What are the usual sites of recurrence •• Treatment of ...1].2 Lin.Esophageal Cancer Post...


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What are the usual sites of recurrenceWhat are the usual sites of recurrence•• LocalLocal•• distantdistant

BenefitsBenefits•• Palliative chemo Palliative chemo ±± radiationradiation•• Palliative chemo Palliative chemo ±± radiationradiation

survival benefitsurvival benefitQuality of lifeQuality of life

•• Treatment of recurrence in lymph node outside the initial field of initial Treatment of recurrence in lymph node outside the initial field of initial di thdi thradiotherapyradiotherapy

HowHow--•• Physical ExamPhysical Exam-- what signs to look forwhat signs to look for•• CT chest/abdomenCT chest/abdomen-- what findings to look forwhat findings to look for•• EGD EGD –– what symptoms should prompt itwhat symptoms should prompt it•• Serum CEA levelsSerum CEA levels-- ? In which patients? In which patients•• EUS EUS -- ? role? role

How oftenHow oftenHow oftenHow often•• Suggested protocols for follow upSuggested protocols for follow up

PostPost treatment follow up oftreatment follow up ofPostPost-- treatment follow up of treatment follow up of Esophageal cancer patientsEsophageal cancer patients: :

medical considerationsmedical considerations

Edward Lin,MDEdward Lin,MDFred Hutchison Cancer Center Fred Hutchison Cancer Center Associate Professor of MedicineAssociate Professor of Medicine

Uni e sit of WashingtonUni e sit of WashingtonUniversity of WashingtonUniversity of WashingtonSeattle, WASeattle, WA




Local recurrenceLocal LN*




203040 Distal LN

Systemic Met


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Radiation Surgery


Median OS is 9Median OS is 9--11 month with 11 month with Median OS is 9Median OS is 9 11 month with 11 month with modern chemotherapy.modern chemotherapy.Better response rate, TTP but modest Better response rate, TTP but modest Better response rate, TTP but modest Better response rate, TTP but modest OS benefits with QOL measures OS benefits with QOL measures compared with other chemotherapy.compared with other chemotherapy.

BUT, chemotherapy versus best BUT, chemotherapy versus best , py, pysupportive care (BSC) suggest no OS supportive care (BSC) suggest no OS benefits in two small randomized benefits in two small randomized

lltrials? trials? Grunberger B Anticancer Res. 2007;27(4C):2705-14.

N = 68 N = 68 N = 68. N = 68. Retrospective reviewRetrospective reviewLymphadectomy or repeat ChemoLymphadectomy or repeat Chemo RT RT Lymphadectomy or repeat ChemoLymphadectomy or repeat Chemo--RT RT followed by chemotherapy is better than followed by chemotherapy is better than chemo or BSC. (p = .0001) chemo or BSC. (p = .0001) chemo or BSC. (p .0001) chemo or BSC. (p .0001)

But the study is small retrospective and But the study is small retrospective and But the study is small, retrospective and But the study is small, retrospective and hypothesis generating in Asia.hypothesis generating in Asia.

Ann Surg Oncol. 2008 Sep;15(9):2451-7

Physical exams.Physical exams.Blood work including CEA.Blood work including CEA.Routine use CT scan.Routine use CT scan.PET scanPET scanEUSEUSEndoscopyEndoscopypypy

Palliative tools: EMR, stents, etc.Palliative tools: EMR, stents, etc.Palliative tools: EMR, stents, etc.Palliative tools: EMR, stents, etc.

Focused Physical ExamFocused Physical Exam

CBC, LFT, CXR every 3-4 monthsCT scan

On multivariate survival analysis

CT scan chest, abdomen as needed clinically

• tumor stage P<0.0001)

• treatment (P<0.001) clinically.

GEJ• appetite loss (P<0.0001)

McDonald JC NEJM 2004McKernan BJC 2008;98:888-93Healy LA Dis Esophaagus 2008 Epub

N = 90N = 90N 90N 9022% positive for CEA.22% positive for CEA.CEA decline correlate with the response to RxCEA decline correlate with the response to RxIncrease in CEA predicted relapse in lung, liver Increase in CEA predicted relapse in lung, liver pleural space but not most pts with peritoneal pleural space but not most pts with peritoneal involvement involvement involvement. involvement.

BUT, it did NOT predict resectablity or survival.BUT, it did NOT predict resectablity or survival.BUT, it did NOT predict resectablity or survival.BUT, it did NOT predict resectablity or survival.

Kim YH. et al. Cancer. 1995 Jan 15;75(2):451-6.Clarke GW Am J Surg 1995;170:597.

CT alone has sensitivity 66% CT alone has sensitivity 66% yyand specificity 95%. and specificity 95%.

Good at detecting celiac Good at detecting celiac (69%), liver (73%) and lung (69%), liver (73%) and lung (90%). (90%).

US f th k CT lt i US f th k CT lt i US of the neck + CT results in US of the neck + CT results in 85% and 95% specificity. 85% and 95% specificity. EUSEUS--limited.limited.

Most cost effective, with Most cost effective, with modest QALYs and increasing modest QALYs and increasing cost.cost.cost.cost.

Van Vliet EP et al. Br J Cancer. 2007;97(7):868-76.

Well established in Well established in preoperative preoperative staging. staging.

Better than EUSBetter than EUS

? In immediate ? In immediate t R t R post Rx repost Rx re--


? Survival benefits ? Survival benefits ? Survival benefits ? Survival benefits in long term in long term followupfollowup

•• History: loss of appetite, fatigue, painHistory: loss of appetite, fatigue, painHistory: loss of appetite, fatigue, painHistory: loss of appetite, fatigue, pain

•• Physical ExamPhysical Exam-- Weight loss, anemiaWeight loss, anemia•••• CT neck/chest/abdomenCT neck/chest/abdomen-- visceral metastasis, visceral metastasis,

h t li dh t li dchest, celiac nodes.chest, celiac nodes.

•• EGD EGD –– dysphagia aspiration pneumonia chest dysphagia aspiration pneumonia chest •• EGD EGD –– dysphagia, aspiration pneumonia, chest dysphagia, aspiration pneumonia, chest pain, GOO.pain, GOO.

•• EUS EUS -- ? With diagnostic dilemma. ? With diagnostic dilemma.



•• The cure rate 80The cure rate 80--90%.90%.

•• If EMR or radiation cure rate 60If EMR or radiation cure rate 60--70% (then regular EGD 70% (then regular EGD is indicated).is indicated).

•• Q 6 months for the first 2 years, then annual physical Q 6 months for the first 2 years, then annual physical exams with routine blood work.exams with routine blood work.

•• Imaging only when clinically indicated. Imaging only when clinically indicated.


Chances of tumor recurrence (any): 20%Chances of tumor recurrence (any): 20%( y)( y)

Sites of tumor recurrenceSites of tumor recurrence•• Local: 7%Local: 7%•• Local: 7%Local: 7%•• Distant: 14%Distant: 14%

Treatment optionsTreatment optionsTreatment optionsTreatment options•• Salvage esophagectomy only selected cases reportSalvage esophagectomy only selected cases report

S t d f ll Q3S t d f ll Q3 4 th f ll4 th f ll CT CT Suggested follow up: Q3Suggested follow up: Q3--4 month follow4 month follow--up. CT scan as up. CT scan as clinical indicated. CEA?clinical indicated. CEA?

T3N0 tumorT3N0 tumor

Overall 5 yr OS is 40% and Overall 5 yr OS is 40% and •• up to 80% if achieved pCR and up to 80% if achieved pCR and •• median OS 133 months. median OS 133 months.

The goal of the followThe goal of the follow--up to up to •• assess for local and systemic recurrence and assess for local and systemic recurrence and •• intervene on treated related complications. intervene on treated related complications.

Suggest Suggest •• PE Q3PE Q3--4 months (NCCN), 4 months (NCCN), •• CEA if elevated preoperatively. CEA if elevated preoperatively.

EGD l if t EGD l if t •• EGD only if symptoms. EGD only if symptoms.

Routine CT scan Routine CT scan •• is is not recommendednot recommended•• but often done in the clinic. but often done in the clinic.

PET surveillance is PET surveillance is not recommendednot recommended. .

Rationales: more options for systemic or local therapy.Rationales: more options for systemic or local therapy.


T3 N1T3 N1

Overall 5 yr OS is 15Overall 5 yr OS is 15--20% 20% •• with risk for systemic (30with risk for systemic (30--40%) 40%) •• as well as local recurrence (30%)as well as local recurrence (30%)•• as well as local recurrence (30%).as well as local recurrence (30%).

Suggest Suggest •• PE Q 4 months, PE Q 4 months, •• with blood work with blood work •• with blood work. with blood work.

Routine CT scan chest/abdomen is often done Q 4 months. Routine CT scan chest/abdomen is often done Q 4 months. •• EGD only if symptoms. EGD only if symptoms.

Routine PET surveillance is not recommended. Routine PET surveillance is not recommended.

Option of systemic therapy Option of systemic therapy Option of systemic therapy Option of systemic therapy •• given the young age, and multiple systemic chemo regimens. given the young age, and multiple systemic chemo regimens.


T2N0+ medical comorbiditesT2N0+ medical comorbiditesT2N0+ medical comorbiditesT2N0+ medical comorbidites

Overall 5 yr OS is 60% Overall 5 yr OS is 60% •• but decreased to 40% due to cobut decreased to 40% due to co--morbidities.morbidities.but decreased to 40% due to cobut decreased to 40% due to co morbidities.morbidities.

Increased systemic and local recurrence risk. Increased systemic and local recurrence risk.

Suggest PE Q3Suggest PE Q3--4 months with blood work. 4 months with blood work.

CT scan chest/abdomen and EGD only if symptoms CT scan chest/abdomen and EGD only if symptoms CT scan chest/abdomen and EGD only if symptoms. CT scan chest/abdomen and EGD only if symptoms.

Rountine PET surveillance is not recommended. Rountine PET surveillance is not recommended.
