Why don't identical twins have identical fingerprints? Prepared by: Pokidysheva Ann, 11 “A”



Hypothesis “Identical twins don’t have identical fingerprints” My research is aimed at testing the following hypothesis: “Identical twins don’t have identical fingerprints”.

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Why don't identical twins have identical fingerprints?

Prepared by:Prepared by:Pokidysheva Ann, 11 “A”Pokidysheva Ann, 11 “A”

Identical twins excite a great interest of society. People rack their brains over if identical twins have identical fingerprints or don’t have. This phenomenon interested me.

HypothesisHypothesis• My research is aimed at testing the following

hypothesis: “Identical twins don’t have “Identical twins don’t have identical fingerprints”identical fingerprints”.

The objects of my researchThe objects of my research

Identical twinsIdentical twins Identical twins' fingerprintsIdentical twins' fingerprints

• My research is only theoretical.

• Identical twins should have the same fingerprints as they are monozygotic, which means that they develop when a single fertilized egg splits in two, leading to two embryos.

Monozygotic – монозиготныйFertilized - оплодотворенная Egg – яйцеклеткаTo split - делить на частиTo lead – приводитьEmbryos - эмбрион

• As they both came from combination of the same egg and sperm, these twins have virtually indistinguishable DNA.

Indistinguishable-неразличимыйDNA-ДНК, дезоксирибонуклеиновая кислота

• So why aren’t their fingerprints identical So why aren’t their fingerprints identical from birth?from birth?

• Fingerprints are not a genetic characteristic. They are a part of ‘phenotype’ which means they are determined by the interaction of individual genes and the intrauterine environment (different hormonal levels, nutrition, blood pressure, position in the womb and the growth rate of the fingers).

Blood pressure-кровяное давлениеWomb- маткаThe growth rate-темпы роста

Phenotype- фенотипTo determine-обуславливатьThe intrauterine environment- внутриутробная средаNutrition- питание

• Minor differences in fingerprints arise from random local events during fetal development.

Minor-незначительныйTo arise-возникатьRandom-случайныйFetal development-развитие плода

• Overall, identical twin’s fingerprints tend to be similar, but there always will have subtle differences.


• In conclusion, In conclusion, I found out that no two people in the world who have identical fingerprints, not even identical twins. The fingerprints are unique.

• My hypothesis was proved.My hypothesis was proved.


• http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2011/02/identical-twins-dont-have-identical-fingerprints-even-from-birth/
