What the Wealthy buy · What the Wealthy buy Well, they don’t buy into stocks that are popular or...


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What the WealthyWhat the Wealthybuybuy

ebook author: Francois Oosthuizenebook author: Francois Oosthuizen

What the Wealthy buyWhat the Wealthy buy

Wealthy people buy assets and make money. Poor people buy stu whichcosts money. You might be wondering how you can produce moredisposable income, or how you can escape the trap of budgeting and theconstant stress of keeping costs down. What is the di erence betweensomeone making enough personal wealth to use for whatever they want,and someone who is caught in a cycle of reducing costs, but never quitereaching nancial independence? There is actually a very signi cantdifference in the spending patterns in these situations.

Poor people who budget end up spending lots of money on goods andservices from large companies and brands, but wealthy people who knowabout smart private investment can pro t from these very samecompanies, through the purchase of assets. People who are struggling areusually purchasing line items and liabilities, not assets, and thereforebecome trapped in their own cycle of nancial limitation. Sometimespeople can invest in assets instead of stu , but due to their treatment andutilisation of the asset, it becomes a liability.

The wealthy folks know how to implement assets for the best rate ofreturn, as opposed to making purchases that ultimately lose them money.For instance, buying stocks may be considered by many to be an asset,but this can easily be a liability investment that is losing you money orbarely breaking even. Stocks may be shown to be appreciating, but due toeconomic in ation, are retaining the same nominal value. Putting moneyinto these overvalued stocks is often something that middle-class peoplewho have the ambition of growing their wealth fall victim to – especiallywhen certain stocks are trending, and some Brokers or Advisors could usedeceptive appreciation gures to allure you into thinking you are makingan investment with “good” ROI. What do wealthy people do di erently,then?

What the Wealthy buy

What the Wealthy buyWhat the Wealthy buy

Well, they don’t buy into stocks that are popular or exciting at the time.They don’t allow themselves to be swayed by ruses of overvalued stocks,and instead decide to invest high-performing stocks when they are at theircheapest

What they do may look strange to the average person; buying into stocksthat are at the bottom of their cycle, which are marketed at a low valuedue to nobody being interested. They hunt for the bad news in which liestremendous investment opportunities. Surely that doesn’t make sense?Where’s the gain? Well, you’d be surprised. By investing when stocks arecheap, there is only a small risk of losing money, and there couldpotentially be huge pro ts. Any unlikely small losses are cut immediately.Wealthy people manage the risk. This is just a few examples of the manypossibilities opened by having a rounded nancial education, enabling youto make the most informed investment decisions.

Good investments are bought – not sold. Strategies for building nancialplans must be well configured to be successful. Attempting to mimic thesetechniques without the necessary nancial knowledge to support yourdecision-making could quickly lead to drastic losses, so nancial educationis essential to give you the best chances of achieving prosperity.

Transforming your restrictive pay check to pay check lifestyle into one ofprosperity without limits may sound like an impossible fantasy, but we arehere to inform you that this is not the case, provided you put in the workand know what to do. The dream of your wealth expanding is closer toreality than you might expect.

What the Wealthy buy

What the Wealthy buyWhat the Wealthy buy

It can be a hard thing to admit, that monetary constraints are restrictingour lives. Freedom is such an important value of the western world, soconfessing your own limits can be a struggle of cognitive dissonance, as itcontradicts our society’s core belief system. But when your pocket itburdened by line item expenses, do you really feel free? What about allthe things you wish you could do, but they don’t fit inside your budget?

The reality is that by constricting yourself to a budget which is spent onstu that gives you no return, you are living a self-ful lling prophecy whichinvolves minimal nancial growth. Instead of ‘budgeting’ for ‘stu ’, invest inassets. A simple shift in perspective and tweak of semantics could be therst step towards making signi cant returns on your expenses that don’t

need to t inside a ‘budget’. The scarcity mind-set is a vicious cycle – if youcan break away from this, then you’ll already be on your way to changingyour income and standard of living.

Financial independence could be much closer than you’ve ever imagined.Instead of working at a job where you generate revenue for a company,which you only ever receive a fraction of, you could be expanding yourpersonal wealth in your sleep. If you are dependent on somebody elsenancially, you are putting hours of time and hard work into what is

ultimately somebody else’s gain, with minimal bene t for you. Worse still,you will never reach the ambition of freedom and independence for aslong as you’re in that situation.

What the Wealthy buy

What the Wealthy buyWhat the Wealthy buy

With a thorough comprehension of the principles behind wealth creation,combined with the incredible resources and tools we o er , such as apersonalized wealth presentation, and extensive investment dashboard –financial independence can become your reality.

Committed to your success,


Wealthy people act on opportunityWealthy people act on opportunity

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What the Wealthy buy
