Winter 2013 Ready foR the Harvest -


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Ready foR the Harvest WorldWide evangelism in 2013
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oRdeR today! offeRs limited to stock on hand. to oRdeR, just call (800) 900-9021 oR visit stoRe.qhministRies.oRg
Your purchases from our wide variety of books, CDs and DvDs directly support our outreach efforts around the world, helping to tell even more people about Jesus.
Breakthrough DVD In this dynamic evangelistic
series Pastor José rojas presents the gospel message in his relevant, witty and relational style. The four-disk Breakthrough DvD set—available in english and spanish—is an excellent way to share Christ with non-believers and will uplift and inspire you as well! $22.99, plus shipping.
Our Wonderful Jesus by J.l. tucker
This little book is a classic favorite from QHM founder Pastor J.L. tucker. each chapter leads to a deeper appreciation for what God has done for us. You will find in this volume the peace and pleasure that comes from knowing Jesus. $1.49, plus shipping.
Treasure vonda Beerman
Discover through song your true value in Christ as you enjoy this uplifting album by vonda Beerman. This special CD is sure to become one of the favorites in your collection. $7.99, plus shipping.
After the Storm by trudy morgan-Cole with Bill tucker
The storms of life are an everyday reality for all of us. With the winds blowing at us from all directions, learn how to practically apply Jesus’ advice and build a life that will stand firm. $1.49, plus shipping.
His Love martin Young
This beautiful collection of Christ-centered songs from vocalist Martin Young will warm your heart with the matchless love of our savior. $7.99, plus shipping.
Seeds of Widsom by merlin Beerman
Great for personal study or groups, Seeds of Wisdom is a life-changing Bible study guide based on the parables of Christ related to seeds. $7.99, plus shipping.
a Blessing to you and Worldwide Ministry!
On sale today:
Founder J. L. Tucker, 1895-1989
executive editor Bill Tucker
Ceo Randal H. Bates
Echoes is the official publication of The Quiet Hour, Inc., doing business as Quiet Hour Ministries, PO Box 3000, Redlands, California 92373-1500, USA.
Subscriptions are $5 per year to United States addresses. International rates vary. For subscription service please call us at 800-900-9021, visit www., or write to us at the above address.
Quiet Hour Ministries is a not-for-profit supporting ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Donations to Quiet Hour Ministries are tax-deductible in the United States. Those in Canada may send their tax-deductible gifts to PO Box 22085, St. Thomas, ON, N5R 6A1, Canada.
The Quiet Hour is a 501(c) (3) organization, gifts to which are deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.
Florida: a COPY OF tHe OFFICIaL reGIstratION aND FINaNCIaL INFOrMatION MaY Be OBtaINeD FrOM tHe DIvIsION OF CONsUMer servICes BY CaLL ING tOLL Free WItHIN tHe state, 1-800-435-7352. reGIstratION DOes NOt IMPLY eNDOrseMeNt, aPPrOvaL, Or reCOMMeNDatION BY tHe state. The Quiet Hour’s registration number is CH19265. Maryland: a copy of The Quiet Hour’s current financial statement is available on request to The Quiet Hour, Box 3000, redlands Ca 92373- 1500 - telephone # 909-793-2588. For the cost of copies and postage, registration documents, and other information are available from the Maryland secretary of state. Mississippi: The official registration and financial information of The Quiet Hour may be obtained from the Mississippi secretary of state’s office by calling 1-888-236-6167. registration by the secretary of state does not imply endorsement. Virginia: a financial statement is available from the state Division of Consumer affairs in the Department of agriculture and Consumer services upon request. West Virginia: West virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the secretary of state, state Capitol, Charleston, West virginia 24305. registration does not imply endorsement.
The Quiet Hour Canada is a registered charity in Canada. reg. # 89764 8002 rr0002 Where legally possible offerings will go to these projects; otherwise special arrangements will be made with Quiet Hour Ministries for distribution of funds based on the laws of Canada where these funds are collected.
YOU ONLY retIre tO BeD at NIGHt
In March, Jackie and I will be leading evangelism teams in General santos, Philippines. This is the place where God wonderfully blessed our evangelism in 1989 and more than 5,000 people were baptized in a single day! and I believe that God is again going to do something special for His glory in General santos.
What is God calling you to do this year? Whether you’re in your “retirement” years, a working
I’ll never forget it. One day a number of years ago, J. L. tucker, my grandfather and founder of Quiet Hour Ministries, told me: “remember, retirement is not in the Bible. You only retire to bed at night!”
He was in his mid-80s when he made that statement. and let me tell you, he was passionate to share the saving grace of Jesus, continuing his ministry right up until his 88th birthday!
by Bill tucker
Whether you’re in your “retirement” years, a working professional, a young student or in any other walk of life, I know God has a
special ministry just for you. My father, Laverne tucker,
who also led Quiet Hour Ministries, carried on his ministry until age 71—when health challenges forced him to slow down.
Both of these men powerfully demonstrated to me a life of service and mission, even in their “retirement.”
I’m frequently asked if I’m now retired. actually you might say I’m “semi-retired.” I’ve retired from full-time ministry but continue to serve as president and speaker of Quiet Hour Ministries. a search process is underway by our board of directors to find a new full-time president and speaker.
Yet, as my grandfather said, “You only retire to bed at night!” It’s my humble honor to continue serving the Lord both locally and overseas. In addition to leadership duties, speaking and writing for Quiet Hour Ministries, I’m thrilled to proclaim Christ in the mission field.
professional, a young student or in any other walk of life, I know God has a special ministry just for you. He wants to work through you to be a blessing to many.
This year we’re planning for more than 1,000 team members to join us in the mission field. I would love for you to be one of them! Join Jackie and me in General santos or be a part of another of our mission teams.
There’s a great work to be done around the world. God is calling you and me to win souls for His kingdom. as we begin this New Year, let’s commit our every effort to His service, remembering that “You only retire to bed at night!”
Bill Tucker is president and speaker of Quiet Hour Ministries.
Just wanted to take the opportunity to thank your donors for sponsoring me to preach in Peru. It was an amazing experience and I will continue to preach sermons here in Scotland because I think that’s where it is needed too! Again, thank you, and I know God will bless you more abundantly and that we’ll meet one day in heaven!
ellisha W. scotland
Please pray that God will open up a way for me and my family to be full time missionaries. I just came back from Peru on a mission trip with my two daughters. It has made us realize that there’s nothing else we want to do in life than to serve.
Michael W. United Kingdom
This summer has been the most life changing experience. We really appreciate your huge help in this ministry. I know that together we can spread the gospel to the world. I am happy to say my church had 19 baptisms. Praise God! Thank you!
Francisco O. Peru
In the past months, 63 children in our church have worked to raise over $1000 for your project to provide Bibles for children in Rwanda. These children raised money from family and friends, as well as giving from their own savings in their piggy banks. Please send along the greetings from our children to the children in Rwanda when they receive their Bibles.
alberto P., Children’s Ministry West New York spanish adventist Church
West New York, NJ
Letters may be edited for purposes of clarity and space considerations.
Children from the West new York spanish Church with their mission gifts to provide Bibles.
(800)900-9021 | 5 WINTER 2013 ECHOES
learned to make. tears filled my eyes as I stood in this home with plastic tarps and trash bags for a roof and saw the desperately poor young people sharing God´s grace.
I had accepted the call to come with Quiet Hour Ministries with the thought my team and I would be able, by God´s grace, to make a difference in tacna. Little did I know they would make such a remarkable difference in mine!
When our evangelistic meetings ended, 111 people in our district had been baptized! I want you to know that this is thanks to you. It’s your prayers and gifts joined with God’s spirit that’s touched these lives!
I saw God´s grace change lives in tacna, including my own. and God even provided some orange cake too!
I believe God has called you, yes you, to make a difference in the mission field. and I know that somewhere God´s children are praying you will come and help. answer today!
Steven Wood, a sinner saved by grace, lives in California and is co-owner of a new business in Southwest Michigan.
Through My Eyes
C h a n g e d L i v e s aND OraNGe CaKe
by steven Wood
tHe IDea Was sIMPLe—INvIte the neighbors to bring their baking pans, Bibles and children for a cooking class, english language class for the children and a Bible study.
But to me the simplicity ended there. The home where the event was held had a dirt floor, bamboo matting for walls and a plastic tarp for the roof. This is how many people in the New City district of tacna, Perú live. Yet the home was full of smiling people when my team arrived.
I was in tacna to hold evangelistic meetings as part of a citywide outreach by Quiet Hour Ministries. The church I was assigned to was the New Jerusalem adventist Church in the New City district.
The church building was new. Most of the homes were new. In North america we often consider “new” to mean “nice.” Not the case in tacna. New just means it wasn’t there before.
as more people moved to the New District, youth from a neighboring church had committed to share Jesus with these people. The cooking and english classes were part of that project.
New Jerusalem Church shared one district pastor with nine other churches! all of his churches had been praying for months and months that God would send help for their outreach efforts.
In His wonderful grace, God answered their prayers! Thanks to the gifts of His people (you!), our Quiet Hour Ministries evangelism teams arrived to share God’s love.
It was a cold, cloudy sunday in the middle of our tacna trip when we came to the cooking class outreach. already on the mission trip I’d been touched to see hundreds of incredibly poor, incredibly precious souls given free medicine, glasses and dental care.
Coming in from the cold, the warmth of God´s people was warmer and more welcome than the oven, which was baking the orange cake they’d
steven Wood working in the optical clinic during the QHM mission trip in tacna, Peru.
as I Was vOtING IN tHe PresIDeNtIaL eLeCtION last month, I thought about the impact that my choices would have on the next four years. It is a powerful feeling to know that I have a part in deciding the course of my nation.
so, I want to offer you a choice. Believe it or not, your decision is even more important than who you voted for in the last election. This choice has everlasting effects!
Here are three ways you and I can complete the work of spreading the gospel around the world. Pick one, or all, of them and let’s do this together.
1. GO. We need people to go on mission trips in a variety of roles: speakers, medical professionals, children’s leaders, cooks, builders, anyone excited about sharing Jesus. In just two and a half weeks you can make a real difference in the world. Has your church or school been thinking about going on a mission trip together? We have opportunities for groups too! In 2013, we need 1,000 team members. By 2016 our plans call for 5,000 team members each year.
A CHoiCe to
developed, we are sharpening our focus and expanding our outreach efforts toward the goal of reaching 1 million people each year by 2016.
This is a bold strategy considering that we believe the most effective way to share the message is face to face and heart to heart. some have called this boots- on-the-ground evangelism.
This means we have accepted the challenge to, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15 NKJv.
Jesus didn’t ask a single church to spread the gospel. He didn’t choose one particular ministry to carry out this work. He asks individuals— you and me. and I believe we can work together to get it done!
by Randy BatesFOLLOw GOd’s CALL A vIsIOn FOR OUTReACh In 2013 And beyOnd
at the same time, it is daunting to consider the state of our country and its place in the world today. There are so many issues that need attention, from economic crises to human rights to terrorism.
all of these things lead us at Quiet Hour Ministries to have an ever-growing sense of urgency about finishing the work God has for us. time is quickly drawing to a close and we want to do our part in helping people in every part of the world to be ready for His return!
today, we are making choices that will have a huge impact on worldwide evangelism over the next four years. Following in the tradition of our long history and the unique approach we have
(800)900-9021 | 7 WINTER 2013 ECHOES
2013 Missions Preveiw
2. GIve. If you can’t go yourself, you can help by donating funds for others to go. We hear from people who have sent their children or grandchildren on a Quiet Hour Ministries trip. They tell us it is the best investment they could have chosen. sabbath school classes and prayer groups have also raised funds to support our mission work. While it is especially meaningful to sponsor someone you know, we have also had donors who have chosen to help someone they have never met. We hear from both sides about the blessings that have resulted from sponsoring others.
3. PRAy. The work of sharing saving grace cannot happen without God. We need His blessing on the team members who are in the mission field personally telling the story of God’s love. We need the Holy spirit touching the hearts of those who hear the message. We need God’s leading as we choose projects and make decisions in the office.
What will the world look like when we reach the milestone of 5,000 team members each year? We can already predict some of the results. The impact in our world will be tremendous.
For example, in ecuador, a fisherman named vincente was walking by our meeting site and was drawn in by what he heard. His life was changed and he is now a baptized church member!
On average, each week, more than 19,000 people like vincente will hear the message of God’s love, many for the very first time. and they will hear it face to face, heart to heart.
One of our team members, Netanya, heard about our mission trip opportunity, made the decision to go and within two months was spreading the gospel in tonga. On average, each week we will be sending out 100 new people into the mission field, people getting out of their comfort zone to share God’s love.
With overlapping trips, approximately 300 people will be working at the same time each week all over the world!
David was expecting to use his electrician skills on a mission trip. However, when he arrived in Peru, he found there was no building project. Instead, he was asked to help in the medical clinics, then to give health talks. He found he enjoyed it so much that he is planning on presenting the health message in his home church.
In our vision for the future, we see that in communities where our team live, each week 100 people like David will be coming back from the mission field with a fresh fire for their personal role in the gospel commission. They will be eager to share their stories with friends, family and in their local church.
In addition, every week new meetings will be starting around the world and thousands of people will be invited to hear about Jesus for the very first time! at meetings
that are coming to a close each week, still more will be making decisions for Christ.
and our gospel workers will remain on site to give Bible studies to those who have asked to learn more. each sabbath thousands of new believers will worship with their new church families for the very first time. The rejoicing and hallelujahs will ring throughout the courts of heaven!
You and I are privileged to make the choice to be part of this future, privileged to be partners with God in bringing His saving grace to a world in desperate need. Won’t you join me in taking the gospel commission personally?
If you can, go. If you can’t go, give so that someone else can go. and above all, pray that God’s spirit will move mightily on those who go and on those who hear.
Last November we made choices that will impact our communities and our nation for the next few years. Now we have the opportunity to make choices with an eternal impact.
Won’t you join me? together, we will rejoice throughout eternity with those who had the opportunity to choose salvation because of our choice to follow God’s call.
Randy Bates is CEO of Quiet Hour Ministries.
I understood what it is we do (international evangelism mission trips) and why we do it. I bought in to the vision and mission of the organization and started working with the team to accomplish our goals.
But it wasn’t until I actually went on a Quiet Hour mission trip that I really got it.
This past October, I headed to Thailand with a mission team of evangelism volunteers. What an amazing trip!
team members from across the United states and Canada joined together to serve the Lord.
We would start each day by having worship together. During this time we’d listen to a short devotional from one of our team members. Then we would share where we had seen God at work during the trip.
after a short briefing, each
WHeN I starteD WOrKING at QUIet HOUr Ministries in February 2012, I thought that “I got it.”
team member would prepare their sermons for that evening and then we’d head to lunch.
I was already a huge fan of Thai food. But the feast of homemade Thai food our hosts would lovingly prepare each day at the local church was unbelievable! These lunches together were also a key time for our team to get to know each other, share stories and form friendships with the local church members.
after lunch, each team member headed to their meeting site. at each of our six sites we hosted vacation Bible school programs, english classes, medical outreach and of course the evangelistic meetings.
By meeting the tangible needs of the community through our medical outreach, english classes and so on, we were able to form relationships with the locals. Then we’d invite them to
attend our meetings. This is when the
miracle happens; when they show up they’re put face-to-face with Jesus Christ!
My job was to film and produce a video documenting our mission trip. This video will be released soon as another installment of our brand new Missions Today media initiative.
When I rolled up to one of my first sites to begin filming, I was awestruck before I even entered the pavilion. Bicycle after bicycle was lined up outside. entering the pavilion, I saw about 70 young children singing songs about Jesus. They all had huge smiles on their faces and seemed to be really connecting with the words of the songs, which were being translated as they learned them.
after doing some filming and meeting these adorable little kids, I asked the vBs leader about their religious demographic. He said the majority of these children were
Every night, more and more people would show up to our
evangelistic meetings.
i GeT it A T e A M M e M b e R ’ s P e R s P e C T I v e O n O U R T h A I L A n d M I s s I O n T R I P
by Greg Batla
continued on page 10
thailand mission team member Jerry roethemeyer with local kids at a vBs program.
(800)900-9021 | 9 WINTER 2013 ECHOES
people for christ! JOIN US IN REACHING people for christ!
On a Quiet Hour Ministries mission trip you’ll experience first-hand the excitement of bringing people to Jesus! You’ll never be the same again!
Upcoming mission trips: india February 6-24 Peru February 27-March 10 eCuador March 3-17 PhiliPPines March 13-31 indonesia april 17-28 Brazil June 12-24 Costa riCa June12-27 ColomBia June 12-30 eCuador July 3-21
Our mission teams involve people of all different skill sets.
We’re looking for: sPeakers
mediCal ProFessionals
anYone exCited aBout sharing Jesus
Come experience the mission field! To learn more or sign up, visit or call our
evangelism department at (800) 900-9021.
the entire Qhm mission team along with local church members at one of the meeting sites.
gwendolyn nicolas (right) reads a prescription for a local woman at our optical clinic in thailand.
the entire Qhm mission team along with local church members at one of the meeting sites.
Buddhist and had never heard the name of Jesus until now!
In a village that has no Christian presence for miles, these children were riding their bikes to a vBs program and falling in love with Jesus. Then, they would ride their bikes home and tell their parents about how much fun they had at vBs!
every night, more and more people would show up to our evangelistic meetings. each attendee heard about the grace and love of a merciful God and was given the opportunity to make a decision for Him. and many did make the decision to give their hearts to Him and publicly pronounce it through the act of baptism!
In fact, as of this writing, 54 new believers have been baptized as a result of our Thailand meetings! There are many more that are continuing Bible studies with our gospel workers and we’re praying that they will also decide to be baptized soon.
Our gospel workers are truly unsung heroes. Through your generous gifts we are able to hire gospel workers to go into an area
six months before we arrive! They actually go door to door
in a city or village where we’ll be hosting our meetings and offer Bible studies. Many families begin Bible studies during this period. so by the time our mission teams arrive, they’re ready to make a decision for Christ!
after our meetings end, the gospel workers remain in the area for a few more months. They continue hosting Bible studies and also help to integrate new believers into local churches.
Missions Today is a unique online video series from Quiet Hour Ministries. It includes Missions Today Features, five minute videos documenting the various trips that we film; and Missions Minutes, one minute videos detailing the stories of our team members and those they reach.
We release a brand new Missions Minute every Thursday! You can find our Missions Today series on our website at missionstoday, on Facebook at and on our Twitter at @ qhministries. Also watch on YouTube at qhministries.
mission statement and our list of organizational values. I’ve heard presentations on why we do what we do. I’ve even helped write some of the scripts!
But it wasn’t until I went to Thailand, where I actually saw our international evangelism in action, that I could fully grasp the impact this type of ministry has on so many lives...including my own.
Greg Batla serves as marketing specialist at Quiet Hour Ministries.
That’s what I love about our evangelism method. We don’t just blow into an area for two weeks, host meetings and have baptisms— and then we’re out. In concert with the local churches, our gospel workers begin ministering to the local community long before our team arrives and continue long after we’re gone.
I’ve seen our strategic planning documents. I’ve seen our
continued from page 8
“thereFore gO and MAke
dIsCIPLes oF ALL nATIOns.” matthew 28:19.
May 3-4, 2013 Hilton Anaheim Anaheim, California *special ambassadors event in
conjunction with missions convention
October 18-19, 2013 Skamania Lodge Stevenson, Washington
AMbAssADors oF Hope 2013
as a special thank you for your yearly commitment of $1,200 or more, you’re warmly invited to join us for our ambassadors of Hope weekends. Come and enjoy uplifting messages and music, frontline mission reports, comfortable accommodations and delicious vegetarian meals. Plus you’ll meet our leadership and other mission-minded friends!
for more information or to register for our aoh weekends, call (800) 900-9021.
PROjeCT UPDates everY DaY tHere Is sOMetHING GOING ON arOUND tHe world that’s part of Quiet Hour Ministries’ outreach. Whether it’s church construction, gospel workers giving Bible studies or evangelism teams proclaiming Jesus, there are always projects happening that are furthering the Lord’s work. and these projects only happen through your generous support.
In an effort to keep you up to date on what’s going on in our worldwide outreach, here’s what’s happened in the various areas of our ministry over the last few months:
ChILdRen’s OUTReACh – Children’s programs were part of our evangelism in Honduras, Peru, ecuador, tonga, the Philippines and Thailand. Thousands of kids heard about Jesus through these meetings. In Thailand, our most recent children’s outreach, almost all the kids attending were Buddhist and most of them had never known about Jesus before.
MUsLIM OUTReACh – Quiet Hour Ministries provided Bibles for groups of Muslims who have been studying with “bridge building” workers in countries we can’t name. Many of them have accepted Jesus as their savior. In addition, QHM has sponsored training seminars to help in the “bridge building” work.
MedICAL CLInICs – Free clinics were held as part of our mission trips to Honduras, the Philippines, tonga, Peru and elsewhere. Through providing free medical, dental and optical care, we were able to reach thousands of people with a tangible expression of God’s love. Many of these people later came to our evangelistic meetings.
wORLdwIde evAnGeLIsM – Meetings were held by QHM team members in Honduras, the Philippines, Peru, ecuador, tonga, Thailand and Zambia, resulting in more than 5,000 baptisms.
ChAPeLs – eight chapels were built in India in connection with evangelistic meetings led by various QHM groups. In Brazil, two chapels were built in preparation for meetings later in 2013. and QHM team members also helped build chapels in Honduras, ecuador and tonga as part of their mission trips.
GOsPeL wORkeRs – as part of our seeK, reaP and KeeP evangelism process, QHM provided stipends for gospel workers in sri Lanka, Peru, India, ecuador and tonga. These gospel workers were involved in door-to-door outreach, Bible studies and working with interests from our evangelistic meetings.
bIbLes – at each of our evangelistic meetings, Bibles were distributed to each newly-baptized believer. In addition, Bibles were provided to tombe Youth Ministries, who continuously hold evangelistic meetings in various parts of Kenya.
(800)900-9021 | 13 WINTER 2013 ECHOES
youR gifts can Be made via the enclosed Response caRd, By calling (800) 900-9021 oR online at www.qhministRies.oRg/givenow
# PrOjeCt gOaL raised stiLL
06002 Bibles 34,650 2.2% 752 33,898
06052 Children’s Outreach 46,140 .2% 74 46,066
06012 Muslim Outreach 60,000 2.5% 1,478 58,522
06061 Medical Clinics 17,325 .8% 143 17,182
sUPerstItIOUs traDItIONs aND CUstOMs clung to the Ganaan family. Confrontations and fights plagued their home. Then one day the Word of God entered their lives when a Bible worker knocked on their door.
strongly opposed their baptism and threatened to throw them out of the house. even though ariel tried to convince José to let them be baptized he flatly said, “No!”
But what seemed to be defeat soon became a miracle. The Palms Church members continued to pray for the Ganaan family. ariel prayed earnestly as well. “Lord, give me another chance to talk to José,” he asked.
God answered their prayers! On a tuesday morning, ariel decided to visit erika and Joseph one more time. to his surprise he
found José at home as well. Bluntly, ariel asked José, “Do you
believe in God?” José didn’t answer. Then, ariel asked his second question, “Why not allow the children to be baptized?” still no answer.
Then ariel asked a third question: “Will you allow them to finish their Bible studies and give their lives to Jesus?”
Quietly José nodded his head in approval. He could not deny that since his children had started Bible studies they had become respectful and kind. a new spirit of harmony was growing in his home. That very day, José began Bible studies too!
shortly thereafter, erika and Joseph were baptized. But they didn’t enter the baptismal pool alone. José was baptized as well!
It was truly a day to remember
A treMenDous AnD eternAl diFFerenCe
by Charlene West
ariel, the Bible worker supported by Quiet Hour Ministries, visited the Ganaan family evening after evening. He was aided by many prayers from the members of the Palms seventh- day adventist Church in salinas, ecuador. ariel’s work was in preparation for QHM evangelistic meetings at the Palms Church and other locations around salinas.
The Bible truths shared by ariel touched the hearts of the Ganaan’s two children, erika and Joseph. soon they decided to be baptized.
However, their father José
People responding to the call to accept Christ during our evangelistic meetings in ecuador.
(800)900-9021 | 15 WINTER 2013 ECHOES
Ecuador Evangelism Report
for the Ganaan family and for the Palms Church members who had prayed so much on their behalf.
The Ganaan family baptism was just one of many that took place during the QHM evangelism mission trip to salinas, ecuador.
a mission team of 23 volunteers held evangelistic meetings and children’s programs at 10 sites in and around salinas. They also helped build a church, which was dedicated on October 20, 2012.
In advance of our teams’ arrival, nine Bible workers, supported by QHM, began outreach in the local community. Through their efforts and those of our mission team, more than 200 people were baptized at the conclusion of the evangelistic meetings!
Following the meetings, the local Bible workers continued to work in the community, forming more small Bible study groups, encouraging those who had been baptized and connecting with new interests from the meetings.
Let me share one more amazing story from our ecuador evangelism. eder rengifo was another of our Bible workers. about a month before the meetings, he knocked on victoria Cedeño’s door. When she asked what he wanted, he replied, “I am here to see if you would be interested in studying the Bible with me.”
to his excitement, she gladly accepted the invitation. However there was a challenge: she couldn’t read or write. “How could I teach her the Bible?” eder wondered.
Putting his faith in God, eder arrived at victoria’s home for their first study. He carefully went through the lesson, explaining each point with her. Then he helped her complete the answer sheet, based on her responses. Closing with prayer, eder was on his way.
But when he arrived for the next Bible study, he was surprised when victoria handed him three more lessons—each one fully completed.
she cheerfully explained, “I knew my neighbor was also receiving Bible studies!” together with her neighbor she’d been able to complete the Bible lessons.
That process continued. victoria would study with eder and work with her neighbor on the lessons. as the meetings drew near however, eder wondered if victoria was really ready to make a decision for the Lord. Often it seemed she was more interested in learning to read and write than in learning Bible truths.
soon our mission teams arrived and began their evangelistic meetings. One meeting site was La Libertad village, where victoria lived. Not knowing what would happen, eder invited her to attend.
The first night, victoria didn’t come. Praying that God would work a miracle, eder continued to visit her for Bible studies. and each time he’d invite her to the meetings. But still she didn’t come.
as the meetings were coming to a close, eder prayerfully gave victoria one last invitation. to his
surprise she accepted the invitation and asked him to meet her there.
That last meeting saw all 10 sites come together for a large evangelistic sabbath. victoria sat and listened attentively to the sermon. The whole time eder was praying that the Holy spirit would work on victoria’s heart. a final appeal was made, inviting those who had not yet made a decision to accept Jesus as their savior.
as people began to come forward, victoria stood and joined them! Overcome with joy, eder joined her at the front as she gave her name for baptism. Because she had already completed the Bible studies and understood the message, she was baptized that sabbath!
It was a joyful day for victoria, eder and our entire team. For each of the people baptized, there is a special story of a life changed by God—just like victoria and the Ganaan family.
I want everyone who gave of their efforts, finances and prayers to make this mission trip a reality, to know that YOU have made a tremendous and eternal difference. Thank you!
Charlene West is the executive director for international evangelism at Quiet Hour Ministries.
Precious people waiting to be baptized at the close of our ecuador meetings.
OUr QUIet HOUr MINIstrIes mission team was on the road from Lusaka, Zambia to Choma, the town where we’d stay and hold our evangelistic meetings.
The driver was sharing stories about Zambia and how the church there had grown through the years. One story I particularly remember.
It was about W.H. anderson, possibly the first missionary to Zambia. He arrived by oxcart in the late 1800s. as he prepared to travel to a new village to share the gospel, anderson encountered a challenge. His route led through an area where many lions were known to be.
People warned him not to go. The lions would kill him.
anderson did what any missionary would do: he prayed. If God wanted him to go to the village, he would be able to pass unharmed. This he did. The lions, perched on boulders along either side of the road, simply watched him go by.
Many times anderson traveled to this village and he was never troubled by the lions.
another two hours and we pulled into Choma. It’s a small town. But it does have a grocery store, several banks and a few other shops. as
an agricultural center, the streets hummed with shoppers and people doing business.
taking this all in, I couldn’t help but wonder, “Do they even need us?” Choma had an adventist presence already with a number of church members.
We turned off the main highway onto a side street, turned again and arrived at our lodging for the mission trip. On each side of the gate into the compound was a statue of a lion.
Immediately I thought of W.H. anderson. If God was with Him then, He’d be with us now as we shared His message in Choma.
We had a small mission team. Four of us would be speakers at the evangelistic meetings. We also had two support team members who would present children’s programs, health talks, etc. We would be holding meetings at four outdoor sites around Choma.
team member talula Cartwright’s site was a small, dusty field. Humble houses were clustered around. a simple wooden platform had been built at the site and decorated with curtains and flowers, giving it a festive appearance. a king-size bed sheet was also stretched out vertically to serve as a screen for our sermon graphics and Jesus video.
Zambia is very dry in the season we were there, so every footstep kicked up dust and a fine layer of dust covered everything—including us! But we specialize in going where the people are and if dust is part of it, so be it.
at night, there were almost no lights in the area. so the brightness of the meeting presentations stood out against the darkness of the night.
People came from all directions, walking the narrow, dusty streets. They were curious about the brightly-colored pictures and excited to see what was happening.
at talula’s site, the local church spent its own money to bring in a singing group, a well-known family of musicians. Having these musicians brought even more people. That small field filled with about 1,000 people each night! Most stood the entire time, mesmerized by the messages they were hearing.
Pastor James Mangum, another of our team members, had his own special features that brought
betWeen tHe lions A mission report from Zambia
by mary ann roberts
a mother and child at one of our evangelistic meeting sites in Choma, Zambia.
(800)900-9021 | 17 WINTER 2013 ECHOES
Zambia Evangelism Report
many visitors to his site—health talks by Dr. John Lanza and children’s programs by Priscilla, Pastor James’ teenage daughter.
The children loved Priscilla. They mobbed her when she arrived on site and they so much enjoyed having a program that was just for them. and they’d stay through the entire adult program too.
Pastor selvin Duncan had a meeting site just off the main road in Choma. so he too had many visitors from people who stopped as they walked or rode by.
at my site, I especially remember one very bright young man who attended the meetings. From the stage I could see him trying to write down everything I said, plus every text from the screen—all in very limited lighting.
talking with him later, I learned he had no Bible. He wanted so badly to have one. Hearing the Bible truths, seeing how they are woven together in scripture, made him so excited. He’d never really known before what the Bible taught.
During the meetings, he’d decided to give his life to God in ministry. He wanted to use his life to share the Bible. I could see God working in His life and it was wonderful for me to give this young man a Bible of his very own. His life is in God’s hands.
On the final sabbath all the people from our four meetings sites gathered together for our closing meeting and baptism. We, the QHM mission team, were amazed to see 430 people baptized that day!
We watched them as they streamed into the church, crowding into the space at the front. They
came in groups from each of our various sites and lined up in rows facing the audience. This was one of those very special moments we can see the fruits of our labors. We couldn’t stop smiling. I don’t think our Father in heaven could either.
I could see my own joy reflected in the glow on a single person’s face as he basks in the joy of his newfound salvation and the hope that accompanies it. It is the greatest pleasure to take hope to any person.
Yes, I do think in singularities here. salvation comes one person at a time and I must not forget this. Jesus would have come for just one of us. We must do the same.
This was a large baptism for just four sites. and hundreds more people had requested Bible studies and asked to prepare for baptism. Many of them have since been baptized as well.
I had wondered, “Does Choma need us?” I had my answer, a resounding yes!
Local church leaders had wanted 10 meeting sites. But we had personnel for only four.
How strongly that underlines the words of Christ, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” Matthew 9:37 NKJv. I can assure you that you are needed in the mission field.
Our team of six had passed between the lions of today’s world, lions we all face. We feel the bite of a poor economy, the roar of materialism and the threat of our fears.
By His power God tamed these modern lions. We safely, successfully shared Christ in a new place, allowing Him to guide us. It was the ultimate privilege.
Mary Ann Roberts was a team member on our evangelism mission trip to Zambia. She also served as team leader.
lion statues at the entrance to our team’s lodging in Choma, Zambia.
As our Zambia meetings drew to a close, we praised god that 430 people were baptized!
Clifford adikuono e Hendrik alarcon e Christina alav v Luis albert e Kyle allen e Luiz Carlos almeida e Dan amundson v Diane amundson v Betty anderson e Blakely anderson e Brooklyn anderson e Heather anderson e Keoni anderson e troy anderson e Marc andrade e sarah andrews e Leslie aragon e steven arauz e Nicola ardito e rosalie arogante e Blane astleford e Jennifer astleford e ross astleford e Kathy au e ariunbold Baatarsuren e Marjorie Baker e emily Banks e Lynette Bates v tulga Batmunkh e Bold Batsukh e Jean Bay e Basil Bell e andres Beltre e Felix Bendezu e Paul Bennett v rosie Bennett v arody Bermejo e Marcos Bernal e Magalie Bernier e Isaiah Black e Mari Bland e stephen Bland e Michelle Bonang e tyler Bonnett e Nicholas Borchik e Bernice Bouzy e stefan Bramblett e Dennis Braun e elyse Briceno e rose Briceno e Demetrius Brown e stephanie Brown e edward Bryan e Xinia Bryan e Jennifer Buchheim e Christian Bull e Harold Burden e Karlton Burt v Michael Butler e raphael Cabrera e Mark Camarena e Douglas Campbell e Juanita Campbell e solana Campbell e suvan Campbell e alexandra Canizales e Walter Cardenas e samuel Cardona e Kevin Carmona e virgil Carner e Patricia Carrillo e Michael Castello v rachel Castello v estela Castro e Jorge arturo Cavazos Obregon e Yun Chai e Julie Champan v Melandro Chan e Melissa Chan e trenton Chance e
Justin Bo Chang e eric Chavez e shanna Chavez e Chung_Kuang Chen e Hai-Lun Chen e Jang Chen e Dhanalutchmee Chetty e Issan Chetty e Gilmar Chico e Joy Cho e Patrick Cho e ellen Chun e Jin-Hyuk Chung e Meng-ting Chung e Paul Chung e soohan Chung e sophie Clark e rob Clizbe v Caylynne Cocharan e Yvette Cocharan e Liccykeila Contreras e Jacqueline Cooke e Curtis Cordwell e tyler Cordwell e Jonathan Correa e Mauricio Correia e albert Cortez e alex Cortez e Daniel Cotton B Luke Crawford e raquel Cristina C Martins e Nina Dahlberg e richard Dahlberg e sarah Dahlstrom e Michael Dant e Julio Davila e eva Davis e rodrigo De Castro Domingues e Dan Dela Paz e Mervin Devnich e viola Devnich e edson Dias Peniche e Netanya Domingo e Chuck Doolittle v Debbie Doolittle v tyler Dos santos e ana Dumitrescu v selvin Duncan e Charles Duran e Dorlin Duran e elizabeth Duran e alexandra engelkemier e Brittany erb e anna estrada e Brenda etheridge r raymond etheridge r ricky Falculan e Greg Fankhanel v Yvonne Fankhanel v Bryan Fellows e Imola Ferencz e Kevin Ferguson e Felippe Ferreira e Otoniel Ferreira e Carlos andre Ferreira De Oliveira e Filemu Filemu e Dianne Fillman e, v Noel Fillman e, v Lawrence Fish e Moshe Fisher e timothy Fisher e austin Fleming e Monica Flores e victor Flores e shirley Ford e Chuck Franklin e Hannah Frasure e stephan Freiburghaus e David Friesen e Freddy Fuentes e
Jackelline Fuentes e Daniel Fukuda e Dean Gabiola e Melita Gabiola e Melvin Gabiola e Bruce Galbraith e rob Gammenthaler v Henry Garci e Christina Garcia e Danny Garcia e Irma Garcia e Kaylee Garcia e sarah Garcia e Karen Garza e Noe Genovea e Nathan George e Judy Gilbaugh e Dan Gill v Max Giron e Barb Gladden v Bonnie Gladden v andrew Goebel e Daryl Gohl B, r, v ruth ann Gohl r, v Zach Goldstein e Daniel Goncalves Martins e Bradford Goodridge e richard Gray e Joel Grey e Nicole Griggs v samantha Griggs v John Griswold e Maria Guzman e Cho Hae Jun e Dick Hall r Jean Hall r ashley Hamstra v Yeong Min Han e Zoltan Hangyal v D. Mark Hann r Kang Hannah e Wilson Hardy e Jonathan Harper e Hanna Harroff e Kwalita Harroff e Barry Hartsock r ruth Hartsock r vojtech Haska e vojtech Haska e Brock Haugen e Blanka Havelkova e Kacey Hawkins e ronald Hawkins e Heather Haynes e tarrick Haynes e Holly Hayton e aimo Helminen e volker Henning e Justin Herling e David Ignacio Hermosillo-Gonzalez e angel Hernandez e David Hernandez e elvis Hernandez e Jennifer Hernandez e Michele Herrera e Kathryn Hickman e arodis antonio Hildago Pena e Barbara Hill v Glenn Hill e Leon Hill e Mary alice Hill e avery-Dante Hinds e Paula Hinds-toussaint e Geneva Hiser v Caitlin Hobbs e Pavlina Holblingova e andrew Hong e Florian Huber e Joanna Huerta e Leah Huff e
Jocelyn Hughes e tyleigh Hughes-Griswold e robert Hutton e Jieun Hwang e angela Hyde e Heather Hyde e Joseph Hyde e Mark Hyde e Jonathan Im e Justin Im e taylin Im e ashley Irvin e Intissar Issa B Jorge J. O. dos santos e Cheryl Jacko e Donald Jacko e raquel Jacovani e Carrie Jensen v Mike Jensen v In Hyuk Jeon e ahn Ji Hyeon e sanghyun Jin e angel Johnson e Daniel Johnson e Mary Johnson e amanda Johnston e rebecca Jones e todd Jordan e Kerry Juliano e Jan Justra e Maria Kabova e Dana Kafferlin e H. P. Kang e Lavonne Kasischke v Chloe Khan e Philip Khan e ashley a. Kim e ashley e. Kim e Brian Kim e Chin Hyung Kim e Jane Kim e Jenny Kim e Jihoon (Daniel) Kim e Jin suk Kim e Joo Young Kim e Joy sora Kim e Kahyun Kim e Katrina Kim e Noel Hak Kim e Preston Kim e sung Hyun Kim e Yae In Kim e alan Kinard v Jody Kinard v Brandon King e Dustin King e Carrie Klaus r steve Klaus r ronald Knapp e aaron Knowlton v Joyce Knowlton v Melvin Kohltfarber e alice Kolbertova e annika Kong e, v Gail Krehbiel v Kamil Kreutziger e amiika Kuusisto e Candice Kwon e Hannah Kwon e Josiah Kwon e Young Kwun e Chester Labrador e romy Lagonera e Oi Wa Lam e ronal Landaeta e Immanuel Lang e John Lanza e Bonnie Larsen v ralph Larsen v Fohe Latu e
Honoring our teAM MeMbers We’d like to say a special thank you to all of our volunteer team members who gave of their time, energy and resources in
2012. Because of you, tens of thousands of people heard the message of God’s saving grace!
Thank you for everything you did on behalf of Quiet Hour Ministries and God’s kingdom!
(800)900-9021 | 19 WINTER 2013 ECHOES
Betty Leacock e, r Calvin Lee e Hans Lee e Jin soung Lee e samuel Chuang shiuh Lee e varner Leggitt v Daniel Lenart e Gina Lepp e Billy Leveille e Jia Li e Po Yu Li e Chuanshan Liang e Chi tai Liu e Justin Longshore e rui Lopes e Caleb Lopez-Marrero e amy Loredo e Gonzalo Lorenzo e Kristina Lounds e Penny Lushanko v Jessica Lux e Harold Lyle v ronald Maceachern e David Magana e Peter Magarang e Kayla Malit e James Mangum e Priscila Mangum e esther Marcoe v alberto Marin r amalia Marin B, e, r elizabeth Marin e euderson Marinho e Igor Marques e Chris Marshall e Dr. Carlos Martin e Leslie Martinez e Wesley Martins e Cassie Matchim e Keri Mau e angel McCoy v Jamie McCoy v Carissa Mcsherry e Marcia Medema v Paul Medema v Jeremy Medenilla e Leonardo J Melendez-Figueroa e Jose Jonathan Merlos argueta e Bob Mesnard v Davy Mesnard v eric Michaelson e Jeffrey Middleton e Jesse Miguel e angila Milam e James Milam e Kennedy Milam e ruth Militante e Calvin Miller v Joel Miller e roberta Miller v sherry Miller v Lukas Minder e Markus Minder e sophia Minder e Natasha Mirilov e Laura Mohr e eric Molina v tava Molina v stefan Molnar e Lauren Monnier e Joel Montesa e shane Montesa e Yeison alexander Montoya-sanchez e Ben Monzales e Ganbadral Moonon e Manuel Moral e ashley Morales e Keila Morales e Isai Moran e Myckal Morehouse e Haruka Mori e emily Moses e Jim Mullikin v Brenda Mullins e Neil Mullins e Lourdes Munoz e Nyamsuren Myagmar e Carla Myers e amber Myles-sairlie e
Kevin t. Napod e Kyle Napod e Nevin B. Napod e Laura Naranjo e Homero Nascimento e Kyle Nase e Benedicta Nasralla e Jim Neergaard e Brent Nelsen e Dick Neuharth B Michael Neuharth e Hoi tong tony Ng e Phuong Nguyen e Gwendolyn Nicolas e alexander Nischuk e Melquisedeque Oliveira e sarah Oliveira-augustin e Jana Ondrackova e Francisco Ortiz e Bethany Otis e Bryan Otis e David Otis e Ida Otis e William Painter e Dener Paixao e edward Pak e andres Palacios e erroll Palipane e Jaakko Pappinen e Johan esteban Paredes Lora e Ji eun Park e Jongmin Park e Krystal Park e Minsoo Park e rachel Park e Yu ri Park e Marthe Paul e Lizabeth Paulino e andrew Pearce e Cecil Pearce e robert Peck e Matti Pehkonen e suvi Pehkonen e Janne Pekkala e Coralee Penner e edward Penner e susan Perdew v Mario Perez e Manuel alberto Perez reyes e Jen Perry v shawn Perry v Daniel Peters e rosalie Peters e Jovie Pineda e Marggie Pittman e Nadine Pittman e ronald Pittman e skylar Pittman e Chris Plata v Petr Polehna e Haniel Prado e ashley Pudder e ryan Pungan e Jeffrey Quam e Jorge Quintiana e emmerll rackley e ruby ramos e Diann randleman e Donald randleman e rick randleman e Deborah reeves e J-Fiah reeves e Lizeth rego e Darold retzer B Joelle reuer v Matthew rho e Owen richards e Monica ricketts e Gabriel riojas e David rivera e Carolyn robinson e Demetrio robles e Dinah robles e Joel robles e Leah robles e Dalton rodrigues Lima e David rodriguez e samuel rodriguez e Yennie rodriguez e
Jerry roethemeyer e Irwin rogers e José rojas B Julio rojas v susan rojas v rebekah ruediger e rhianna McKee rupf e Martin ryszewski e Jacqueline sagala e Donna sahlin v Jorge Luis salmon e L. sherilyn samaan e eugenia sanadze e Nino sanadze e emerson sanchez e Noona sanden e tea sanden e Cesar santos e Lauren santos e Joel sautherland e Nathan sawchuk e Danny schimpf v susy schimpf v valdileny schleiniger e susan scott e Harry selent e Marilyn senier v enrique serna Iii e Pavlina sevcikova e Darren shankel e Dorinda shankel e Dylan shankel e riley shankel e stephanie shankel e Blake shelton e takuma shhinasue e Junyong shin e Benjamin shurtliff e triandra shurtliff e andre silva e Lusa silva e trevor silva e Dominic sitowski v Gabe sitowski v Kayja sitowski v Malachi sitowski v Brad skoretz e Deborah skoretz e Maria skoretz e Michelle skoretz e andrii skrypkar e rachel slocum e Dan smith e David smith e eric smith e Garry smith v Lauretta smith e Nicole smith e Phyllis smith e richard smith e terry smith v sodbyamba sodnompil e Carlos solano e Janet sosa e Josiel souza e raquel spencer e Cambria speyer e Garrett speyer e Geoff starr e Jimmie story e Joseph story e Michael sulen e samantha sumile e Brooke sumner e seth sutherland e siosiua tameifuna e Joshua tan e Norman tan e rosie tan v Glen taotao e Carolyn taylor e Loanne taylor e timothy taylor e Yafet tegene e alexis temko e victoria teppone e David Thomas e steve Thorpe v alejandra-Hope timoll e
Ka Mun tin e Katarina todd e Maria-Jose triguero e allison tse e Joshua tubbs e Matthew turk e Brad turner v shellie turner v susan turner e Kathleen Ulrich e rahel Ulrich e elizabeth Urmos v roberto valencia e socorro valencia e Heidi vehkavuori e Matthew veldheer e sharon verde e suesue viko e Loida virbel e elfriede volk e Heinz volk e angela volpe e Paula vunileva e ellisha Walker e Michael Walker e Zipporah Walker e Guzman-vergara Walmer e Jonathan Walter e Cynthia Waring e randall Waring e Kevin Warkentin e Branden Watson e ralph Watts Jr. B Carol Weaver v andreas Weber e Barbara Weiss e rhonda Wells v tammy Wells v terry Wells v tim Wells v robert Wesner e roy West B raymond Wheeler e sunny Wilamart e Michelle Wilbourn e Kenneth Wilbur r David Wilkins B, e Patricia Willis v Manuel alejandro Wollenweber Carmona e Jimin Woo e steven Wood e Jesse Wormington e Hoi Ki Wu e andrew Wyman v Daniel Yang e Meng Yun Ye e Chanyoung Yeom e susie Youn e Lynnette Youngberg v Madison Youngberg e HoHang Yu e alisa Zabadeava v elena Zabadeava v Jean Zachary v Christian Zane e steven Zane e Maria Zenner e Qingta Zhuang e Zhong Zhuang e Corey Zimmerman e aleksandra-sasa Zivadinovic e Blanca Zuazua e valentin Zyweitz e
e Evangelism team participant
r Ministry representative
vickie altman by her mother, Joanne Ricks
raymond Bechthold by his sister-in-law, Ferne Davick Douglas Bennett by Ruth, Nancy, & Judy Lechleitner ercel Bennett by Jim & Judy Culpepper Larry Bergstrom by Ruth, Nancy, & Judy Lechleitner edith Bowser by her granddaughter, Marilyn Springer Don Bradley by Jim & Judy Culpepper Buddy Brass by his wife, Ruth Curtis Leroy Brown by Ruth A. Edwards Kenneth s. Brown by his wife, Marion arthur Bryant by his wife, Barbara Irwin Barry & Thelma Burton by their daughter & son-in-law, Alice & Michael Weakley
Jean B. Meyers Calvert by her daughter, Marilyn Springer Bill Carver by his grandparents, Jack & Doris Carver roy & edith Chambers by their daughter, Gwen Hoyt alice e. Charles by Kenneth & Dolores Charles ruby elizabeth Clark by Frances Shaver George Coffen by Irma Tsuha
Freda Cosby by David & Shirley Wright
Kelly Dale by her husband, Wilbert Myrle Dean by his wife & daughter, Anna & Peggy Donald David Dick by J. Rita Vital avery v. Dick by his daughter & son-in-law, Ardis & Dick Stenbakken
Fay & Helen Dunn by Alyce D. Jones robert Dunn by his wife, Audie
Paul & evelyn eldridge by Nell Davies arthur escobar by Irma Tsuha virgil (Bud) essary by his wife, Juanita
Mavin Georgeson by his wife, Joy Marty Goodrich by Olive White
ella Mae Harvey by Earl & Mary Robertson vern & Joan Heinbaugh by her sister, Bonnie Lorenz virgil Heinrich by Roland & Stella Hegstad Lorabel Peavey Hersch by J. Rita Vital Dorah Hessong by her son, Larry Marcks
Harriet Hester by J. Rita Vital andy Hoyos by Daniel C. Robles Dick Hoyt by his mother, Gwen Hoyt Irma Hoyt by her mother-in-law, Gwen Hoyt Warren Hoyt by his wife, Gwen edwin r. Hutchinson by Marion Hutchinson Brown
Paul Isaac by his wife, Marian
Carolyn Jenks by Jim & Judy Culpepper ruth Johnson by Thirza & Sue Strobush Owen Jones by his wife, Alyce
Joada Korgan by Clyde & Alberta Eichman Max Otto & Blanca Krausse by their son, Max G. Krausse Glenn Kuiken by Al Wiggins
Marvin Lang by his wife, Olga richard & evelyn Larson by Juanita Hamren edward Lechleitner by his wife Ruth by Nancy & Judy Lechleitner William Ledington by Valerie L. Robinson by Vivienne Rich Goldie Leno by her husband, Elmer
in MeMory oF... Quiet Hour Ministries gratefully acknowledges the many gifts given in memory of loved ones to help share God’s
saving grace with the world. If you wish to honor a loved one through a memorial gift, please indicate so with your donation and provide the individual’s name. We will be happy to include your gift in a future Echoes magazine. should you wish to make an anonymous memorial gift, simply note that as well and we will respect your request.
(800)900-9021 | 21 WINTER 2013 ECHOES
Memorial Gifts
James Lewis by Steve & Mary Lou Pride
ardy Liebelt by his sister, Ferne Davick arthur & Marcella Liebelt by his sister, Ferne Davick M. J. & Mrs. Liebelt by their daughter, Ferne Davick Mildred Logan by her sister, Irlene Schauer
vada Maxey by Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Shockey Helen McFeeters by her husband, Paul Paul McKenzie by his wife, Dorothy Marcia ann Meyers by her sister, Marilyn Springer William Meyers by his daughter, Marilyn Springer arnold Morikone by David Morikone Jimmy Morikone by David Morikone roy & eileen Morikone by David Morikone Wellesley Muir by Ellis & Anita Rich William (Bill) Mulske by his wife, Frances audrey Mulvey by Marlene V. Ringer
Lydia Newton by her daughter, Marguerite Rader
stan & sylvia Peterson by Roland & Stella Hegstad
Dick rader by his wife, Marguerite robert Floyd reiber by Randal & Lynette Bates ardella violet reiswig by Kelly & Eileen Christenson Bertha ruppert by her son, Harold H. Ruppert
Harry & Irma rushold by their daughter & son-in-law, Udene & Marlin Allen
Floyd scott by his wife, Vonsella abel serrano by his wife, Rosa arnold sparks by his wife, Ruth & family Lyman Harvey stephens by his wife, May Beatrice stinchfield by J. Rita Vital rose Marie stoia by her husband Joseph & family Harley & ada stotts by their daughter & son-in-law, Barbara Jean & Eldon Stratton Jerry swart by his wife, Linda
edna taylor by her daughter, Nancy M. Taylor Jackie testman by her sister & brother-in-law, Bobbi & Farrel Brizendine robert & evelyn testman by her sister & brother-in-law, Bobbi & Farrel Brizendine sharon testman by her sister & brother-in-law, Bobbi & Farrel Brizendine alfred Thiele by his daughter, Janis Kelley Effenberg Carla torres by Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Weakjley Newton andrew townsend by his wife, Beverly Herbert tsuha by his wife, Irma
Leah Marilyn van Pelt by her neice, Marilyn Springer
arthur eugene Wahlman by his sister, Marie Wahlman Claire Walker by her husband, Leland eugene & Lorraine P. Walker by Alyce D. Jones
Mark West by Cheryl Bauman by Clarence & Esther Brummett by Jim & Andrea Griggs by Barry & Ruth Hartsock by Lloyd & Lydia Janzen by Duane & Kathleen McKey by Jim & Ivelene Mullikin by Carol Weaver by Sunny S. Wilamart by Ronald & Charlotte Zane by Quiet Hour Ministries elizabeth Wheeler by her daughter, Ann Miller by her granddaughter, Shelly Schalamon Malcolm White by his wife, Olive Bruce Wickwire by J. Rita Vital Lloyd arthur “Joe” Wilson by Jim & Judy Culpepper Millard & Mrs. Wisbey by Al Wiggins Harold & Crystal Wright by their daughter, Penny C. Ancel
James Zachary by his wife, Jean
in honor oF . . .
birthdays: Del Delker by Vienne & William Stone Maximo Gandeza, 104th by Cresente & Lydia Valido Donna Johnson, 80th by Eldon & Evelyn Allram
thankfulness: Gerald & Naomi Fillman for our 65th anniversary raymond & emily Hixson for 70 years of marriage Marguerite Newton rader for 98 yrs of life
oVerCoMing the ant hiLL “areN’t YOU aFraID GOING INtO FOreIGN countries? You’ll be so far from home! What if something happens to you?”
by Judy Melashenko
We’ve heard these questions many times over the years. I always respond that God’s presence and His angels attend us on Quiet Hour Ministries mission trips. I mean, our mission trips are His errands!
a few months ago my husband Joedy and I led a small mission team to Guanaja, Honduras. We were working to finish a church in the village of armadores that was started last year by a QHM mission team from the Paradise and Chico, California seventh-day adventist Churches.
Near the end of the project, Joedy was framing forms for some concrete steps. He accidentally knelt on an ant hill. They were tiny little things and although some bit him, he didn’t think anything of it.
Let me push the “pause” button. While Joedy and I were leading a project in el salvador a few years ago, he got stung by a killer bee and had a serious, life threatening reaction.
Now back to Guanaja. a few minutes after being bitten by these ants, Joedy began to feel the same dizziness and weakness he’d felt after the el salvador bee sting.
He walked up the stairs into the main sanctuary where the rest of the group was working and called out to Debbie skoretz, a
intervened to save Joedy’s life. I know that He provided a local, wonderful physician to help in our time of need.
There are challenges in the mission field and in our daily lives. But when you see God’s hand in such a marvelous way, you know He is with you wherever you go! That brings me great courage and peace! How about you?
“He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 NKJv.
Judy Melashenko is youth ministries coordinator at Quiet Hour Ministries.
team member who is also a nurse, and told her what was happening.
Joedy called me on my cell phone and began telling me what was happening, but passed out just a few seconds after I answered the phone.
I called the local doctor and we both ran to the boat dock to catch a water taxi across the bay to the armadores church site. Joedy was barely conscious when we arrived. His blood pressure had dropped to a very low level!
Our team gathered around and started to pray. That’s when we saw a miracle happen! as the team prayed, Joedy’s blood pressure began to rise. Then when they stopped praying, his blood pressure began to drop!
“Please keep praying!” I said. several times this happened,
blood pressure rising while praying and falling when not.
after three prayer sessions, his blood pressure finally stabilized. Praise the Lord! Now we offered prayers of thanksgiving to our heavenly Father for His mercy and loving kindness!
I know that the Lord
Honduras Evangelism Report
the Qhm guanaja mission team at the church construction site. Joedy and Judy melashenko are center front.
PO Box 3000 redlands, Ca 92373
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