Welcome to Northern California DX Club November 19, 2009


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Welcome to Welcome to Northern Northern

California DX ClubCalifornia DX Club

November 19, 2009November 19, 2009

NCDXC Nov 09NCDXC Nov 09 Slide 2

Tonight’s AgendaTonight’s Agenda• Club Business

– Introduction of Officers– Introductions of Members– New members– DX news– QSTs

• The status of the sunspot cycle• Feature Presentation

– Antenna Forum Part 2• NCDXC Raffle

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NCDXC Officers for 2009/10NCDXC Officers for 2009/10• Officers

– President Craig Bradley AE6RR– Vice Pres Phil Steffora K6TT– Secretary Russ Bentson K6KLY– Treasurer Jose Picazo Jr. WT6X

• Directors– Steve Jones N6SJ – Jim Abraham W6EB – John Eisenberg K6YP (Past President)– Risto Kotalampi W6RK (Ex Officio)

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Introductions of Members Introductions of Members & Guests& Guests

• Let’s Go Around the room… – Introduce yourself & any guests– Tell us what new DX you have bagged (or

didn’t)– Any short Show & Tell?– Any other news you wish to share?

Election of Election of Honorary MemberHonorary Member

In accordance with the In accordance with the Procedures and Bylaws of the Procedures and Bylaws of the

NCDXC, the Board of NCDXC, the Board of Directors has unanimously Directors has unanimously

nominated a fellow ham as a nominated a fellow ham as a new Honorary Membernew Honorary Member

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Bob Vallio, W6RGGBob Vallio, W6RGG

• ARRL Pacific Division Director

• Long time Member of NCDXC

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Bob Vallio, W6RGGBob Vallio, W6RGG

• ARRL Experience: – East Bay Section Manager (Section

Communications Manager) for 22 consecutive years (1/1/78 - 12/31/99)

– Pacific Division Vice Director, 1/1/2000 - 2/6/2003

– Pacific Division Director, 2/6/2003 - Present

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Bob Vallio, W6RGGBob Vallio, W6RGG

• Operating Experience: – First licensed as WN6RGG in 1952 – Active on HF, VHF and UHF for over 50 years– Active in emergency communications for over 30

years– Avid DXer and contester, working both from

home and from numerous expeditions on six continents

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Bob Vallio, W6RGGBob Vallio, W6RGG

• Clubs/Foundations: – Director of the YASME Foundation. – Active in Alameda County Sheriff's Communications

Team (a RACES unit) for over 30 years, currently serving as Chief Radio Officer.

– Charter member of the Northern California Contest Club. – Long time member of the Northern California DX Club.

• Professional Experience: – Retired System Design Consultant, Pacific Bell, 1990. – Attended San Jose State College.

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Bob Vallio, W6RGGBob Vallio, W6RGG

• The NCDXC Board of Directors hereby requests that the membership of the club confirm the Honorary Membership of Bob Vallio, W6RGG

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New members?New members?

• Secretary’s Report– Russ, K6KLY

– Russ has applications…– Membership Voting?– You must be a member to attend

the Holiday Luncheon


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• Chesterfield Islands DXpedition– Now through early December– Main focus on low bands (160 & 80)– Operating all bands and modes– Online log– Posting to LoTW– Web site: http://www.tx3a.com/

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TX3A - Chesterfield Is.TX3A - Chesterfield Is.

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DX ContestsDX Contests

• CQ WW CW DX Contest– November 28-29– Starts 0000 UTC Sat (Friday afternoon local)– Ends 2400 UTC Sunday– Simple Exchange – RST + Zone (59903 or 5nn03)– See http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/ for rules– Many good DX locations will be activated– Many of them will be on the air in the days before the

contest on phone also


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• We are working on the Roster• If you paid your dues and are not listed on

the web site as paid, see Russ, W6KLY or Jose, WT6X

• Everyone that paid will be included• Please be sure that your information is

correct• We plan to have the Rosters printed

before the Holiday Luncheon

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Holiday LuncheonHoliday Luncheon• Dec 12 – 11AM• Michael’s Shoreline Restaurant• Presentation – Midway Island 2009

– By Kevin Rowett, K6TD & Tom Berson, ND2T

• Menu– New York Steak $25.00.– Breast of Chicken Marsala $20.00.– Broiled Halibut $25.00.– Spinach and Cheese Tortellini (Veggie) $15.00

• See Mike, W6WZ or Carolyn, WB6ABC for reservations (after the meeting)

• Members and their guests (1) only!

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DXer NewsDXer News

• Current Editor - Phil, K6TT

• New Editor – Phil Verinsky, W6TQG

• TQG Phil will be taking over for TT Phil on the January issue

• Please help Phil step into Phil’s shoes by contributing content!

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• Every Thursday 8pm • Except on monthly meeting nights (3rd

Thurs)• On W6TI repeater, 147.360 MHz, PL


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Tonight’s RaffleTonight’s Raffle• Mike W6WZ & Carolyn

WB6ABC have some great prizes!– 1st Prize: Yaesu FT-2500M 2M 65

Watt Mobile Transceiver– Many other prizes as well

• Got Tickets?– see Carolyn or Mike – 6 for $5 - 12 for $10 - 24 for $20


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Badges we have Badges!Badges we have Badges!

• K6FCW – Frank

• KG6TT – Ralph

• K6UJ – Bob

• K1DOD – Jonathan

• If you here, please claim your badge

• If you know one of these Ops, please let them know

We Don't Need No Stinking Badges!

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Additional QSTsAdditional QSTs• Amateur Radio Technology Day

– Saturday, December 12th – 8AM to 9PM – At SLAC– http://www.fars.k6ya.org/

• Does anyone have any other short announcements they would like to make?

• Flea Market?

Our Sunspot CycleOur Sunspot Cycle

Cycle 24 where are you?Cycle 24 where are you?

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Spotless DaysSpotless Days

• Current Stretch: 0 days

• 2009 total: 243 days (76%)

• Since 2004: 754 days

• Typical Solar Min: 485 days

• Updated 18 Nov 09

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SOHO MDI Continuum Latest SOHO MDI Continuum Latest Image Image

Two sunspots are emerging in the sun's northern hemisphere.

Both are members of new Solar Cycle 24.

Sunspot 1032 appears to be the reincarnation of old sunspot

Credit: SOHO/MDI

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The Farside of the Sun The Farside of the Sun

This holographic image

reveals no sunspots on the far side of the


Image credit: SOHO/MDI

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The Last 2 MonthsThe Last 2 Months

There have been a few

small sunspots lately and

the SFI has come up to



Antenna ForumAntenna Forum

Dean Straw, N6BVDean Straw, N6BV

Kirsten McIntyre, K6WXKirsten McIntyre, K6WX

Jim Brown, K9YCJim Brown, K9YC

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Dean Straw, N6BVDean Straw, N6BV

• First licensed in 1959 as WH6DKD• EE from Yale University• First job was at National Radio Company

designing HF and VHF radios • Worked in the commercial radio industry all of

his life • Worked at the ARRL HQ for 15 years

– specializing in antennas, transmission lines and propagation

• He was the editor of the ARRL Antenna Book and other books dealing with antennas

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Kirsten McIntyre, K6WX Kirsten McIntyre, K6WX

• Interested in radio since she was about 5 years old • First ticket in 1979 while at MIT  • Worked in many diverse areas

– analog circuit design– image processing– starting and running an ISP– formerly the CTO of a Japanese web services company – formerly worked as a principal investigator at Sun Microsystems

Laboratories.  • ARRL Technical Coordinator and Technical Specialist for

the East Bay Section, • Past president of PAARA• Has extensive experience operating from an apartment.

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Jim Brown, K9YCJim Brown, K9YC• First licensed in 1955 as WN8FNI• BSEE at the University of Cincinnati in 1964 • System design consultant, specializing in systems for

public places. • Vice-chair of the EMC Working Group of the Standards

Committee of the AES and Chair of the Technical Committee on EMC

• He has written numerous technical papers on sound system design

• Locally known for his papers and talks on the use of ferrites

• Avid contester • Jim primarily uses wire antennas

Antenna ForumAntenna Forum

Dean Straw, N6BVDean Straw, N6BV

Kirsten McIntyre, K6WXKirsten McIntyre, K6WX

Jim Brown, K9YCJim Brown, K9YC

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• Does anyone need tickets before we start?

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Thanks for Coming Tonight!Thanks for Coming Tonight!

• Remember the net next Thursday night!

• Pray for sunspots!

• 73 & Good DX!
