What do you like best about Sound of Music Festival?


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What do you like best about

Sound of Music Festival?

“The amount of people by the lake. The entire atmosphere is great, I wish there were more events of this size held in Burlington. Also the free concerts.”

I love the music of course!!! And the great atmosphere of celebration and a good time had by everyone. Burlington is a great city with great people.

“I like the volunteers the most because there all very nice. It’s a great thing...if it wasn’t for everyone that's helping out, Sound of Music probably would never happen...”

“It was such a well organized event! I love the whole thing. It was my first time being a new resident of the area, I will be attending again next year for sure.”

“the sound of music and the babes”

“I love what it brings to Burlington and the downtown area. It is a great weekend for the City of Burlington and it's residents. I live downtown and look forward to this event every year and so do my teenagers who went with their friends at least 3 times.”

“I love that it's in Burlington first of all, we have this festival to be proud of. Also, I like that it's free because who doesn't like free music?”

“I absolutely loved the energy and the feel of the whole festival! Very up beat, and the music sounded great! amazing equipment.”

“The parade was very good. The amount of marching bands in the parade was terrific. A wonderful assortment of bands (both local and international).”

“Love seeing the downtown being used to it's full potential, great for tourism and local business.”

“The location is great and all of the organizers involved were very friendly. There was a huge variety of bands which is perfect for music lovers like myself.”

“I liked that there were many stages with bands at once... The bands on the street were great too - amazing energy when you're just walking around!”

“I love how everybody is always so happy! And all the vendors are really nice with a great attitude, and of course the amazing music! You guys always pick amazing bands to play!”

“I really liked the gentlemen playing guitar at the Kid's Zone on Sunday. He was really funny and great with the kids! My niece and nephew had a blast. I was really proud of Burlington...”

“...getting together with friends for a night of great music and fun without breaking the bank.”

“Get to hear great music for free and see not only up and coming bands but well known ones too in my home town.”

“Love the vibe that it brings to Burlington.”

“You're getting some great acts in keep it up. Love that you sort the waste and provide water fountains.”

“Excellent organization and monitoring. Very, Very professionally presented. Also was down at the park during the week and was proud of our city that we could have such a large event totally organized during

set up. Congratulations to all who worked hard and to

the volunteers!”
