Wilton Parish News · Wilton Parish News AUTUMN 2018 Welcome to our Autumn issue - and a few things...


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Wilton Parish News



Welcome to our Autumn issue - and a few things coming up!

In September we celebrate the Feast of St. Edith of Wilton — on Sunday 16th September. Archdeacon Alan Jeans will lead our 10.45 service and at our 3pm “Mayor’s Sunday” service we will welcome and offer prayers for our Mayor and Councillors, and also Richard Boase, the new Headteacher of Wilton Church of England Primary School.

Then it’s Harvest Festival on Sunday, 23rd September. As usual we welcome gifts of tinned/non-perishable food for donation to the Trussell Trust “Foodbank” and any fruit will be given to Alabaré Christian Care.


Rector: The Revd Mark Wood, Tel. 01722 742571 (not Fridays)

Email: rectorwilton@gmail.com

Parish Secretary: Mrs. Christine Matthews Tel. 01722 742393 Email: wiltonpcc@btinternet.com

Mondays 11-12: Wednesdays and Fridays 10-12

7th October sees the Parish Church’s “173rd birthday” (see back page for services) And on Sunday 28th October, the Ven. Stephen Robbins, former Chaplain-General to the British Army - will lead and preach at our 10.45 service.

On Sunday 4th November our All Souls’ Service provides an opportunity to remember our loved ones who have died, and on Sunday 11th the annual Service of Remembrance begins at the earlier time of 10.30am (and 3pm at Netherhampton).

St Catherine’s, Netherhampton celebrate their Patron Saint on Sunday 25th, with a special Thanksgiving Service at 3pm.



What’s on?


Preparation for “Confirmation” - will begin in October, with sessions

for young people (age 11+) and for adults.

If you have been baptized (recently or some time ago) and would like to think further about your Christian faith and perhaps go on to be Confirmed by the

Bishop – please contact the Rector, Revd. Mark Wood, about it.

Youth Choir

Our new choir begins rehearsals in September, under the direction

of Andrew Hanley, our Director of Youth Music.

There will be two rehearsals each month, on Sunday mornings (from 9.30 – 10.30) and, when

ready, the choir will sing in church on the first Sunday of each month (10am rehearsal and 10.45 service

– finish by 11.45)

If your child (8—16) would like to be involved, please contact the

Rector, or Parish Secretary, for further information.

(Contact details on front cover)

Your Parish needs you! Cyclists, walkers, and riders are all welcome to participate in the annual Ride and Stride -

visiting as many churches as possible - with sponsorship, to raise money for the Historic Churches Trust, or just for fun! If you would like to join in, or to sponsor

one of the team, please contact your Parish Rep. – Tim Robertson 744145

or tjwrobertson@aol.com



Ramblings from the Rectory

Just outside Frome, in Somerset, stands the little church of St Katherine, East Woodlands - its churchyard surrounded by tall trees and the attendant birdsong.

Among the graves there is one pale stone which, in its simplicity, is not unlike the Commonwealth gravestones which commemorate our War Dead. It has no carved cross or regiment, however, just a simple, childish tractor - beneath which appears a name and the dates “1989 - 1998”.

This is the grave of Patrick, a pupil of mine at a nearby school, killed quite suddenly in a car accident just 3 days before Christmas. I remember that detail because it was also 3 days before the birth of our own first child. And it was the stark contrast between the devastating loss experienced by Patrick’s father (also called Mark) and my own joy and relief at a safe “arrival”, that led me finally to decide that “just” being a teacher was not enough, and so began the journey to ordained ministry.

Whenever a young life is cut short, there is always a lingering sense that it’s just not right. “For everything there is a time and a season”, says Scripture: and we want to answer back - ”well, that time isn’t now, is it?!”

How utterly bewildering, then, the huge losses of 100 years ago must have seemed to those who survived the Great War: so many lives blotted out before they’d had chance to reach maturity, let alone to fulfil whatever future God had intended for them.

Experiences like these remind us just how precious and fragile life is: they teach us to “live for the moment”, rather than fretting about the future we can’t yet see, and also to make sure we really appreciate all those other people whose lives touch our own.

100 years on and, to most of us, the inscriptions on the white Commonwealth graves of WW1 are just names: we all know something of their story, but have no sense of personal loss - we feel no direct connection with our own lives. And yet, each of those names signifies a unique and precious life cut short, and many other lives devastated by their loss.

Living at a time of national and international tensions, we should perhaps “remember” 1914 and the ease with which “the world” sleepwalked into bloody conflict, as an antidote to any complacent assumptions that it could never happen again. Mark Wood


“Tranquil they lie”

November’s “Remembrance” takes on an extra poignancy, as we mark the centenary of the Armistice which ended the “Great War” - signed at 11am (Paris Time) on the 11th day of the 11th month.

Not all servicemen who died in World War I are buried in the huge cemeteries in Belgium and France. Others are buried further away - Turkey, Iraq, India – but eight men found their resting places in Wilton Cemetery, where a plaque is to be erected. Visitors will spot that five have War Graves Commission headstones – a simple shape with the name and date of death of each man, his Regimental Badge and a cross. Three have individual headstones as their families, living in Wilton, provided their own memorials. But what of their stories?

The first to be buried was an older soldier Albert Beverley, (42) from Leeds, where his wife Rose lived. Albert served at the Army transport depot in The Avenue, but, tragically, in November 1915 decided to end his own life.

Next was Private Tims, from a London Regiment, who died in March 1916. Although the cause is not given, he may well have been injured and returned to Britain. If he died in the hospital at Wilton House, this would explain why he is buried here.

Captain Terence Brabazon (20), who was nursed there, died of septic pneumonia caused by his wounds in August 1918. His headstone unusually also bears the name of his father, Lt Col. William Brabazon, who asked that when he died (in 1939) he should be buried with his son.

Another older soldier was John Oakley (43) born in Shropshire but serving in the Wiltshire Regt. His widow Ethel lived at 5 Crow Lane. John had fought in the disastrous 1915 Gallipoli campaign in Turkey. He died ‘of wounds’ in April 1918 (although our Book of Remembrance says “1919”).


“Tranquil they lie”

Four months later, Wilton-born Grenadier Guardsman Walter Griffen, whose parents lived at 17 St John’s Square, died of typhoid, aged just 19 years. Both John and Walter‘s names appear on the War Memorial in front of the Parish Church, as does Charles Gobey’s. He died in hospital in 1919, aged 42, before the official peace treaty ended the war. Victor Madex (24) also died that year. He was part of the Australian forces sent over, many of whom were in local camps. Here they carved an enormous map of Australia on Compton Down (currently being restored). He and his wife lived at 51 West Street. Sadly he was found drowned in the river, but Nellie had a special stone carved for him. Finally, Bertram Young (aged 23)of 28 Ditchampton died in hospital in February 1920. His parents Tom and Alice wanted him name included on the War Memorial, as his illness had resulted from his time as a soldier. We shall remember them all on 11th November. Christine Matthews

Service of Remembrance 2018

Wilton Parish Church

Sunday 11th November


At the going down of the sun, and in the morning..

We will remember them.


Bits and Bobs..

Services at St. Peter’s


11.00am Holy Communion

13 and 27 September

11and 25 October

8 and 22 November

Wilton Parish Church


“A Service for remembering our loved ones who have died”

SUNDAY 4th NOVEMBER at 4.00pm

Whether or not you normally attend church, you are warmly invited to this special service of prayer and reflection.

“Christmas Market”

Saturday 25th November 11am - 2pm

Wilton Community Centre

Raffle, Refreshments Light Lunches (12.00—1.30)

Variety of Gift and Craft Stalls, Tombola and Much More!

Come along for some fun and do some Christmas shopping!



Fill a sack with treasure from our warehouse!

Have fun learning new skills.

Pocket money craft kits.

Arty Parties.


Unit 2 Kingsway Business Park, Wilton SP2 0AP

Thurs. 11—5; Fri & Sat 11.30—4.30


Care and Home help Matching your carer

to your needs. Please call 07557 417563


43 Elmfield Close, Woodfalls, Salisbury, SP5 2BF

Phone: 01725 510669 Mobile: 07947 380819 Email: info@ockendentrees.com

Home Farm Road, Wilton, SP2 8PJ

01722 741118




Church Services

St. Mary & St. Nicholas, West Street, Wilton


8.00 am Holy Communion (1st Sunday of the month at St. John’s Priory)

10.45 am Sung Eucharist

Monday - Saturday

9.30am Morning Prayer

St. Catherine’s, Netherhampton First and Third Sunday of the month:

9.30 am Sung Matins

Second and Fourth Sunday of the month:

9.30 am Holy Communion

St. Peter’s, Fugglestone As advertised:

Holy Communion - some Thursdays at 11.00am

Evensong - some Sundays at 6.00pm

St. John’s Priory Chapel, Shaftesbury Road

Wednesday, 10.30 am Holy Communion (followed by coffee)

First Sundays only - 8.00am Holy Communion

Whether you visit us as a pilgrim or tourist,

whether you are confident in your faith,

curious to know more, or just plain sceptical -

you will always be welcome in our churches.


October Sunday 7th - Parish Church’s “Dedication Festival“ 10.45am Sung Eucharist 6.00pm Choral Evensong: combined Choirs of Wilton Parish Church and Holy Trinity, Bradford on Avon


Saturday 24th - ”Christmas Market” 11am - 2pm - Community Centre

Sunday 25th - St Catherine’s, Netherhampton: 3.00pm Annual Thanksgiving Service


Sunday 16th - Parish Church Celebrating St. Edith of Wilton 10.45am - Sung Eucharist

3.00pm - “Mayor’s Sunday” Service

Sunday 23rd - Harvest Festival 8.00 and 10.45am - Parish Church 6.00pm - St Catherine’s, Netherhampton
