What is causing the climate change


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What is causing the climate change?

The short answer is raising C02 levels. While C02 is a HUGE PROBLEM and the primary focus of the media… Methane is an even bigger concern. Methane is 25x more potent per molecule than C02 which means the global warming concerns are

A few decades ago, when the energy grid was originally constructed, we had basic power requirements. Lighting,s refrigerators, radios, tv’s.

Fast forward to today and look at all the things we are plugging in all day every day.

The Global Solution

Global problems require global solutions. The bigger the problem, the greater the opportunity.

This particular problem will require fast action and massive shifts in our thinking and behaving but we can do this if we act now and act together as a global community.

At Powur, we don’t fight problems, we create solutions! And we aren’t alone.

On December 11th, 2015, in Paris France, history was made.

For the first time in history 195 countries united in one cause…The Reduction of Global Greenhouse gas emissions. http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2015/cop21/spa/l09s.pdf

Bar none, with the whole planet being impacted and focused on addressing these problems with sustainable solutions, now is the time to be a part of this.

“All ships rise with a rising tide” and so will your Powur business as the world focuses on renewable energy.

The pope, world leaders, military leaders, businesses like apple, Google, and many more are all saying the same thing. We must address climate change immediately.


No Selling No autoship requirement No markup on products sold Partnered with Solar Providers across the country and the world Save the planet (Income + Impact)

No Selling

Most direct sales companies require you to “sell” someone a product, like vitamins, shakes, skin care, etc. That’s how you build your network and you get paid as long as they keep purchasing from you. The moment they stop buying or discontinue the monthly autoship, you income stops.

No Autoship requirement

In addition to monthly customer sales, many direct sales companies require you to maintain a “personal monthly purchase” or “autoship”. Often, these personal monthly requirements exceddd hundreds of dollars each month and minimum volumes are required to get paid.

In POWUR, you aren’t required to get solar on your home, although it’s a no brainer for most if you live in an area our Powur Providers service. Since solar is a one time installation, there is no monthly autoship.

And for those who don’t like selling…you aren’t really selling solar!

You are simply asking a homeowner to get a “free proposal” from the top rated solar providers in their area to see exactly how much money they could save each month by going solar.

This is hard for some people to grasp at first but it’s literally the best value proposition out there.

You are simply offering to save the homeowner money each month off their electric bill.

You are giving them the chance to pay less for clean energy than they are currently paying for dirty energy. Everything about it is good.

You don’t even have to become a solar expert. In fact, we prefer you don’t. It’s best if you simply connect the homeowner with the solar experts as quickly as possible and let our POWUR Providers answer all their questions about solar, financing, maintenance, etc. in the free proposal.

Solar providers invest millions of dollars every year to train their solar advisors and we get to leverage all that expertise and focus on what we do best…introducing more people to POWUR.

No Markup

Homeowners will get the same rates through a Powur Advisor than they could if they went direct to the solar providers…the difference is, POWUR Advisors act as a trusted resource offering education and advise on the best solar providers.

Save the planet (Income + Impact)

While there are plenty of tings we can do with our precious time on this planet to “earn a living”, few are as rewarding as contributing to the greater good of all life on the planet.

Now you don’t have to choose between earning an income and making a difference…you can do both. We call it “Income + Impact” and every panel we install directly impacts the amount of C02 being removed from our atmosphere.

You can be proud of the choice you’ve made to be a conscious entrepreneur and know that your income will rise as your impact increases.

The Powur Teams Mission & Vision.

Together, with you, we are building a powerful network of 50,000 conscious entrepreneurs and educators…that’s you and your team…aka “the Powur Grid”. This Powur Grid requires training, tools and technology to succeed and that’s where the Powur Executive Team comes in.
