What I want


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What I want

(idea for a Pecha Kucha which never happened) Presentation

Zayera Khan, 15 september 2009

Slide 1: Generating Ideas Everyone have ideas Some have less ideas Some have many ideas A few have crazy ideas

What do we do with all these ideas?

Slide 2: Wasted Ideas Most ideas are wasted Disapper in someones mind, thoughts A few are discussed with other people Most ideas are killed, due to lack of time,

engagement, motivation, interest, economical resources, know-how, technical feasability, etc.

An important factor is TIMING!

Slide 3: Timing Timing can realize ideas in ways unforseen. Imagination presented for an audience with

potential interest and realization capacity. Meetings and selling ideas, when ideas are


Where are ideas perceptible?

Slide 4: Location Sell and presenting ideas in a meeting Informally for family and friends At a party Networking with business people Targeted meeting to gain response and

sponsors Venture-capitalists Apply for state fundings

How much time are you willing to put into this?

Slide 5: Energy

Energy = ectropy vs. entropy How much energy I put into something vs.

what do I gain from this? Is it of monetary value? Social credibility and humanitarian beliefs? Doing Good for the sake of Goodness? Power, reputation, acknowledgement?

What makes you tick? Who would you help and why?

Slide 6: Helping for free

That is also called volunteering Or communism Perhaps just sharing and caring

The power of thoughts or is it ideas?!

Slide 7: Society Does our society enable ideas to survive? I dare say ”NO” Why? Look around……how many ideas do you

see walking around, communicating themselves?

Science-fiction here I come!

Slide 8: Science Fiction Fantacy Imagine…a world where everyone was a walking idea. Every idea was visual and easy to access. Every idea was represented by a creature who

believed in it with it’s whole being and entity. Ideas could be exchanged and gain support. Ideas were carried forward and manifested into

realization. Ideas were celebrated and gained popularity. This whole world lived and breathed ideas in an


That’s how the story goes…

Slide 9: Imagine Visualize (picture here)

Imagine the same for our world!

Slide 10: Popularity How to gain popularity with ideas? Politics? Is intelligence a requirement? Where do stupid ideas end up? Is anyone keeping track of ideas?

In our modern lives In any present society Past beliefs which challenged how life was once

lived and perceived are nowadays called “innovations” and milestones in history.

Animal ideas?

Slide 11: Animals Do animal have ideas (not thoughts)? How do we perceive that? Have we seen any animal innovations or


Actually YES!(elaborate)

Slide 12: What next… Idea creation Sure anyone can create ideas But what to do with these ideas? Wasted time, wasted energy, why?

I propose a utilization of ideas and energy.A tool for idea search, creation, collaboration,

support, aid and implementation.

Slide 13: Idea tool How does it function? Search & find?

Identify if the idea already exists and has an owner, if so join forces.

If a novel idea, describe in simple words: What is the idea? Who is it for? Who will benefit from it or use it? Why? Where?

Archive of ideas, for utilization on a non-profit basis. If commercial use is commenced, appropriate

business model for ”ownership and creation rights”.

Slide 14: Spread ideas Teach idea creation and implementation on

elementary level. In school, universities Encourage societies to utilize the creativeness

of individuals – for everyones benefit.

Slide 15: Business models Business models based on co-creation, and

sharing revenue based on time, effort and energy spent.

Ownership Creation rights Production and implementation rights Manufacturing development (via 3rd party


Slide 16: Start a movement Ideas feedback culture Exchange ideas Ideas for fun and pleasure

Slide 17: What are you ideas? I bet you got several ideas just watching this

presentation. Now start sharing your ideas. Take a step forward into the realm of idea


Slide 18: Small ideas = Big ideas Honestly, it does not matter how small or big

your idea may be It does not matter how ”wacko” it sounds As long as you are willing to share it and work

on it. Or find someone who wants to adopt your


Slide 19: We like ideas We believe in ideas Humans without ideas would not be here You would not be sitting here and listening to


Slide 20: Next steps Business plan for a start-up company Business plan for non-profit organization

Thank you for your attention!Questions?

Zayera Khanzayera.khan@gmail.com
