Which group of colonies was known for their cultural diversity?


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Which group of colonies was known for their cultural diversity?

Middle Colonies

Kagan Structure: Quiz-Quiz-Trade1. The teacher tells student to “Stand up, put a hand up, and pair up.”

2. Partner A quizzes B.3. Partner B answers

4. Partner A praises or coaches5. Partners switch roles.

6. Partners trade cards and thank each other7. Repeat steps 1-6 a number of times.

Which group of colonies is known for long winters

and thin rocky soil?

Which group of colonies used slave labor for


New England Colonies

Southern Colonies

Which colonies made up the Southern Colonies?

Which group of colonies made up the Middle


Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland

Delaware, new York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,

Which group of colonies make up the New England


What type of colony was established by a group of

settlers who had been given a formal document allowing

them to settle?

New England Colonies are Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut

Charter Colony

What type of colony was run by individuals or

groups to whom land was granted?

Why type of colony was run by the governor and a council appointed by the

king or queen?

Proprietary Colony

Royal Colony

Which delegate made the proposal that the colonists

should independent and cut ties with Great Britain?

When was the Declaration of

Independence approved?

Richard Henry Lee

Thursday, July 4, 1776

For what two reasons was Georgia founded?

Why was Maryland established?

1. English debtors and poor people could make a fresh start.

2. It could protect the other British colonies from Spanish attack.

To establish a safe place for Catholics

Who led a rebellion in Virginia because the Gov.

Berkeley pledged to stay out of Native American


Why did Nathaniel Bacon rebel?

Nathaniel Bacon

He lived in Western Virginia and was angry that westerners were restricted from settling Native American lands and were not protected

by the government from attacks led by Native Americans.

Which colonist practiced subsistence farming?

What is subsistence farming?

New England Colonists

Farming in which only enough food to feed one’s family is produced

Which group of colonies was dependent on

shipbuilding and fishing?

What is the Middle Passage?

New England Colonies

Part of Triangular trade where enslaved Africans were shipped from Africa to the West Indies.

Why were the large southern plantations located

on tidewater lands rather than the backcountry?

What was the first written constitution in the


Tidewater lands were flat low-lying lands along the seacoast.

Backcountry had hills and forest and would be difficult to have such large open spaces for farming.

Fundamental Orders of ConnecticutIt was the first written constitution in America and described the

organization of representative government in detail.

What goods were traded as part of Triangular


What event allowed the British to establish

colonies in America?

American shipped molasses, rum, sugar, or tobaccoBritain shipped beads, cloth, hardware, rum, salt, or weapons

Africa shipped: hundreds of enslaved people tightly packed in horrific conditions for the journey to their new "home."

The defeat of the Spanish Armada—Spain’s powerful navy

What crop saved Jamestown?

Name the horrible winter that the people of

Jamestown suffered due to their searching for gold

instead of planting food.


The Starving Times

Where was the first place religious tolerance was


Which colonies have rich soil and warm climates?

Rhode Island

The Southern Colonies

Which colonies grew tobacco and rice?

In which colonies was mining and iron mill work


Southern colonies

Middle Colonies

In which colonies did Quakers and Mennonites


Which colonies had the hub of the American

shipping trade?

Middle Colonies

New England Colonies
