Who? What ? Where? Why? When?. Wildebeest Migration LO: To find out how and why 1.3 millions...


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Who? What ? Where? Why? When?

Wildebeest Migration

LO: To find out how and why 1.3 millions wildebeest migrate 1800 miles each year.

Refer back to your map of Africa. Last lesson we were looking at Kenya. Today we are looking at Tanzania.

1. In your book, below the title complete the following sentence to describe the location of Tanzania.

Wildebeest Migration

1. Why do the wildebeests migrate?

2. Which countries do they migrate through?

3. What dangers do they face along the route?

F - Each year from January to March wildebeest are found in the short grass plains of the south of the Serengeti. The grass here is lush because of the rainy season in November/December. B - Almost all wildebeest calves are born in February. They can usually walk within minutes and spend their first few weeks in the short grass plains. D - By late March the grass in the south of the Serengeti is dying back. As April begins, wildebeests start to move north to fresh grass and water.A - By May the wildebeests are on the move along with zebras and gazelles. Territorial animals like lions and cheetahs stay behind and try to survive the year without their food supply. H - As the animals migrate north through May the grass becomes thinner and males take the opportunity to fight for the attention of females to mate with. J - The wildebeests follow the smell of thunderstorms across the plains throughout the year.C - In June, wildebeests reach the Grumeti River. It is smaller than the Mara River but still dangerous so the wildebeests wait for lots to arrive before crossing. K - After crossing the Grumeti many of the wildebeest are exhausted and some calves may die of thirst or starvation before reaching the grasses in the north. M - Throughout June and July the migration continues northwards towards the Mara River which it reaches in September. G - The wildebeests collect on the south of the Mara River in September before crossing. They are attacked by crocodiles which create confusion and panic although few animals are actually killed. I - The Maasai Mara Game Reserve has lush grass due to the Mara River providing water for it all year round.L - In October the migration starts moving south as the rains are returning. This takes months and the 1.6 million animals have to be wary of predators on the way. E - The first wildebeests arrive in the south in November as the rains start. The grasslands quickly sprout new shoots so the animals can graze in enormous numbers

Annual Wildebeest Migration

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.