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What was Henry VIII like?


Today I am teaching this lesson. How do I know? Because I am here. I am doing it.

This year, my niece started walking, and my son and daughter swimming many lengths of pools. How do I know? Because I was there seeing them. I remember it.

In 1939, the Second World War started. How do I know? Because one of my uncles fought in it. He was there. And he has told me about it.

In 1485, King Richard III was killed. How do I know. I wasnt there. I cant remember it. I have certainly never met anyone who was there. It was too long ago. So how do I know?


I expect I read about it in a book. But how did the writer know? He probably wasnt there either.

The writer must have had a reason for writing it. He must have had some evidence to make him believe it. How do people know what happened in 1509?

This is how we know: Some people wrote about it at the time.

Some people told their friendsand they told their friendsand, later on, somebody wrote about it.

Some people made pictures of it.

And some people left things behind which were found years later.



Mr Rawstorne Copyright 2016

Younger Henry VIII: athlete, good Catholic, big spender or tyrant?

Younger Henry VIII: athlete, big spender, good Catholic, or tyrant?

Learning objectives: 1. (all) Examine evidence to determine how Henry VIII spent his time and money whilst married to Catherine2. (most) Judge how religious he washttp://www.hrp.org.uk/games/henry-morph/index.htm

Catholic = Follower of Catholicism, one of the main Christian religionsPope = leader of the Catholic Church who lives in RomeTyrant= a cruel leader

http://www.hrp.org.uk/games/henry-morph/index.htm https://www.history.org.uk/resources/primary_resource_3753_133.htmlhttp://tudorhistory.org/blog/2009/04/25/things-you-might-not-know-about-henry-viii/

http://www.biography.com/news/henry-viii-biography-facts http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/tudor-england/henry-viii-the-man/Timeline overview: http://www.britannia.com/history/reftime.html


Mr Rawstorne Copyright 2016

Younger Henry VIII: athlete, good Catholic, big spender or tyrant?

Can you find FD short for Fidei Defensor on this 1 coin?

Henry was a very religious man. Like most people in England, he was Catholic. He visited Church at least three times a day and even wrote a book supporting the Pope, who was head of the Catholic Church.

Henry was such a good Catholic that in 1521, the Pope rewarded him with the title Fidei Defensor, meaning d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the f _ _ _ _ .

Henry loved this title and was very proud of it. The letters are still on British c _ _ _s today.

All currentcoinscarry a Latin inscription whose full form is ELIZABETH IIDEI GRATIAREGINA FIDEI DEFENSOR,meaning"Elizabeth II, by the grace of God, Queen and Defender of the Faith".


Mr Rawstorne Copyright 2016

Younger Henry VIII: athlete, good Catholic, big spender or tyrant?

1509: Henrys coronation

Aged only eighteen, he married Catherine of Aragon two weeks before being crowned.

Henrys father had left his son a fortune, but Henry VIII quickly spent it. His father Henry VII had avoided expensive wars; Henry VIII could hardly wait to win a great battle.

In 1513 he took an army to France and beat the French. It was called the Battle of the _ _ _ _ _because the French _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ran away so quickly!

Henry as an eighteen year old iafter his coronation in 1509


Mr Rawstorne Copyright 2016

Younger Henry VIII: athlete, good Catholic, big spender or tyrant?

Towards the end of his reign, Henry VII became unpopular because of high taxes. When Henry VIII was crowned aged 18 there were wild celebrations.


Mr Rawstorne Copyright 2016

Younger Henry VIII: athlete, good Catholic, big spender or tyrant?

Source B Written by an Italian visitor to England in 1514.

The King is the most handsome prince I ever saw. He is tall, his skin is fair and bright. He has short brown hair. He speaks F _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _and some Italian. He shoots arrows with greater strength than any man in England and is excellent at jousting (fighting).


Mr Rawstorne Copyright 2016

Younger Henry VIII: athlete, good Catholic, big spender or tyrant?

Henry VIII meeting King of France, Francis I at the Field of the Cloth of Gold outside Calais in 1520

I am an expert archer. I used to have competitions with a 100 of my guards. Here I will amaze people by hitting the bulls-eye repeatedly at a distance of 220 metresI fancy myself as a wrestler. I challenged Francis by saying Brother we will wrestle. Francis couldnt refuse even though I am taller and heavier. (But Francis unfairly used a French style trip and won!) Henry was a show off. He organised a great tournament mainly to display his own great sporting talents . He is said to have tired out 6 horse while performing a thousand jumps to the delight of everyone.

One, a huge sixteen-sided tent, had a map of the world painted on the interior of the roof and had a center support made of a ships mast.Another description of a royal tent resembled a minor village: One 10 x 15 foot porch, a pavilon 18 feet wide, and a 10 x 30 foot hallway leading from this to the first great chamber (16 x 40 feet). This chamber was connected to the first hall (10 x 34 feet), and a 15 x 50 foot great chamber. Additional 10 x 30 foot hallways led across into two more pavilions and a timber-framed house covered with gloriously painted canvas.Talk about camping in style! The description of his timber house made me want to rush out and build one myself for next Pennsic: a timber house all of Firre painted and gilted with a square tower at every ende and corner, all covered with white plate scallape wise and sealed within with paste work painted, the windows of horne with all beastes vanes and vices belonging to it. http://www.elizabethancostume.net/blog/book-review-the-inventory-of-henry-viii-clothing-and-textiles/ http://www.sparknotes.com/biography/henryviii/section2.rhtml


Mr Rawstorne Copyright 2016

Younger Henry VIII: athlete, good Catholic, big spender or tyrant?

Young Catherine of Aragon, Henrys wife 1509-1533

Henry with Charles V and Pope Leo X c.1520

http://f.tqn.com/y/historymedren/1/S/X/F/2/05youngcatar.jpgSource C: Henrys long marriage to Catherine of Aragon was described as unusually good. This is despite the fact he took mistresses, but relatively few for a virile young medieval king. (source: Wikipedia)

Henry c.1531

In 1532, Henry wanted to stop MPs avoiding paying tax on their land. He told some of them:

You should not oppose me. If you will not come to an agreement, I will use all the powers of the law against you.

Henry the spender

Henry loved to bet on anything cards, dice, tennis, wrestling or jousting. He used to win (and lose) the equivalent of thousands of pounds every day.

Henry also loved to dress in the smartest, most expensive clothes. His silk shirts, gold buttons and jewel-encrusted jackets would have cost a fortune.

So too did his legendary parties, held at any of his 55 palaces.

Henrys laws to make the Catholic Church weaker

1534 The Treason Act: death was the punishment for anyone who said that Henry was a tyrant ( a cruel ruler) or a heretic (going against God).

1534 The Act of Supremacy: this made the English monarch (not the Pope) the Leader of the Church in England.

Draw a pie chart estimating how Henry spent his moneyStretch: draw a pie chart estimating how, based on evidence, Henry spent his time 1509-1534. Task: search your notes to find evidence about Henry that support each of the 4 headings and write in rectangles

athletegood Catholictyrantbig spender

Image result for henry vii good catholicStretch: can you think of other headings that you could support with evidence?

Henry VIII suffered two major head injuries during his 30s. In 1524, a lance penetrated the visor of his helmet during a jousting tournament and dazed him. But researchers believe it was an accident during a jousting match in January of 1536 which left lasting damage.

Read more:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3428671/Henry-VIII-angry-impulsive-impotent-jousting-injury-Brain-damage-blow-head-best-explanation-king-s-erratic-ways.html#ixzz48Nq5Kq00
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Mr Rawstorne Copyright 2016

Younger Henry VIII: athlete, good Catholic, big spender or tyrant?

Religious piety rating

Not very religious




How far does your evidence suggest that Henry was religious?











So what was Henry like? Athlete, good catholic, big spender or tyrant? Write on a post-it note explaining what you think, using evidence


Good Catholic

Big spender


e.g. Overall younger Henry was really a show off athlete because.

My evidence that supports this is.

Keep order in the countryRemain popularGet land and moneyDeal with religious issuesLeave a strong heir to become the next king or queenShould younger King Henry have been called Henry the Great?


Jane Seymour became Henry's third wife, pictured right with Henry and the young Prince Edward, c. 1545, by an unknown artist.

At the time that this was painted, Henry was married to his sixth wife,Catherine Parr.

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Younger Henry VIII: athlete, good Catholic, big spender or tyrant?


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Younger Henry VIII: athlete, good Catholic, big spender or tyrant?


Mr Rawstorne Copyright 2016