Wellness Challenge eBook


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BCM One Wellness Challenge Tips & Tricks

Workout Log YouTube Challenges Mental Health

Fitness/Work Out Apps Recipe Blogs Get Involved!

• What is your current fitness level?

• Do you have any health issues?

• What are your goals?

• What activities do you enjoy?

• How can you add variety to your workout?

• What can you afford?

• Ready, set go!

Fitness programs abound, from yoga and Pilates to step aerobics and

strength training -- either at home or in the gym. So which type of fitness

program is right for you? Ask yourself these questions to figure it out.

Click the heart to download a fitness log that will keep you reaching goals and breaking


Click each photo to go to an inspirational YouTube Channel!

*primarily pertain to women

Lean Secrets*

Flavalicious Fitness (pre & post-natal workouts)*

Tone It Up*

Insane Home Fat


Fat Burning


Taking care of your mental health is just as important as the physical! When you are in touch with your

peripheral surroundings, you have the ability to sensor out the unessential

information. In our world of information overload, having the

ability to focus on only the essential will help you keep your calm. There are

apps like Buddhify and The Mindfulness App that give you guided meditations which will help you bring

in that focus.

FitStar: Personal Trainer App My Fitness Pal: Calorie

Tracking App

30 Day Squat Challenge: for iPhone

30 Day Squat Challenge: for Android

Stay fit… Even when you’re on the go with these mobile apps!

Check out these great recipe blogs!

(click the screen to go to each site)

Rabbit Food For My Bunny Teeth Smitten Kitchen Dad With a Pan

Stay involved in the community!

At JCC Manhattan they offer healthy cooking classes for kids, adults and private parties -- all reasonably priced!

A Pinch of Salt also offers fun culinary classes focused on making delicious and healthy meals that are practical.

Interested in finding a 5K or more around you? This site is a great resource for that!

As a member of team __________________________________, I promise to…

Encourage my team members

Make an effort to workout

Track my progress

Eat healthfully and consciously

Take care of any health issues

Be mindful of my mental health

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

4. ________________________________

5. ________________________________

6. ________________________________

7. ________________________________

8. ________________________________

9. ________________________________

10. ________________________________

Teams must have a minimum of 6 team members & may have a maximum of 10 team members, please list all above.

Corinne Werder

Dawn Riziti

Amanda Carrera

Sadia Mendez
