What is Out There on The Subject of Overcoming Fatigue and ... · • caffeine…cut out coffee and...


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What is Out There on The Subject of

Overcoming Fatigue and Boosting

Energy Levels?

This year, my goal is to help 10,000 free themselves from fatigue and dramatically increase their

energy levels and transform their lives.

As I explained in the video, my original specialty was fat loss, not energy levels. For over a

decade, I have worked with people to dramatically transform their bodies. I even wrote a #1

bestselling book on fat loss that is now required reading material in many doctors’ offices and

dieticians’ offices. But like I said, I wasn’t always an expert on energy levels…when it came to

people struggling with energy levels, I would just tell people the typical stuff everyone has

already heard a million times before (eat right, exercise, lower stress, drink lots of water, get 8

hours of sleep, etc.). So when people came to me looking for advice on overcoming fatigue and

enhancing energy levels, I wanted somewhere to refer these people. Some great product for

energy enhancement or some person who was an expert on energy levels…Someone I could

endorse, and who I knew was providing a comprehensive SCIENTIFIC approach to energy


Unfortunately, when I looked at what was out there, I was shocked to discover how utterly

TERRIBLE most of the information is that’s out there on the subject of energy levels. I had

nowhere and no one that I felt comfortable referring these people to.

So… I decided to do something about it! I decided that I was going to create the world’s

first comprehensive and truly SCIENTIFIC approach to dramatically increasing

enhancing energy levels.

So here’s what I did…

I spent literally months of reading various people’s articles online, watching videos, buying

people’s products, and reading people’s books on the subject of energy enhancement. Believe it

or not, I actually went out and purchased literally EVERY product in existence on the

subject of energy levels—books, seminar recordings, and digital audio and video products. I

spent literally THOUSANDS of dollars of my own money and I spent HUNDREDS of

hours obsessively studying all these products…

Of course, some of these products had little nuggets of good information. But for the most part, it

was either the same old common sense advice everyone has already heard a hundred times (eat

nutritious food, do exercise, drink lots of water, de-stress, and get plenty of sleep) or it was just

made-up pseudoscientific nonsense that has no basis in science and won’t work to enhance

energy levels.

Ultimately, what I found at the end of going through all those dozens of books and products is

that almost everything out there on the subject of increasing energy levels was, to be

blunt… a bunch of pseudoscientific junk!

After spending all that money and all that time to learn everything from everyone out there

teaching on the subject of energy enhancement--what I ultimately discovered is that NO ONE

out there was really addressing the fatigue epidemic with a comprehensive SCIENTIFIC

system to boosting their energy levels.

So as I promised in the video, I’m going to actually show you pretty much everything that’s in

all those programs for FREE. I have done something almost unheard of… In this document, I am

going to outline almost EVERYTHING you can get out there on the subject of improving your

energy, and I’m showing you exactly what you can expect to get if you go to see a doctor or

alternative medical practitioner. Why am I doing this? Because I am sick and tired of all the

garbage, pseudoscience, and misinformation out there! And I want to save YOU from

potentially wasting thousands of dollars and YEARS of wasted time and effort.)

First of all, let’s talk about what most people are doing to try to manage their energy levels.

When you don’t understand the SCIENCE behind energy levels, you’re destined to just do what

everybody else does—the norm of our society.

So what are most people doing?

Simple: They are just relying and caffeine, energy drinks, stimulants, and sugar to get through

the day. They are borrowing energy from TOMORROW to pay for TODAY.

In the long run, this a recipe for poor health and even worse energy levels.

In short, it doesn’t really work.

So let’s say you wanted to learn about how to increase their energy levels in a way that didn’t

just rely on caffeine and sugar…

What else is out there for you to find on how to overcome fatigue and increase your energy?

So let’s get into it and let me show you what is out there on this subject.

There are basically 4 different categories of

information you can find on this subject:

1. Common sense advice

2. Long lists of “magic” supplements

3. Just plain pseudoscience

4. The advice you can get from MDs and alternative medicine practitioners

The Common Sense Advice Category This is the most common thing you’ll find if you try to look up articles and videos online about

overcoming fatigue and increasing your energy levels. Mainly just the same old advice you’ve

already heard…

• eat healthy nutritious foods

• do exercise…

• lower your stress levels…

• drink lots of water…

• take this herb…

• take my special supplement…

• eat your fruits and vegetables…

• and sleep 8 hours every night

• Snack between meals

• Take a multivitamin

• Don’t skip meals (eat breakfast)

• Eat lots of whole grains … or go low-carb (depending on which article you read)

• don’t eat sugar or gluten…

• cut out coffee and caffeine… (or use lots of caffeine, depending on which article you read)

The other notable person online teaching on the subject of increasing energy levels is a guy who is

basically just recommending a blend of raw veganism, detoxing, and common sense:

• Get rid of sugar

• Get rid of dairy

• Get rid of gluten

• Get rid of coffee and caffeine

• Go vegan

• Eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day

• Drink green juices

• Do exercise

If you look to articles online, mostly what you’ll find is just information in the common sense

category—stuff we’ve all heard 1,000 times before…

Here’s the list from an article on CNN:

• Drink water

• Eat breakfast

• Consume enough protein

• Eat whole grains rather than sugar

• Snack

• Take omega-3s

• Eat foods rich in magnesium

• Eat enough calories

Here’s the list from an article in US News:

Eat more raw foods (and get rid of junk food).

Eat more leafy green veggies and

Get more sleep (and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day).

Here’s a list from HealthyWomen magazine:

• Eat at least two fruits or vegetables at every meal. • Eat one fruit or vegetable at snack times. • Drink water all day • Always eat breakfast. Make it a meal with a balance of complex carbohydrates, protein

and a little fat. Good options: whole-grain cereal or bread, nut butter, fruit. • Eat mini-meals throughout the day to keep blood sugar levels and energy up. • Go outside

Here’s WebMD’s 10 Energy Boosters:

Increase Your Magnesium Intake

Walk Around the Block

Take a Power Nap

Don't Skip Breakfast

Reduce Stress and Deal With Anger

Drink More Water and Less Alcohol

Eat More Whole Grains and Less Sugar

Have a Power Snack

Make It a Latte

Check Your Thyroid Function and Complete Blood Cell Count

Here’s a list from an article in The Daily Mail:

Eat spinach

Eat mushrooms

Eat pumpkin and sunflower seeds

Eat sweet potatoes

Drink lots of water

Get fresh produce

Eat eggs

Here’s the 6 Energy-Boosting Daily Habits that Don’t Rely on Caffeine from


Drink H2O

Eat Healthy Fats

Take a Brisk Walk

Listen to Your Favorite Song

Massage Your Ears

Take a Cold Shower

Here’s the list from Shape magazine:

Tap your thymus for 20 seconds

• Drink green tea

• Take breaks from sitting at your desk and stand up

• Blink frequently

• Drink green vegetable juice

• Socialize with high-energy friends

• Breathe in and out deeply

• Sit up straight

• Eat an apple

• Drink some water

Here’s the list from Body and Soul: Eat iron-rich foods

Boost your B vitamins

Up your magnesium intake

Choose complex carbs

Get enough sleep

Take spirulina

Cut back on caffeine

Here’s the list from Men’s Fitness magazine:

Don’t drink so much alcohol.

Take a thyroid test.

Drink more water.

Get more light while you are at work.

Have your blood pressure checked.

Snack more.

Eat berries.

Eat more fiber.

Try using L-carnitine supplements.

Do a hot bath or shower.

Eat more fish.

Listen to loud music.

Get more b-vitamins.

Limit lunch to 500 calories.

Walk around the block.

Eat yogurt.

Avoid trans fats.

Eat more whole grains.

Don't skip breakfast.

Take caffeine.

Lose weight.

Eat more nuts.

Splash cool water on your face.

Drink a protein shake after workouts.

Clear your sinuses.

Call a friend.

Have more sex.

Take naps.

Eat eggs.

Take calcium.

Eat more vitamin D.

Get a massage.

Write down things you like about yourself.

Wear brighter colors.

Do a puzzle.

Do some cardio.

Do yoga.

Watch a funny movie.

Play music while working.

Organize your house and work area.

Don’t be in debt.

Be optimistic.

Get more sleep.

Have more of a social life.

Vary your exercise routine.


Schedule a day off.

Life weights.

Eat more vegetables.

Drink a sports drink with sugar and electrolytes while exercising.

Alternative medical practitioner Dr. Josh Axe’s list is:

• Drink vegetable juice

• Get more sleep

• Take adaptogenic herbs

• Lower your carb intake

• Eat chia seeds

• Drink more water

• Take B12 vitamins

• Do exercise daily

• Drink herbal teas

• Sniff peppermint oil

Prevention magazine’s list is:

• Listen to your favorite song

• Massage your ears

• Chew gum

• Eat whole grains

• Learn something new

• Have fluorescent lights around you during the day

Health.com’s list is:

• Go to Youtube and watch a funny video

• Look at the color red

• Go for a 10-minute walk

• Yawn

• Eat a nutritious diet

• Exercise

• Eat chia seeds

• Stretch

To be clear, some of these recommendations are sound advice. For example, to get more sleep, eat

more vegetables, do exercise, drink more water, and lower stress levels. These things are obviously

important. But …

1. Most people reading this are already doing most of those things.

2. What is really lacking here is a step-by-step blueprint to going from fatigued to energetic.

3. Most of these strategies are simply NOT ENOUGH to take you from fatigued to


The Pseudoscience Category

The next category of information that you can find out there on the subject of energy levels is

just pseudoscience—stuff that doesn’t have a solid scientific backing.

For example, this article advocates skipping breakfast and drink coffee with lots of purified

fats in it:

But there are a few problems with this:

1. While he is claiming you are “skipping breakfast” and doing “intermittent fasting,” the basic

fact is that you are doing neither of those things. He is advising you to drink coffee with

nearly 500 calories of purified fats in it. This is your breakfast. You’re not skipping

breakfast—you are having a breakfast of purified fat and coffee. Not only is that NOT a fast

and NOT skipping breakfast, but it is one of the least nutritious breakfasts you can have. If

you’re not used to getting a caffeine buzz, you will feel high energy doing this for about 2-3

weeks, at which point your body will develop a tolerance to caffeine, and this breakfast will

neither be nutritious nor energizing.

2. He is also advising you to add his protein powder into your coffee. Again, this is

BREAKFAST—not fasting. And it is most definitely taking your body out of fasting

physiology where you are burning off body fat for fuel. You’re just replacing a whole foods

breakfast with having a breakfast that consists of coffee, protein powder, and purified fats.

Far from the ideal breakfast.

3. If you read many of the other articles I linked to above, there are MANY studies showing that

skipping breakfast habitually is linked with LOWER energy levels, not higher energy

levels. In fact, the research is extremely clear that for high energy levels during the day,

having breakfast is one of the most important things you can do. Two major studies

published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition show that breakfast eaters

not only feel better mentally and physically compared to people who skip breakfast, but they also

are happier, healthier, and less stressed. So the recommendation to skip breakfast goes

directly against the science.

Here’s Dr. Oz’s 3-Day Detox To Increase Your Energy:

Make smoothies using almond milk, fruit, and vegetables

Take probiotics

Take supplements like berberine and the amino acid l-glutamine

Take magnesium

Food combining – Pair vegetables with either legumes, grains, or animal proteins and don’t ever pair animal protein with grains or beans

Take an enzyme supplement before meals

Don’t eat gluten, dairy, sugar, and alcohol

There is very little science to support the notion that toxins are the cause of poor energy levels,

and there is equally little evidence to support the use of these recommendations in helping the

body “detox.”

For a solid scientific examination of the subject of detoxing, I would suggest reading Precision

Nutrition’s excellent article on the subject HERE.

Then you have various New Age and spiritual practices that are claimed

to align your chakras and increase your energy levels. Spiritual Healers,

Karmic Healers, Energy Healers, etc.

I won’t comment on this except to say that there is little evidence to support the vast majority of

these claims.

Here’s an article from the Marion Institute on how to increase your

energy levels:

Basically their recommendation on how to overcome fatigue and increase your energy levels is to do

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and tap your fingers on your face, chest and ribs while

repeating these affirmations:

“I am connected with the earth, feeling grounded and finding my own natural rhythm.” “I am centered and

balanced and moving forward with my life easily and gracefully.”

“My life energy is high. I am full of love. I have love, faith, trust, gratitude and courage.”

“I easily assimilate change into my life,” or “Change is good and I easily and gracefully go with the flow.”

Why am I putting EFT in this section? A couple reasons:

1. Numerous studies have shown that it’s no more effective than placebo tapping.

Basically, this CAN work to some extent to help you—to the extent that it helps you

cultivate more positive emotions and attitudes, and to the extent that it helps distract you

or reframe your negative mental and emotional states.

2. Most people’s fatigue issues go FAR beyond just mental and emotional issues. While

psychological issues and emotional issues are important in some cases, fatigue is almost

always a multifactorial problem that also involves lots of lifestyle issues (nutrition

problems and sleep problems are common). So reducing everyone’s fatigue problems

down to mental/emotional issues is simply irresponsible.

The Adrenal Fatiguers If you regularly notice one or more of the following symptoms, you’re very likely to get diagnosed

with “adrenal fatigue” by the vast majority of alternative medicine practitioners:

You feel tired frequently and lack energy.

You have trouble getting up in the morning, even when you go to bed at a reasonable


You are feeling rundown or overwhelmed.

You have difficulty bouncing back from stress or illness.

You have trouble sleeping through the night.

You crave salty and/or sweet snacks.

The Problem with Adrenal Fatigue Diagnosis

While there are some truly evidence-based practitioners in this realm (Dr. Alan Christianson is one

good example of that), there are many people who are not scientific at all who are throwing out the

diagnosis of “adrenal fatigue” to everyone they meet who has low energy. They also commonly use

cortisol saliva tests to diagnose “adrenal fatigue.” Yet there are numerous massive problems with


1. It’s well known that morning cortisol is often low in ANYONE suffering from

any generalized fatigue, including fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

2. Moreover, even if you have HIGH (not low) levels of cortisol, you will STILL

typically come away with an adrenal fatigue diagnosis. They state that at the

beginning stages of adrenal fatigue, cortisol is actually high. So basically whether

your cortisol is high or low, you’re going to come away with an “adrenal fatigue”

diagnosis. (And often times, I see people with NORMAL cortisol levels who were

given the diagnosis just because of their symptoms. The “adrenal fatigue” game is

rigged, my friends.

Once they diagnose you with “adrenal fatigue,” here’s the treatment you can expect to get from your

alternative medical practitioner to cure your adrenal fatigue:

• Eliminate sugar, dairy, gluten, caffeine, etc.

• Take adaptogenic herbs (rhodiola rosea, ashwagandha, ginseng, ginkgo, etc.)

• Take lots of vitamin C

• Take lots of B vitamins and B12

• Sleep 8 hours each night

• Lower your stress levels

• Take adrenal gland extracts

• Take magnesium, selenium and iodine

• Take vitamin D

• Take vitamin A

• Eat a low carb diet (or eat a high carb diet, depending on the particular dietary persuasion of

your chosen alternative health practitioner

• Take other supplements to lower your body’s stress hormone production, like licorice or

phosphatidyl serine

Note: Some of these compounds can be beneficial. Basically all of them are better consumed in real

food rather than supplement form. Also, contrary to the public perception, there is some evidence

that supplementation with antioxidant vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E may actually

be harmful to health. It’s DEFINITELY better to get those nutrients from food rather than


Then you have the mainstream


For treating chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, conventional medical treatment is notoriously

ineffective and there is a severe paucity of research-proven methods for improving energy levels.

One exception: When fatigue is occurring as a side effect of some other condition, such

as an infection, they can be effective in helping. (If you suspect such a problem, please

see your physician!).

But overall, conventional mainstream medicine has virtually nothing to offer those

looking to improve their energy levels.

You can expect to get sleeping pills, antidepressants, and anti-anxiety drugs. Just to treat


Summing up • You have the typical common sense advice that we’ve all heard and tried many times before.

(Drink more water, do exercise, get more sleep, lower your stress levels, eat a healthier diet,

cut out the sugar and caffeine, etc.)

• You have the adrenal fatiguers who will send you home with a laundry list of supplements to

take to fix your adrenals, which they say are the cause of your issues.

• You have MDs, who will most likely send you home with either nothing or an


• Then you have just pure pseudoscience—people just making stuff up or promoting ideas that

simply don’t have solid scientific backing.

If you don’t believe me, look it up for yourself online!

This is pretty much ALL of the information you’ll find online about boosting energy levels.

And I did NOT like what I was seeing out there…

I was sick and tired of all the pseudoscience and quackery around energy levels…

I was sick and tired of hearing all the same old stuff that everyone has already heard a thousand times


I was sick and tired of people just being handed a bunch of supplements or drugs to take to fix some

SYMPTOMS without actually addressing the root cause of the problem…

And I decided to take a stand and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

I decided to create the first and only scientific, evidence-based blueprint to enhancing energy


And by the way, I certainly can’t take all the credit because I didn’t do it alone… I was smart enough

to reach out to several world-renowned experts in fields from nutrition to circadian biology (the

body’s biological clock) to physicians on the front lines of treat chronic fatigue to NY Times

Bestselling authors and world-renowned neuroscientists … All of whom made amazing contributions

to the system I developed.

Now, here’s the thing… I never imagined that it would take well over two YEARS of full-time

research into the science of energy levels, collaboration with several other scientific experts, and

seemingly endless hours of experimentation with hundreds of my clients to do it…

But after all was said and done, I realized that what I had put together with the help of all these

experts was so ground-breaking that I knew it could help transform the lives of tens of thousands of

people forever.

A specific formula of 5 steps grounded in proven scientific research that cracked the code for

energy enhancement.

It’s called The Energy Blueprint.

And it’s the first and ONLY comprehensive SCIENTIFIC system for energy enhancement ever


For the last several years, this information has only been available to my one-on-one consulting

clients. But over the last several years of research and experimentation with hundreds of clients, I have

refined the system and made it even BETTER than what my clients have paid THOUSANDS of

dollars for. And I have decided to release the program on a massive scale to help as many people as

possible overcome their fatigue and take their energy to new heights.

So I hope you’re excited about that! You should be! :-)

I hope this document saved you a lot of time and money in trying to fix your energy levels. And I

hope you’re excited to see the cutting-edge strategies that I am going to be presenting to you in

the next few videos! Make sure to tune in to those, because I’m going to be giving you FREE

access to cutting-edge, scientific evidence-based strategies for boosting your energy levels. And I

promise that just in the next two videos alone, I will be giving you information that is more

powerful than anything you can find online.

So make sure to tune in to those videos.

Talk soon!

- Ari