WHAT DID JESUS SAY? What It Means To Follow Jesus FOR KIDS (sample "Birthday Party")



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SAMPLE FROM: PARABLE LESSONS ACTIVITY for: “Birthday Party” Needed: Enough of these things for each child: toys (used or new), chairs, also a hat or bowl for numbers to draw, paper to write numbers on, pen or pencil to write numbers with. Activity: Have a toy walk with a twist. Let whomever that loses first, pick the first toy. But don’t tell the kids about it until they have sat down and one person is left out. Wait a little while. When you call out the chair number, like they are the winner, say “You don’t win the first toy. Instead, the person who lost and had leave the game gets to pick the first toy.” Then, to be nice, let the other kids pick toys from highest number to lowest number to illustrate the story of those who are last will be first and those who are first will be last. based on: Luke 14:8-11 “The Birthday Party” There was a little girl named Jenny. Jenny was having big birthday party. She invited all of the children from her classroom at school, even the kids she didn’t like very much. There was another little girl, named Diane that was always jealous of anyone that got more attention than her. When Diane found out that Jenny was inviting all of their classmates to what sounded like a fun

birthday, Diane also invited everyone to her own house at the same time as the birthday party. All of the children, except Diane, told Jenny they would go to her birthday party instead of Diane’s house. “We like you more. You are nice to us. We know she only invited us to her house to keep us away from you on your happy day.” The loyalty of Jenny’s classmates was nice. On the day of the birthday party, much to Jenny’s surprise, Diane showed up to Jenny’s party. She was the first visitor, too. “I’ve decided to come to your party instead of staying at my own party. I hope that is okay.” Then, Diane handed Jenny a present. “That is okay. I’m glad you could come.” said Jenny. “Feel welcome to have a seat and have some snacks while we wait for the rest of the children to get here.” There was a very big, long table set up in Jenny’s back yard. There were plates and cakes lined up and down the table. Diane walked around the table, looking for the perfect seat to sit in. “Now what seat is worthy of my pretty bottom to sit in?” she wondered. Diane looked around. She noticed the seat with the big birthday cake in front of it. “That looks like a good seat. If I sit here, I can get first dibs on the cake when everyone gets here.” So she sat down in the seat that was meant for Jenny.

Jenny didn’t notice where Diane had sat down, because all of the other children were arriving. Jenny was too busy welcoming the rest of her classmates. One by one, the children put the presents on the table. Peering over at Diane, they walked around whispering amongst themselves. “Who does she think she is? First she tries to get us to go to her party instead of this party. Then she shows up here, and sits in Jenny’s chair.” Finally, Jenny’s mother walked outside with the birthday candles to put on the cake. Everyone, other than Jenny, sat down. The only seat left empty was the one furthest from the birthday cake. And Diane was sitting by the birthday cake! Then, Jenny’s mother politely asked Diane, “Could you please sit in another seat? This seat belongs to my daughter, the birthday girl.” So Diane stood up out of the seat, near the cake, and walked over to the only empty seat left at the table. Since everyone had taken their seats after Diane tried to take the best seat, she had to sit in the seat furthest away from the cake. If she had been humble, and didn’t sit at the head of the table at the start, she might have gotten to sit closer to the cake. Now she was furthest away from the cake. In the end, Diane got the last piece of cake, even though she thought she would take the first piece of cake.



If you think nothing is wrong with you, don’t go around telling people what is wrong with them. Because no one person is perfect, other than Jesus. You are not perfect, so don’t fuss about what is wrong with everyone else unless you want to fuss about what is wrong with you too.

Luke 6:42 How can you think of saying to him, ‘Brother, let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the board in yours? WRITING Tell the children to make a list of everyone’s name in the room. Next to each person’s name, write down something they like about that person. Tell them to remember, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”


What It Means To Follow Jesus

JESUS’ TEACHINGS FOR KIDS workbook with answer key

by Alecia B. Gardner

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What It Means To Follow Jesus



“Birthday Party” and

“Don‘t Criticize Others If You Can‘t Take Criticism”

from book, inside pamphlet Based on the books of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, comes a simple book to help children understand the teachings of Jesus book consists of 2 main parts Part 1- Parable Lessons children’s stories illustrating parables Part 2- Jesus’ Teachings things Jesus said, made simple.
