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REVIEW: The Colonists Establish Democratic Institutions

Virginia House of Burgesses (1619)

• First colonial lawmaking body

• Right to vote: only for white male landowners

Mayflower Compact (1620)

• Pilgrims agree to pass and obey just laws

• Direct democracy

New England Town Meetings (1630s)

• Passed local ordinances

• Town representatives elected

• Direct democracy

Causes of the American Revolution

I. Causes of the American Revolution

A. Salutary neglect 1. A “healthy

ignorance” of the colonists

2. No colonial taxes were collected by British

3. British were preoccupied with the French during the Seven Years’ War

How did the French and Indian War begin the move toward independence?

II. Effects of the French and Indian WarColonists

• Gained self-confidence and military experience

• Saw the need for the colonial unity

• Danger from French and Indian attacks removed

Britain• Stopped salutary neglect

• Believed colonists didn’t do enough to win the war

• Colonists benefited greatly from the war

• Colonists should help pay for the costs of the war

How did the colonies react to British attitudes during the French and Indian War?



1. Proposal for the 13 colonies to unite during as they prepared for war

2. Offered by Benjamin Franklin

3. Plan rejected by Parliament and colonies it threatened power of individual colonies

How did economic concerns impact the British relationship with the colonies?

IV. Economic Causes

A. Debt run up during French and Indian War caused Britain to place new economic controls on the colonies

How did economic concerns impact the British relationship with the colonies?

B. Navigation Acts1. All colonial goods

must be transported only on British and/or colonial ships

2. Certain goods could be sent to Britain only

3. Import only British goods and pay duties (taxes) on them

Burning of the Gaspee (1772)Symbol of American discontent with

Navigation Acts

How did economic concerns impact the British relationship with the colonies?

C. New Taxes

1. Sugar Act (1764): Duty on import of sugar

2. Stamp Act (1765)

• 1st internal tax (tax on goods produced within the colonies)

• Placed on printed materials and paper

3. Townshend Acts (1767): Import tax placed on glass, paper, and tea

How did economic concerns impact the British relationship with the colonies?

D. All taxes placed on colonies without their consent

1. Colonists began to protest "No Taxation Without Representation!“

2. Formed resistance groups to counter the British

• Sons of Liberty: A secret society formed to protect the rights of the colonists and to fight taxation by the British government responsible for organizing Boston Tea Party (1773)

• Committees of Correspondence: “Shadow governments” in colonies that organized responses to British and shared information of plans with each other

How did economic concerns impact the British relationship with the colonies?

3. Tarred and feathered stamp collectors

4. Disobeyed the King

How did economic concerns impact the political relationship with the British?

V. Political CausesA. Admiralty Courts:

Colonists denied trial by jury

B. Lack of representation in Parliament

C. Proclamation of 1763: Limited colonial settlement beyond the Appalachian Mountains in order to avoid conflicts with the French and Native Americans

D. Intolerable Acts (1774)• Closed Boston Harbor

• Ended self government

• Led to quartering of troops

• British officials to be tried in Britain

How did economic concerns impact the political relationship with the British?

D. Intolerable Acts (1774)

• Closed Boston Harbor

• Ended self government

• Led to quartering of troops

• British officials to be tried in Britain

How did American colonial society react to British actions?

VI. Social Causes

A. Quartering Act of 1765: Colonial families were required to provide room and board to British soldiers

B. Misunderstanding of lifestyles

1. Colonists didn’t understand British point of view

2. King George III saw the colonists as ungrateful and disloyal

C. Non-British citizens hostile to Britain

How did American colonial society react to British actions?

D. “The Rights of Englishmen”:Colonists believed they had same rights as the people in England

Believed in taxation only with representation

Rejected “virtual representation”, or the idea that Parliament represented the colonists though they weren’t in England

Argued only colonial legislatures had power to raise taxes in America

Accepted Parliament’s authority to regulate trade

Common Sense (1776)Thomas Paine’s pamphlet arguing for

the movement toward declaring independence from the British
