What two sharks we have studied so far are oviparous?


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•What two sharks we have studied so far are oviparous?


Which means that the shark has true live birth after a placental attachment inside the mother?

A. Oviparous

C. Viviparous

B. Ovoviviparous

Which of the following is a Bull Shark?


C. D.

B. 1.

Which of the following has the most varied diet?

A. Tiger Shark

C. Bull Shark D. Shortfin Mako

B. Blacktip reef shark


Which of the following is a Blue Shark?


C. D.

B. 5.

•What does viviparous mean?

Why might hammerheads visit islands and sea mounts in large numbers?

What helps sharks detect vibrations in the water?

Which of the following is a Tiger Shark?


C. D.

B. 2.

Which means that the shark eggs hatch inside the mothers body?

A. Oviparous

C. Viviparous

B. Ovoviviparous

Name a shark that lives in the deep sea.

Round Stingray


What does the genus name of Thresher sharks, Alopias, literally translate into?


•What shark is notorious for attacking shipwreck victims?

Which means that the shark lays eggs externally (outside the body)?

A. Oviparous

C. Viviparous

B. Ovoviviparous


Name a shark or ray that lives locally.

Marine mammals such, as seals, are on the menu for which of the following?

A. Blacktip reef shark

C. Blue Shark D. Tiger Shark

B. Whitetip reef shark


How does the Manta ray feed?

•What shark has the highest testosterone levels?

•Name a shark we have studied that is benthic.

Which of the following is not dangerous to humans?

A. Bull Shark

C. Whitetip Reef Shark D. Tiger Shark

B. Great White Shark



•What is tonic immobility?
