Whole site approach to improvement Building Leadership Workshop 2 - for leadership teams in...


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Whole site approach to improvement Building Leadership Workshop 2 - for leadership teams in secondary sites Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness Unit Slide 2 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness2 Whole site approach to improvement Workshops PURPOSE: To build leadership capacity to implement a whole site approach to improvement collaboratively determine the leadership capacities and site processes required for leaders to lead the learning and successfully support improvement provide a platform for development and team learning in 2011 Slide 3 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness3 Whole site approach to improvement Workshop 2 PURPOSE: To The extended Leadership team develops an understanding of: Moving from the current state to the desired future (ideal state) where leaders here are leading improvement and leading the learning What is working in building leadership? Slide 4 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness4 Learnings from Workshop 1 Leading the Learning Diagnostic Tool Baseline data Opportunities at a site level Opportunities at an individual level What constitutes a good lesson? Summary as a starting point TABLE TALK Slide 5 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness5 Using the Bone Diagram The BONE DIAGRAM is a process that utilises a diagrammatic structure for the purpose of constructing a (strategic) plan. It assists us in planning for the changes and transitions that need to occur to move from the current state to the desired state. It is designed to help us to understand the big picture, by considering all factors. Slide 6 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness6 What is a Bone Diagram? Slide 7 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness7 What is a Bone Diagram? Our Current Position where we are now Helping Forces/Factors + Hindering/Restraining Factors - The Ideal State- where we would like to be Slide 8 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness8 So what would be the ideal state? Take 2 minutes to highlight your own top four points on the desired future/ideal state Then spend 15 minutes sharing your points on what the ideal state would look like at xxHS if we were all leading the learning? consensus Finally write up the consensus version for your table (5 mins) to hand up Slide 9 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness9 + and - Factors What would be the factors that would help to achieve this state? (10 mins) What would be the hindering factors preventing us from getting there? (10 mins) The next task would be to determine the first steps (strategies) in moving towards the ideal state? To be continued Slide 10 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness10 What is working in Building Leadership? Started by involving staff in deep analysis of achievement data from site to class and student level Staff were asked to identify whole school priorities from data - a clear and agreed whole school direction developed ownership & lifted accountability Built staff understanding of why they needed to be involved in the development of Site Improvement Plan and then in the enactment of it at the curriculum area and classroom levels Staff have been given time at sectional meetings to reach agreement and make commitment to go forward. Run by staff - leaders were participants - staff wanted a narrow focus Teachers now WANT to be involved in whole school priorities, planning & strategies, WANT to understand how things connect Slide 11 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness11 What is working in Building Leadership? Site Improvement Plan strategies are focussed on what teachers will do in their classrooms to enact the school priorities; staff set targets for (and with) their students to achieve the improvement outcomes that were looking for Whole school-staff meeting time was allocated at beginning and end of term All other meeting time was provided to support planning run by staff Year level/curriculum teams follow up on agreements, raise questions, share practice, generate ideas & resources, request professional learning. Leaderships role now to guide, encourage & listen as needed Slide 12 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness12 What are teachers doing differently? Started to run the meetings, do the planning using their initiative to lead Their focus moved to learning rather than teacher needs Rather than pockets of excellence, real sharing of practice occurring (much deeper than at the resources level) Greater accountability to each other for the teaching and learning Engagement in data analysis and ownership for outcomes Ongoing involvement in determining whole school curriculum directions & learning Willingness to engage in regular reflection to a higher and deeper level critical collaboration Slide 13 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness13 What are teachers doing differently? Teachers started modelling practice for each other, observations focused on teacher practice pedagogy Started to openly work with others to improve practice Started to base their Performance Management on teaching observations and discussions teachers see observation as supportive, opportunity to be reflective, not challenging Has led to range of inquiry groups who share with whole staff e.g. how to teach reading comprehension; how to use the assess-plan-teach-assess cycle; how to utilise assessment of, for and as learning; how to involve learners in determining and assessing quality writing across the curriculum (These statements have come from the SILA Project schools) Slide 14 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness14 What are leaders doing differently? Committing to a strong foundation of respect & trust and how to sustain these, over time Committing to shared leadership building capacity within the school, shared responsibility Ensuring everyone is clear of their roles and responsibilities and that there are structures to support them Clarity and consistency in regard to high expectations around learning and teaching Performance Management is really focused on improving teacher practice and pedagogy Committing as leaders to not only talk the talk but walk it Slide 15 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness15 What are leaders doing differently? Recognising that not everyone comes on board at the same time and accepting that change does not happen overnight - need to give people time to reflect but give a clear time-line Leadership being willing to release power allowing staff to lead and determine school directions based on student achievement outcomes Leadership fostering the approaches with staff that they want staff to use with learners differentiation, reflection and assessment for learning, modelling the learning/the practice we expect, using targeted approaches, acknowledging and sharing best practice Focusing on the big picture and staying the course (These statements have come from the SILA Project schools) Slide 16 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness16 What are leaders doing differently? Being on the same page with common understandings and common messages Using each others strengths & experiences to move towards common goals Modelling the school values and strong team work Meeting to debrief, share approaches, build collegiality, and strategically plan Having the honest conversations, asking the hard questions and acknowledging that its OK not to have the answers WE ARE THE DRIVERS WE LEAD THE LEARNING. NO-ONE FROM OUTSIDE CAN DO THIS THE SOLUTIONS COME FROM US TOGETHER. TABLE TALK Slide 17 Quality, Improvement & Effectiveness17 Moving to leading improvement learning Homework: Ongoing work together on What constitutes a good lesson gathering/collating the faculty area versions to make a whole school version Ongoing work on the steps (strategies) towards the desired state where all leaders are leading the learning Ongoing discussion of What is working in Building Leadership? Read What Content Area Teachers should know about Adolescent Literacy National Institute for Literacy, 2007
