as a

beacon of light in the dark. I say, wherein is thy wisdom? Wherein have ye walked with us? When have ye remembered thy being with the Father, Son, and Spirit? Blessed are they which remember, and learn to give honor unto He who has given ye Life.

“I am thy Sovereign Creator Son of Paradise Trinity Origin. I and the Mother are the personalized foci of the Paradise Deity for this aspect of creation. I am Son of God known by many names am I, yet I am not bound by names, nor am I willing to become limited by them. I call myself many things and by many names do I sign my words. I identify myself with all goodness, truth, and beauty, and I am not of this earth, yet I come into the earth manifest to reveal unto thee the way unto freedom and illumination. For this have I come into the earth at this time, that I might fulfill my covenant with thee, that where I go ye may also go. I say unto thee, as ye fulfill the

law ye shall prepare thyself to live his will and intent, and his plan shall become illuminated within thine own awareness.

“I am here within the earth for a time, a short while, and I too say that all which are prepared to rece ive me shall be caught up with me, for it is now come when many shall be quickened unto the Father even as I was quickened and ascended. Ye shall do the very same as ye receive and bring forth the fulfillment of thy birth into light. I say, for this have I come, that ye may overcome death and fulfill thy own covenant with the Father. So be it and may all peace and prosperity be thine own. I am now giving unto thee that which ye can comprehend. So shall ye be quickened and ye shall know as I and the Host of Heaven do know, of the Kingdom of His Sovereignty and the Living Network of His Supremacy.

“I am of the Paradise Order of Michael, Sovereign Creator Sons who come to guide thy way; for I enfold thy being with My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter Presence, and it is the Infinite Holy Spirit of the Mother of this universal creation which surrounds you in every way.”

I Remain One with Paradise Father, Son, and Spirit

Michael of Nebadon

Website: www.about.me/michaelofnebadon

Email Contact: issa@sovrnty.org
