WirelessUSB™ LS Development Kit Tutorial fileWirelessUSB™ LS Development Kit Tutorial 1....


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WirelessUSB™ LS Development Kit Tutorial 1. Introduction The tutorial will provide the developer with a basic, hands-on understanding of the WirelessUSB™ technology using the CY3632 WirelessUSB DVK v1.6. The tutorial shows screenshots as generated with the following tutorial firmware examples: transmit, receive, multibyte, and protocol.

2. WirelessUSB Radio Hardware Interfacing – DVK PSoC™







P1_6 SCK

P1_1 nSS









P1.14 WirelessUSB LSRadio Module

















DVK Platform Board - PSoC Tutorials






12X13OUTP1.7TP71 7

3. WirelessUSB Radio Hardware Interfacing – DVK enCoRe™







P0_7 SCK

P0_4 nSS









P1.14 WirelessUSB LSRadio Module

















DVK Platform Board - enCoRe Tutorials






4X13OUTP1.7TP71 7

Cypress Semiconductor Corporation • 3901 North First Street • San Jose • CA 95134 • 408-943-2600

4. WirelessUSB Radio Interfacing Basics Radio Reset Sequence:





Radio SPI Bus Transaction Sequence:

Byte 1 Byte 1 + N Bit # 7 6 [5:0] [7:0] Bit Name DIR INC Address Data

Radio SPI Single Write Sequence:






data from mcuaddrcmd1 0

Radio SPI Single Read Sequence:







data to mcu

addrcmd0 0

WirelessUSB™ LS Development Kit Tutorial v1.6 Page 2 of 25

5. WirelessUSB Radio Register Summary Addr Name b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Default Init0x00 1 REG_ID 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 07h0x03 1 REG_CONTROL RXEN TXEN PNSEL ASYNSEL APADIS PAEN ASYNDIS SYNEN 00h0x04 1 REG_DATA_RATE 0 0 0 0 0 CW DR SR 00h 06h0x05 1 REG_CONFIG 0 0 0 RXINV TXINV 0 IRQSEL1 IRQSEL0 01h0x06 1 REG_SERDES_CTL 0 0 0 0 SEREN EOF2 EOF1 EOF0 03h 0Bh0x07 1 REG_RX_INT_EN UFB OFB EOFB FULLB UFA OFA EOFA FULLA 00h 03h0x08 1 REG_RX_INT_STAT UFB OFB EOFB FULLB UFA OFA EOFA FULLA 00h0x09 1 REG_RX_DATA_A D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 00h0x0A 1 REG_RX_VALID_A V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 00h0x0B 1 REG_RX_DATA_B D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 00h0x0C 1 REG_RX_VALID_B V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 00h0x0D 1 REG_TX_INT_EN 0 0 0 0 UF OF DONE EMPTY 00h 01h0x0E 1 REG_TX_INT_STAT 0 0 0 0 UF OF DONE EMPTY 00h0x0F 1 REG_TX_DATA D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 00h0x10 1 REG_TX_VALID V7 V6 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 V0 00h FFh0x11 8 REG_PN_CODE 0x… 0x…0x19 1 REG_THRESHOLD_L 0 TL6 TL5 TL4 TL3 TL2 TL1 TL0 08h 03h0x1A 1 REG_THRESHOLD_H 0 TH6 TH5 TH4 TH3 TH2 TH1 TH0 38h 1Dh0x1C 1 REG_WAKE_EN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WKEN 00h0x1D 1 REG_WAKE_STAT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WKS 01h0x20 1 REG_ANALOG_CTL 0 RWRCTL MIDREN 0 0 PAOEN PAINV RST 04h 44h0x21 1 REG_CHANNEL APN C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 C0 00h 09h0x22 1 REG_RSSI 0 0 VAL R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 00h0x23 1 REG_PA 0 0 0 0 0 PAB2 PAB1 PAB0 00h 07h0x24 1 REG_CRYSTAL_ADJ 0 CLKDIS CA5 CA4 CA3 CA2 CA1 CA0 00h 40h0x26 1 REG_VCO_CAL VSEN1 VSEN0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00h C0h0x2E 1 REG_AGC_CTL AGCLCK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00h 80h0x2F 1 REG_CARRIER_DETECT CDET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00h0x32 1 REG_CLOCK_MANUAL M7 0 0 0 0 0 0 M0 00h 41h0x33 1 REG_CLOCK_ENABLE E7 0 0 0 0 0 0 E0 00h 41h0x38 1 REG_SYN_LOCK_CNT C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 C0 64h0x3C 4 REG_MID 0x…



Unused bits Active bits read

These bits are reserved and must be written with zeros

Active bits written Set it and forget it bits

6. WirelessUSB Listener Tool The WirelessUSB Listener Tool consists of the Listener Tool hardware, the Listener Tool software (Listener.exe), the help file (ListenLS.chm), and the device driver (CYUSB.sys and CYUSB.inf).

Use Up/Down arrows to set:CHANNEL to 7PN Code to 0


1. Launch WirelessUSB Listener Tool software (Listener.exe) 2. Connect WirelessUSB Listener Tool hardware to Windows PC 3. Use Up/Down arrows to set CHANNEL to 7 (2409MHz), and PN Code to 0

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7. Transmit Tutorial (PSoC) #3 - InsertBatteries #4 - Set Jumper

J2 to 2-3#5 - Press andRelease BIND

#2 - Insert RadioModule

#1 - InsertPSoC Adapter



1. Insert pre-programmed PSoC Adapter labeled “TT” (Transmit Tutorial) into U3 2. Insert WirelessUSB Radio Module into P1 3. Insert Batteries into BH1 4. Set Jumper J2 to 2-3 position (labeled 5V, EXT/BATT) 5. Press and Release BIND button


1. WirelessUSB Listener Tool software will display the transmitted data (55h)

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PSoC to WirelessUSB SPI Power-On Reset + Radio Initialization:


1. Connect logic analyzer probes to radio interface signals: IRQ, nSS, MOSI, MISO, SCK, nPD, nRESET (see file ... \Hardware\DVK Platform Board\DVK Platform Board Sch.pdf)

2. Set logic analyzer to trigger on nSS falling edge 3. Apply power via jumper J2 to 2-3 position (labeled 5V, EXT/BATT)

1 5 10 15 20

Transaction # 2-Byte Bus Contents Access Radio Register Register

Contents Notes

1 84h, 06h W REG_DATA_RATE 06h 32cpb, Double Data Rate - 62.5kbps 2 86h, 0Bh W REG_SERDES_CTL 0Bh Enable Byte Wide SERDES Mode 3 87h, 03h W REG_RX_INT_EN 03h Enable Rx EOF & Rx Full Status 4 8Dh, 01h W REG_TX_INT_EN 01h Enable TX Empty Status 5 90h, FFh W REG_TX_VALID FFh All TX Bits Valid 6 99h, 03h W REG_THRESHOLD_L 03h Allow 3 Chips/Bit Erasures 7 9Ah, 1Dh W REG_THRESHOLD_H 1Dh Allow 3 Chips/Bit Erasures 8 A0h, 44h W REG_ANALOG_CTL 44h Enable 2Eh/2Fh, Enable PACTL 9 A3h, 07h W REG_PA 07h PA=7 (Max. TX Output Power)

10 A4h, 40h W REG_CRYSTAL_ADJ 40h Disable X13OUT, No Cal 11 A6h, C0h W REG_VCO_CAL C0h Use +5/-5 VCO Adjust 12 AEh, 80h W REG_AGC_CTL 80h Disable Unused Cktry –Save Pwr 13 B3h, 41h W REG_CLOCK_MANUAL 41h Must be written with 41h 14 B4h, 41h W REG_CLOCK_ENABLE 41h Must be written with 41h 15 A1h, 09h W REG_CHANNEL 09h Channel = 2409MHz 16 91h, 6Ah W REG_PN_CODE.1 6Ah Use PN Code 0 17 92h, E7h W REG_PN_CODE.2 E7h Use PN Code 0 18 93h, 01h W REG_PN_CODE.3 01h Use PN Code 0 19 94h, EAh W REG_PN_CODE.4 EAh Use PN Code 0 20 95h, 03h W REG_PN_CODE.5 03h Use PN Code 0 21 96h, FDh W REG_PN_CODE.6 FDh Use PN Code 0 22 97h, 13h W REG_PN_CODE.7 13h Use PN Code 0 23 98h, D2h W REG_PN_CODE.8 D2h Use PN Code 0

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PSoC to WirelessUSB SPI Radio Transmit: Steps:

1. Connect logic analyzer probes to radio interface signals: IRQ, nSS, MOSI, MISO, SCK, nPD, nRESET (see file ...\Hardware\DVK Platform Board\DVK Platform Board Sch.pdf)

2. Apply power via jumper J2 to 2-3 position (labeled 5V, EXT/BATT) 3. Set logic analyzer to trigger on nSS falling edge 4. Press and Release BIND button

61 3 5

Transaction # 2-Byte Bus Contents Access Radio Register Register

Contents Notes

1 03h, 00h R REG_CONTROL 00h Read current state of the radio (Debug) 2 83h, 50h W REG_CONTROL 50h Enable TX, Enable Auto Synth Settle 3 8Dh, 01h W REG_TX_INT_EN 01h Enable TX Empty Status 4 8Fh, 55h W REG_TX_DATA 55h Wait for Empty, Write 55h to TX DATA 5 8Dh, 02h W REG_TX_INT_EN 02h Enable TX Done Status 6 83h, 00h W REG_CONTROL 00h Wait for Done, Radio Off

Programming PSoC Adapter Board:


1. Launch PSoC Programmer software 2. Connect power, and USB cables to PSoC ICE-Cube (CY3215-DK) 3. Connect ISSP cable from PSoC ICE-Cube to Y-Programmer (CY3205-S1) 4. Insert PSoC Adapter Board labeled “TT” into Y-Programmer 5. Load transmit tutorial hex file from ...\Firmware\Binaries\PSoC\Tutorial\ 6. Select PSoC ICE-Cube port 7. Select 27x43 for “Device Family” 8. Select CY8C27643 for “Device” 9. Click Program

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Setting up PSoC ICE-Cube Emulation Environment:


1. Connect 27k series PSoC ICE Pod to 48-pin Pod Feet (CY3203-042) 2. Launch Transmit.SOC project from ...\Firmware\Source Code\Tutorials\PSoC\Transmit 3. Select Config | Generate Application 4. Select Build | Build, or hit F7 5. Select Build | Start Debug, or hit CTL+F5 6. Select Debug Connect 7. Select Debug | Download to Emulator 8. Select Debug | Go, or hit F5 9. Press and Release BIND button


1. Data 55h will be displayed on the WirelessUSB Listener Tool (CH. 7, PN 0)

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Editing Transmit Tutorial Code (PSoC):

Add the following WHILE statement aroundthe call to radio_transmit(1, &tx_buf);


1. Open file main.c 2. Add infinite WHILE statement around call to radio_transmit(1, &tx_buf); in file main.c 3. Select Build | Build, or hit F7 4. Select Build | Start Debug, or hit CTL+F5 5. Select Debug Connect 6. Select Debug | Download to Emulator 7. Select Debug | Go, or hit F5 8. Press and Release BIND button


1. Data 55h will be continuously transmitted on CHANNEL 7 (2.409GHz) using PN Code 0. The WirelessUSB Listener Tool hardware red LED may turn ON steady indicating internal buffer overrun. This condition does not have any adverse affect on the output.

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Viewing 2.4GHz Spectrum:












2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414

Ref Level :

-35.0 dBm

dB / Div :

5.0 dB


Spectrum AnalyzerCY3632 DVK v1.6 Single Wiggle Micro Module

Model: MS2711 Serial #: 00944086Date: 02/17/2005 Time: 18:47:16RBW: 1 MHz VBW: 300 kHz Detection: Pos. PeakCF: 2409.0 MHz SPAN: 10.00 MHz Attenuation: 0 dB


Frequency (2404.0 - 2414.0 MHz)

M1: -38.35 dBm @ 2409.113 MHz

Limit : -45.0


1. Set spectrum analyzer frequency center to 2409MHz 2. Set spectrum analyzer frequency span to 10MHz 3. Set spectrum analyzer video bandwidth to 300kHz 4. Set spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth to 1MHz 5. Set spectrum analyzer sweep to “max hold” 6. If not already continuously transmitting, Press and Release BIND button

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8. Transmit + Receive Tutorials (PSoC <> PSoC)

#3 -ApplyPower

#4 - Set JumperJ2 to 2-3

#5 - Press andRelease BIND

#2 - Insert RadioModule

#1 - InsertPSoC Adapter


#6 - LED Blinks

Note:PSoC Adapter



1. Insert pre-programmed PSoC Adapter labeled “RT” (Receive Tutorial) into U3 on unpopulated Platform Board

2. Insert WirelessUSB Radio Module into P1 3. Apply power to J5 on unpopulated Platform Board 4. Set Jumper J2 to 2-3 position (labeled 5V, EXT/BATT) 5. Press and Release BIND button on platform board with PSoC Adapter labeled “TT”


1. The red LED (D9) next to the BIND button on the “RT” board will blink 2. WirelessUSB Listener Tool software will display the transmitted data (55h)

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PSoC to WirelessUSB SPI Radio Transmit and Receive:

Transaction # 2-Byte Bus Contents Access Radio Register Register

Contents Notes

1 03h, 00h R REG_CONTOL 00h Read current state of the radio (Debug) 2 83h, 50h W REG_CONTROL 50h Enable TX, Enable Auto Synth Settle 3 8Dh, 01h W REG_TX_INT_EN 01h Enable TX Empty Status 4 8Fh, 55h W REG_TX_DATA 55h Wait for Empty, Write 55h to TX DATA 5 8Dh, 02h W REG_TX_INT_EN 02h Enable TX Done Status


6 83h, 00h W REG_CONTROL 00h Wait for Done, Radio Off 7 08h, 0Dh R REG_RX_INT_STAT 0Dh Wait for RX FULL IRQ, Read to Clear 8 09h, 55h R REG_RX_DATA_A 55h Read Data 55h 9 08h, 0Ah R REG_RX_INT_STAT 0Ah Wait for RX EOF IRQ, Read to Clear

10 83h,00h W REG_CONTROL 00h Radio Off 11 03h, 00h R REG_CONTROL 00h Read current state of the radio (Debug) 12 09h, 55h R REG_RX_DATA_A 55h Read to Clear 13 08h, 00h R REG_RX_INT_STAT 00h Read to Clear


14 83h, 90h W REG_CONTROL 90h Radio Ready to Receive

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9. Transmit + Receive Tutorials (enCoRe <> enCoRe) The enCoRe tutorial examples for transmit and receive have been implemented functionally like that of their respective PSoC counterparts.

#3 -ApplyPower

#4 - Set JumperJ2 to 2-3

#9 - Press andRelease BIND

#2 - Insert RadioModule

#1 - InsertenCoRe


#10 - LED Blinks

#5 - InsertenCoRe "TT"

#6 - Insert RadioModule

#7 -InsertBatteries

#8 - Set JumperJ2 to 2-3


1. Insert enCoRe labeled “RT” (Receive Tutorial) into U2B on unpopulated Platform Board 2. Insert WirelessUSB Radio Module into P1 on unpopulated Platform Board 3. Apply power to J5 on unpopulated Platform Board 4. Set Jumper J2 to 2-3 position (labeled 5V, EXT/BATT) on unpopulated Platform Board 5. Insert enCoRe labeled “TT” (Transmit Tutorial) into U2B on fully populated Platform

Board 6. Insert WirelessUSB Radio Module into P1 on fully populated Platform Board 7. Insert Batteries into BH1 on fully populated Platform Board 8. Set Jumper J2 to 2-3 position (labeled 5V, EXT/BATT) on fully populated Platform

Board. 9. Press and Release BIND button on fully populated Platform Board.


1. The red LED (D9) next to the BIND button on the “RT” board will blink 2. WirelessUSB Listener Tool software will display the transmitted data (55h)

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Programming enCoRe:

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1. Connect serial cable from PC to programmer (CY3649) 2. Insert ZIF socket base adapter board (CY3083-DP48) with adapter (CY3083-08) into

programmer’s (CY3649) ZIF socket 3. Insert blank enCoRe (CY7C63743-PC) device into ZIF socket (CY3083-DP48) 4. Apply power to programmer (CY3649) 5. Launch Cypress Start Kit USB Programmer software 6. Select proper com port under Setup menu 7. Select CY7C63743 (24-pin DIP) under Device menu 8. Navigate to and select “TT” (Transmit Tutorial) hex file under File | Load File to Buffer

menu (...\Firmware\Binaries\enCoRe\Tutorials\tt.hex) 9. Begin programming by clicking on Program button, then click Run 10. When the programming status is “Program OK!” and “Verify OK!”, then click Cancel

button and you’re now ready to exit software application 11. Congratulations! You’re now ready to insert your newly programmed enCoRe into

CY3632 Platform Board

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Setting up enCoRe Emulation Environment:

#2 Connect POD

#6 Apply Power

#5 Connect Serial Port

#3 - Insert RadioModule

#1 Insert 10kOhm Resistor

#7 - LEDs Blink

#4 Apply Power,J2 jumperacross 2-3

WirelessUSB™ LS Development Kit Tutorial v1.6 Page 15 of 25


1. Insert 10k ohm resistor (supplied in Chip Kit). 2. Connect the CY3654-P05 enCoRe Personality Board to CY3654 enCoRe Platform

Board and then connect POD to unpopulated CY3632 Platform Board 3. Insert WirelessUSB Radio Module into P1 4. Apply power to J5 and set jumper J2 to 2-3 position (labeled 5V, EXT/BATT) 5. Connect supplied serial cable from CY3654 to PC 6. Apply power to J9 of CY3654

Note: a 10k-ohm pull-down resistor (included in the kit) is required to connect pins 24 and 36 on the PSoC socket (U3). This 10k-ohm resistor is not required when a programmed enCoRe chip is in socket U2B. Response:

1. CY3654 status LED will light (some steady, some blink) Steps:

7. Launch CYDB software 8. Select CY7C63743 device via Configure | Target menu 9. Connect PC to CY3654 via Run | Connect menu 10. Load .hex file via Run | Download menu (...\Firmware\Binaries\enCoRe\Tutorials\*.hex) 11. Load .lst file via Run | Download menu (...\Firmware\Binaries\enCoRe\Tutorials\*.lst) 12. Select Run | Run menu to execute firmware example 13. Press and Release BIND button


2. WirelessUSB Listener Tool software will display the transmitted data (55h)

WirelessUSB™ LS Development Kit Tutorial v1.6 Page 16 of 25

Editing Transmit Tutorial Code (enCoRe):

Add the following WHILE statement aroundthe label "transmit_byte:"


1. Open file (...\Firmware\Binaries\enCoRe\Tutorials\ls_main.asm) in your favorite editor 2. Add infinite WHILE logic around label “transmit_byte:” starting on line 233 3. Save these edits 4. Run “cmd.exe” and navigate to (...\Firmware\Source Code\Tutorials\enCoRe\Transmit) 5. Issue following command: cyasm ls_main.asm (assuming cyasm.exe is in your MS-

DOS environment PATH) 6. Set spectrum analyzer frequency center to 2409MHz 7. Set spectrum analyzer frequency span to 10MHz 8. Set spectrum analyzer video bandwidth to 300kHz 9. Set spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth to 1MHz 10. Set spectrum analyzer sweep to “max hold” 11. Launch CYDB software 12. Select CY7C63743 device via Configure | Target menu 13. Connect PC to CY3654 via Run | Connect menu 14. Load .hex file via Run | Download menu (...\Firmware\Source


WirelessUSB™ LS Development Kit Tutorial v1.6 Page 17 of 25

15. Load .lst file via Run | Download menu (...\Firmware\Source Code\Tutorials\enCoRe\Transmit\*.lst)

16. Select Run | Run menu to execute modified firmware example 17. Press and Release BIND button


1. Data 55h will be continuously transmitted on CHANNEL 7 (2.409GHz) using PN Code 0. The WirelessUSB Listener Tool hardware red LED may turn ON steady indicating internal buffer overrun. This condition does not have any adverse affect on the output.

2. The spectrum analyzer will display RF data present on 2.409GHz.












2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414

Ref Level :

-35.0 dBm

dB / Div :

5.0 dB


Spectrum AnalyzerCY3632 DVK v1.6 Single Wiggle Micro Module

Model: MS2711 Serial #: 00944086Date: 02/17/2005 Time: 18:47:16RBW: 1 MHz VBW: 300 kHz Detection: Pos. PeakCF: 2409.0 MHz SPAN: 10.00 MHz Attenuation: 0 dB


Frequency (2404.0 - 2414.0 MHz)

M1: -38.35 dBm @ 2409.113 MHz

Limit : -45.0

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10. Multibyte Tutorial (PSoC <> PSoC)

#3 -ApplyPower

#4 - Set JumperJ2 to 2-3

#5 - Press andRelease BIND

#2 - Insert RadioModule

#1 - InsertPSoC Adapter

Programmed w/"MultiByte Tutorial"

#6 - LED Blinks

Note:PSoC Adapter

Programmed w/"MultiByte Tutorial"


1. Follow steps above “Programming PSoC Adapter Board:” to program multibyte tutorial hex file into two PSoC Adapter boards.

2. Insert WirelessUSB Radio Module into P1 in both platform boards 3. Apply power to J5 on both platform boards 4. Set Jumper J2 to 2-3 position (labeled 5V, EXT/BATT) on both platform boards 5. Press and Release BIND button on platform board with PSoC Adapter labeled “TT”


1. The red LED (D9) next to the BIND button on the “RT” board will blink 2. WirelessUSB Listener Tool software will display the 16-bytes of transmitted data: 00 05

0A 0F 50 55 5A 5F A0 A5 AA AF F0 F5 FA FF in the “Data” field.

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PSoC to WirelessUSB SPI Radio Multibyte Transmit and Receive:

Note: The SPI bus transactions are similar to the 1-byte transmit and receive, except this time the PSoC transfers 16-bytes of data.

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11. Protocol Tutorial (PSoC <> enCoRe) The protocol tutorial utilizes the PSoC MCU on one of the platform boards (typically, the one that’s fully populated) and enCoRe MCU on the other platform board (typically, the one that’s partially unpopulated).

#3 -ApplyPower

#4 - Set JumperJ2 to 2-3

#12 - Press andRelease BIND

#2 - Insert RadioModule

#1 - InsertenCoRe


#5 - LED Steady

#6 - InsertPSoC Adapter

Programmed w/"Protocol Tutorial"

#7 - Insert RadioModule

#8 - InsertBatteries

#9 - Set JumperJ2 to 2-3

#10 - Press andRelease BIND#13 - LED Steady

#11 - LED Blinks


1. Insert pre-programmed enCoRe MCU labeled “PT” (Protocol Tutorial) into U3 on partially unpopulated Platform Board This board will serve as the data receiver

2. Insert WirelessUSB Radio Module into P1 on unpopulated platform board 3. Apply power to J5 on unpopulated platform board 4. Set Jumper J2 to 2-3 position (labeled 5V, EXT/BATT) on unpopulated platform board 5. LED5 (D6) on the unpopulated platform board will turn ON steady 6. Follow steps above “Programming PSoC Adapter Board:” to program protocol tutorial

hex file into a PSoC Adapter board. Insert into U3 of fully populated Platform Board This board will serve as the data transmitter

7. Insert WirelessUSB Radio Module into P1 on fully populated platform board 8. Insert Batteries into BH1 of fully populated platform board 9. Set Jumper J2 to 2-3 position (labeled 5V, EXT/BATT) on fully populated platform board 10. Press and Release BIND button on unpopulated platform board 11. LED5 (D6) on unpopulated platform board will begin to blink steady (medium) 12. Press and Release BIND button on fully populated platform board 13. LED5 (D6) on both platform boards will turn ON steady

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14. Congratulations! The two platform boards are successfully bound and can now perform data transfers


1. WirelessUSB Listener Tool software will display bind messages (see file ...\Docs\Application Notes\WirelessUSB LS 2-Way HID Systems.pdf for more protocol details)

PSoC to WirelessUSB SPI Radio Protocol Binding:

Note: There are many SPI transfers that occur during bind (see file ...\Docs\Application Notes\WirelessUSB LS 2-Way HID Systems.pdf for more protocol details). The protocol tutorial forces bind via #DEFINE TUTORIAL_MODE to CHANNEL 7 (2.409GHz) using PN Code 0 for demonstration purposes only. By doing this, you can see all of the normal bind messages using the WirelessUSB Listener Tool. Comment out #DEFINE TUTORIAL_MODE to allow the protocol tutorial to bind normally.

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Transferring data from PSoC to enCoRe using protocol:

#1 - Press and Release CONNECT

#3 - LED Blinks

#2 - LED Blinks


1. Follow steps above to bind two platform boards. 2. Press and Release CONNECT button

Note: The LED on the data receiver blinks when data is received, and the LED on the transmitter blinks when an ACK is received. Results:

1. The red LED (D9) next to the BIND button on both boards will blink 2. WirelessUSB Listener Tool software will display the 6-bytes of transmitted data: 45 00

55 AA FF 45 in the “Data” field.

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PSoC to WirelessUSB SPI Radio Protocol Transmit and Receive:

Note: If you decide to comment out #DEFINE TUTORIAL_MODE you’ll want to note the following: typically, the protocol tutorial doesn’t output enough data for the WirelessUSB Listener Tool to capture the “Channel” and “PN code” to use the “Scan for traffic” function. See file ...\Docs\Application Notes\WirelessUSB LS 2-Way HID Systems.pdf for more protocol details.

12. PSoC Development Tools Checklist 1. CY3205-DK : PSoC ICE-4000 ($398) 2. CY3202-C : ICCM8C C Compiler V1.25 ($145) 3. or items #1 and #2 above can be replaced by CY3215-DK PSoC ICE-Cube ($599)* 4. CY3203-042 : PSoC MCU 48-pin Pod Feet ($65) 5. CY3205-S1 : PSoC MCU 48-pin DIP Prog. Board ($50) 6. CY3207-POD : PSoC ICE Pod Kit for CY8C27X ($50)

Note*: Supports large memory model PSoC devices.

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13. enCoRe Development Tools Checklist 1. CY3654 : enCoRe Platform Board - ICE ($800) 2. CY3654-P05 : enCoRe Personality Board ($400) 3. CY3083-07 : 16/18-pin DIP Adapter ($27.50) 4. CY3083-08 : 24-pin SOIC Adapter ($27.50) 5. CY3083-DP48 : DIP Base HiLo Adapter ($175) 6. CY3083-SC28 : 28-pin SOIC Base HiLo Adapter ($175) 7. CY3649 : Standalone HiLo Programmer ($99)

Revision Date Changes

1.0 March 10, 2005 Initial Release WirelessUSB and enCoRe are trademarks of Cypress Semiconductor. PSoC and “PSoC Designer” are trademarks of Cypress MicroSystems, a subsidiary of Cypress Semiconductor.
