What if you did not have clean water?. Daily Usage of Water Cleaning teeth2 litres Shower25 litres...


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What if you did not have clean water?

Daily Usage of Water

Cleaning teeth 2 litres

Shower 25 litres

Bath 90 litres

Toilet 9 litres

Drinking water 2 litres

Other ?

Did you know….?

One in five of the world’s population lacks access to clean, safe water. Three billion people

lack basic sanitation.

Water covers 70% of the planet’s surface. Only 2.5% of the

world’s water is fresh. More than two thirds of this is unavailable

for human use.



If all the earth's water fit in a gallon jug, available fresh water

would equal just over a tablespoon.

The world used twice as much water in 2000 than in 1960.

There are 6 billion of us in the world.

About 1.2 billion of us go without clean water near to


A person can live about a month without food, but only about a

week without water

Approximately 60 to 70% of the rural population in the

developing world have neither access to a safe and convenient

source of water nor a satisfactory means of waste disposal.

More than 200 million hours are spent each day by women and

female children to collect water from distant, often polluted


A beautiful mountain river in Uganda.

Yet people living in the area wish it were different.

When people (and animals) have to use the same stream or pond for washing and drinking, germs can get into the water and cause illness.

There are cholera germs in this stream. Cholera kills.

Further downstream, children from the Kaahwa family are taking a cooling wash in the sunshine.

The water is a mix of refreshment and danger.

Now the children must lug back bowls and buckets of water to use at home.

This is heavy work which takes up too much time each day.

Back home, their mother and father know to boil the water to kill the germs, but the risk is always there.

What if you only have one litre of dirty water a day.

How could you ensure it is safe enough to drink?
