What if It All Goes RIGHT? with Mindy Audlin [Episode 40] Wired for Success TV



The effervescent Mindy Audlin is the master of focussing on the possibilities of Success. She is the founder of the 'What If UP? Club', and author of 'What If It All Goes Right?. She is also an in demand Speaker and facilitates Mastermind Retreats. Expert in integrating the 'What If UP?' philosophy into your life, Mindy supports you and encourages you to question your thought processes and if they are unhelpful to you, assists you in recalibrating to create visions of how your life would be - if things really did turn out well. Mindy is a brilliant facilitator, and whether you are part of a business, other small group or an individual, she is happy to work with you.So if you are keen to access more creative and innovative potential to fast track your life in any direction, the dynamic Mindy can help you to recognise where you are stuck, and spring clean the corners of your mind where your vast potential has been patiently waiting for this moment...

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~ Wired for Success TV ~Mastering the 7 Areas of Life


Presented by

Melanie Gabriel & Beryl Thomas

[Episode 40]

What If It All Goes Right?

With Mindy Audlin

What If It All Goes RIGHT with Mindy Audlin [Episode 40]

Wired for Success TV

Melanie: So, hello and welcome to another episode of http://www.wiredforsuccess.tvI am Mel Gabriel and with me is my co-host, Beryl Thomas. Say hello, Beryl.

Beryl: Hello everyone.

Melanie: Now, remembering who you really are is what Wired for Success aims to help you with. And that means, not the you that other people think you ought to be, not the you that has to try and fit in but the you that has a yearning to go against the grind to maybe shock and surprise those around you with what you really want to do. But maybe you have been held back from expressing that powerful part of you because those around you and the voices in your head saying, “But what if, what if it all goes wrong? What if the sky falls down? But what if it doesn’t?”

Well, if that rings any bells for you, if you feel as though there is someone inside of you, something trying to get out and play bigger then you are in perfect company. As our guest today is on a mission to encourage more of us to do just that.

Animated and energetic, she intends to paint the picture of what we need to do to invert our thinking and what we need to do to ask profound and empowering questions that expand possibilities and inspire innovation in all parts of our lives. She is an in demand speaker and coach as well as running workshops, online learning, and retreats. Her book, What If It All Goes Right is cornerstone of her work. And today, she’s going to share with us how she has turned what if upping into a verb and a way of life for many people.

So welcome, Mindy. It’s such a pleasure to have you with us today.

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Mindy: Thank you so much. I’m delighted to be here.

Melanie: Now Mindy, it looks as though this what if upping has turned into quite a movement.

Mindy: Yes.

Melanie: So, can you start by telling us how this all began? How did you start posing such a powerful question?

Mindy: Well, I actually – I started out just doing it for myself. I was an entrepreneur and traveling around the country speaking and I worked out of my basement. So when I was in my office, I was there by myself in this dank basement and it can be very isolating as an entrepreneur. So I found this wonderful group of women who became my mastermind partners. And this was an idea that came from that group. We were studying the Law of Attraction and we started playing this what if game as a way to stay positive and upbeat as we were trying to pull together a business and going through all the challenges of a business.

And at the time, I was speaking a lot to college students. So I would go and I thought, I bet the students would enjoy this as well. And I would use it just to lift the energy. But I found that what would happen is weeks later or months later, I get these emails from my students and they would say, “That little exercise we did with the what if, all the things that I put out there that I wanted, all of them have happened.” And it was fun and I did it for a while and then I went on to other things and kind of forgot about it until the movie, The Secret came out.

And at that time, I lived in a little town, I led a church there and one of my friends is Joe Vitale who was in The Secret, we did a premier of that movie together. And that led to a workshop and what if up came out again. And that’s really the beginning of the movement is this is a concept that takes a lot of these theoretical principles and gives you something really simple, really easy that anyone can do anytime to turn your energy around so that when you’re feeling those what if downs like you were saying, what if I can’t do it or what if I’m not the right person or what if someone else could do this better than me, and all those things that we think that keep us from really remembering who we are.

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If we can turn those what if’s around, if we can stop what if downing into what if it doesn’t work and instead, what if up into what if it does, that little shift can make such a tremendous difference in terms of the results that we’re able to see in our lives. So that’s where it began in terms of pulling together community. And now, we’ve got people all over the world like you who are – I’m here in Texas and there you are and we’ve got people all over the world who are taking this concept and it’s kind of memorable to what if up. All I have to do when I’m feeling off is to what if up, create some possibilities for a different way of being. And it’s caught on.

Beryl: Your energy is very infectious, Mindy. And I’m wondering if you were like this before or if this is what, what if upping has done.

Mindy: I tell you, I don’t remember. I think I’ve always been somewhat optimistic but I can tell you that the more I what if up, the more access I have to my imagination. I can what if up anything. You can give me a business idea or a personal challenge or whatever it is and I can find possibility just about anywhere.

And it’s funny because I used to have people that would work with me and they thought, she must be compensating for some pretty dark stuff to have to pretend to be that happy all the time. And I had those people come to me years later after doing this and being a part of what if up group and they said, “You know what? I just realized I’m one of the happy people now.” And other people think I have issues that I’m trying to hide. But really, it’s just – it causes us to think differently and when you think differently, the natural result of that is you tap into the joy that is the core and source of who you are.

Melanie: It sounds as though it really brings people into that place where they can’t take themselves too seriously.

Mindy: Well, all those thoughts that say, what if I can, what if it doesn’t work, and what if I don’t have the money, and all those limiting thoughts, when you say, “OK. For the next two minutes, I’m going to set all those negative thoughts aside and all I’m going to do is consider another possibility. Consider the possibility that what if I have all the resources I need and what if I’m the perfect person to do this.”

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And even if you spend 30 seconds, 60 seconds exploring another possibility, it shifts the way we feel about ourselves and it shifts that sense of, “You know what? That’s just as plausible as the other.” It’s like we’re making all of it up. So I can make up a negative scenario. I can make up a positive scenario, which one feels better? Well, I think I’ll focus on the one that feels better. It’s sort of a natural way to put ourselves on a more positive path.

Beryl: I was going to say, you are emitting this energy. I can feel it over here across the continent. I can feel it, Mindy. So like attracts like would you say?

Mindy: Absolutely.

Beryl: So we’re going to work with Law of Attraction here which we’ll come and talk about in a minute I hope but what I’m thinking is see, what I find in my life is I’ve had to kind of move away from some people because when I go into my what if up, and I do get excited by my dreams, don’t I Melanie? I can get very excited.

Melanie: Very.

Beryl: But also, I can feel that I’m pulled down by people around me and maybe this is a bit of an English thing and I can say that because I’m English. I can pick up on their energy and that can start a horrible train of thought in my mind that makes me start to doubt my ideas and my excitement starts to come down and my energy levels go and I start questioning, maybe they are right, maybe I shouldn’t be doing this.

So I’m asking you really, how do you manage this? How do you advise people to manage this when the people in your life start to kind of get their tentacles into you and you allow them because it’s us that do it just because we’re the powerful ones, allow them to gently kind of quite shred your ideas to pieces?

Mindy: In the most loving way, right? Because they are looking out for you.

Beryl: They mean well, I know.

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Mindy: They don’t want you to dream so big. You might not make that dream happen and then you’d be crushed and they have to prevent that from happening.

Melanie: You may hurt yourself if you dream too big, yeah.

Mindy: Absolutely. Well, the first thing is always awareness. So there’s – obviously, there is an awareness that you have an energy and a passion for something that when you’re around certain people that that energy and passion get squashed a little bit. So you begin with that awareness and then if we were to what if up that, we could say, well what if you could find the power within yourself to be able to be around anybody and not have their energy impact you? What if you could be so solid in your own vision that it didn’t matter what anybody said that you knew what was yours to do? What if you trusted in your wisdom to that degree?

So when you use what if’s, like OK. Well now, I can go. I don’t have to ostracize myself from those people because sometimes that’s not an option. Or you could say, “What if I do? What if I just decide, I’m going to put myself in an environment with different people? I’m going to move to England and be around a whole new group of people and I’m going to find people like you to hang out with.”

So there’s lots of ways to do it. There are infinite, infinite solutions to the problems we have but it just requires us to think, what could that be? What would that look like? What if I move to the other – across the world and meet new people? Well, some people would get excited by that and say, “Yeah, that’s what I’m going to do.” I’ve done that before. I’ve moved across the country to start something new. But some people will say, “That doesn’t feel right. That’s not what I want to do.” Well then, you keep what if-ing. What if it doesn’t matter who I’m with that I can be solid in who I am and not have their energy impact me?

So as you hold that thought, the energy, you feel how the energy shifts just in holding that thought. So that’s the process. Great example of how it works. So that’s exactly how it works.

Beryl: What’s going on, on a neurological level as you continue this work, Mindy?

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Mindy: Well, you talked about, are you always like this? On a neurological level, we’re all wired. By the time, we’re four, five years old, we’ve got that – all those neuro connections that tell us how the world works and what’s realistic and what we can do and what we can’t do and that’s all wired. And the wonderful thing is, it’s not permanent that through neuroplasticity, we can rewire the brain but we don’t do it by accident because it’s so unconscious.

So the only way to create a shift if we notice that we’re creating the same patterns over and over, the same relationship, the same job, the same dysfunction shows up over and over and over again. Eventually, we got to say, hey, what’s going on in here that I can shift? So the awareness is what allows us. There’s this little neuro connection here that says every time an opportunity comes up, I say, “Well, what if I’m not the right person? What if I’m not qualified? What if whatever?” That’s a neuro connection, that’s something that’s learned.

And so if we notice like, “Whoa! I just did that,” that gives us a chance to break that connection and then say, “Well, what if I am the right person?” Suddenly, we start making new neuro connections. And the more you make those new connections, the stronger those connections get so that what happens when you do this over time is you get to where when a problem comes up, pretty instantly, you can navigate your mind to where is the possibility in this? What’s the good that can come out of this? And you end having happy people which is kind of a nice thing. I think that’s who we are. That’s what we’re meant to be.

Melanie: Yeah. I’m just reflecting on the opposite and I can see how it would work, I suppose. I’m reflecting on the opposite situation that Beryl described where I’m thinking of someone who literally wallows in being miserable and to discover that she was happy and there was no reason to be happy was very distressing for her. So this could be very interesting game to play with her.

Mindy: Absolutely. Well, it’s funny. It’s like OK, you could choose to feel happy, you can choose thoughts that lead to happiness or you can choose thoughts that lead you to feeling miserable. And it’s just a choice and there is no right or wrong. I mean if you really enjoy the miserable because it’s comfortable, and some people, maybe I want to have a drama moment.

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Maybe that’s going to make me feel better to allow that drama moment. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

But what happens is once people can realize that being happy is a possibility, and they can learn how to navigate themselves to that possibility, it’s really hard to go choose miserable for very long when you know how to get yourself to happy.

Beryl: Yeah. I was just going to say it was happy. I’m just reading a book by Seth Godin called The Icarus Deception. And I just came across a chapter a couple of days ago that made me think about you and what you do because he references something called the worst case scenario generator. That we have this mechanism and he says it’s from the lizard brain. It’s that reptilian brain that wants to keep us safe. He’s saying, but in doing that, in trying to keep us safe as it were, is actually disabling us. It’s keeping us from creating the success that we really are all wired to be.

And I thought it was interesting because of course, as you reference, lots of entrepreneurs and he is an entrepreneur of course, lots of entrepreneurs get – they have the passion and I know I’m one of those, have passion but I could let those little demon voices, sometimes they’re my own, sometimes they’re other people’s, come in and just cut me off at the knees and then you go through this thing where you said, “OK. Well, that was a bad idea. I’ll do something else.” And you get all excited and upbeat and then the little voices go and you’re cut off at the knees again or this time, at the thighs. And gradually, you just feel like disabled literally by these negative emotions.

So what I’m hearing from you is and probably I’m sensing and I think for me, I would need to be in a kind of a group of people and I think that’s what you run is a group so you can support each other. Tell us a little bit about the workshops and the retreats that you run to help people, Mindy

Mindy: Well, I think what you talked about worst case scenarios that people say, is it ever OK to what if down? Is there ever a time when what if downing is the appropriate thing to do? And to me it’s like if that’s what’s real, if that’s what’s really in your head, there’s no point saying, that’s not in my head, not in my head when it’s really in your head.

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So when people have those worst case scenarios and we all do. I mean I was – motherhood brought out the warrior in me like I could not believe I would have thought. I’m like, “Where did that thought come from?” But I could be aware of it. So I always say, if the worst case scenario is real, then why not what if up that idea? So you identify the thought.

So my worst case scenario is what if my business fails and I lose all my money? Well, what if it does? What if the business fails, I lose all my money? What if I’m stronger because of it? What if I have more to give because of what I learned through that? If I can what if up the worst thing that could happen, it helps me be at peace with the decisions I’m making so that now, I can access that higher part of the brain that says, “OK. Well now, let’s see what if this really does succeed?” And take it to the other level.

That if we just try to say, “Lizard brain, you’re not there. You’re not there.” It is there.

Beryl: That’s really good.

Mindy: And so, we’re not pretending but it’s being real with what’s there and then shifting the fear around it. If you can shift the emotion that’s with that thought then you open yourself up. Now, that’s easier said than done and that’s where it’s nice to have a group because with our what if up groups, it’s basically like a mastermind group. And you say, “How do you find these people that can support you?”

We created such a structured event that even for people that are typical what if downers, in this structure, there is no room for that because it’s like, “OK. For two and a half minutes, we’re going to what if up and there’s no what if down ideas at all in this two and a half minutes.” And so, it gives us – even if you’ve got the most negative people, if they can’t think of a positive idea, it’s just quiet. So it’s quiet until someone can think of something positive to say. And with practice, people get really good at supporting and they learn how it feels to be able to give and receive that support and that’s just part of learning anyway of being.

Melanie: So you’re saying at the start of a workshop, you kicked it off with this what if upping. And so, what you’re doing, you’re picking up on a typical doubt that they might have or is it just freewheeling?

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Mindy: It depends on who I’m working with. I worked with a group of school teachers once and the first thing we did was we were talking about their vision for the school year. And so, the first thing we did is we had them just write down all the things that you don’t want to have happen again. I can see, “I don’t want the kids to be late. I don’t want them interrupting me. I don’t want this, that, and the other.”

We started with the “don’t wants” and then from there we said, “OK. Well, what are the things now that you can see what you don’t want, what is it that you do want?” Because sometimes the “don’t wants” are easier to see than the “do wants”. But some people don’t need that. But some people, it’s just, what do you want, what is your goal, what is your intention, if you’ve got a problem, use that problem to say, what do I want as the resolution of this problem? But you focus on what you want and then through the mastermind, you give that to the group and the group shares ideas.

Melanie: So it’s the group saying, you come up with your downers and they come up with uppers, right?

Mindy: I try to like we don’t need the downers at all. Sometimes they pop in there anyway. I have to remind people like it’s always up, always up, up, up ideas. And it’s amazing the energy you can create in a room when there are no down ideas when everything is possible. And it doesn’t have to be realistic. Sometimes when people get stuck for ideas, we threw out something kind of ridiculous but those crazy ideas sometimes really open the door to a whole new way of seeing things. So it’s fun. It’s very fun.

Melanie: The thought just crossed my mind. This sounds like a really good energizer when you have a long weekend workshops and in the afternoon, it sounds like an energizer.

Mindy: Absolutely. I speak in a lot of conferences where we do this first so we set the tone for the conference by saying, what did you come here to get and what if you get that and more? What if you make the right connections and what if you learn that one thing that totally changes your life? So it’s a great way to kick off a conference or a workshop.

I’ve also used it with boards, boards of directors and they’ll start off a meeting by doing a little what if up for a couple of minutes on what if in the

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organization, gets the energy lined up. Anytime you can get the energy lined up then anything that comes afterwards is going to be more productive.

So, I’ve done conference calls where we kick off with a little what if up session. Coaching sessions where we just do a minute or so of what if upping to get the energy lined up. And then once you get that creativity flowing, it’s amazing how it’s more resourceful people become to be able to see solutions to challenges.

Beryl: And also, by airing your fears actually, it takes a lot of the energy out of them, doesn’t it?

Mindy: It does. If you can say, “Hey, I’m afraid that this will happen and what I want is that ...” To be able to speak to the fear and say, what if that fear is serving you in some way? What if you didn’t have to resist that fear? What if you can move into it and find the gift in it and what if in moving through it, you’re able to get to that other side? So it really – there is nothing that you can put in front of you that you can’t what if up to the other side of it.

Beryl: You’re right, you’re right, you’re right. I had a health problem a while back and I was working with somebody and I said, “I don’t really want to investigate this health problem because it might turn out to be a brain tumor and I might die.” And he said, “OK. Well, let’s explore that then. What if you die?” And I said, “What?”

Mindy: Worst case scenario.

Beryl: Yeah. And then we got on to a whole spiritual discussion. It was fascinating. And yeah, it’s very interesting. If you dare to go into your fears, you see that they are just an illusion, aren’t they? They’re just a story that you’re making up in your head.

Mindy: It is.

Beryl: And there’s just no substance to them really.

Mindy: You can bring light to anything. It only takes one little idea to bring light into a dark place. And what if is like the key that lets you go there.

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Beryl: Yeah.

Mindy: Yeah.

Melanie: So, is there a training for practitioners for this?

Mindy: Coming soon.

Melanie: It seems such a natural thing. I’m wondering, how would you train people to do this?

Mindy: There are few things that are helpful to know and I have worked – I have done facilitator trainings and things like that. Most of it is pretty easy though. And in the book, I give like here is the instructions on how to do it with a group. So if you want to just like have – I’ve had people say, “I want to have a dinner party and bring over four or five friends and we’re going to do this together.” It says, here’s what you do, here’s all the rules. Here’s how you set it up. So that’s actually in the book.

And I also have some resources on the website and more of them are coming soon to allow people to learn some of the things to look out for when you’re facilitating. It’s interesting. There’s only a few things that show up time after time and it tells me so much about people. It’s amazing how much you can learn about someone by how they what if up in a circle.

If you have a hard time receiving then these are the people who will just spend the whole time saying, “Here’s what I want. Here’s what I want.” And they don’t give any time for anyone to share ideas. That’s one of the biggest things. People get into their story or their background or whatever and they don’t give people an opportunity to give to them.

So it’s one of the things that shows up is how do you get to that heart of what you want. People that have a hard time asking for things get challenged by it. People who are typical what if downers will get stuck when they’re trying to have a positive idea like they may have a million negative ideas but it makes really clear that their brain hasn’t yet made that jump to the other side. So it really is telling and people will have amazing insights just moving around the circle doing this simple brainstorming activity.

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Melanie: So the book addresses all that, doesn’t it?

Mindy: The book does give you the instruction on here’s all the rules, here’s how you set it up. I usually do two and a half minutes per person. So it does give you the basics of it. So anybody could get the book and invite some friends over and …

Melanie: And play.

Mindy: … and play. I also have a DVD that is me facilitating because I’ve had people say, “I don’t want to tell my friends the rules. I’ve read that one. Here are the rules for me.” So I’ve made a DVD that’s basically, you can plug it in and I tell your friends the rules.

Beryl: That’s a good plan. That’s a good plan.

Melanie: Is that DVD on your site?

Mindy: It is …

Melanie: Or it’s not widely available?

Mindy: If you contact me, right now, we’re actually doing a reprinting of it so if you go to my website and contact me, I can get it to you.

Melanie: OK. OK. It sounds absolutely amazing. I can’t wait to play it.

Beryl: I feel uplifted already just listening to you without even having read the book. I feel – you have such a vibrant positive energy. Yeah. I’m just thinking, do you ever have – this kind of a personal question, but do any of your friends every say to you, “Can you just stop that Mindy?”

Mindy: I need you to come down a little bit. I do that with my 5-year-old sometimes.

Beryl: Or your husband.

Mindy: My daughter is like that happy – I mean I think I’m pretty happy. My daughter is five years old. She’s like this joy beam and she goes around the house singing and I was like, bring it down. But you know what I

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realized whenever I’m having these moments, I’m like, can you just bring down the happy a little bit? It’s like that tells me is that she’s in a place where I’m not and if you’re not at that place, those happy people can be so annoying. And it’s like I know she’s beautiful, she’s singing and she’s a little lark, I’m sure I’m that way to a lot of people too. Like can you just bring down the happy just a little bit?

So – and then when I have those thoughts and as a parent, I can say, “Hey, tone it down a little bit.” But whenever I catch myself saying that, I’m like, “You know what? I’m bringing her down when really I could have her lift me up.” What do you want to choose? Do I want to have people that are sober and serious all the time or do I want to be around people that can lift me up to a higher level even when I’m maybe don’t feel exactly like being there?

So I can tone it down a little bit but I don’t want to. It’s so fun.

Beryl: So I’m thinking, a great tool in business, you hinted that you work with businesses in the boardroom but a great tool for brainstorming, for coming up with new ideas and finding out what’s feasible around that, you do that kind of work too?

Mindy: Yeah. It’s really exciting because right now, where we are in history, people are more innovative than ever. They’re more collaborative than ever and yet, with the corporate structure, there’s still a lot of silos. There is a lot of, “I’ve got this department and then that department and nobody ever talks to each other.”

So, it’s a really great process to be able to say, “OK. Let’s bring your salesperson in with a marketing person and bring them in with an operations person and put out an objective and what if up some ideas because when you have some diversity there, it’s like I’m going to give you ideas from this perspective but I might not have thought of it from that perspective.”

So you really get some new possibilities that can bring some energy to the organization. It creates kind of a cultural shift for people to start looking for ways to innovate and that’s a challenge. Well great. How can we use that? How can we make something better because of that challenge? You get people trained in that thought process.

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So yeah, it’s great in corporate. It’s great with entrepreneurs. I do a lot of networking groups. I work with a lot of people that are in job transition because that’s such a challenging place to be. When your economic stability kind of disappears, what if it all goes right? That’s not an easy question to ask when you’re really in a fearful place.

So it really doesn’t matter where you are with the organization is. It’s a great way to bring people together to collaborate.

Beryl: So what I’m hearing is, at Wired for Success, we believe that how you do one thing is how you do everything. And I just heard you say there a moment ago about your training your mind to think a certain way. And so, this is something – what I’m sensing is – and people probably coming through a different portals to you for different reasons they’ll come to you but I imagine that there’s a ripple effect once they start thinking in this way and they’ve addressed whatever an issue is they wanted to work with you about Mindy then they can’t help but be that way in other areas of their life.

Mindy: Yes, yes. Yeah. I primarily focused in the beginning as a spiritual leader. And I was focused on personal development, what’s going on in your life and how do you reconnect with who you are. And people would come in and have that experience and say, “Oh, this would be great.” I had a woman who was a nurse and she said, “Oh, nursing is so challenging because you see such heartbreak.” And she said, “It would be great for the nurses to get together and be able to support each other this way.”

And then someone say – I had someone who is launching a health and wellness program and they say, “This will be a great thing to help people vision a new body for themselves and ways to reach their exercise goals.” And so, we’re about to launch a health and wellness program. So, it has lots of applications.

Melanie: Yeah. I was going to ask you that because have you thought of packaging it into programs that people tend to be focused on? OK. They tend to be focused on the symptom like getting fit and getting rich and …

Mindy: Yes. The prosperity and the wellness and all the – and the relationship, yeah, that is something that I will probably be rolling out in the

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next year or so is online courses in terms of maybe [crosstalk] [0:29:06] mastermind.

Melanie: I expect it to be an interactive, yeah.

Mindy: Yes, yes.

Beryl: Oh, we’ll sign up.

Mindy: Yay!

Melanie: Definitely. So there’s a thought crossing my mind because my brain is going off in all directions about ways in which this could be used and we just touched on one thing I was going to ask about. So I’m just thinking about I can see how you’re doing it one-on-one around the boardroom table in a group of people but I’m thinking, what about large crowds like where you have a thousand people?

[Crosstalk] [0:29:40]

Melanie: How do you adjust it for that?

Mindy: When I have a really large group, it depends on the environment. So if I have a room where people can move their chairs around a little bit, I just put them in smaller groups. So going into a group of six or group of seven so there’s really no limit in terms of how many people can do this as long as there is space for people to move into circles. So I did it with hundreds of people. I haven’t done thousands but that would be kind of interesting too.

But with hundreds of people, it’s the same process because the only thing is we have to make sure that the numbers are pretty much the same because it’s timed. You have two and a half minutes and the next person has two and a half minutes. I’ve also done it just as a keynote where we just bring a volunteer to the front and I might bring up a volunteer or two and then let people see how the process works and then let them use it in their own breakout sessions. So it can work a couple of different ways.

Melanie: So you demo it and then they can do it on their own sessions.

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Mindy: Exactly. And once you see how it works, it’s kind of like, “Oh, that’s easy.” And then the more you do it, the easier it gets.

Beryl: So each person in that two minutes or so that they’re sharing, they have to think of some challenge in their life or something they would like to change or some problem.

Mindy: Absolutely.

Melanie: Or maybe their challenge, yeah.

Mindy: Yeah. So I might say – I get people that want to start a business or they want to write a book or they want to – I actually have a what if up baby. There was a baby that was – I want to have a child and they what if up having a baby and next thing I know it’s like, here’s the what if up baby.

There is literally a what if up baby. So it really doesn’t matter what it is that you want or if it’s a challenge. You put it out there to the group and the key is – and there are different rules. One of the rules is to not tell your story. So I don’t need to hear how long you’ve wanted it, all the things you tried that didn’t work and all that stuff. So we leave all that out and just get to the core of what do you want? You give enough background so people can brainstorm but really, what is the core of what you wanted. That’s hard for some people. Sometimes, that’s the hardest part.

Then once they get to what they want, then for the rest of that two and a half minutes, the group including that person so you can what if up yourself, just shares, what if this and what if that and what if this and what if that. And like you said, like once you start doing this, the ideas just go because to me, imagination is a gift and when you line yourself up, it’s like you’re really tapping into a power that is unlimited.

And so, these ideas just go crazy and the challenge then is to bring it into your wisdom to be able to discern what’s next. That’s the biggest challenge with what if upping is that everyone sees application everywhere so I’ve got to focus on OK, what’s the next piece to bring it to? What is the next project to bring it to because I can’t do them all at once? What if I had a team so I could? So, one thing at a time. Yeah, I catch myself too. But it’s one step at a time. The wisdom guides you in that.

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Beryl: A really creative tool actually, isn’t it?

Mindy: Yes, it is. In fact, the shadow side of what if upping is that people can get so many ideas that it kind of overwhelms them and that’s why it’s really important and the energy is exciting because the ideas are flowing and it feels really good. The other piece of that is once you have these ideas to take it into a discerning place, to take it to your wisdom so that you can say, “OK. I’ve got these ideas. They’re all wonderful. They’re all exciting. What’s mine to do now? Where do I focus now?” And that’s the next step of it is to take the ideas and then create an action strategy from that.

Melanie: OK. So you can add other tools in to help them stay focus and follow through.

Mindy: Yes.

Beryl: It’s actually a spiritual practice I’m hearing.

Mindy: Yes. I believe it is. People don’t have to know that. Sometimes it’s a secret. Yeah, it’s my little secret. But really to me, it’s lining up your energy with who you are and who we are as creative beings made in the image and likeness of a creator that I think that’s our natural way of being. If we can get all those what if down thoughts out of our head, which like you said, that’s our lizard brain that’s trying to put us in the survival mode but it’s not the highest part of who we are.

So this is a great way to align and what’s nice is in spiritual circles, I can explain that. And if it’s not, in a corporate setting, I just let that be my little secret.

Beryl: Yeah, it’s just a language you use, yeah.

Mindy: Exactly, exactly.

Beryl: So, how would it be with somebody with illness? I’m thinking somebody with maybe something like a case of depression. How would you work with somebody like that, Mindy?

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Mindy: So the key is not that you have to get happy but if you can just get yourself feeling better. If you can find the thought that makes you feel better, it doesn’t have to be, what if I’m not depressed? Because someone who’s gone through depression knows that that is not an easy step to take, that’s not an easy leap. It’s a big leap to take. But if you could find what is the possibility that feels doable? And that’s the key is that the possibility is the thought. But the feeling that goes with the thought is the thing to discern from.

So if I think – if I’m in this place of darkness and depression and I think, well, what if I just get happy? My wisdom is going to say, that’s just not going to happen. It’s like that just doesn’t feel like it’s possible. But if I say, OK, now go back to the imagination. That didn’t feel right so let me kick out some more ideas. What if I just knew I could get through this day? What if I could just let this day be what it is and wake up tomorrow and start again?

And you just keep kicking out ideas until something bring some relief. And then you hold on to that one because if you can start the next day with that little bit of relief then you’re in a whole different place to create for the next day. So it’s not about taking huge steps. It’s about being real with where you are and then little step at a time.

Melanie: So when they get that little bit of relief, I mean is that enough for them to hold on to or maybe does one have to bring other tools in to help them hold on to that?

Mindy: The ideas happen – it’s in the moment. And wisdom discernment, it all happens in the moment. So it’s moment by moment by moment. And any moment when we find ourselves feeling angry or feeling frustrated or feeling depressed, that’s a feeling that exists only in the moment. And so, we can shift those feelings only in the moment.

So I may shift it and now I feel better and then I noticed that I sleep and I wake up and I’m right back where I was. So it’s another moment. So create from that moment. And the more you create from the moment, if you keep moving yourself a little bit up the scale of feeling a little bit better and a little bit better, you get to where you spend less time in the dark valleys and it’s easier to get to those mountain tops.

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Beryl: It’s just fascinating. Is there anything that we’ve not covered that you have a burning desire to share with us, Mindy?

Mindy: This has been so much fun. You two are just great to what if up with. So I have a lot of fun

Beryl: Let’s do it again.

Mindy: I think the introduction that you shared was just really great. It’s just all about remembering who you are and knowing that all the answers are within. I always tell people, we can’t – I can’t tell you what yours to do in your life. You can say, here’s my challenge, and all I can really give you is ideas. I mean that’s the gift that we have to give to each other. I can give you ideas and then let go and trust that the wisdom in you is going to know is that idea something I should take action with or not?

So when we’re coaching, it’s not saying, “Here, do XYZ.” It’s saying, “What if you try this? What if you do this? What if you do this?” And then letting you play with those ideas and take those ideas in and say, “OK. I like this idea. I’m going to take action on that one.” Then we focus in on that one and we what if up the obstacles that come up that inevitably do one step at a time.

So it’s really fun to share those with you and with you and this has been a great what if upping party, hasn’t it?

Beryl: It’s been wonderful. It’s been wonderful.

Melanie: The thought that comes to mind and I’m thinking, I’m going to have to play with this is I remember a mentor of mine years ago once said that the mark of a really good workshop or seminar is that the participants leave with more questions and they get all the answers they came for but they leave with far more questions than they have answers for. And I’m thinking, this could be a very interesting way to end a workshop or a seminar, leaving people with even more questions than they imagine exist.

Mindy: Yes, absolutely, absolutely.

Melanie: You obviously haven’t tried that yet.

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Mindy: When we do it, it’s kind of the whole thing. So, when I do a workshop, I’ll introduce the theory behind it and then we’ll do it and experience it so that people can see where all these processes tie in. So it’s sort of the alpha and the omega. We start with the end. We’re just what if upping all the time.

Melanie: Yeah.

Beryl: So Mindy, people want to work with you and want to find out more about what you do, how do they work with you? Share some of that with us.

Mindy: Well, the best place to go to contact me is my website which is whatifup.com. We also have a Facebook page, it’s Facebook.com/whatifup. And I do – every Monday, I do a what if for the week so you can subscribe to that from the website if you like to. We also have a really cool LinkedIn group. And if you got o LinkedIn and you search the groups for the What If Up Club, it’s a really rich discussion that’s going on there.

So if you have a challenge, we can what if up that. Sometimes, we’ll throw out, what’s your favorite what if or give us a what if for the day. And it’s amazing that the – it’s inspiring to hear the visions that people hold and how different everyone’s vision is how beautiful it is when all those visions come together.

Beryl: Sound great fun, Mindy. Wonderful. You are a delight to have around, Mindy.

Mindy: Thank you.

Beryl: It’s been …

Melanie: And infectious.

Beryl: Yeah, very infectious, very lovely. OK. So I just like to say thank you to everyone for tuning in to today’s episode of Wired for Success. We would just like to mention a couple of things before we wrap up. If you’re watching this on our site then please comment in the box below and Mindy will come along and do her what if up on any comments.

Mindy: I love it.

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Beryl: So thank you everyone for tuning in to today’s episode of Wired for Success TV. We just like to mention before we wrap up, if you are watching this on our site then please comment in the box below because Mindy has already said, she would love to come along and address your issues and again, ideas for new topics for Mindy. There’s so much we could work with.

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Lastly, wherever you’re listening to this episode from, if you haven’t done so already, please just shoot over to our main site http://www.wiredforsuccess.tv and join our newsletter for updates and content by adding your name and email.

If you head over there, there will be a transcript of this episode too. We reply to all comments and suggestions and we would love to hear from you. So thank you for tuning in. Remember to tune in for the next episode of Wired for Success where we help you to master the seven areas of life.

So from me Beryl and my co-host Melanie and from our interviewee Mindy, we bid you farewell and next time. So, if you would like to say good-bye.

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