Why Are So Many Law Firms Struggling With Mobile …...Power Practice Builder Webinar Series Webinar...


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We make law firms grow. Ask us how.

Why Are So Many Law Firms

Struggling With Mobile Marketing? Sponsored by

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About BusinessCreator, Inc. and me

About the Power Practice Builder Webinar Series

Topics of PPB Webinar Series

Goals of this webinar

How To Get Your Phone To Ring

About BusinessCreator, Inc.

BusinessCreator is a full-service local search, lead generation

and mobile marketing agency specializing in innovative and

engaging local and mobile programs, promotions and


Our goal is to increase your online presence and convert

your website traffic into new clients.

Holistic approach to local and mobile search marketing

About BusinessCreator, Inc.

Holistic approach to local and mobile search marketing:

Local Search Marketing and LSEO

Citation and Directory Building

Lead Generation Platform-All In One Marketing Solution

Live Attorney Leads GUARANTEED Quality Calls

Reputation Marketing-5 Star Reputation Program

About BusinessCreator, Inc.

Holistic approach to local search marketing:

WebCreatorPlus Custom Rent-To-Own Websites

Lead Generation Websites

Website and Online Marketing Audits

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Video Marketing-production, SEO, syndication



About BusinessCreator, Inc.

Holistic approach to local search marketing:

Mobile Websites

iseekLaw Mobile App Directory

iseekLaw Mobile Website Directory

Mobile Apps

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Display Advertising-NearYou Mobile Marketing

Consumer Financing For Legal Services


Power Practice Builder Webinar Series

Webinar Topics-found on


1. Local Search Marketing for Law Firms

2. Why Are So Many Law Firms Struggling With Mobile


3. Mobile App Marketing For Law Firms-Daniel Rosemark, Esq.

4. Lead Generation-Live Attorney Leads Program, PPC,


5. Social Media Marketing and Reputation Marketing

6. Video Marketing

Power Practice Builder Webinar Series

Webinar Topics-found on


Future webinars will focus on specific topics

Open invitation to attorneys-anyone who would like to

participate in our Power Practice Builder Webinar Series

should contact me at ed@forlawfirmsonly.com or call me

at 855-943-8736

Future podcast series. We are inviting attorneys and law

firm marketing experts to participate in a question and

answer weekly podcast beginning January 2016.

Mobile Marketing

Goals of the Power Practice Builder Webinars

Educate attorneys on best practices in local search marketing to

help them make informed decisions on how to best spend their

marketing dollars for the greatest ROI.

It is about learning what will get your phone to ring, your next

appointment, your next client.

It is NOT intended to be an Local SEO or Mobile Marketing program

for digital agencies

Not that level of detail and not that technical

Most lawyers do not have time or patience to do their own local search


Lawyers should be practicing law and not practicing my craft

Mobile Marketing


Google and Mobile

Where To Begin in the Mobile World?

Mobile-Only Site versus Mobile Responsive

Mobile Marketing-What Exactly Is Mobile Marketing?

Mobile Display Ads

What are they

How do they work

How do I get started

Mobile Apps. Does My Law Firm Need A Mobile App?

Mobile Marketing

Business Listings ManagementCitation Management and Building



that integrates well into local

digital offerings.

Piece you must do PRIOR to

everything else you’re doing

in your local search

campaign. Content Marketing

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Websites

Mobile Web Apps

Mobile Advertising

QR Codes

Mobile Location Analytics

Text Message Marketing

Mobile SEO

Mobile Marketing

Google Share of U.S. Mobile Organic Search Market

= 89% (as of June 2015)

Mobile Marketing

What Is Mobilegeddon & The Google Mobile Friendly Update

What is Mobilegeddon?

Simply put Google is changing its algorithm so that on searches made on mobile

devices, "mobile friendly" sites will be elevated over sites that are not mobile


According to Google a mobile-friendly site boils down to the following:

Avoids software that doesn't render well on common mobile devices. (Think Flash)

Uses text that is readable without zooming.

Sizes content to the screen properly without having to scroll horizontally. (Vertically is fine.)

Places links far enough apart so that the correct link can be easily tapped.

Mobile Marketing

What Is Mobilegeddon & The Google Mobile Friendly Update

Businesses Lost Search Traffic As A Result Of Not Being Mobile Friendly

Mobile Rankings Have Never Been More Different From Desktop Rankings Than

They Are Right Now

It Will Only Get Worse For Those Not Optimized For Multiple Screens

If you’re not yet mobile-friendly, make it happen. And if you are mobile friendly,

prepare for the next update — because in this new era of SEO, it’s no longer

possible to ignore mobile searchers and mobile sites and compete with those

who don’t.

Mobile Marketing

What Is Mobilegeddon & The Google Mobile Friendly Update

Mobile-Friendly Test


Mobile Marketing

The Mobile Game

Has Changed.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing


Mobile Marketing

Today Smartphones Are AMAZING!

Mobile Marketing

Mobilize Your Business!How to Reach Today’s On-the-Go Customer and Crush Your Competition!

What is mobile marketing?

mo bile mar ket ing (noun)

“A set of practices that enables organizations to communicate and engage their audience in an interactive and relevant manner through any mobile device or network.”

(Mobile Marketing Association)

Mobile Marketing

What’s the big deal?

• 93% of adult Americans have mobile phones

• #1 most-used technology device (more than PCs!)

• 35% of all U.S. households have ditched their landlines

(Experian, American Mobile Consumer Report – March 2015)

Mobile Marketing

People use their mobile phones 6X more

than their computers to search for your

law firm…

Are you reaching them there?

Mobile Marketing

How can your law firm benefit from

mobile marketing?

Mobile Marketing

Benefits of mobile marketing

• Increase client loyalty

• Generate more revenue per client

• Increase brand awareness

• Boost website traffic

• Boost appointments/consultations-Get the phone to RING!

Mobile Marketing

Challenges for Law Firms

• 44% - lack of time to figure out a new technology

• 30% - Perceived expense

• 30% - lack of understanding of how to start

(Fanminder Mobile Marketing Survey – August 2014)

Mobile Marketing

Where to start?

Mobile Website

Mobile Marketing

Mobile = New Challenges

• Phones = small screens

• How does your website look on that screen?

• If it’s not optimized, searchers won’t bother

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Website



More Decisions

Mobile Marketing

Responsive vs.

Dedicated Mobile

Mobile Marketing

Which One?

Mobile Marketing

Responsive web design (RWD) uses one website

and automatically adapts and resizes content to fit

a user’s device, based on a number of factors like

device and browser type, screen size, and screen


RWD respond to their environment. The

Responsive Design responds/adapts depending

upon the layout of the device.

Responsive Design Adapts to Screen Size

Mobile Marketing


A mobile-only site is built as a completely

separate site from your primary website.

Stripped-down version of the main site, with

less content and an emphasis on contact

methods rather than a complete website


When a user accesses your site from a mobile

device, it is automatically directed to the

mobile version.

Mobile Marketing

Need a Mobile-Friendly Website?

But unsure about which solution to choose

Both a mobile site and responsive design will optimize your site to

be more appropriate for smaller screens.

Both will offer simpler navigation and faster load times.

However, there are differences, which is why we share the

advantages and disadvantages of both solutions below.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Site Responsive




A mobile site is essentially

a copy of your website,

where the server does the

work to deliver an

optimized page that’s

smaller and easier to


The solution can really

customize a unique

experience for mobile


A good choice when it

might be too expensive to

redesign responsively.

In responsive design, the

device does the work and

automatically adjusts

according to a device’s

screen size (large or small)

and orientation (landscape

or portrait). It switches

between these options on-


A very good and flexible


Mobile Marketing

Mobile Site Responsive




With a mobile site, you

must create a different

domain (many companies

choose to differentiate

theirs by “m.domain.com”).

Can dilute domain and hurt

organic search traffic. Can

add to website

management because you

have to maintain two

separate silos of content.

Responsive design lets you

keep your own domain—

nothing changes except

code on the back-end.

Googles thinks this is the

better solution:

...Maintaining a single

shared site preserves a

canonical URL, avoiding

any complicated redirects,

and simplifies the sharing

of web addresses...

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Site Responsive


Link Equity Because a mobile site

uses a separate domain,

links shared from mobile

browsers will not count as

search link equity toward

your primary site.

Not as good for search.

Since responsive design

simply embeds new code

on the back-end of your

website, your company’s

link equity is preserved.

Better option for search.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Site Responsive


Future-ReadyRe-working of a mobile site

might be needed in order to

stay current with next-

generation phones and

mobile browsers.

The technology is more

forward-thinking because

once added to site it will

work on next months and

next year’s devices without

having to be programmed


Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing

Why A Mobile Website Can Help You Grow Your Business

Google research: no mobile site = lost customers

Research performed by Google says that mobile-friendly sites make 67% of

customers MORE LIKELY to buy a company's product or service.

Conversely, not having a mobile site can cause you to LOSE up to 61% of your

customers to a competitor.

Those are big numbers!

Mobile Marketing

Why A Mobile Website Can Help You Grow Your Business

82% of local mobile searches turn into phone calls

Google says that over 60% of mobile searches are local in nature, and that

82% of those searches become phone calls.

Mobile Marketing

Why A Mobile Website Can Help You Grow Your Law Firm

Two-Thirds of mobile users say a mobile-friendly site makes them more likely to

contact a law firm for its service.

Higher customer engagement (repeat visits) coupled with higher satisfaction

index while on a mobile website turn visitors into clients.

Mobile Marketing

Why A Mobile Website Can Help You Grow Your Law Firm

40% of mobile users switched from one firm's website to a competitor's

after having to deal with a poorly designed website for their mobile


Consumers have come to expect mobile websites from the businesses they

work with, large or small, and if your website does not deliver when they try to

access it on their Smartphone while out and about, they are very likely to start

looking elsewhere.

Mobile Marketing

Why A Mobile Website Can Help You Grow Your Law Firm

Inbound mobile phone calls are 10-15 times more likely to convert than

inbound web form leads

Google says that 82% of mobile searches result in a phone call and

Inbound phone calls are 10-15 times more likely to convert than inbound web


Mobile growth is staggering - Mobile users surpassed desktop users

In other words mobile searches produce more client conversions for your law

firms than simple web clicks.

Mobile Marketing

Why A Mobile Website Can Help You Grow Your Law Firm

You’re ignoring a large percentage of your reachable market.

The fact is, mobile is now more popular than the desktop PC–surpassing

internet desktop usage last year.

Mobile is often the starting point for those searching for legal solutions.

Google recently rolled out an algorithm change that penalizes sites that aren’t

mobile friendly. What does that mean?

That means prospects are unlikely to find your site via a mobile search.

Mobile Marketing

Why A Mobile Website Can Help You Grow Your Law Firm

It makes your business look out of touch

The proliferation of mobile devices ensure that mobile is here to stay and is a part

of the business landscape moving forward,” says Robert Manigold, Business

Development at Codekoalas. “To ignore this is simply showing a lack of

understanding of how the landscape of business has changed.”

Mobile Marketing

Why A Mobile Website Can Help You Grow Your Law Firm

You miss out on the social sharing economy

Most social sharing occurs from mobile devices. Ignoring mobile harms your

company’s ability to spread on social sites.

“With the majority of social media accessed through mobile devices and a rising

trend towards accessing websites through mobile, not having a mobile optimized

site can turn away a large percentage of possible customers. People are also

reading more articles on mobile than ever before. This means that any blogs or

content that you push through your company is missing its full audience if it

doesn’t show up on mobile.”

Deborah Sweeney, CEO of MyCorporation.

Mobile Marketing

What’s Next?

So now you have a mobile website…

Mobile Marketing

What’s Next?

Mobile SEO

Mobile Marketing

What is mobile SEO

• Similar to SEO – getting ranked in the search engines


• Making sure you are optimized for mobile

• You want to be easily found when people are searching on the move!

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization is the process of ensuring that visitors who access your site

from mobile devices have an experience optimized for the device.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Optimization

Mobile SEO is based on very similar principles to general SEO.

A website which quickly and easily resolves a user’s search query will always

rank higher than one that doesn’t regardless of what platform the user is

browsing on.

So already having a decent SEO strategy in place puts you in a good position to

be successful on mobile.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile SEO Best Practices

If your site is already well optimized for search engines, there are only a few

additional things that you need to think about when optimizing for mobile.

Page speed

Because of hardware and connectivity issues, page speed is even more important

for mobile users than desktop users.

Mobile Marketing

Site design for mobile

Mobile devices are simplifying and revolutionizing the ways sites are designed.

"Above the fold" no longer has meaning in a world where we scroll endlessly.

Don't use Flash

The plugin may not be available on your user's phone, which means they'll miss out

on all the fun. If you want to create special effects, use HTML5 instead.

Don't use pop-ups either

It can be difficult and frustrating to try and close these on a mobile device. This

might lead to a high bounce rate.

Design for the fat finger

Touch screen navigation can lead to accidental clicks if your buttons are too big, too

small, or in the path of a finger that's trying to get the page to scroll.

Mobile Marketing

Optimize titles and meta descriptions

Remember that you're working with less screen space when a user searches using

a mobile device. To show off your best work in SERPS, be as concise as possible

(without sacrificing the quality of the information) when creating titles, URLs, and

meta descriptions.

Use Schema.org structured data

Because of the limited screen space, a search result with rich snippets is even more

likely to stand out than on a desktop.

Optimize for local search

If your business has a local element, remember to optimize your mobile content for

local search. This includes standardizing your name, address, and phone number

and including your city and state name in your site's metadata.

Mobile Marketing

If you redirect users to a mobile site, make sure you redirect them

to the right place

If you have a separate mobile site (e.g. m.example.com), you need to make

sure that it, and the desktop site (e.g. example.com), have bi-directional

redirects set correctly.

From Google’s updated best-practices guide:

Google updated annotation requirements for websites that use separate mobile URLs.

They now require two-way (that is, “bi-directional”) annotation. For any

large website, being fully compliant with these annotations is a

significant, yet important, undertaking.

If you have a separate mobile URL, 100% compliance with these requirements means modifying the

page markup for every page on both your desktop and mobile websites.

It’s hard work: over half of the websites in the Internet Retailer Top 500 fail to set their canonical tag

for pages other than the homepage. And 95% fail to set the corresponding desktop annotation.

Mobile Marketing

If you redirect users to a mobile site, make sure you redirect them to the

right place.

If you have a separate mobile URL, 100% compliance with these requirements means modifying the

page markup for every page on both your desktop and mobile websites.

It’s hard work: over half of the websites in the Internet Retailer Top 500 fail to set their canonical tag

for pages other than the homepage. And 95% fail to set the corresponding desktop annotation.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile site configuration conclusion

Probably the most important decision you'll make when setting up a site is deciding

whether you want to use a responsive or separate site configuration. Each has its

advantages and disadvantages.

Google prefers responsive design but supports all options as long as you have set

them up properly.

Mobile Marketing

Location-based marketing

From $0 in 2009, location-based marketing is

projected to grow to $6 billion in 2015.

Some businesses are seeing 65 percent redemption

rates from new, real-time geo-targeted ads (example

Free Consultation).

(Borrell Associates)

Mobile Display Marketing

Mobile Marketing

Benefits of mobile marketing

• Increase client loyalty

• Generate more revenue per client

• Increase brand awareness

• Boost website traffic

• Boost appointments/consultations

• Get the phone to RING!

Mobile Marketing-Mobile Display Marketing

Mobile Display Marketing-Why?

● Smart phones are now

used by over 90% of

consumers (Comscore)

● US Consumers spend an

average 4.5 hours per

day on their smart

phones (excluding voice

calls) (eMarketer)

● Consumers spend nearly

8X more time on their

smart phone than all

print media combined


● ~80%+ of time spent on

mobile is outside of

Google and Facebook

(FLurry Analytics)

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Display Marketing

Strategies for mobile display advertising

• Get targeted

- Location-GeoTargeting, GeoTargeting, GeoTargeting

- Using specific apps

iseekLaw-Dan Rosemark, Esq. next webinar

- Using specific display advertising platform

NearYou/Moasis Platform

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Display Marketing

Strategies for mobile display advertising

• Be realistic about what you expect

• What can you make happen?

- Make a phone call

- Opt-in to list

- Download an app

• Must be quick and easy to do on a phone

Mobile Marketing-Mobile Display Marketing

Mobile Display Marketing

Mobile display advertising-How?

• As simple as placing a normal online ad

• Make sure ad is designed for mobile

• Target timing that the ad displayed

• Target location where the ad is displayed

Mobile Marketing-Mobile Display Marketing

Mobile Display Marketing

Mobile Marketing-Mobile Display Marketing

Mobile Marketing-Mobile Display Marketing

Geofences -- the standard convention in location targeting today -- have serious limitations

Mobile Marketing-Mobile Display Marketing

Re-defining location precision with the Geo-GridTM

Mobile Marketing-Mobile Display Marketing

Mobile Display Marketing

● Your business ads run across 60,000+ different

mobile apps and websites including ESPN and

The Huffington Post

● Your ads are seen by consumers in specific

locations you choose around your business

● You can deliver more relevant offers by

customizing ad messages by location and time

of day

● Schedule your ads to connect with customers at

just the right time

● It’s Fast & simple - we can create and launch

good looking ads and launch within an hour

“The 21st Century Answer to the Paper Flyer”

Your mFlyer landing page Your ads

Mobile Marketing-Mobile Display Marketing

Mobile Display Marketing

● See results -- including how many times your

ads get seen, opened, and acted upon -- by


● Build awareness, drive traffic to your store,

or deliver promotions locally

● Free trial, with fixed-Cost Per Click model at

$5 per click

● Small setup and maintenace fee that includes

graphic creation each month and monitoring

“The 21st Century Answer to the Paper Flyer”

Your mFlyer landing page Your ads

Mobile Marketing-Mobile Display Marketing

Mobile Marketing-Mobile Display Marketing

Mobile Marketing-Mobile Display Marketing

Mobile Marketing-Mobile Display Marketing

mFlyer is the 21st Century’s answer to paper flyers

• Enables our clients to drive traffic to their sites or office

• Enables law firms to deliver relevant local mobile advertisements directly to consumers’ mobile devices

• mFlyer enables you to cherry-pick neighborhoods

Mobile Marketing-Mobile Display Marketing

Mobile Web Apps vs. Mobile Website


Platform Independent


Rich Experience

Brand Extensible

Easily Publishable

No — A separate application is

required for each platform.

Yes — A mobile web site is

accessible on each platform.

Yes — Apps can take total

advantage of native features.

Yes/No — With work, some

native features can be used.

Yes — Apps are a great extension

of your brand.

Yes — Mobile sites are a great

extension of your brand.

Yes/No — Apps require a lengthy

approval process for release


Yes — Updating a mobile site

takes mere minutes.

No — can be $15K for custom

app with continued updates and

cost as Apple/Android change the


Yes — Lower cost to build. Built

on Mobile or Responsive CMS

which are easily updated.Cost

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Apps

Are you aware of the fact that mobile apps have completely changed the

business scenario today?

With billions of new apps being developed everyday, the future has finally

evolved. Why are Businesses Creating Mobile Apps?

• The volume of Mobile Phones is much higher than PCs.

• The average time spent on Mobile Apps is 66% of total online time.

• On average, people check their mobile every 6 minutes.

• People use mobile Apps 6 times more than the mobile websites.

• 79% smart-phones users use their mobile to make purchasing decisions.

• 50% users make a purchase on Mobile within 1 hour as compared to 1

month on Desktops.

• 73% of Business Owners use Mobile Apps daily.

• Business owners also use Mobile Apps for Customer Engagement.

• Solution- iseekLaw

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Apps

In today's Mobile world, there are over 25 Billion Mobile Apps as of Jan 2015

So what are you waiting for? Don’t have an idea/concept yet? Don’t have the


Solution-iseekLaw-mobile directory with loads of features built by an attorney for

attorneys. Next webinar will focus on our law app and how you can take

advantage of iseekLaw.

Mobile Marketing

How does your business and website appear?

Tools to check

www.localsearchprofiler.com –Check How Your Business Appears

Online (Citation Report) and Reputation Report


check how your site appears on a mobile device.

Contact me for a Free website evaluation/audit

Contact me for copies of slides

Contact me for book “Internet Marketing For Local Business”

Ed Kundahl, Ph.D., M.B.A.

855-943-8736 ext. 101


We make law firms grow. Ask us how.

Why Are So Many Law Firms

Struggling With Mobile Marketing? Sponsored by

Presented by
