‘Whole Systems Change’ Co-producing new models of care and health in London 16/04/15


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‘Whole Systems Change’Co-producing new models of care and health in London


Who are we?Healthwatch is the consumer champion for health and social care in England. We make sure the views and experiences of service users are heard by those who run, plan and regulate health and social care.

KCSC is the local voluntary sector support agency for the borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

“…too few occasions are there for citizens to get involved and shape the strategy

and priorities of the NHS”Better Health for London, London health Commission


“(This report) argues for a more engaged relationship with patients carers and citizens to promote well being and

prevent ill health”Five Years Forward View, NHS England


Better engagement is needed in London


Maria’s story

Catherine: My Mum!

Why work together?



CoordinationCare Plans

Crisis Management

Decision making structure for Whole Systems Integrated Care for over 65s

EngagementOver 70s & Carers•1-to-1 interviews•Focus groups

Voluntary Sector

Patient Panel Model of Care Working Group

Whole Systems Steering Group

Out of Hospital Committee Patient & Public Engagement Committee

West London CCG Governing Body

What we did:

•Created and providing ongoing support for a patient

panel & patient reps on the governance structure

•Healthwatch CWL and KCSC were commissioned by

NHS West London Clinical Commissioning Group


•30 face to face interviews with carers or people

over the age of 65 with one or more long term


•Focus groups with an Arabic-speaking women’s

group, an African-Caribbean day centre, and a


housing scheme for older adults.

1. Co–design of integrated care in WLCCG

1. Co–design of integrated care in WLCCG (cont.)Findings and recommendations:

• Accessible transport will need to be in place

• The ‘hubs’ of health and social care will need to be

integrated within the local community

• All care should be coordinated around the patient

• Frontline staff should be trained to enhance the


• There must be an agreed communication protocol

between GPs, hospitals, social services & community

health services

• Patients should have access to self-management

courses and resources.

2. Developing the business case

•To show to the CCG what the sector can deliver to meet their outcomes

•The sector’s contribution to reducing hospital re-admissions

•Sending a message that this needs investment

2. Developing the business case

How we are doing this:

•Collecting data from organisations on services they deliver - events and survey

•Unit costing each service

•Mapping outcomes against CCG outcomes

•Segmenting users

•Looking at commissioning models

2. Developing the business case

Next steps:

•Producing a report – Summer 2015

•Recommending a model of social prescribing

•A holistic view of patient need – health and wellbeing

Lessons learnt

•Define co-production

•Time consuming process

•Be prepared e.g. segment users, anticipate

new monitoring trends, test the market

•Unit costing is challenging

•Need to get stronger on evidencing how the sector meets CCG outcomes

Companions in Care

Any questions?

