“With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see...


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“With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in ; to blind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his window and his orphan - to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with all nation.”

I like this plan because it reminds me of the original twintowers. It is high and big, so it can have many offices like the oldone. There’s many trees and space for people. It’s healthy andgood. People can have picnics here and the way the steps go to thenext floor is very good. If this plan was chosen to be the new WTC it would changemany people because they know that the twin towers are“reborned”. People would enjoy the park. It would be a good dayto do things. It would bring happiness to every person. It certainlyis a great plan.

My Favorite PlanMy favorite plan out of all the others was the World Cultural Center because it has an airplane behind it, and it reminds me of when the twin towers were destroyed. It was the tallest I could find. Is the airplane between the towers, or behind the towers? It is 1,665- foot tall and it’s made out of latticework structures. The latticework contains museum, an open amphitheater, a conference center, and a viewing platform.It would be pretty hard to image a museum, an open amphitheater, a conference center, and a viewing platform because there’s hardly nothing in the towers. I also wonder how will the people get from place to place? I think people are going to build some more things inside the towers because since it said that it contain all those stuff, they will maybe built all of them.I think the towers all nice because if you were up there, you would have a good view of the city. I wonder what were used to make the towers?I will need to find out more.

Today is the day we vote for the new wtc towers. We havea choice. My dream tower is a tower that nobody couldever hurt us in. We lost so many people. Our nation needsto be safe from those who wants to hurt us. As a reporter, Ihave many models. I have to say we will never be safe from those who needto proof points to us Americans. we need to stand togetheras one big family. We should always love one another inour hearts no matter how much you don’t like that person.

Our needs our help to make the world a better and anunharmful city. Think about that! Remember, think at whatbetter world we could accomplish together. My choice forthe new world trade tower is the Diamond glass. I like thestyle of Diamond. In my heart, I feel that nobody couldever hurt a Diomand Tower.

Today we went on a trip. We went to the Winter Garden. It is located near the World Trade Center site. When the Twin Towers collapses the Winter Garden got damaged, but they got fixed. We went there to see the two designs chosen from nine designs. The nine designs are designs are designs of building that could be built in the Ground Zero site. In the Winter Garden my class saw an interview of the designers of the two finalists designs. The trip was very important to the future because one day there would be two building like the Twin Towers but different. We should learn about the two designs now, so we could know facts about it. It is important to the country because it would know that we still have two towers representing the twin towers. The designs, I liked best was the World Cultural Center. When I first saw it I fell in love with it. I just got the feeling that it was beautiful and it looks like the twin tower but without the stick. I’m happy that it is one of the two finalists. I got a feeling that it would win and be built. I really like coming here. I learned a lot.

Today we went on a trip to a place called “TheWinter Garden.” It was a very nice place. We saw a lot of things. Some of the things we saw were amazing. We saw the two designs for the new Twin Towers. The trip was fun and we learned a lot of history from Mr.. Z. I think this trip was very important to our city, country and the world. I say this because on September 11th, the Twin Towers collapsed. The Twin Towers were the tallest buildings in our country. A tragedy like this had never happened before in our country. Before the final two plans, there were nine plans. I had chosen Sky Park. The final two were the World Cultural Center and the Sky Park. I hope that some day I can go to the Winter Garden again!

Today we went to the Winter Garden of Lower Manhattan. It was beautiful. I was so excited! When we were first walking in we saw the World Trade Center Site. It was pretty cool. I felt sad for those who died. We went to the Winter Garden see the two designs that were chosen to be the new Twin Towers. We mostly went for that . We couldn’t stay long because it was cold. When we first walked in we saw a movie. On the right hand side behind glass were the two designs that were chosen. The way that they showed it was so cool and fascinating! That was the best part of the whole trip. The Winter Garden Trip is very important to our city, country and the whole world. It is important to our city because of the big tragedy of 9/11. It is important to our country because whatever we build has to work with our economy. It is important to our world because it will make us stronger and we will be given a memorial. The designs chosen were not one of my choices. The one I chose was crystal one with diamonds and you can see yourself in some of them. I still liked the two designs but not as much as the one I had chosen. In the Winter Garden I liked the one that looked like it had ice on it. the second and last one I liked was the opening one that is white and has a bridge on it so people could walk on it. The opening one looked like a gate a little. What I am trying to say is that I liked both of the designs a little bit. The trip was fun and interesting

I don’t think the Libeskind’s plan should be chosen for the WTC. Since the design is the Tallest, terrorist might want to destroy the building. I would have liked for the Think Vision.To have been chosen . It remind us for the old WTC. The only difference is people won’t Work on high floors.There will be less damage if there would be an attack. The Think vision or the World Cultural Center was the design that I chose as my favorite Design when we voted as a class.

The new and final World Trade Center was designed by Daniel Libeskind. It is made up of a complex of angular building with a memorial based on the foundation of Ground Zero. A Giant spire will reach up1,776 feet, making it the tallest building in the world. Many Families of the victims like that sunken “bathtub” will be preserved. The design was also favored by Governor George Pataki and Mayor Bloomberg. This huge area will feature .A conference center, a five starhotel, a museum, a performing art center,shopping malls,And restaurants. “The Park ofHeroes” and “The Wedge of Lights” which will pay Tribute to those who lost their lives on Sept.11th.

The plan of Daniel Libeskind design has won against the World Cultural Center design.The building have a below ground pit, and would be the world tallest building. The Memorial is for victims of Sept.11th,2001. The design has a 1,776 ft. vertical garden. Daniel Libeskind has won even though of what happened that week with the other Design’s company. THINK’s plan is like the World Trade Center building. The tower Look like a skeleton and in the tower there is like a plane and the tower might make the People remember the big tragedy.

The information is important because you will know about two towers replacing the Twin Tower that would be standing in the WTC site someday. When I heard that the designOf Daniel Libeskind won I got so mad, I wanted to explode. I liked The World CulturalCenter. If there is war, I think that they should built Libeskind’s plan after the war becauseA lot of things are happening in the world.

I think they made the right choice to pick Daniel Libeskind’s design. I think it’s right To pick it because it has a memorial for people and it was a very good place to build it. The sun shine also reminds me of the real WTC,because it sparkles like it. Daniel’s Plan design is beautiful and probably will sparkle in the sun.

I think they should not picked the Libeskind’s plan and pick The World Cultural Center becauseIf the sun shines on the towers, then people might think planes are going to crash the towers, and Every time they do that they would make them feel scared. The only thing I like is about theDesign is the garden. I like that because we do have to protect the environments for us and the World. We need the oxygen and the animals need it for their home.

Today my class went on a field trip to the WinterGarden, World Financial Center. We went there tosee the top two designs for the new World TradeCenter. I thought it would be boring but I was sowrong! I used to go there every Saturday until September11th. (gulp!) The top two designs were the Sky Parkand The World Cultural Center. They were both mychoices for the top two. In Sky Park every September11th the sun would shine on it the same time when thefirst plane hit. The World Cultural Center had aninside garden and a connection to each other. I am glad that we have the Winter Garden. It madepeople come from all over the world to our city. It isa little famous landmark in our country. Anyway, itwas great there. I’m going there again one day.

Daniel Libeskind, an internationally known architect, was born in Poland in 1946.Before receiving his architectural degree in 1970, he studied music in Israel and became a virtuoso performer in New York.

Daniel Libeskind went on to pursue a postgraduate degree in 1972 and has Since become a very successful architect. He is responsible for designing and Constructing the Jewish Museum in Berlin, Germany and the Imperial War Museum in Manchester, England. He is presently working on the Jewish Museum In San Francisco, a department store in Germany, and the Extension to the RoyalOntario Museum in Toronto.

Libeskind has taught in several universities and has received numerous awards For his work. His design for the World Trade Center was chosen as the winner from A group of six teams. His design was called “Gardens of the World” which wasRenamed “Memory Foundations.”

The entrance to the museum in Libeskind’s “Memory Foundation” design.

A view from West Street.

“But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicated -we cannot consecrate-we cannot hallow -this ground. The brave men ,living and dead, who struggle here ,have consecrated it ,far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note,nor long remember , what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living rather,to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here Dedicated to the great task remaining before us -that from these honored Dead we take increased devotion - that we here highly resolve that these Dead shall not have a new birth of freedom- and the government of the People, by the people, for the people shall not parish from the earth.”