Welcome to the winter harvest


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Welcome to the Winter Harvestat Young Living

Monday, February 24th, 2014Century City, CA

Entrance to Distillery

Balsam Fir Tree Farm

Gary Young’s Orientation

Living Quarters

In our Dorm Room (a selfie!)

Gary Teaching 1

Gary Teaching cont. 2

Horses in Pen

Learning to Drive Horses

Trees going into Chipper

Balsam Fir Wood Chips


Ladder in Cooker

Loading the Cooker

Tamping Down Chips

Cooker ready for steam

Chips after being cooked

Chips coming out of cooker

Cooked chips into dumpster

Distillery Equipment

Balsam Fir Essential Oil (EO) Just Distilled

Filtering EOs

Decanting EO with Separatory Funnel

Essential Oils Stored in Stainless Steel

Bottling Station

Bottling EOs

Labeling Machine

Learning about Testing

Vials Ready for Testing

Testing Lab

Bottle of Ponderosa Pine
