,Wmi*«.Fi. .i.iHgtornl'i'.orreou.bt...


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B 0 s i n c o 0 K o t i e r ..

~f__t HATB K'li I!" W 4TIU R.-I'"r ovtremo_i..^_*-d pe'ee. arartlwtloa tb. r- I ao Baeaaaar kat*# erttl

,Wmi*«.Fi. am. rfonin HATB at"Lntr £««.«¦.-UAM_H ' ».a«o !..'. paftUltT dana.d by wa»T

Vb? TlJowr*"£abiTBMbskrol'»iBa»j(l#_i ri ¦-

l.i BM EBBTfl «'v *V!' ' '"LOBta.

. -_«>a_i*aainert.ri-IT o'tbr aa. ra aood, alB*.***___!_g_?___raiaRaaca»U aarakaaad l>tblaeoaawy,rK..ioiwr.ana»i»"i*> Ul b* fe-nu el !

No 5.1 i. ...» i\

0,|k. -e M*l OatHaa.

~C_t'ntrE.-~Ari p-.!"!.- mahtag, atrag or Miiiaga ..,c MAtatat*. wl.o > i- lot..,.. ... law.

,7 i. ..11 ._ ¦»« B ^ . |-|:B, ia-jlUiew.ll ..."«- , H .,,-..~

HF.WlbO Mai"lim ». I ht I»i-tint Patent* on

«»-!. Ma.b.no «r. .. .,.. Sni.u k ( o So aBBB-MB "' aoy,,'ae eao ke mece wRhoai .l.lril -ini <.-. BM B* n.orr u! tl.r-r._iet,t« W, lur o «< lad n ar, itac'iieramwrnttUt all »ko BM '. B| .". I '. The lateatfcotl-o" I" 'ke »bt of wivbk* tbe "Oorcaa" maehtoo twijtair4_«eatkr»eef onr pa.'ir.. AJ i*r«>n* a.e BOtibed bo- to b<iy_a_ae aa*rliiB.a.tki\ are of ra.r qualitj B4.il^raawloaaiUtir.. i Iroadwej.~Bi.wiro kMriUREa,.The beet Bewiag Muhim-i ofall aanetle* are lonsd at Oao»» a, B*kra aV fo.'. -

-., ttoh _Bpro-ed Bbattl. ata< lune. at llBreeBlBjjx.raf -oadet Tk - a wadaaa a-e .1. hcece-d ond-rlbeori«ii.l tiowe |aie-i ..-,',

1'1-Mi-. IIeloueonb AM» MlTBH'..Horace B \

tfB*. No. »?! Brtfrt-a, i- aacRaRM aaM* for T O-keflFiaao. arBh or »;ii" ii io- .ro.i.n; Ballel k l :-..-¦ -.'. Piaro...J (hirker.Bi. F1*_o« <¦ ,-'. Boadote riaao*. and HmM \\ *

.-. 1.a**| I I> A I' W h. Ui -v

-b'i Mrludeooa. Mr. Watrr. baa alao nn hand I' aa

iifleieM ii,»Bira.aad MelodeoM af OfetJ atfl* ant liu.ali. Muric*rd Mo.Ir Merthandi^ o< avarj rarirly BBd ot aaal ti better Ui.n

ran >>« toied «_earb«rc. III. B BM* _MU * ***U i'l. < and q ;!<.«aalea." II. mimerae .iork '.« ron y eiirl r»p


DbtvQ0«mat (im m i Ki i.i 11> Peicer..Theeufcacribara ib order to cl**a t!.r-.r eal're »t.<k <.( BflBaawrOoal*bare riitnfd ihe rrle. » i f th. ir Bilk*, Ha-e*.' Lawaa. B r*f* MLa aea _iee aorf < .. iu.e r BhBWH, biiori.. lia^oo." Muo'nlnf(iood*. tt.. Be fnlla Z'< |» m. tr.iui tio ir aaaal

iranBf.ai» a A i.i No 347 Rroadwat on Leoaard-at.

Lbce Cobtairb! Lacr Cvbtairb w.ihe Bab-.rnbiraaliloBerTiui MoUIBe, JbItI. tb« baa: of *<"-k of,ith laci. tiatais. *: o.. I. ol ili. .r rwal rt.iie. Al_»*i*r§eBtcrkof Ta»lk LotHan..: flaan.a. e<|uallj !..«¦.

1.1 autf.ATi k k BOT"

Riae 1'iaohoa in .I. r.ev Citj from BBTBonab,* at Baoif'.'¦' n«7''-

out MoTTo-rnpr.o..l..ito,! I..IV firjBMTnnjsalr-.le. ...a Kao-o-oii. Btac k «4 BM-eta- f«'«»' V, A iM^atoTar-taa'a.Ba W» BowrrT. EMUah N rlv... Tar--v a ,d' ,n_,,f" - o'ilMtaatrtdMtd artea* K.iee-lr.«ra.a ( arpeuat l/.A'. *"«»./. ""} ,..il_ 8 O.awlft' ih-i va:d


^UXARDFB'B lilM BOKOLOVE8 IT 37_ CEST8»,rp_,a-l.ir.rell.da«.d....nA!.,*...l. '"-'MuBlitovc.,

^^.La^aaaV^alV/'r^f::^, ,-, ,.,,a-,-.-.

Km'rtainN Im»m rJTORE, N«». 863 Broadway, iaaueflied eitli Daraa (iootia et.fl < OBiostTll - in vi-r, -..uir'y. La-ii\i aud .tiaoarra ate U.T1I1 '1 to ail and exa.i loe. aud ,1 l.i- rar.i :jhMta* tbe i«rtirular kiad waaied. ll wii. bi lca.1 !¦ u anerate anyMMaaaakJ ***** aa 'be tnaala of caiiin*. Prb-»a *« low .* y aat-M*j and lama ai.d Jaraa O00M Impartad to orHrr Al o, t fearBo>M.ra ieoialnii« r BBBCH <Jooti» e<ir.taB!l\ ou liand.

A-riNWAi.i.V Iomi'iii RDToric Muniti:..Whotitbe a.le. of a mrdiciae bai '¦ inrreaaed laaMlBlB per eent. per an-

Lini tonwtDtT ire ieara. ariibout adarrti-'ia* it aaal I* reaa-.naolyIbl'errrd thal 1! i» a aier) 1,1 '. t.aratn.a. Ob tbia aolid groni.d reetaIb* ie|Utaiii'ii 01 tli. T.'Mi ^IlX^lR^ a. 1 rore tor Kctit and Ague.iianieatbat ntTer auaianteed anytbiL| wb:ch th* rarti" did r..t

MM of tb'ir owl |-eraoDi.l kr.owliddo to I.e wpej-alcelleat, ar*aitattied to Ihe .tronaril teariioonlaj. ib lavor of Ihi jpe< itic. It ba*oe,er fail.il No anto'ote wa. e»er aiori eertaiu iu it. iouui>r ettoaof poi»n tbao i« th, Toali M.xiiai a» a BWaMof md ,all.. eattnair.trrBU.nl feier. The nimiailaaij p*»*aleaee ..f Keaer »ndBJM IIBMM IM |llp*nit*irB ol unu-u-1 v.In- .1 il." MiaaM time.

The ili.r*»e aetic. to be Bot onlv .iireadio* but h BBJ leaa iaan-

aaeable ettrv T»ar, ar.d il th.it tore bakoriB ihepnl.lic MafMltalB-hiib aa*. BBBBBfl .h. 11.nl.ioidi- ufa'. ealled ap.-rltii-. la the truo

.od ieritable reioedy Nn Mi » ba l.ajotire laken or »eeii adnini.-tered tbe Tomc Mixti i.r aaa ito- bl it. **_May. ll ba* mBiKlifiid or ailer.dainrr It* li.trodiict on 111 II .' ai.di' BOW p patl '1aodai.ldbj kla»urce*aor TBOMAlR Maxh ii i.. So. N Ai.h iu ,i.,Wew Vort_/_Bah iiKi.orV Haiu Dve i« »till tbe leading artlcle,

BBBMwMfadM '¦'io aaMDvaeataM aarperfhetlj aalorlaa IkiHairth n.oo eat it u. applted T> oa of thiina-.l io a'l part* o' thearorid piorlaln. It th- oulj reliable l)vi. anowa Baktai opj.li-.l inbIb* .It.ie rr«rra *. W A RaTi 111 1-a - So sSi Hroadway.

t_aU>'l Ai.ilHi - I.mii-IiiK LttytO ll\lll IHE..Thiaaaperb artlcle iade.er.i ita l.-l.l lilab 111 the i.liinanoti of an in-telli*eui I'Ut.iic. llaablraai" daahU_| l.">ui day to day. It ueverfa.b. to aive th. mo.t anpl. .nt.'v ..ou to tho.. wboaaaR. So:darboleaale at.d retail aod app ied at N fi Aatoi Hi._FSTEB AND AiilK..Dr. EOTFAEO Bleeckee'b

Biaairtui MiXilBi. (0 tha mr of Frvrranil AfM nnd t BB| -

KeTer. Tbi. rrmedi eflrd.a |K..itireeBre-'ithoiit aalalnearaiaeale.Bold ty ite marlrta**, Mim. A BkBBCBBB, So O'i Broadway,Kew lorkaod lOuiraiaU iiern r.lly.

WttiyQoxk Oaila QxibuntTUSBDAY, JDLY 11, 1*51.

In the Senite, yoiterdny, n tnoiiioii.il wna rcooiveJIn.in llliiu.ir IcariiiiiB, iiekiiii; n gr.iut of l.in 1 iu lownfor ti.e aettleineut ol their Society. lleatr*. C-UEInnd Si MNF.R proiontt'il aovoml nioinoii .la Rgalflfla theFur.',t:\e Sla\e Lnw. A bill to gTB-RBte aud redueethe piioe of the publio l,.n.U was introdiioed. TheC'oinmittoe on Foroijtn I'elntioua roportod « bill toninl.e rouipentation for ueirrooa eirried oft by tb»'l>ritiih durinj; tbo laat «nr. The C'ivil and Diplo-ti iit'o Apptopii..t.oii bill waa reoeired from tho llouso,and reforrod to tbe Co uiittee on Fiunnct*. ThoIlnnit^toBil bill ITM then tnkon np, wbeu nn ainend-uo nt offered I.a Mr. Cl.wi t»s \v;.a debatod at con-

aiderable lonpth. and tho further oi nnidoration of tl.obill was poatponed. After a ahort Exooutive BbbbWetbe Senate adjotirned.

In tlie Hoiii*e of Ifiproat-nt itivi> a r.aolntiou w.n

hdo| toil increaainK tho mIb_Bm of oflii-ora, clorkd. .V <..,

emplf-jed in the I.e^irlative Drpartiiiont ofthetiov-t-riiuieiit. Tho BaMBM bill approprintiiu $ll».0(iOfor the iniprovenient of Cape Fear River *:i* paaai 1.After tli B tiniiMiction of BBRM uniinport.nt baabksaa,tbe lloii»e adjoiirncil.

-.«--We liMI from WaehlBglfaE tbat Juiis KcKBOR

wa* jeaterdat nomiiiHti-d aud ooiifintiod as Diatrict-AtttiTtiey for rffW'Tatb in pIlOB of ChaiiM O'Conorrt*igued. It ia a gootl appi iutuient iu itielf; Mr.MoKoon. ti.oe.h a BaTBWMEB partisan. in a nisu of«tuinent nl'lit\ and bigk olinriiotor. 1'ut we iuo uotawnro tbat be ia a gront ndmiror or n zealoua aup-rnirter of Mr. Tieroo and bia bohavior aiuco ho hai<ocrupiod IBe l'roeid-uiy. Tho appointuiont i^

evhUntlj ititondod to placite the Adain*ntiuoa: TfB*ba!l aeo inw it wotki.Mr. Theodore U. Wiathrieuk, a very aiu.tll pattern

of n ItafBeaaSBBB from l later ir tbi* Stnto, ia tbop< r«on m.'*t bittorlj dis^ppoiiited bj t'.ie cboioe ofMr. MiKnm. Tbere »eem» to bo nmlouiit tbat Wosthrook hnd an BRfCBM BTCBabB of tbo ili ro froui thol'roaidont, in i.i,i.idert,lion of wbioh bo sold hiinsoliaad betrayed biaeonatituontil.j votlag tor theropoalof tbe 5ti»aouri Compromiae,.Tbere have ovidcntl\ boeu o\er hwRM of Nebras-

ka atiH-k. ba well a« of tbe othor faneioa, anJ poorWi-atbrnok 1 aa biiii t..k« n iu by tbo bagia nrtiele.

Tho new* from Californi.i, whi.b wa» publiabod inn portiou of our joetrnliiy'a oditiiui, oontain»no itounof atnrtnii.. itiiporteiuo. Freib diaoovcriei of fVddare .innouneed from tbcminiug rogiona, uud tbe ahun-dntit iuppi\ .1 ebown by tho hamlioine footin_s-up oftbe apeeie liit. Over (.hio Mi'.liou arrived bj thoatiiinor af joiterdny, and a luitiior ninouut may bohouriy expeoted. Tbe dotaiW oonooruinj; the Amori-can prim.nen at Mazatlau will be road with iuteroit.Later iatelligence from Ihe Soetb Paoifio Coa^t, nndAuatralia. will be found in our HaaERM tbi* morniag.Our rwden will find on the third pa_o of tb'.i pa-

per a full account from our aaajBjafaaieal in the.quadroa, and from otber aotircea. of ('om. Perry'afinal negotiationa with tbo anthoritiea of Japna aul©f the treaty be concluded with theni. Tbattrentybai aow goae to WaahitiKton to be approved ^y thofcenate ind ratified bv the Kxecntive.

HAKU I'P.Vo*. it U the aober. proaaic, literal truth. that «e

are nearly all of bi bard up. We either owe monoy.and doa't know where to get it. or are inbjc-t to.. calla " for iniUllment. on unpai.l KailroaJ or othorlabaeriptiona. or are doiug a heavy bunineaa whii hreqnirea large diabanementa weekly or monthly andbrinci in no fjorreeponding retaraa. Maay of ui areBbinniPf from day to day, and fiud the work growbarder and harder, thongh we livo iaeoaaUnt hope.witb Mieawber, that -aomethin. will tura up.'Meaatlae praperty. anleaa it can bo eatea or drankinin.oi'.iatoiy. ia Tery bard to tnrn into raah. wbileI- Aii'g ii well ni«b impoiail»b». The HatA*

rdMio' abate tbe preaicre. The'e Ml ¦BBjl -.

¦aBBI BBBBbbI aaBBB ih-t are tOC tiuiiai ..

ttjBBta bib ulaaind mbii rmjoJ iBtdMytbBBld be;btH. taioi a. n bMBf, tl.et haaMOMM BBflJ *.<. "vioaalo.t a w.-l Itl tboj e. il.i M B. TaWl na'" BtXb"t tbe rr< at iun*« ot iluir taBBaMBOM na*

dn.:k aud woni BM ¦ n> e..-t } ha I

Id * bmbbj k,raud iiou*»>. ; BYjrhiTBij hafd I

.iruplk IllBtilT M a .-nit' BBitj bto bam pronu>«-d to

BBI h BBBBBTO bl.are ajiu.a '.'.. BBBB JtBanV the eOOl j ...A.

.. bsie BBtfl ' v BarOB

ir, n w« BOTOlaid ¦VrtrBtB u.-e.I up forii,. irarr p-i t.iienrly a'.l miported aud mui

-i, ra rioC Bf in jBwtjBMBf a^'aiait ui.

\Ye ar»- lik>- the last joiith ar"\sn older, and BBaMtiagfrotn gout, (TyaBOBaBB and otlur BMMkBBB wbi.h reoaMfi.ru bat'.l Iimia; wbo pBBBaMOt 'hat h<- .bould berdlli. ted nw BBBM bt ba" BBBB MBBtdl >.'.* trllwbOB h< ha.l never a tBJBft wbile he BB ab- -r1" Iin theni But tbe avenjjitijr bolt falla BnaBB it will.and doubt!e-r- bt the rery bati BBBt,

Xo palliativc. no noa'ruin. will re'.ieve ua. W«can only recovcr by deaiating from the BBtag and

rettiraing to the tight. We murt live iuouroldhnuae*or build more friiea.ly than af BB* bny tewer and

eleaper new ilOMBB, dtink BMM p«re water and rOM

coatty liquon. caunence no more railroadiiBOlytagon Ititure rabacriptiona of Btoek or aale* of bnni* ta

tke out the OBOt Of tbeir couatruction-ia BBBtt, Wt

auat take in Btil Keneraliy. Wt BBBtf lay out fewer

Ptreetaatidclearupniorefanii.: ao.v more nerei to

orain.iidedib!eroot*.wbilewe,perJdfe'.verthoiifan'iiou BBBMlMrr- aad raiM-bakroMi underg.. fearerten.Iollnr laEo and BMJ d< llar ditinera. and not

be aabamed to bc eeen wheeling a barrow or

BttTyBMJ apaek«e,e. Tbe aBBBBJt Bill be tninj? Baf

maiiy, ef-pecinlly for v,\\ei and daughters rearrd in

indolent luxuiy, WaBBB tbt bankrupt.-y aud eotkM-

.|u<nt (ieftth or flight of hushainla and fctBtTi ttilllea\ t auddenly dentitute; yet, einee we wcre all iu-tended to aa aoiiicthin« for a liviug. and not to live

uac-leasly on the labt.r of othera, it will bt be-t in the

|08| run eveu for th.in. Mi.uy a noble tBBBBayBBr ha*

leen derelopcd by ndt.-rnity wbi.h would BSft re-

inaiu.d uinratured aud wnauapccted had tbe poa-Betttt been dnndled throtich lil'e in the lap ofpros-pcrity: and tbe alioa wbo iu pov.rty and tboaBtritytrt.iuM her orphuufs to livea of iu.lu-try, tVtldJBlB] ..nd

BBtaBBMBB, i" piirauing a BObMB and holier eareer

tban if lendiiig tbeui glaalBj through the BBVBM ofFhi-hi. ui.ii.id tbe MiareaofWealtb nnd PltBOBia.Wt Hhnll paaa throujih tbt eii.tinj: preamre. and

be tbe better for it in the en.l. Many of na will be

weaned by it from City w aa/a for ever. aud .lrawn

RWBJaaBB the broad. t^BBB CtBBtlT, where a niau

BMJ nit down to hia dinner without feelinc in bin

BOefcol tobe oure he has tbt wherewithal to pay for

it, and nleep throuj-h tbe night uiitroubled by viaion*

of notea taUBBMMlbt paid to-inorrow or boisrB-int.l. From tbe purijatory Bf ¦aaaBBBrf and tbe nigbtnmre of banknipt.y, thin preniure will UTMBrBM BBBBT

of u» for ever. Thcre an- (. it\ la.ln now attcnding ex-

piUrtive boar.linjr-gcboolh WBttfl tbi^ BBBttBTt willIrnurfer t" llliiU'is (orii-fieids and talBBBBtfl BBBT-

uiilla, ht.l w ho B ill live to bt th mkful BBI the chnnge." Thlfl bickneif. ia not unto .leath but unto life;" nndif our people ever Ittrafd anjthinit fr»mdJoaattT or were BitBBti Iioiu follj by aitf-feriii". it would be nu exeelleut thinjr ftr

«*. Yet, ut thia veiy bcir, WBtB it ia moially itnpoa-aiblo that weahould pay for the UBBtartl awaBBaTj OBB-

BBBMdk, therc are many BBaTB .orainc in tban we ouobtto buy, nnd no iiumediate BaBtpMOa of a fallitig off.Eitlertlie iinpoitei* or tbt buyers BBBBlttt ¦OBByby th. m: trt hope it BBBJ not be tbe latter. Ifwtei.ul.l only r.dii.e oiir Impoits deci-leJly below our

Fxporta, so a. to pay ofl oao ejBBftOT of tar Forei"iilh bt witbin tbe yoar. we BBBBJl betill right by Chri.t-ma4| fitid migbt rt'HUine tbe conntruction of our «ua-

BMBjJal Railrfadn; butthe preent teuder.cj i^ towar.la reduetion ofthe Ta. ill nnd a tBaMtaJBtal influx tiBBOTt Foreign Fabri"-. Ltt our BBBBMI buy no more

than tkty are rtally ablc to pay for. anl BB ahnll BBTtan abiindant reduetion af tbe l'evenue witbout nnyciuiiuutiou af tbe ratea of duty.Aa yet. tbe Country BBI ttaBBaty bbKtbt prtatart

whicb aMatatt beavily on tbe City. The larinera

are obtainiiii; good ptiett for whatever th. y have to

aell, uud the |taeral harvent BBBafBBt B good.Probably uo foriner erop* e\ei .rXOtt led tbose now

on tbe grouud, wbile the Bfitat of nict fbrin pro-dueta are very good. They will be lower beforo I).-ceniber: but I.abor al<o will bc lower; «o wilKioo.lA;aud tbe fiiiner who ia out of debt BIB buy il Bnatb ofwhatever he wauts with liia.ropad Bt ever eould.An.l M long a8 the earth yields abundnnt'.y and theBRajorilj of our eoiintrymen trt neitli. r afrt.id nor

ai-humt'd to till it, the rejiort of prtBtaBBt and panieaBrulTBai u.on firerides only Bi the vngue, fantaaticreeolleetiou af B drenui.AVe eloee w tb BWoH of Btaaery adviee, whicli, ii'

gei.erally folluwed, Bill BB u:ueh to m'tigate tbtnt \erity of the preaaure. l'eople BtatOt ajd. in ai

ttBlllglBfJ like thia, to battofl up tbrir BtTOralpockfti and only pay out money when tbtj have m»

alternative. In other worda.they app'y to the <!¦<¦

cbargBtf tibrHag aaBfatMaa a ralowbieb i. ri^bt-fully api'licnblo only to the BBaBBPlB| ta new oueg.

But b't BTBf] nii.u vYbo BMaotM money d. vote ilto the protnpt aatiafaetiou of hia linbilitiea, no

niatl. r whether matured <t othenviso, an.l Bt¦d.all have better tiniea forthwith. If he wh>ha* a thouaan.l dollara in bank woul.l atonce pay off hia tradeamen, or pay aa fnr aa it would«ri', anticipating hiapaymenta in their prop-T order,the BBtBB) thu* put iu circulatiou would probablypn."t< throuiih mauy handa, pay BBBaJ debta, r.leaae*cuie eollnterals. removc auudry enibarra-si ieir>. UJibe all back in bank at-nin witbin tbree day.in faet, may do thia good withotit CTerleaving bank.itall. Thua a few BMB in our City, who happen to beiu eaay eircuuirtanee*. would beneiit nll the reat byaiiuply buyiug up tbeir owa piper or piyiug off theirbilla whieh would naturally ran till OaBBBBBBR. AVeknow no cheaper way of doing extensive good.

TIIK Rl>S1 »>" K.lll.t UE.A certain elaa* of writera have bBSB wont to ..'-

trihate t.. the Emperor of Ikitaaia the ptaneaaion oit Mraordinary rn.wera of iiiiu.l. and eapeeially of tbitfar-reaehicg. eompreheuaive JBatgjBBBBl whi.-h uiarkathe really jtr.ut atateaman. It i< di:licult to see howeuch illusion* eould be Jerived fro'u aoy trutbf'il».ew of bia rharaetor. or bBBB any pnrt of bi« hiato¬ry; but the moat obatinate ol" hi* ¦aualtBfB mu.t. BPttbiuk, now qiieation thejnstiee of thoir cou.-lu*ioni.Euaaia ia now iu iisoit dim.-ult and lyiui:i.atinc poai-tiou. Her armiea are deteated iu Turkcy. and, atterimmenae loaaef of tn.-n nnd meaua. are retreatingwitbin ber own frontiera; her po.<eMioni in Aaia,the fruit of many jeara tffort an<l vair exptndit'ire.are partly loat auJ who'.ly imperiled: her bbIbBJIeommeree i* deatroyed an.l her hame induftry injuredby tnrning the national attention and the people'a ec-

ergiia toa uauleaa and diaaatrvua w.-r; her nary iaimpriaoned and her fortreaaea menaced: and »he Btuiteven regard aa an advuitage an intervention whiehwhateverira other beneiit.. interpoaea ar. eft'eotualbfir-rier t» tbe realiration of her ambitioua dreanu, andrendcra impoaaible a renewal of berartaek on Turkey,Veausc th.nt woiildiiivolre adirocteolliiion with Ger-iniBY aa well aa with the Weatorn powera. And allthia ia the work .( thia "reat abtteaman and wiaeruler Xiebolaa I. PraiM of thia headatrong iuiperialbliiuderer'i ntental sift* mtut bereafter be eonaidera-t.le iiunlified. if indtilged iu at all.Tbt defeat at -Siliftriti i« uot eooU"li bl BBotroj tbt

rop.]UtioBofthoC.-ir(.ro/hia afmy, any more thsnt , T.hetiteorKjrala;: for a d'.

. _| t| t t e \». --t f.-roaigLt aul th«

| ,, ..... aaaaM alwaya preveut.tlir. ti I »1 fe* bBr

.... athM iathe -

.. laterematk.lle BbBfB anl tbe K,. i il It I t!,:.-tLttL

¦..:.. Ba eDoruio.. uiinibon and i; wbo.e. * rd iBBitW I

v Oawbibai n and. b ,.. -. (ra killed or dimbled in tho de«per»to,.-¦ ..d o;~rn!:une BgafaMt >;li~tri.a. Iudeed.

o:d ai thrfo t.i.n bn.l'_"l.B.ew!tf4i and liorehak.-lf-.,., 70, BB*J I.ud.-r-. tho yo-iQ.oat. being

.m.il Ukdj »» *»*J irtrt ia die abbbEIbIde.-.iL a»l oa}. rnoh ii tke MfraREBM nnd imbeiii.tjof the «trt ¦ < :i * bb h thr Csai bai BMEBfed hi* vait

militarv eatab.i-l.inet t th.it w | ian BBRffll it a* a I.¦ti e ai.d ui.doninbla fnot. that tnon- 1, hardly a ein.leofl'.'frwl.ooou'id ft.pinto tbe vaoatod plaoeofeitheroftbe*o BfnoraN. and BB1TJ witb him the eoufidetire ol

the army aud the na'ion. For year. tl." F.mperor.with BB BBI 0. 01 ntjbio UbBa-KM wbiob aeenv indee.1to fnll iittle ehort of itupidity. BM direeted hiaerTort*to tbe realinjury i-ud dipre*«ion of the eer>ioe for\i! -c inijirovimeut nnd perfei-roti he famied be w.ia

doing tho ntnioet. Thu* bo baa limited promotion to

BMM parnde martii.ote. BrBaM prini ipal morit oonaiatain itolid oliodionee and road) Mrriltr, added to nron-

rac) of rjceigai in ietect-Bf a fan'.t in the buttonaand button-holea af the uuiform.oonatantly prefer-rii? MKfc etiok* to n;en of renl tnilitwy ai iiity nndhrteUectaal wpcibnitj. Yeara of thedulloatiorviro.1110b :.a ^nrri.-nti >!uT; ai.d daily pnrade, and not yo'itb,acthifj and tbo atudy and acquirttneut of militaryaeb i.'f. baa/e bafla the exeiueive titloa |e the Cznr'i.'; ;i r ;.i.«l tonilihtiCtiri'nt. Thuathearm; iaoommnnd-ed on th" aternee l.y old va.otudinariani or by iifcort.r.t rorpoiala, who migbt mannge a platoon. but

lavenot br&in* and knowledge rnough t<> direet tbe1 lllBBJTt and cf mplioatod u.ovetmiita i.f n oarnpaigu.Tbe BBBM narrow-mindodnesa and preaumption ap-

jitar throuithoiit tbo C'/nr'a wbolo taana_e-

ujont of thia Eaatern ijtioeiioa. Every o.e can now

.10 tbatk* begaa tbe war iu an unwiae and inade-ijiiato BUaaer. Indeed. bi* very firat military de-i! tajBtTBtaaE w^i totally abaur.l and MBfEal to themutbobb . bnnd. Ho ongbt to bme known that Ku-

ropo iM.ttld not i.llow the dtrtnietion of Turkoy.BB*J ehould. tbcreforo. eitbor knwkop: q.iiet. bi.Bfbi- lime. or have BVBSBBJ the I'ruth. not with be-twfi n forty and fiftj tfcflEflBBiflMBa aa be did laat year,when duritia the wbolo winter be had nnh ono arniy-corpa in tl.o I'rinoipalitie* but thould have pounrelat BBM witb hi? nioit powerful mngaea upi.n Turkoy.reaoliin. acroa.- tbe Jt&lkan. hofuro the T'irk« oouldhnvo tatbored logother thtir arattored ferees. andhoforo tho WeetetR Pawera oould hnve oombined intbi ir oppoaitiinaiid n nt f!<Mtl or troopa. To atriku

l.y aurprire aud torror, BEghi to hnve beon hii aiui.inateml Bf SBffaJa_| iu mcli an iiubooile BUBBRMbia nation in a Riirintic itruogle. But Niohola* ia

gfirlEg BM, BE- ha* all tlio fault- of doorepit age.Ouv ci the MEMM m)Uk jiroventod him from puttiugall bir roK.urooe into tution ut onoo, waa. tbat hofo.iroi! tbe ci.ht of eiiel. an oi'iwt. Now bo will loae a

htindred titiioi moro luonoy, and without n.ulta.

PeaBy-wiadaM in IRCh an aflair ie lo niailom nt all.¦\\heii the BBaalBE foroea firxf 8MBM -d tho I'ruth. ihe

CSBf badnodoubt..M weLnppenod t-'!.ii'.v> BBd toukoecaaion to atate al Ibe timo,.that ho oould bully allKun j o. iitid reSf Ihiir. la at aniall expouae. Hia dip-li 1. atio BgCBta, tBB, emouraited bim in thia fo..li<h

Opiliii 11. The iiioat iiiieihievotis of theao aoooaaorieK to

tho gre.-t Bai Baa blaaeVr bM pnrrai to bo the Baa*eian Miniator at I'aria. M. Be Kira. loff. wboae dia-j-alebo- v.ere fullof IhBBBBSl e.iti.f. BtBf) .looouut. oon-

c< rning Ihe friondiy and pactaW ii.tentiom of I.ouiaNapulion. BlBBfllfaT hnvin_ naidod braaare thatit\M-uti-i |gh| jreafl in the Fnn -h (.'apitid. vory natur

ally dreadod tbe idon of beinjf reonllod from 1 poaitonwlerel.olul BE rpit urcan lifo. The Cznr. ariord-iii^ly, wbo deligbta to road adulatory nnd lattarbRgn j oita from hin BflBBta, BEEfbl at the bait. and nuydiepntob Mnollins; of n BMBfTBMbll trutb from nny

i,o.rtorwn» diroreditod, treatod with nuiti mpt. nnddid BBtkaEf but injury with tbe Aufoorat 11 tho f.iith-ful nnd ithlo iliploiiuiti>t lending it. Thiu noirly nlltl,0 Kuebian diploniatio ro|Mirt* were full aa* eneu-

miuua ou the iuiperi^l aagaoity, to whi.li Kin.pobowed. aa tbry aianrod hia Maji.tv, with r< -peet andmluiirntion. In one word, we nre able to atlirm tbntainee 1661, Ni bolaa BM norer had laid boforo him a

trtitbfiil iotouut of the Btatfl of jJEBfaER. and of tho

feeUBfa Bf tho othor GkarBfEBBT-ta townrdi bimnnd Rtiaria; aml it' bi* iiiimermia aj;eiita mialodhim iu eiiob a niaiiiior, tbe IWBBBfl wna tbat thia w.n

tho nii.at. 11 Bf the onh, pn!..t;iblo diah tor bia poUliealj'j'potito. Bb ernied uninranl adulntion: MW hotnatoaiti bittor nnd pniaonon. fruit*.We do not jnt BRJ fnitb in tho rttnior af hia aluli.-

lion, a thiug totally inipoeeihlo :.nd B_BWBlTB_tB*l| bal0B tbe othor band. ouly a miraole cm ex'rio.-ite bimfn 111 tbo ditli. ultioe now lionpcd on bim and Riaaial.y bia jirit'o, eLullowrjoea, and IBBBWIIilHj


lhey ro riebt," anji Uyron; "for Mau to Min¦.aooft unjuat, iaanaayaM fe PTaaaaa.'1 \\> aee

more trutb in thia apoth<_in th.in w, did twonty yoiraago; and thoae who oordiall} obaerve and eonaidorBBB hardly fnil of B like roiult.The wife uufaitbful te ber burbaud i. iu all oyea a

loet. abaudoued oroaturo. To bor, BB doo. ut aocialoirolo ia open; with her. M rcputabU* womtn Baaaet>atej: and no deoout ninn iuvitee b«r to tneet hi,- wiii'and aaafbteiB, I'.ut the buahanil wBe ia verv vvellknown t.. 1 no l.oon, or even now to be, liviag in thegrOM-eat, BRRBt fla^n.t.t diaregard of hii niarriigo vowa,ia out thoroi'iiro exiluded from reputablo BBB-Bjf, Bnot iirivdi to bord with outcaata. B not given over ro

perJitimi by tho moit ri.oroui and saiatly. II-bt' a merrhant in fBBi bu-ino-a. tbe preeident Bf a

beuk. .1 mouihi r flf ( ongrea*. a _enori-l of militia. a

plj.ii ian iu hlft practioe and even ocupy a froutpew in chunb or Byuagiigtie. Many wili eemure hialin, but few refuae hii profforoj hind or reaent hi*pntr.ni.in_ amiie. And it ia obvione. ?voni theroault*of rivor.o tria'- and othor te-ta of popular*entiuii'nt.tbat many inen BBRaider bia oflenie ipiite venial andeicuaablo.the impulae of a too ardont and impro«i-blo tenipernmont.an evideno. of gallant aud fervidr.dniiration t*t Womanhood gonorally. It i« abnn-dantly manifeat that many meu eonaider marriagevow- t nly impoaed on mer. for deeorutu'a iako, and byno menn* to be literally and ri«id!y obaervo.J. If oneahould be aimple enouith to re.peot them. *o be it:bnt thia ia a decreo <>f uxoriou* idohtry not to be ex-p« ted of the ahrew.l majority, ita abaenoe beingmore natural aud uaua! thna ita eii«:

Well: wo do not propoto hero to arir'ie witb tLiaopiuion. nor to denmnoe thoae who hold it. \Vo oireit ainiply ai a moit notoriou* f_et. and 8W whi.-h re-

quireijedioial reeognition. For, in view ..f iti exiit-euoe, a woman involvM in a Pivorce tria! tuoat obvi-eu»ly kll no fair play und-r our preient Jary lyatem.llie Law h M one oode of etbii1* with regard to mari-talinoontio«noe. whileaportionof theaex from vrhiohJurora ire exeluaivoly taken ha* a radieally dill'erentoode. Tbe caie it tried under tke fonner. but tbeTerdict ia often renderod or defMted in ooodienoeto the latter. The pleadini:* are baaed on the KeriiedStatutea: but t) e rerdict tlu.!* iti reaionin the <¦¦'¦..-\\moraliti of Thomaa or Mercer-at

If the Auglo-Saxon axiom tbat n uian i. eutitVed tobe tried ly a jury ol"Li» poen h fVund«^ in juati.re.thtn it i* e'.early ric-I that Womau ahobld have tbe

Ixneftt ef it. in cntv* wbore ber rohta and duttea ei |t-Vtnu-B are inTohed. fc 1onC a* m».y men jeJf.L.rrccr,! t' . <ode whiib UM L, baaia even in

,.,', llti.BMrMR it U but *.« ¦£* »¦»_»¦ab.u'd b-re luno-.^r*.:.^! wba wt.l be hhely t .

,.iT, bcafl bVal B .BEBbIbI to berb) tho law. wM*; b-en n!!"Wed no vi.ire in mak.n.. r..-ry

.i.iHgtornl'i'.orreou.bt mauifei'iy to be a.-

at krt .ftia* BjfjlTBf WEMWt B ctnr.-^oi. 1-

criiM loii'. ,".-or.!oi to mea aader Uke circanv

.... aBti - ."lati.-e thia l-aaweaHaave tle MBCEM and oi .truotion 4 BaTaT tnali m

!:ke that wbJrb now BtttBCtfl tbe at'entiOB of

tl,i« ccmnvmitj..-1-.

¦Bliaatl 1 BtaOMbA fcu mout'i- ain.e we publiahed an aceoaBt oi tbe

rr ng cf a ucgro at Natchez. aa we fotind it in the¦ ,. r- Ba. were tPfliMj abuied bj tbe ilave-jouraal*.ibi-h tilBlil mof l.iving itiventod tho atory. Ot

-o no METthEBB good will we value would be-

lieveaneb rrl.arce. and tberefore it wai bo reliet to

ui to find that a negro wai burnod. the error betng ai

t., thedatoeimplj, the event bawBkJ oocurre.l aome

vears :.o. We are now pnt in poaaoaaion Oi'the t.-n'ti

iTafkMtiBf a tt" -ct Bf urfiro-butninfi. Thia tune it

ii not in tke extremo |0Eth weat.but intheaomewh.-it

MttcratflBBBftaWBOf Tenne»aee. Tbe det.il* aa pre-nutid are of a triplo murdor witb nttendaut eiroum-

Btaneea of ferooioua bmtality bj a negro inP.uibri.U"f otiutv. Ho killtd hii maiter and m>tresa. Mr. nnd

Mr*. Moore. and MiaiLotapeteh. a.iiterot Mra.Mo.-re.Tbe CSSM of tle murdor »«- thathe feil in love with

Miri l.otapeteh. and BfcEBTBB bia advanee* were re-

jeeted.r-ottenaamade. Thoj.-ii:_ :ady finally ao.in.iiti-t..i Mr. M.i.re withtho oiroumatauo-a. who threateued.tho b'.aik witb a floccin. t'ur Lia oonduot. Tboreupontbe dBTC resolrod to uitirdor hi* maiter nnd earry off

M;.-a Lt tepetch. Aceordingiy in tho mght-time bekillodMr. Moore with nn axwblleeleeping; but Mn. Moore

brinc BFCBBtf ahe wai alao diapatched «o a» not to

| iethehlaii.i. He then att.vke-1 Miaa UMflna,\i|< n -irtol hi-tdvaaces.broke Lerarm w'.tbn blow,atunneti her aud then vioL.ted her. He then enteredn oa-oo. and went to aleep iu it ai it nVnted down the

river. He wai auepeete.l. puraued and oiertuk-'ti:

and new comoa the n.oat remarknble pnrt of tho in.i-denti. He WM put to the torture to coufeaa . by"aerewins bia fincera and then bil hand* in a vioe un-

iii all tho bi.i.oa v.ere BaBihti tand otber treatmeiit'. whii L onnnot bemontii ned in print.) an-i BB n.-knowi-

rigti be 1 -id e< tr.!'!itte.i tl.o murderi." Fiunlly ho

was titd to a tree iu front of hin latc maater'a bouao.

..a large pile of piteh pine built around him. and then

..let firo to and l.uri.ed to asbe*. in preaenee of l,BB8

.orl..'.'i BJBBBBBB, who did not leaie the apot untilbe ua* oouipletoly redueed t) aahea."Niw we uiako no wonder and idl'.r no a.uti-¦IBIbHbm" on tbii eirctiiiistauee. We dootn -all

thoae JRlldiatl li-ijitimnto cnuae aud effect. Firat.tb. p i* Slavory; then that poouliar iuatitution i* de-

priiod «f the m Idcr iiunlitio* wbiob beloiig to it inA irs.mi.1. whore the ilnvee are horeditary p.irti oftle homeatead (up to tbe time thoy aro lold): we

?iit.k Ibii* beontiae in the neuer aet leiueut* theihkTB i» emerall) a purchaaod niiimnl. not uaod aV g-iiko to Bekiag hiimaiter'« haml from inlinuy. nndun-ml.diud BCCBsA-fl) by tbo BEtBBBJBBtB of iufan.-yaud bB] bood, « bioh innko up tho inor.l O'-liip. RBBtaBEEieii.h ta thoy are, of tbe ayatoin. Tho alavo iu qnei-tioii WM priitmbly ao rolated to n new unator. l'.utko n BCChred I paaaion.enide. BBBBEB, and brtitnl. no

dcnbt. f<ra ycui.fi imlj in the bouie. and lu«t over-

BRMtCta ca»;e and cireumstaneo. In hii deapair h**

killa biaflBBBter, witt ori^-inal iutont; next hia mii-tTCM with a aeoiti.iary puipoao: aini raviahoa audkilla tbe atill reaiating yMJRg lsi'7- Theie aro allM^iiiiuie. Ne.\t tbo huutinjr. tbe torturo.

tlo lnirniiifi nro all naturnl euoiifih. Wedo not Biaed ii eominunit) itubodded iniu gra elavery, Uviag in tl.o mulat af <l.iu_er*. to w^itl'or tl.o N00MI of tho law, ijuiek or alow. in auoh nn

i ii i¦! ;oiioy. I.)iieh Iav\ ia inovitablo. All WEOfaaVt< t.d 1* r ia tbat BBflB burningn nmat take place in

puiiit-bniiiit fir iiiurdor and inpo iu a oomuiuuitywb.ro tho BBfra BBB nourieh only revenge.tiorce.v iid, hblBIBB BB be honra tbe bay of the hloo 1-hoi i.d BBt "n hi^ tr.n k, nnd aoea iiounht but bon lagein preapoot. We nmat look for hidoi.ua «avngi-iamworthy of orifiiiial Al'rien in crimo nnd pu liahuientunder Biieb a ayatem. At d tbe roaponeibility of it liei

primnrily and auprotiiolv on tho*c wbo maint.tia theiiibnmaii nlatiuna of al.'ivo and owner.

MICIIH.AS.We onil atteution to tbe prooeedinga of the Miohigan

Btata Convention of all thoae oppoaed to tbe Ne>raikaIuiquit). Ihe Convention wn* verj large and en-

tbuaiaatie, nnd oonipoaed of mombera of all tbe oldjinlitionl partiea. Tbe nomiiiee for Goveruor wa» a

Wilniot Pn.viao Ca<a Iioinoorat while in Congreia,but did not »upport Pioree for Preiident. having be-I'uine a »trai^bt-out Free Soiler. Twso of tho eandi-dnti* on tho tioket were Pieree Demoerat* in 'VJ.Fivooftbem aupperted QdE, EBBttfi thatoanvaaa.Tbo two roni.'.iriiugare Fr.e->oiler» of long atandlng,The nanio ondor wbieb the opponenu of the Ne-braaka Iuiipiity have euliated for the war ia ii nplyI.'Frtm.H \n, nnd tbii, VB think. wiUbe vor> fioner-

ally adopted. Tl.o RcBBtfBB oovor u.ore groundthan we ooneidor it wiae to tnke at thi* atage of tbecontoit. but it ii all g<>od ground, and MB ah all bebappy to learn that the IVople are alroady pnparedto ttand on it. We truat thia tioket ii BB be *bwtm*triumpbantly.

T1IF. PKOFf.K'X .4»>VF.\TIOV.Tlu AlhuDif y.rmnig Juurnnl oontaiu* a Call for a

lotinty Meeting on tho .>-th inat. to oleottwentyDalegBlM from Alhany Couuty to the auti-Doui<la*>tate Convention at Saratogn on tlio hith Bf AflgEStAflBRBg the ai.uer* VB remnrkthe namei of BradfordB Wood lhm.) and John |_ .School.Taft, ex-Metn-bi ra Bf Congrei* from that Diotriot; Bobert II.Prujn, late >poaker: Ira Ilarria. Supreme Judge;.laniei Kidd, >. II. Hamiuond. nnd W. Lacy of TkeStde Hr%ntrr; Geo. Dbwioo, F. W. i^eward, nnd V.Tou Ejck of Thr y.t'H.nj Joumtl; Oaear Tyler,Amoa Henn. H. It. Haawel!, Hatnilton Harrii. Thoa.W. Oleott. John K. Port. r Jia.o Duel, Calvin Roffer.O-rTBf Steolo. and many othen widoly and favorablyknown. Albany will be atrongly repreaer.ted iu theFreemen'i Couventiou.


r. t>. rd.fc. o/T*« v. y n ¦»._,.SiR: A abort time iiaee. iu alluding to the HartfordC'i.nvontioB. you apoke of it aa that " myiterioni Con-

. vontion, tho r- al BBjBd ef whieh ha* ne\er beer. aaecr-.fah-.l. r t.. tl.at efTeot. A* one of the aaBMMR af r<x rmwp, I aek yo-:: lat. Do you believ. that Hiniion

< .-ay i ni*. Calvin G.xIdnrd.Wm.Hall, Mill* fjlpitt, NntbanDaoo, R,._-. r ,M,i...t Shorman, Ge... C«Ut. ita Preaideat, an 1Theodor-.' Dwigbt, '.te Secretary rotld i*.ior$eafaiuti..ay_otbin_ ofother_..-ntl. rc. nof the Convention oqaallyr-j.*tablo Ai.i, j.ii v. IUi. -oa e\errcad tha hiatoryf that Convestion bymy tatuer Ho wa* cot a memberbut iu ntianimonily alMhRl s«rreUry, and waa the onlyperaoa n..t n meniber oopnizant of iu proeeediac*. Oa hii'-'. in l-i'. he tnld Dra. Willard Parker and tl alat" I, s,r,'eaat. that .i tk. fifj mtmnk, kad '-. a aaatir- of n ru. tpofrr. Kt Ud Bf M Mra *ktm d 'u rrtnni a l.n-"«T* f"___f" *'' *fB ." r ¦ '¦>'¦ And yet. editori whoaaa^rt a ihm_ ooe day aad retract it tho next. ratkleaalyaei-uee the pnro*t p«triot* who have m t *in.BJ we a#*erteilour Indopendenoo, aa not only traitor*. butprr)«rrl oneiin aetting tbeir namea to a f»J«e recrd. Mv father invletwo eopjeiof tbe proceedingB of that Con'vention. oneWM '_ 'rJS. P"-"^~ion of the IVeaiilent, the other he r<>-tained. The latter ia ia mv poaa«r,«ion. In all proba»,ilitvthe edilora who tha< tradiue the uoble frat.rnitv oipatri.ta. have einned throas;h Lnoran. ,\ n vt-r kawiaWread the Hbatery ef thi Coareatioa by Ba Beeretan thoaatyatbaaBureeartafB, Barayea Mr' mS'mI

PHBBM - b t'.. BM BBB BBBl be BMllkald bBb a copy-

*Woahi mTS?BB bAd.iuhmeiiu... BB tbe rt.ga, 0*

eBfe M o,.w.n..!.a.p.tr.ou.-. a.. |J^r*MVTt.r-..prhl«lnr»»«t«a.r'lr1l^0«r^>aa.Tboa ierof "woaaai.1 right*. I -..

M.aVandbi Wlow, - btA^AParaic*.

i oA.r. I* i iid***a a CbajaO*. A » ¦"",' ..lw**-.

/. btsj -Mi-- I»atrtek m.y be irwi.er ,iul eo--

ertban we are. with reapeet to tbe BSBIbBI ABBBBIb; her; af thia. our readen will judi"-: but .he rer-

taiar] tBat Bad cleirJ} iudieate the BBarBBaJaf in

wbieb ahe wi»bea to contn-vert * inf.hiny to.it BM

hate BOBBrtBB. Bbt ttlka largely of bBB* ti wbo tf-

cuie th<- pur.-t patriora of p.-rjury ar.d trea.on;

whicb would be pertiueut an.l pungent il BM hai ac-

lur-edthe BMBMaBBt of the Hartford Couvention of

»ucb cnm. a; but, »in. e we never aU "... her rli-t.--

rie leem* rather apropo, Io Bottimc in n.trtieular.

NYLat waa rtmarked io The T'RiursE toot by him

whom abe cbooaea to Boli t" a peraonsl NiptaafbilitfBMTtaVr)wM iu aub.tanee that tbe real o>jret tf tbe

Hartford Conveution tf IBMbM not been detinitelyreveaied: and thii ahe bmobwi t. catrorert by of-

firing iu I. Itl .J ¦ mord "f iu *"* .*,W pr"'

BMaBBJB. Wa BfaBaBtt tbat BBB teatimony li B*t BBB-

clu.ive. Manv a Conveution BM been calltd to iiib-

aerve purpoaea" whicb ito authora. npon ita BOMOB-

blim. do n..t feel *trong enotigh to bvow; ind we

tbii k it would be diffieult to ju-tity the call ot tho

Hartford CYnventiou by a .erutiny tf ita aetual do-

inga. In ih.-rt, if thnt Couvention dtd not

origically cutemplate a ae.eaaioti of the Xortb-

ern Sratee from the I'nion and a aeparate IVace

with Great Britain. we .1. nt know BTBJ it

slould l...e been cnl'.ed at that critical jnocure;an.l the fn.t trattbe Fed. rali.ta of Xew-llampaiiir..tl.eii fu'.ly in pcwer in the r own State.oxpreaalylafatrdj to tend Delegat.M to Uarlford. ahow. plaiulytbat the BBBpaBBBBt ao .tronely BSfaBBBBi at the tiui"

and not yet diapelled. were tiov. eontiii'd I" tbt Con-ventioni»ta' natural enemieg. Miud. we Te Bad |a>nying the right of tbe Federali.ti of IBM t«> hold a

(.oi.v.ntion l.r BRf purpoae whicb to t'neta nmy have

Meined bBbbBbBBT BRJ are not challeugim.' the pcraoualinticrify of the eniin. nt men who hel.l seat* in tbtHartford Couvention. any more tbau we BBABBaBJ tbat

01 th. tminent i?outhrona who beld aeat* in the BBBB

i.ient M.mpbia and CbllllttBB Canventiona: we

have ouh aaid that the ultiuiate objc-t ol tho Hart¬

ford CoLveutiou baa not b.-eu dearly aacertaiue 1 .

an.l thia bcttof BM uot been al.aken. eitbcr by Harri-wn (.ray Oti.'a iett.r, Secretarj' Dwight'i Hiatory.or i ven Mra. Patrick'a commtinication. L Bb.

(if i.mr.-e, s-ueb Aboliti'Mi nrintn aa Ta 1 ITlili.i m ,io uot BBI our rOaBMBt. [B. 0. C "O. liulbtiii.

TAr DulUitn flattera itxelf. Wt never fuinishedwnrrcut for auch a utateui.nt. We do not ree\tll I

aingle remark of tbatjournal whicb we e»uld aay that

we either liked or riisIikeJ. or regnr.le.l with anyd'tber BMBBBj than perfe. t in.liffereuce.

Hyoboviiopia..Dr. Joha Q. BttBBBa, of '/. iaaa-ville, Oi.i.i. arBM un with roBafMBM bb i naHdrraphn tbe M alled mad-ftom-, re.ently publi<b. I in our

r.dun.na, in MBkABBM a» MBBrWt:1. Hydro| hobia, BBOB tbt BaBMBB bM develo,. d itaolf,

wn* never . trnl nnd in ea.-t nii.dU ineurnlde.R N'inc-Untba ofthe BBBB tf biiea BrOM d»^s Mfaaaatd

M bt rabid riault in no *rious injnry. eiinply baa BBM tbtBogi aroM '."t iitkI.

i, Tbe only valuo or BM af any applu-ntiou o. d< \ N ineaae of a baMby a rubid aniinal. rculta from it* tenlencyto cltunx or irntli out ihe satefaOMa " t$JltwM tkt BO IB '¦

To tbi» eud, Muriatic Acid, A',Ul FortaTA, or [BOBBf atill.it nu*tic l'otnab, may eontribute; but tbe aetual eauterv,orliiriiinc witb a red bot iron i. be.t of all. fFajh tbflaound inati.iitly on it. ibHiction, or M »<">n n« uriy bt,tl. n Bpplj tbe red het ir. I 1,11 iTd i. tTOM ol ii ii kaBBtdJawaj.a BBTOM renedy, but tbe only true one;.and itwill rot do to dc.iat until it ha* btOB apptied tn-xt

thor. litibly. Wt nre in. lin.d BB BUBb tbe DoetOff i*

pre ty m nr tl.e bBBB.

Imha- \ Culonel Jauic. II. Lnne, N'cbrax'.iiiie, .1 ¦-

cline* n nelection to CMBJfMI iu tbt lYtb Dintiiet. Bo-bn.fkai.in BSanaBB to bo in a declining MtMBBOB Bl In-dinnn. Tb a i* the BtOOBal OMI of tb:> kind bBBBBBJ BM

DoaababBO. In tl.e Xltb llnrlana) Diatri. t, J. B. jBdh kt Baithaflaa c>. baa bota nouiinatcd m the D bm-

trntic COBBJ .< M BOl MBBBaBBB. II" gaMBMMBBl HbrHfkn an.l W btab) pU'fonn laid down by tb< Btatt Coo*v. tiii. ti gjf l». in... ratie afaV eboldirx, Leld not haaf ago at

Iiiiliiu | ..1Ib. opponfliti "f (be Bepenl "I the Mi.-.wri ( einpr )-

n.i.v in tl.. ir *.\. rnl ( i.iinti' . nre BBraBBBJ BBBMB tf FtBinien f. r tl." '' 'e.tion. I.tr.'" delegat ma havebe,-u ap|niii .. BBBM OtaaaBBOa tf the friendd nfFreedom.t.. I: dianapolia, .luly n.

Ohio.. T" ttm .' (> /.'¦ pMMM at tbeI. ad "f it» eobin na the name of Lewia I). Campboll tfButlei CoiintyM a cau lidate f..;- reeltrtiou BB OottgPBBin tbe 11 Itl Hi.trief. Mr. Campbell waa alwnya at bi*|>o.t dtiiing tbt irieat BtrBgBJMI wbicb r.->ult<d in the repeilaf bm af Pn-edoui'a Coinprouii.aer.. Thcro cannot bo anyd< ubt af Mr. Cimipb. II* i-iuiiipbiinf return, aa he haafnithfully and vi^'ilanlly wnttbed tho iutcreatu of hia con-.tituenta.

WuC0MIB.--7>Bd Muin-ne Senl'ml l"in. fm iV'im*ubu-iitii ir <|iii. ily to the leeture rcad it by '!'><>¦ MadnonDemicra' for ita ¦; j-o- :.-¦.¦ to tbe Xebratka lalreplie* tartly nnd forcibly BB tbe party OTOMI tt, viudi" ||ing ita own tttBBBBBMry and bonc-ty, nnd ahowing up thoBrgaa'l fail n,. in a BtBBBJ Iii^r t. Thr Srn/inel aay*:

.'YVe did approve of tbt eall BM tbt [BtObl Anti-\.ibtao-ka] cotiv. nlion ou tho IMb, to eoniiult upwn tbe beat inean.of prtaervirjr our bbt-rty, nnd oppoeiof* the encroachoaent*af tbe jl.ivi-pow. r, irreap. .tivi of party. AaBtbtH ir.tb. i.-nnd- ot Dt-moerat* iu W'iaconaui who rejoice to tin.l-.. hbrat aportion af daOptOMMof thi* BMto tbat prefbrLibd rty to SlavtrY.free territory to aaoil pro.-,titut<d t ih.-blighti'ngeur>e ot'.'aiaven."

Virmont..It b> reported in aon*. .f tho |.np.-ra that Mr.BBaBBB being about to ninove to Califoruia, haa *VaBBBBdthe nomination ttf Lient.Govcrnor, but The Watrhmanand St'i'e Jtmrmi MJl il hna rcaaona fordonbtin' tbt

r< j..i'.

Tbe AA'aehii .'t.m eorn-.jKjn.b'Bt of The Bnl'iino?e SixMJl thnt the Snate ha* not rejeetedthe re. iproeity treatylately bat. btd by I^rd Flgin and Mr. Marcy. It wa> ao»tated in The BxpiaM, but thi. BBBaBBBBt tb. Baltimorewritf r pronounce* erroneoua.

Tgt< Dimofrat i* the titlcof a new paper publiabe 1 atCovington Ind. Mr. L. 8. ^wart ia tbe editor. and al-th-mgh a Detnoerat, he cann.-t jn with the portion of theparty whi. h eMBBaTBtBMl BM platfonn in Indianapolia ontba BBa. tf May laat. Hc ccn neither go whi.k ¦.¦ or Xe-bra.kn.


Obb. txms*+-T%$fMaaol \vl-. Cowtw.aDtBBo-rat.. paper, apeaking ofthe appointment offkn- Butleraa

Qd.vern.tr of BohlBBaBk-- we believe that he haa declinedthe oflice in pretty atronjr langnage.aay^

. He waa Lominated for Uiia poat withoat hia knowledcoor conaeut. by tbe Preaideat, who baa ahown in thia in-SBBMaBM same want of taet and dnlicacv whi.-h led himitito tbe atten.pt to .huffle i)Mirq s> ftiekinAon 'off th"political nrena by appointinkr him Collector »f Cixoma fortn. P.>rt >>t Ntw lorlt.


M -rHi.. Tenn.-The vot.; for Mayor atanda. A. B.lByMB WaBJ and Know-Xothing,. 734. T. B. CarrollDam Mil-Taylor* majority : i. Reat tf idBl IhiHgone the aame way.CHAMirR'Bt r.;. Pa..An ele. tiou t.x.k placc in Cham-beraburg, Pa.. for Town Coaneil. bBB we*k. RegnlarAYhiir and Dem«>eratie .andidate* were in the deld, but agentleman who had not been known aa a candidate re-eeired nearly all the votoa, and waa ele>-ted. Every bodyin«.!ading hinuelf. waa aatoniahed.



Ama.vy C-.-l. George Carey. a. u-nia TremainL -Stephen Claxk. 4. George Itrigbt.Bbooxx.fit-orge Burr.Cattabaem -The Hoo. T. J. WbttaBR


UiOU WASIIIXiTo.Vl,,|.,.,Jri,r».V.W»'

\N i-niiiioa. Monalny, Jiiii lo 11)44.v | ,v bm baaaay bt i 1 ,

VI..H.V t."".'.-' Ofv 'i'A. \Vi-ii'i-o..h iaii'.art'iuf util.rtjm inrhdwa.W-LBsn af Now-Vork Cilj araaBad like a beaver farMi Kro> and rp-1 *. «p riion th-it h.a ipp .inhae«., .,<-'. B ti.-_r.atl..-dyof ti..' HariU.'.rth. A.lnai,.i-tra'ion nud r..Im I bBBB-B* ta CeBfriM. Tbe Alaaua.

I BB] tbat Bii* protty vraiufooiout will bo .cara.

ttilj ...ili- -' by tl.o peopi-. Mr M1 ¦- 1 itraafky 0p-pVM-l Ai BOMhution of WiM!-.it..oa. II. pre.'eml>..; Am.. but (a- ».! ~«-b * * K v

Senator ri.J'Mi!>a hM aaWreaeed a lotter te Mr.Ir'i.Hrn of Va. laytog h-Mho aitoraey far s.« nColt and thnt bo BaaaTM R» appoir na witn-a* b< fore thef ¦¦liln sf bm aMaaa, aad that tbe eaaa-aattaa ._.>«_]be thoroii -b im" BM inrltienoe* . BBaioTC I te earry thnajtbinoaenn-a of levialntion. Bal ho hopeetbe iaaeiriaa »_)ba roafaed to CoL Caifi appBeatioa for th. ctewlatafMi 1 aiout. i r if tbej Bhoald bo Biade iato tbe iaBaaaaaj

nrrv tbo Xebraaka bill. it would ouu*« «reat fc.lai. -hiihmi/ht. ff.it foi. Coti iaierMt. Thia ,m.noa to Babraaka la hV aablaliK t*» of nll.

CaUBUI VYn.i.m na P -rti.aetor, and HiBBT Wbmof New-llampahir. as touaul t'« Beyroat, were t»-dayecufirrr.f d.The Bi 1 ipnv Bj Troaty i* alill wBh the CuBMhail.I nnmblf toaaaarc yoa that aotwithelaadiBg all biad-

,a_ie* nud iBMlBttif- tho UBbuti r k ad. ra at New Or.ienna n;v itfl eouf'dei.t tl, y will get off ith tVir exp*.ditb :i by tb< 10th of S 1'touil r. 1 he reocol flkrce in bMl". s. ( onrt viill be aa advantage to the ech. me nnd i'icbbBtataa.



SEXATE_WaaatlRMTtHi, ilonday, July 10. IMi.Mr SH1H-M preaented a uiemorinl froa tbe IcarUu*

S.i-ii tr of lllinoi*. prayinic fc* a erant of taod in |.»wa afwl rhtoRMhea Mttfeaaaut, tha e .. to be aabl aar rBmeeUotioti and K'li'.mont.

Mtaara. CHABE lad BUMNBB preaented m moriale¦ i' ¦¦ .. tutif. «>hio and Mnaanehuaetta. ht the rtpei»

1.1 the r'agitive >i-v. act. Bof. rred.Mr. HlNrKli' intrwlar. ..'.ili to :... .!. ardgrtdaate

tho prio.- afpabtk \mrnm, aad awatawraa-poaee. LaMMtb tabto. ... _a_jHr.MALLORTiulTodu. ta bflltaeotaBtlahaMaikflll^aiitnlat Apalaeb .....

Mr. MABON, from Ihe ft leet romauttMM th- eulyeot,n p.-rtod n luil livn. Ihe Baaiber aml the aalarv of Iboein-

of the n... . , , ,.

Tl.o bill Biahliu, Tan aaatiii iu OUa, a patl ef taHTBrjwna thon taki u ap m pa -

rheCivil aml D.pioiirttio Apprepnatwa hdl waa re-

Cl i\.d fro.n Ihe HeBM M I n B r I t" BM Kin 1. bal Com-tii.ttoe. ...

Tha llotiao l.iil aathoriBiag tb< ian yaf Mr*alalaa_aatim B" in HbkMaaM, WM t.i^.'ii Bp nn.l pu ". I.The WII for tbe lOMtracBoa afa 1.f TalBgiapB ta

the PaoiBe wm takM aa. .

Mr. HAM1.1X ofbrad mi BBBBBdaaaat, p«oridiag fctrpenaltiM Bpoa operaton -.r ..th. r. for .ii alaiag aay me<-

.-neo trni.an ili.'.! bv llov. 1111,1. nt. Adopted.Hr. t'HASl-: moved an ameadmeat that Qoreraaaaati

*bal) hn\ a i" W' i- t.i r. gaiati ibe tolU t'i be lmrged 011 itiniorearron. Agread to.


Meem. EV \NS aad BAY Vltl> oppooed Ihi btilMeaara. HAMUB aadOVFIS nipported it.It wh» thon poaiponcd. aad tho llmio -t< .nl bH Baat t'i»,

ti- tbe iperialiirdt r.....

Mr. CLATTTOB aaaael bl atnk" out tlu- si\th bbbwrb,wbieb is in thoae MBMjBI

¦.ll.at if aet iodiv uloal. 11 iw » realdeal "l aay»B* al Ihe .-tite.or

Terr.t.-ne* a.-i not a iti/ru -t tlio L'ailed BtatM. b.il at lh. B M ¦!

Biakloihoch .iinli. a'.."i for tl.o br'.n'u tkl*BCl ali.ll hai» kl>d a

J. ,-larai 1. .. Bl .ii M 1 bv thr iiat.i.aiuatlon l**rao<tb* l'i.it..l l«latea, aad ahall b*.i* i rRUu u tk mbm k.-f.re theU-uar.' ot th'- ¦oetit ** m*J- »."' ptawbiad bf m 'bi< Ml .hall be

poaaac. aal furlBB wRhtR* Batftt bo.u .-itizea of th I'm-

And to iiifert in liou theriiof Ihe bBawfaMiThat «'iv o erhar.ir ei oitier elii/eo of ilie I'-io I 4

a*e eBIBXi- in. aud aii-na'oiiied o> aay baeiuew, UaJ. ..r all.ua,oikertbaa tb. '¦ ¦' - ''«

oinplv witb tlir eoiidiilo.1* ot Ihi* Ml bj rea~i ot bu **at'ol knowletUe, akill of eiperieaea la .* '...beea-UlledUir.. iiie.l m ll'nl l'i'*'n-aof laod ..lineui pn.w.I. .1 ib*.no, of tlia'. t.i br paid in him out ol «dj i.iouey oi BH 1'roam.jr.


Mr. BKOUUBAD *nid tho weather vta* toow»iiiit.>debati Ihi* bill, aad tbii atacadtrMat, na w.li m tbo aiaaj ,

tu feia i.tt'.-rod oagfat to be discoaBod I'nWy. UoIber. Ibre noved that it b<- peetpeaad td! tl.o BBBBBJ Mbb>day ia DeeeaabM M it

Mr. OWIB a.iiil be boped n i\ iml ol the lull a- .ul Ivoto acai-Bt poatj'OBini; if. U m* »"'" I"' I BMl v,»io.Mr. 1»i»I«iK ilowai oppMad peatpeabaf, aad h>pod tho

bifl aeakt aol be aaMaoed, bal be bmi I B-aetly M BBRM li''iu ihi H .ii-O.

Mr. IIA.MI.IX i-nid lo> would voto agaiaat po-np^ninetbe bill, hut wna not tlu r>¦..>¦ te be Baaaraaaad m bRMathafhii rota la .ta favor aa iti paaaaca.

Mr. JOHN80N «.id be woabi rote agab-R noatpoaiac,m Baja i Ibat n>. dka *t Ba af thia lull waaM lead ta _Madoptioa ofaoBM loaad polu ywitk n apeel M pabBe ****\\

Mr. CA8M iippo*. I poatpoaiag, nnd t*\A Ibe Mbjei' baibeea fallj barfore Coagr*aa aiaca Wabater'a raaahaBaM iaJhii., l-.-ii. Ho regarded thi*na the t*n*\ ¦ MaataaM .jiuy-aaa of the day, aad aatil li vMdBaaeedef bav/MWaaaiaa t" t Mj_ERe all ihe BaahMMkMr. l'li'l In opfioei i puatBaB-B(, He bayad tho Btaaaai

.t tlu' i.ill wi.uld rota dowa M Baaaaahaaaai aud mbm it to-day exaetty aj eaaae (roaatha Hoaae.

Mr. BBOWlftfaoeghf tho hill ooghl to pi-a to-dny, butLot wiihout niiii-iidnioiit, ii jt reqahred biMr. BAYABO Mppoitad tho mution to poatpone.Mr. si t'Ab;T mm be wa^be aetkM now, imt ba would

not 0MBM nny PM-OHBble BBRB-daMBt wbieb oii^hl to ben.a.le to it. Be WaaM, if a inajority ilooi-indi-il it. bo wii-1 i i. i_ to pr..i id. tl'it ii|i... i the ro -i-itit af tlio jintvat nftTrt\ o yoiira ouliivution, tbo lettler ahoiil.l p.iy % ainall auatfor tho lniul..Th.-mot.on to poatpone iwi.-<r.j'ot,..,|. Y^-a-i, 17, Maya,

J2, na followa:YfiA?. M'««t«. Al.ma, Rayard. Benj.inin. Bi...|!ieaJ. Rntler,

t'lay. i la>- i,. i .., r. Daw* ¦ llia :i, K.a-.< ru<p*b-'ri. k I'.ii.irr, M ...u N rne. P.arrr, Taompa HI,(Kf iNAYS. Mrmi. Ailen. Airblaon. K. II Bi-.hr. Hi.,wn <". ',ChaM, I)o.i|ie, |\U| Uodae. (laaraj lt.,..«laj. Orwr, l.uleiu.,Owin. Haaula. Roaetoa, Jj.o-« ki -. Faoea, ii,..a>i

iTei.n IVttit K..k*rll R,i.a.S.-l...ii.n rtklaid*. BUdallBaara r. Toacap, W ade Walkar. W'eiirr. WllUajna

'1 heqo. Btionrecnrriagoa Mr. < LAI TOB s aaaeadaMBJa.Mr. JLDAMI aafced aar a aayarata voto <m -.tnking -»ut

tl a -ijtth -ootioii.Mr. CLATTOM aald tha oi.j.. t af hia motion t.> atrike

out woe to to*t wbetber ihe Cougr.--e of tb UaBed BtaBHwill rota tu give to alieM jael waded m aariheMBthlriiiue oijunl partioipation in tho iiuldi'- doaaafaa of the BaVtmn tbnt thoy jrave to natiie beaa nii/ena. Tlu- bill a!-!. iWed an nlieti juat lamlod. aml wl.o would flBBBa the di-i-inrntion, tbe rij;ht to t&ke IM MBM "l lanil. It waa oon-tined to thoae uow bare, but heronfter the law would ua-di.nliti dly ba Mtaealed ta nll othor* who inav arrive here.Mr.CLAT ragBfded Ihe upreeaiuB la ne bill "no-

" whera" aa aBogethM too haaeBaBa. '. Baw mi^'bt baeeaaarsad aa aateadiag for nll time.

Mr. DIXfIX' *ni\ b. did not uiid.iNtan.1 tbe aeotion aiitwaa underatood by ihi BMBBM Ir.un DeUware.

Mr. 8HIKLDB aaal tha aaaBaa n* it now itaad ^nve walu m dadaiiaf Ibeir intention to beoomo eitizena theri^bt to cultivate a porti'ui ef thi pabBd laud for flveyi ar. BBd then. BBOB tbeir bBMSBfabg eb.BRBB, to i{iveth. in B litlo to it.Mr. DfXOB anid ho m Baderatood the bill. It ir^ve ae

lai.d to aay mm arhe did aotbecona ,-t citiaea. l>uriugtho j.ei-i.Hi uf Iveyaan whikbe ia in actaal oecupatioaand i ulti\aiini{ tbo !nt:d. ba o«n baaBBM n <-t\/,-n, whiob,B bedoea,he nili b.- aaEBM to Bka pat.-nt. If_ umiu tinn.' olyi eiionablu io thi.-. ThSM people were in oareeaatrj. tha aafiey bad ara bj a baaa to mibibbIii th«m.Ho wna (braukkbag theai ¦. im ia Cacr.M waBMBlnnmo. He wna oj.poaed to all distiuotjoi,. i. twoea uativiaad BBtaiaHied citiii .-. H wooldroti a.sin.-t -'.nkingout thiaaaeBoa. Hi thoagbt the potiey of nitural xatloaa geed ono, nnd waa eaoeaadto ita npoal. He belieredtl.. aat way t» deal witb thi eaBcraata wa< to Amerie»n-izo th'in oa aoon aa fiofaildo. and IB no wnv eoaM thi* bidone ao well aa bv nvinir th'-tn nn n?e;--«t in tb a-ul.Mr. >IilKLL>a aaal thattoraareial raaaa he had na

diaire to tn__j{i; in thia d-MMHRMB, Uy tio bUL ni it aowatood. an nlien had to be a ro-i !. al ef aa I aifi.il Stntei «tthe time of it* paeanire, and ahall dadari bB mtentloa tibecome n oiti/.on. Tbeao aro pron^iiiaitr.. Iiu.iu/thaMti. .- yea/a fhat b« *ball b>: en_»tro-l in eultivafiii^ tho Und,he might be oon*idere«l aa a probationary t itizeo. Aft*fit* expiration, he hav-n_ beoome a eB-MM, be can obtaiaa patent. He ventured to *u__eat to tbe Senator froMLHlaware whether it would not bo a -.*.. p.(ii,y to tikifrom the large aeaboard citie-a tbe r iwd.-d f.,rtiM-bonipopulatiou and plant th-m up.ui the fr-mti. r- ..f the tarri-tonea. there to BBgBp in cultivntin. the *oil nnd elearia?tha Bareat. At peaaaMl they aaEaaa .lown in the eitkwwhere they were too oft.-n cheated nml iui*l'-l by d'->i|nuagmoii tor ultiah purpoai <. Tbeir/roat namb'-ra inthelargeeitie*. aud their bein^ »o oQea play d apoa bydkdRMMBl per*.oni, waa the prineipal oRu*e lendiit_ to tno tu.f.irtanaMprejoilicia at preaent e.xLati;j(r againat them in aomeplaooa. Lea.1 tni-m away from theae lar.-e oii.e* and thetr jolaua and aocietie- will b« broken up and they will bi-oome freer and better men an-l i iti/en* in cvery reapart.A man whi> ht tivi- yoan, by hw own labor, cultivate* hblown fnrm. eleon away the foreef, butld* hia own eabteand ba* bi* owu hearth around wl.i.-h to »-nther hii liftofimily, will be a far Ixtter maa both BajBBeaBy and ow-

lally, than he waa bofore ho oommeno.-.l the work. Therewere numbora of thone nl.'-tm now nationalized aad *ettMall over the uortb-weatern Statea and Tt rhtorie*, tha"were no eitizena more in.hietrioua and loyal; tbey werain all reapecta m good n_«l aa rx-liable eitizeM a* the looMaud rloat:n_ popalation to bc found in moit of tbe hvg*citiea. He threw out the lu^a^a-tion to the Senator tbere*fore wbetber it would not ue wiae to withdraw thii elaMfrom Ihe lartro eitiea and *end tliem to the Torritoiva *J-.-.tl. upon the puhlir landa and n ar for themaelvea andthoir de»e«ndanta jHaooful nnd happv boun « IMr. ( I-AYTOXVpoAtod thnt the biH a* il now Hoo-f

piri'u the aliin ojion the aame f»o'in<r with the nati>*