Womens Rights in Sudan


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Women’s Rights in Sudan

By: Felicia Blackwell, Meghan Coyle, Melina Behnke, and Kyah


Women Are…

There are NO specific laws prohibiting violence against women. This includes domestic violence which occurs very often; according to women.

Women who file claims against the violence toward them are usually subject to lying

Very low level of protection for their physical integrity

•Women are restricted from owning ANY and ALL land!

•NO access to ANY forms of credit

•Women CAN’T run for office

Even though women can show their face in public, they are still not given the respect men are.

Women and middle aged girls are often violated in public.

When parents divorce with young children, the custody is given to the father when a boy is 6, and a girl 7, however before the children reach that age the mother keeps them.

When women have sons they are much more respected than a girl, making the girl feel separated from her family.

Girls in Sudan can go to school though it is not required, however girls generally receive less education than boys, as families often consider it more valuable for their daughters to learn domestic skills and to work at home.

Can Women

Vote ??

Although women can’t run for office, women can vote.

3.9% of Sudan’s votes are women’s votes!!!

One solution that we have made is to fundraise money to send over to the women and girls of Sudan, so they can get the supplies they need.

We will also except donations of money, food, and other small necessities.

Some fundraisers we will use are…

-bake sales

-yard sales

-car washes

-lemonade stands


-charity sports games

And More

We could also make a school group to raise awareness and to come up with other solution ideas as a whole!

Another solution we have thought of, is to get male celebrities to make public statements and commercials about the issue. We will also try to get some women to be in the commercials as well. We will get more help by looking for volunteers to get some interviews to gather more information about this issue.



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