Women’s Health and Pediatrics. List of Chairs and VC Rachel Childers...


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Women’s Health and Pediatrics

List of Chairs and VC Rachel Childers rchilde2@uthsc.edu

Rachel Suddath rbox1@uthsc.edu

Hannah Eberle heberle@uthsc.edu

Molly Kinsella mkinsel1@uthsc.edu

Events Osteoporosis Screenings with Bone Density


Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Susan G Komen Race for the Cure—October 27th

“Go Red for Women”-Heart Disease Awareness

Feel Teal Walk/Race—Cervical Cancer/Gardasil awareness—March 2013

Getwell Community Clinic’s Easter Egg Hunt

P1 VC ResponsibilitiesParticipate in most events

Help plan an event in the spring

Let us know if you have any questions!
