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2003.01.01 Version 1 Established2005.01.01 Version 2 Revised

Article 12. Permission to leave the job No. 10. Add :The workers perform labor union dutiesArticle 13. The worker does not work because of arrested by police

No.2. Arrested by company’s order, company pay wages from 75 % become 100 %Article 16. Medical Treatment and Health care

No.4. medical treatment outside company’s clinic will be re-paid 80 %No.5. medicine outside company’s clinic will be re-paid 80% with doctor’s prescription

No.6. Hospitalization will paid 80 % in 3rd Class Article 17. Obligation of Health Checking No.1. Health check for age 40,42,…60 years oldArticle 19. Dental Treatment will be paid 80 %Article 20. Medical Treatment and Health care for family of the worker

No.3. medical treatment outside company’s clinic will be re-paid 80 %No.5. medicine outside company’s clinic will be re-paid 80% with doctor’s prescriptionNo.7. Company will not pay medical treatment and health care, in case of Obstetrics dieses

Article 21. Medical and Hospitalize in case the company is in the situation of force majorNo.1. Change percentage which is paid by company

Article 32. Worker Housing - No more Allowance for housingArticle 41. Sanction - Wage during scorsing from 75 % to 100 % (labor office request)Article 48. Termination because of worker request - Erase payment of Reward for year service

2007.01.01 Version 3 RevisedArticle 11. Leave

No.18. Erase 6 months pregnancy for miscarriageArticle 15. Medical Treatment - Erase Jamsostek for medical treatmentArticle 17. Obligation of Health Checking

No.1. Checking in HospitalNo.2. Who is not checked in hospital, will be checked by company’s doctorNo.3. worker refuse to be checked, make statement letter, no medical allowance

Article 18. Eyes TreatmentNo.1. Company will pay 80 % for eyes treatment

Article 26. Social Security for worker - For health insurance, workers are not join JamsostekArticle 31. Worker Housing- Put Article 32 into article 31Article 32. Uniform - From article 33 - Daily, contract worker 3 pieces T-shirt - Monthly worker 3 pieces (Trouser + shirt)Article 38. Annual Diligent Premium

No.4. Total Permission day is maximum 12 daysArticle 40. Working Discipline

No.15. Prohibition for worker - Separate from level 1 to level 5Article 41. Sanction

No.4. Erase Termination of EmploymentArticle 48. Termination because of worker request

No.1. Company will pay Severance pay 1x and reward for years service 1x2009.01.01 Version 4 Revised

Article 12. Leave No.3. Annual Leave form for Monthly workerNo.4. Special Leave. For additional days, daily/contract worker No wages, Monthly worker

counted as annual leaveArticle 18. Eyes Treatment and Spectacles Allowance

No.4. The amount of Spectacles and Lens Allowance


Article 28. Death AllowanceNo.1. The amount of Death Allowance

Article 30. Birth AllowanceNo.2. The amount of Birth AllowanceNo.5. Company will pay for Cesar Operation

Article 32. UniformNo.5. Cannot change design of uniform, cannot take out company logo

Article 38. End Year Bonus - Change Article name from Annual Diligent PremiumNo.1. The amount of Bonus is based on Company and worker performanceNo.2 Criteria to get End year BonusNo.4. Criteria for Monthly Worker BonusNo.5. Period of End Year Bonus

Article 39. Business Trip Allowance (Add Article)Article 40. Meal Fee (Add Article)Article 41. Extra Fooding (Moved from PB to PKB)Article 43. Working Discipline

No.15. Prohibition for workerLevel 1 Erase :Record time of other employee cardLevel 2 Add : Do not obey the instruction from superior, pass wrong information.Level 3 Erase : Sleeping in hanging room. Add : Absent without any notice for 2 days.Level 4 Add : Intentionally put him/her in dangerous positionLevel 5 Add : Make a false report intentionallySpecial Clause Add

Article 44. Sanction - Add : 10 % wages deduction for 3rd warning letterArticle 59. Severance Pay, Reward for years service and Compensation Pay

Add the table of the amount of each termination of employment2011.01.01 Version 5 Revised

Article 11. LeaveNo.13.When the work relation is stopped, annual leave will be paid based on pro rata

Article 16.Medical Treatment and Health care facilities for workerNo.8. Get Medical Treatment not in company’s doctor for emergency caseNo.10. No payment for Vaccination

Article 30. Birth AllowanceNo.6. Allowance for miscarriage (Moved from PB to PKB)

Article 37. Hari Raya AllowanceNo.6. When the work relation is stopped, HAri Raya Allowance will be paid based on pro rata

Article 39. Business Trip AllowanceNo.6. For Driver, there is no business trip allowance, but can count OT

Article 40. Meal FeeNo.3. For Driver, Meal fee during Business Trip is Rp 12,000 same as working day.

Article 42. Driving License Allowance (New Article) - Company will pay 100 % for Driving LisenceArticle 43. Education and Training rogram

No.2. Compliance Training for all workersArticle 44. Working Discipline

No.15. Prohibition for workerLevel 1 Add ; not record the time for in/out by hand key Level 2 Add : Not wearing safety equipment and not following Safety warning and rules

Not wearing uniform when enter factory area (moved from level 1) Level 3 Add : pass the job to other worker & bring personal belonging to working place Level 4. does not report or manipulate the information / Evidence/doc. (moved from level 5)

Do immoral act in working place (moved from level 5) Insults or threatens other worker (moved from level 5) Makes any disturbances, fights (moved from level 5)Article 44. Sanction - Erase ScorsingArticle 49. Kinds of Termination of Employment - Add : Not Satisfied with Company, Continuously sickArticle 62. Severance pay, Rward for years service and compentation pay

No.1. The amount for Termination because of Not Satisfied with Company and Continuously Sick


2013.01.01 Version 6 RevisedArticle 5. Definition Definiton of Permanent WorkerArticle 8. Classification, Recruitmen, Placement and Rotation

No.1.Definition of Permanent Worker No.2. No Allowance during trial period

Article 11. LeaveNo.11. Over leave for monthly worker is treated same as Mangkir for Daily, Contract worker

Article 14. Wages SystemNo.14.Wages during sick leave because working accident

Article 16.Medical Treatment for workerNo payment for injury because of hurting him/herself

Article 18. Eyes Treatment and spectacles allowanceIncreasing tariff for Spectacles allowance

Article 20.Medical Treatment for familyNo payment for injury because of hurting him/herself

Article 24. Safety in Working RelationNo.4.

Article 27. Working AccidentPayment for working Accident because of wrong action and hurting him/herself

Article 28. Death AllowanceIncreasing tariff for death allowance

Article 30. Birth AllowanceIncreasing tariff for birth allowance

Article 31. Company HousingCompany has the worker leave company housing because of not keep safe and clean

Article 32. UniformCompany provide trouser for dry worker-bale arrange

Article 39. Business Trip AllowanceRp 50,000 / night to Rp 100,000/night and no meal fee

Article 40. Meal FeeMeal fee for every 8 working hoursDaily worker meal fee Rp 7,000 to Rp 11,000, monthly worker meal fee Rp 12,000 to Rp 13,000no more meal fee during business trip

Article 43. Education and Training ProgramNo. 4.Safety training for all workers including temporary workers

Article 44. Working DisciplineNo.9.During break hour, all workers should take a rest in locker room.No.15.ProhibitionLevel 2. - Change the design of uniform such as cutting sleeves of T-shirt.

- Take a rest during break hour, not in locker room.- Smoke during working hours

Level 3. - Let the working place dirty and found garbage (food, cigarette) Level 4. - Have personal business in the company Level 5. - Disclose company’s classified information, or personal data

- Discloses company regulation, manual, procedure, data- Found doing other job during sickleave

Article 45. Sanction No validity of Notice LetterArticle 51. Termination because of worker request Worker resign by him/herself, the Company can decide the resignation day earlier

2013.04.01ReviseArticle 16.9 and Article 20.7 b,d,h,m Company pay for aids, organ transplantation, cancer and hemodialisys


2014.01.01ReviseArticle 5. Definition Worker Union : erase SPSI because no more memberChildren : age if children from 19 to 21

Article 11. Leave No. 12. Collective Leave during Hari Raya is discuused with Worker Union No. 13. Collective Leave during Hari Raya are deducted directly current annual leaveArticle 16. Medical Treatment No.4. Add allowance for pregnancy checking No. 11. Add allowance for Hand, Leg Prosthetic and Hearing aid equipmentArticle 18. Eyes Treatment No. 5. Add allowance for eyes ProstheticArticle 19. Dental Treatment No. 2. Add allowance for teeth ProstheticArticle 20. Medical Treatment for Family No. 4. Add allowance for wife pregnancy checking No.8. No pay medical treatment i.No. allowance for eye, teeth, hand, leg prosthetic and hearing aid equipmentArticle 28. Death Allowance No.1. Add death allowance for female husband and childrenArticle 30. Birth Allowance No.1. Add birth allowance for female worker No.2. Same birth allowance amount for 1st,2nd and 3rd child No.5. Add misscarige allowance for female workerArticle 44. Working Discipline No.9. worker ahould keep clean and follow company activities No.17. Prohibition Notice Letter

- 1 day Over leave after 12 days annual leave- Work slowly and not agresively

Level 1 - Does not follow company activity- 2 days over leave after 12 days annual leave- Repeat prohibition after notice letter

Level 2 - 3 days over leave after 12 days annual leave- Repeat prohibition after leve 1 during level 1 warning letter period - Pass wrong information to company (upgrade)- Does not use safety equipment (upgrade)

Level 3 - 4 days over leave after 12 days annual leave- Bring cigarette to working place- Repeat prohibition level 2 during level 2 warning letter period - Come to company under alcohol effect

Level 4 - Repeat level 3 during level 3 warning letter period- Drinks alcohol inside of the company- Use drugs / narcotic inside and outside of company unless recomended by doctor- Accept gift or money from supplier, customer, contractor suc as THR, Bonus, Express

of Thanks- Ask supplier, customer, contractor to entertain inside or outside of company

Article 45. Sanction Add “upper” of person who issue warning letter

2015.01.01ReviseArticle 5. DefinitionWorker : minimum age is 18 years old and has ID (KTP)Children : Legitimate children, stepchildren, and/or adopted children Article 8 Clasification, recruitment, palcement and Rotation


No.2 Recruitment facilities during trial period are decided by company No.4 Rotation

a. Rotaion to other section or department or transfer to other branchb. Allowance for transfer to other branch

Article 10 Overtime No. 2 Add overtime approvalArticle 12 Permission to leave the job No.1 erase written permission from company No.3 company has right to check sickness letter No.4. for many sick leaves, company will send to company’s doctor to be checked

Chapter VII Medical Treatment and HospitalizationArticle 15. General No.1 company : - provide polyclinic which is free for worker and family

- Register all workers and family in BPJS health insurance No.2 Standard of medical treatment and health care is arranged by BPJS No.3 No obligation to register other family member N0.4 worker who is not yet registerred in BPJS, can get medical treatment in company’s polyclinic Erase article 16,18,19,20,21,22Article 16. Obligation of health checking No.1 Medical check up for new workers No.2 Annual check up for all workers in company’s polyclinic No.3 Medical check up is including narcotic check No.4 Sanction for worker who refuses to be checkedArticle 25 Worker housing No.1 The usage of company housing based on company’s necessity, and should be registerred and approved by company No.4 Monthly patrol to check company housing No. 5 worker should pay monthly electric cost No.6 worker should pay PBB (tax)Article 26 Uniform No.6 Uniform design, color and logo are decided by companyArticle 32 end year bonus No.3 erase bonus deductionbased on mangkir days (max 16 mangkir days)Article 33 Business Trip No.4 Add maximum Hotel fee Article 34 Meal fee Increase meal fee for monthly worker from Rp 13,000 Rp 15,000 Increase meal fee for daily worker from Rp 11,000 Rp 13,000Article 37 Allowance for transfer to other branch New ArticleArticle 38 Education and Training No.4 All workers should attend any trainingArticle 39 Discipline No.17 prohibition, Level 3 (SP 3) : refuses to check health in medical check upArticle 40 Sanction For 3rd warning letter pay penalthy which is mentioned in Working Agreement (PB)Article 45 Termination Procedure Before leave the compant, worker should finish all obligation, duties and fulsil “exit clearance” formArticle 46 Termination based on worker request -worker should transfer the job to successor -less than 30 days, should get approval from superior -no severance pay and Reward for year service, if the worker refuses to transfer the job and no approval for less than 30 days



With the Grace of God the Almighty, This Collective Working Agreement as a main tools to perform Industrial Relations can be finished properly. In Industrial Relations, Positions of Entrepreneur and Worker Union are as a same level partner in producing, respect each other, trust each other to improve Company productivity, Worker welfare, regional economic and finally to improve people welfare as purpose of National Development.

A sincere and responsible confession from two parties, that discipline and good working arrangement is one of mean requirements to improve working result becoming perfect, for Company development and better welfare for worker. Confession for worker union/Worker rights does not mean to decrees Company obligation for rights of worker, Government, Society and Shareholder. Purpose of this Collective Working Agreement is to:1. Explain rights and obligations of Company, Worker Union and Worker2. Determine job requirements to worker3. Create harmonic cooperation between Company and Worker Union / Worker4. Arrange problem solving fairly for different opinions5. Continue and improve good relationship and cooperation between Company and Worker

Union / Worker

Based on the above statements, This Collective Working Agreement is arranged as mentioned in Act No.13 year 2003This Collective Working Agreement is formulated by means of deliberations and signed without any force from any parties, it consists of 15 Chapter and 61 Articles.



Article 1


This collective Working agreement is between:

1. PT ANEKA BUMI PRATAMA , address in Jln.PT. ABP Pulokerto RT 04 Gandus Palembang, in this time, is represented by Yasuhiro Takahashi, title President Director and Fendi Heuw, title Factory Manager, then called as COMPANY PARTY.

2. Chief of unit of Working union PT. Aneka Bumi Pratama, address in Jln.PT.ABP Pulokerto RT 04 Gandus Palembang, in this time act for and on behalf of worker/worker of PT. Aneka Bumi Pratama in this time is represented by Harun Sohar, title chief and M. Yusuf, title Vice Chief (II) of unit of SBB PT. Aneka Bumi Pratama, then called as WORKER SIDE.

In case, any parties who make this collective working agreement change their name or merge with another company or organization, this collective working agreement will be valid until the end of validation time.


Article 2T I T L E

The title of this Agreements “Collective Working Agreement” year 2015 – 2016 between PT ANEKA BUMI PRATAMA and: PUK SBB PT.ANEKA BUMI PRATAMA.


Being understood and approved by two parties this Agreement is only for special matter. Therefore, both of two parties still have other rights and obligations which are arranged in Law and Regulation applicable in Indonesian. Both two parties bound themselves and have responsibility to follow all rules in this Collective Working Agreement well.After that both of two parties agree if there is a new regulation issued by government, after we sign this agreement, both of two parties will discuss immediately.Suggestion for changing the content of Agreement from one of two parties will be collected and will be discussed in deliberation for next agreement.


Both of two parties together with the member have obligation to follow and implement the content of the agreement properly and both of two parties must also explain or socialize the content of the agreement to all workers and staffs, so the workers and staffs will understand their rights and obligations in making job relationship.For that purpose, both of two parties will be received 10 (ten) copies of this agreement for publishing and 1 (one) copy to be put on announcement board.Both of two parties have obligation to keep worker in peace and try to reach the goal of this agreement properly.Both of two parties must be patents when there is a conflict and try to solve by following the steps in solving conflict and complaint in Chapter XII of this Agreement.


Herein, meant by:


Worker is the person who works in Crumb Rubber Industry PT Aneka Bumi Pratama.The age is not less than 18 years old and already has KTP (ID Card).

Permanent worker: is the worker who made “working Agreement “ with PT. Aneka Bumi Pratama and passed trial period and receiving “Appointment Letter” from the company after trial period

Temporary Worker (impermanent worker): is a worker who works in Crumb Rubber Industrial PT Aneka Bumi Pratama with limited working period (incidental) according to deliberation or number of job which is agreed to be finished. The wages are immediately paid after the job finished or working period fulfilled.

Worker Family: are one legal wife or husband and (maximum) three children who are registered in company from permanent worker. In case, there is status change of a worker (single, married/divorce, increasing/decreasing of family member, address change, etc.), the change should be reported to personnel at least 2 (two) weeks after change with evidence related with the change.

Children: are - Children from worker (Legitimate children, stepchildren, and/or adopted children ) and

registered in company, with maximum 3 (three) children.- The age is not more than 21 (twenty one)years old. Exception for more than 21 years

old for the children who are still student, with evidence letter from Head Master / Rector / Dean, so the age is until 25 (twenty five) years old.

- Un-married- No income (no job)

Worker Union; is a chief of unit of Worker Union. SBB (Union of United Labor)In Crumb Rubber Industrial Company PT. Aneka Bumi Pratama.

Worker Side: is who work in Crumb Rubber Industrial PT. Aneka Bumi Pratama.

Company: is a Crumb Rubber Industrial Company, PT. Aneka Bumi Pratama which is the member of Association of Crumb Rubber Company South Sumatra Branch

Gapkindo : is an association of Crumb Rubber Companies South Sumatra Branch. Wage : is a receive as reward from company to worker for one job or service which was done or will be done, declared and manifested in form of money, stipulated according to an agreement or legislation and paid based on a work contract between company and the worker.

Province Minimum Wages (UMP); is Minimum wages which is determined by government and is valid for all sector in South Sumatra Province.

Province Sectoral Minimum Wages (UMSP); is minimum wage which is determined by Government and is valid for Industrial and manufacture sector in South Sumatra Area.

Minimum Wages : is the lowest wage which is the amount is based on agreement between Company and worker, but it cannot be lower than province sectoral minimum wage for Industrial and manufacture sector which is determined by government.

Money for waiting: is the money which is received by worker as a change of wage during Company in force majored or non active.

Usual received Wage: is the wage which is received by worker for 7 (seven) hours a day and 40 (forty) hour a week (basic wage + fixed allowance), not including over time payment, premium, transportation, housing allowance, medical allowance, and uniform and meal fee.

Daily average wages in last three months: is average wage in last three months divided by twenty five.

Article 6



Both of two parties confess that to arrange company activity and the worker is company’s responsibility.

In running the business, company will obey job requirements which are arranged in this collective Working Agreement and in Laws of Republic of Indonesia.

Both of two parties confess that function of worker union is to represent all workers who work in the company personally or collectively. Confession for worker union rights does not mean to decrease Company obligation for worker individually, so by considering the above and also company obligations for Republic Indonesia Government, Shareholders, Customers, workers and society, The relationship between company and worker union is arranged by one principle that Initiative to take action is on company side. In this relationship, to reach Pancasila Industrial Relationship in company, Company together with worker union will always deliberate to get agreement in solving every problem which appears between worker and company.

Company will not forbid or interfere in anything related with organization or worker union as far as it does not disturb the fluency of company activity and or company’s rights and or as far as the activities of worker union do not against of prevailing labor laws and regulations. Worker union and company will inform each other in advance by written if there will be a deliberation about work relationship and job requirements.

Worker union must inform to company in advance 2 (two) days before, if there will be an observation in company area with an escort from company officer.


1. Company provides Monthly Allowance for Unit of Worker Union of SBB PT. ABP. The Amount is Rp 500,000 per month.

2. Company provides and lends a room for Worker Union Office according to company ability. Worker Union will only use the room for organization activity and for worker welfare. Worker Union shall keep / maintain the room properly, in other words Worker Union has fully responsibility of the room usage.

3. Company provides Announcement board for worker union which is put on or placed in front of Worker Union Office. The announcement board is only for Worker Union organization activity. Before Put or Place Pamphlet, bulletin and others on buildings for working should be got permission from company.

4. Company guarantees that Company will not force directly or indirectly, discriminate and revenge to the worker who is selected / appointed as Worker Union Functionaries or as a delegation member for activity related his function.

5. To take care any worker problem between Company and Worker Union, The representative who is appointed to represent Worker Union, will be given a chance to join the meetings and solve that worker problem by getting wage and only for 2 (two) persons.

6. Company gives a dispensation for a worker who is the member of Worker Union to act as Worker Union chief. In case A Worker who is the chief of Worker Union will do that activity, one day before He need to pass written notice formally through worker union to Company.

7. Company gives a dispensation for a worker who is the member of Branch Head or Area Head of Worker Union 1 (one) day every month with wages. That worker who will do his activity one day before he should pass written notice formally through worker union to Company.

8. Company gives permission (dispensation) with wages to the member of worker union (maximum 2 persons) who will join the training for not more that 6 (six) days as long as it will not disturb his job as a worker.

9. Company gives permission (dispensation) with wages and gives transportation allowance according to company ability to Worker Union whenever Worker Union gets invitation letter from Government office which is related to manpower in the company. For that purpose, one day before, Worker Union should show the invitation letter to the company.


10. Company can give permission to mobilize workers in working day if the mobilization is under instruction from authorized government and as long as not disturbing production and Company activity.



1. CLASSIFICATION.Both of two parties agree to classify the workers into two kinds, they are:

a. Permanent worker is the worker who made “working Agreement “ with company and passed trial period which cannot be more than 3 months. After passing trial period, Company will issue “Appointment Letter” for permanent worker . Permanent worker will get medical allowance, social security and other which are determined in this “Collective Working Agreement”.

b. Temporary Worker (impermanent worker), is a worker who is hired with limited working period (incidental) according to deliberation or number of jobs which is agreed to be finished. Wages calculation is determined when the worker is hired or appointed. They get wages and social security which is determined by worker prevailing laws and regulations. Job Relation will be automatically finished by the name of law at the end of working period or when the job is fulfilled. Any items related with social security in this “Collective Working Agreement” are not valid for temporary/impermanent worker except what is determined in law.

2. Recruitment.

a. Generally, Worker/Worker recruitment is based on company necessity.b. Procedure Recruitment for Permanent Worker/worker :

The worker, who can fulfill job requirements to be worker, should immediately complete the requirements determined by company. After fulfill the requirements, the worker can be declared as a worker with 3 months trial period and the worker should follow company’s regulation by giving signature on “Working Agreement Letter” during trial period. Facilities during trial period are decided by company.

During trial period, both of two parties can stop job relation any time without any relation or requirements except the wages during trial period which is not yet paid.

After training period which gives satisfaction to Company, the worker is declared as permanent worker by receiving Appointment letter as permanent woker and company will provide uniform for the worker.

c. Recruitment procedure for impermanent / temporary worker is arranged by Company. Impermanent or temporary worker who is hired is declared in working agreement between Company and that worker.

3. Placementa. Placement of the worker is decided by company based on the necessity and competency

of the worker.The meaning of “Placement” is including re-arrangement of titles/kind of job of the company which is in force majeure or non-active. In this case the wages are re-arranged based on his new job but it cannot be less than minimum wages.

b. Position Increasing / Promotion It is given based on management consideration for competency, conduit, working

period and job vacancy. In case the worker is promoted and placed in new job and different from previous

job, the worker should be follow the training as needs. During training, the wages is arranged for that job.  

After the worker can fulfill the training well, the worker will get new wages based his new position.


On the other hand, in case the worker cannot fulfill the training well, He will be sent back to his previous job/position and his temporary additional payment will be automatically ended.

4. Rotation

a. For Company activity purpose, Company has right to rotate the worker to other section or department or tranfser to other branch inside company

b. Rotation can be done with the following reason, such as: Technology development / working method improvement According to Doctor’s recommendation that the health of the worker cannot be

allowed for his current job. Because of his performance development, the worker is not suitable for his current

job. Be late from leave Cannot work together with his colleague

c. The worker can be rotated for temporary time to another job with the requirement, that the worker cannot get his wages less than his previous wages.

d. The worker can be rotated to another job to prevent dismissal and for making discipline or for punishment and the wages is arranged based on his new job.

e. The worker who will be rotated not because of be late from leave, should be informed with written notice in advance to him and the copy should pass to Worker Union at least 3 days before rotation.

f. Rotation not because of punishment or because of modernization for machinery can be done without decreasing worker’s rights.

g. The worker can be hired in other place or other section in the company area, when company’s activities stop or disturbance because of machine broken, electric shut down, etc. just for temporary. The wage which is paid is minimum wages.

h. Allowance for tranfer to other branch inside the company shall be provided by Company based on article 37



1. Working Days are the days determined by Company when the workers should do their job in usual working hour.

2. Weekly Holiday (Rest Day) is the day determined by Company when at that weekly holiday the worker does not have obligation to work in usual working hours.

3. In public holiday which is determined by Government, the worker does not have obligations to work in that public holiday except he must do special job. In case the worker should work in public holiday, the wage should be counted as over time payment.

4. In case the Worker Who has Status as Daily Worker does not work in usual Holiday (not weekly holiday), the wage should be paid.

5. In case Worker Who has Status as Daily Worker does not work in Holiday which is at the same time of weekly holiday, the wage should not be paid.

6. In case Worker Who has Status as Daily Worker works in usual Holiday (not weekly holiday), the wage should be paid besides over time in holiday (wage + holiday over time payment)

7. In case Worker Who has Status as Daily Worker works in Holiday which is at the same time of weekly holiday, the wage should be paid as prevailing regulation.

8. Working hours in the company, basically, is 7 (seven) hours a day and 40 (forty) hours a week, for each section in company, working hours will be arranged in “Collective Agreement” between Management and Worker Union. That “Collective Agreement” is a part which cannot be separated with this “Collective Working Agreement”. If working hours is more than that working hours (more than 7 hours a day and 40 hours a week), the extra working hours will be counted as over time.

9. Working hour list for each section/unit is arranged by company.10. Break hour in working hour is not counted as working hour.

Article 10OVER TIME

1. The meaning of over time is the job which do more than 7 (seven) hours a day and 40 (forty) hours a week for Company matter.


2. Over time can be done in case there is a written instruction and/or approval from Company before over time, except for routine job and determined job before. One copy of written instruction and/or approval should pass to the worker as evidence.

3. For the worker who works in public holiday determined by government, or works in weekly holiday, it is counted as over time.

4. The worker should do overtime as Company’s instruction, in the following cases:a. In case there are a lot of jobs which should be finished even the public holiday is on

Sunday.b. In case there is an emergency situation such as fire, flood, earth quack and other

disaster which will be dangerous for human health and safety if the jobs will not be done immediately.

c. In case usual worker is absent, especially for worker such as security, water pump worker, forklift driver, generator operator.

5. Calculation of over time payment is based on prevailing government decision.6. In case the worker refuses to do overtime in emergency situation, Company has right to

appoint other worker to continue that job.


Article 11L E A V E

1. The worker who has working period for 12 (twelve) months continuously, has a right to take annual leave for maximum 12 (twelve) days with the wages. In case the worker takes annual leave (including permition) more than 12 days, the rest will be counted as Mangkir days

2. The worker who has working period less than 12 (twelve) months, cannot take annual leave in advance.

3. To count the length of annual leave, considering as working days when the worker does not work because of:

a. Annual leave or based on Act No. 13 year 2003 concerning Manpowerb. Working Accident which is related with Company.c. Sickness with formally inform.d. Anything which should be company responsibilitye. Other reasonable reason.

In the other hands, it is not counted as working day when it is weekly holiday or public holiday.

4. Request of annual leave should be proposed by the 14 (fourteen) days before date of the leave.

5. Annual leave can be taken after the request is approved by Company.6. Annual leave can be taken separately.7. According to Company necessity, Leave can be postponed maximum 6 (six) months

starting from when the leave comes.8. The right of annual leaves is lost whenever during 12 (twelve) months after the leave

comes, the worker did not use his right not because of company’s reason.9. Every Religious holiday, Public holiday, and Sunday which is in leave period, is not

considered as part of leave.10. During leave period all welfare facility are provided as usual.11. For Monthly worker,

- in case he/she took permition or Mangkir, the day of permiton or Mangkir will be calculated as a part of annual leave.

- In case he/she over leave the annual leave, the over leave days will be calculated for next annual leave. Over Leave of monthly workers is same as Mankir days for Daily worker and it follow Article 44.

- When he/she wants to take a leave, he/she should come to personnel to take Annual Leave form. After getting approval from section staff and Department Manager, he/she should return back the form to personnel.

- He/she can sell his/her annual leave only at the end of leave period (= When the annual leaves become invalid).

12. Collective Leaves during Hari Raya will be decided by company and discussed with worker union

13. For Monthly worker, collective leaves during Hari Raya is counted as part of annual leave and directly deducted from current annual leave.


14. In Certain condition for example Company is non active, in force majeure or no production for more than 2 (two) months, the leave can be given collectively. Collective leave can only given once a year and should be informed to Worker 3 (three) months before.

15. In case the working relations is stopped by Company or worker, The worker has a right to get annual leave payment based on pro-rata, in case the worker’s working period is at least 6 (six) months from the last annual leave period.

16. Female worker is entitled not to work with wages on the first and second day of menstruation, which procedure is arranged by Company by considering Act No. 13 year 2003. Company is considered not knowing about female menstruation if female worker does not inform her condition to company. This menstruation leave is not for female worker who is menopause, pregnant, taking annual leave or taking birth leave.

17. Female worker who will deliver the baby is entitled to take birth leave with wages for 3 (three) months of calendar year.

18. Birth Leave is for 3 (three) months and divided into 1, 5 (one and half) months before delivery the baby and 1, 5 (one and half) months after delivery the baby. Tim e to begin the leave is based on company’s doctor recommendation letter or by normal time calculation. Birth leave will be taken after Company’s approval.

19. In case the female worker delivers the baby earlier from the estimation, the rest of birth leave is 1,5 (one and half) months after delivery the baby and in case the female worker delivers the baby later from the estimation, the rest of birth leave is 1,5 (one and half) months after delivery the baby.

20. In case of miscarriage and this is declared by company’s doctor, the female worker is entitled to get leave for 1, 5 (one and half) months of calendar year, starting from the first day of miscarriage.

21. Female worker who will deliver her fourth and next child is entitled to get leave for 3 (three) months but no wages during the leave.


1. The worker can get permission not to work or leave his work for a while with wages when the worker is sick or gets working accident with wages with the reason can be proved with letter from police or sickness letter or letter to take rest from company’s doctor or sickness letter from hospital or written permission from company.

2. During sickness rest, the worker should stay at home. In case the worker found not at home or doing other job, the wages during sickness rest will not be paid and the worker will get warning letter.

3. Company has right to check the sickness letter, in case company found that the worker manipulate sickness letter, company will give sanction.

4. In case the worker often take sick leaves for many times, company has right to send him/her to company’s doctor to be checked whether the worker need special checking in hospital.

5. In case monthly worker did not come because of sickness, permition or mangkir, next day he/she should come to personnel to take annual leave-sickness leave- special leave form. After getting approval from section staff and department manager, he/she should return back the form to personnel.

6. For special leave, the worker can get permission not to work or leave his/her job for a while with wages when this following cases happen: - The worker’s first marriage, for 3 (three) working days.- The marriage of the worker’s children, for 2 (two) working days.- The death of wife, husband, parents or parents of his spouse, children or children in law

for 2 (two) working days.- The death of relatives who lives in the same house, for 1 (one) working day.- The delivery of worker’s baby or his wife miscarriage, for 2 (two) working days.- The circumcision or baptism of the children, for 2 (two) working days.- Other ceremony same as above point worker’s children whose religions are Hindu or

Buddish.This kind of Permission will be automatically loose whenever the worker did not use it.

In the other hands, in case the worker did not come more than permission days which is allowed for that, the additional day is counted as permition (if there is an information) or Mangkir (if there is no information). For Daily worker, the wages will not be paid for the additional day and for monthly worker, the additional days will be counted as a part of annual leave.

7. The worker need to get approval from company before leaving the job for a while or not working, except in case of death because no chance to ask the permission to company. For monthly worker, before leaving the job a while or not working, he/she should come to


personnel to take annual leave-sickness leave- special leave form, except in case of family’s death, he/she can take the form when he/she comes to work. After getting approval from section staff and department manager, he/she should return back the form to personnel.

8. For Daily worker, Permission to leave the job for a while or not work without wages can be given as long as it is approved by superior by submitting proposal letter to superior.

9. For Monthly worker, any permition to leave the job except special leave will be counted as a part of annual leave.

10. For worker who Perform “Ibadah Haji” to Makah, Company gives permission with wages for 45 (forty five) days of Calendar year with the provision that working period is more than 2 (two) years.

11. All cost for”Ibadah Haji” are paid by the worker.12. The chance to perform ”Ibadah Haji” for 45 days of calendar year permit on with wages is

for only one time during the worker works in Company. 13. For The worker who performs Government duties, Company will pay the difference between

the wages paid by Government and the wages paid by Company.14. The worker who performs worker or labor union duties with wages should get permit on from

Company.15. Permission without wages should be proposed by worker to Company 2 (two) days before.

Permission can be canceled by Company if there is any wrong usage and Company will issue warning letter to the worker.


1. In case the worker is arrested by Police because he is alleged to have committed crime and others outside Company, He will get scorsing and the wages is not paid, Company will give allowance to the family who are his dependents according to the following provision: a. For 1 (one) dependent : 25 % of wages which is usually receivedb. For 2 (two) dependents : 35 % of wages which is usually receivedc. For 3 (three) dependents : 45 % of wages which is usually receivedd. For 4 (four) or more dependents : 50 % of wages which is usually received

If the court judge is guilty, the worker will be dismissed without severance pay. In the other hands, if the court judge is innocent and he will be released, the worker will come back to work with continuous working period. The length of scorsing is maximum 6 (six) months starting from the first day when he was detained. If the worker is declared guilty, starting from the date when the court decides that the worker is guilty the allowance is ended.

2. In case the worker is arrested because of company’s order, Company is obliged to pay the wages 100 % (hundred percent) and it is only for 6 (six) months starting from the first day when he was arrested. If the court judge is innocent and he will be released, the worker will come back to work with continuous working period, but if the court judge is guilty, Company can propose to terminate the employment. The length of Scorsing is maximum 6 (six) months starting from the first day when he was detained.



1. Wages System consists of Monthly, daily wages.2. Structure of the wages is money without any allowance.3. The way of payment is directly paid by Company to the worker and the receipt should be

signed by the worker. They are :a. Monthly wages is paid once a month with collective agreement between Company and

Worker Union.b. Daily wages is paid based on collective agreement between Company and Worker

Union.4. Kinds of wages are:

a. Minimum Wages is minimum wages which is agreed by two parties with the provision that it cannot be less than minimum wages which is determined by Governor for Industrial and manufacturing sector.

b. Wages which is usually received is the wages not including over time, working premium, transportation, medical allowance, uniform and meal fee.


c. Money for waiting because of emergency situation, force majeure, is money which is paid to the worker as substitution of wages because company does not operate because of emergency situation/force majeure, fire, earth disaster for more than 1 (one) month.

d. Money for waiting because company is not active, is money for waiting which is paid to the worker as a substitution of wages because company does not operate (not active) which is not because of emergency situation/force majeure, for example there is no raw material, stop of Bank credit, electrical problem, machine broken, etc.

5. During Company does not operate ( on point 4c and 4d above), the worker should attend and fulfill attendance list which is provided by company and ready to be employed in other place in company area. The worker who does not come, not ready to be employed in other place in company area and or does not fulfill attendance list which is provided by company, is considered as absent and money for waiting will not be paid.

6. Determination of minimum wages is done regularly by government and is used as a reference by company and worker union in determining wages in the company.

7. Determination of wages is done by company and worker union by considering government decision about province minimum wages. This minimum wages determination is attached on and a part of this collective working agreement which cannot be separated.

8. Determination of money for waiting in emergency situation is 50 % (fifty percent) from minimum wage.

9. Determination of money for waiting because company is not active (no working), not because of emergency situation, force majeure is as the following:a. In case the worker comes and fulfills attendance list and agrees to be employed, he

will be paid as much as minimum wages.b. In case the worker comes and fulfills attendance list and agrees to be employed, there

is or not job but agrees to wait the job, he will be paid as much as minimum wages.c. In case the worker comes, fulfills attendance list, does not agree to be employed, then

goes home, he will be paid 50 % of minimum wages.d. In case the worker comes and fulfills attendance list and does not agree to be

employed, Money for waiting will not be paid.e. In case the worker does not come or does not fulfill attendance list, he is considered as

absent and his money for waiting will not be paid.10. Implementation wages into tariff of monthly wages, daily wages wages is arranged in

collective agreement between worker union and management of crumb rubber company itself, where that collective agreement is a part which cannot be separated from this collective working agreement.

11. Calculation of overtime payment for worker is with the system :- Monthly wages : based on prevailing Government decision- Daily wages : based on prevailing Government decision

12. Wages in public holiday, or on menstruation leave and annual leave, or permission to

leave the job based on Act No. 13 year 2003 or at the time of termination of employment or leave because sickness which does not need long treatment, is determined as the following:- Monthly worker : same as wages which is usually received- Daily worker : same as wages which is usually received

13. In case the worker is sick and needs long treatment based on company’s doctor recommendation, the wages payment will be:

- 1st four months : 100% from wages - 2nd four months : 75% from wages - 3rd four months : 50% from wages - After 12 months absence : 25% from wages

In case the sickness is more than 12 (twelve) months, Company can terminate employment. Sickness period which starts one month after the end of previous sickness period and with same sickness, the sickness period is considered as continuity of previous sickness.

14. In case In case the worker gets injured for work and needs long treatment based on company's doctor recommendation, the wages payment will be:

- 1st to 6th month : 100% from wages - 7th to 10th month : 75% from wages - 11th to 14th month : 50% from wages - After 14 months absence : 25% from wages

In case the sickness is more than 14 (fourteen) months, Company can terminate employment. Sickness period which starts one month after the end of previous sickness period and with same sickness, the sickness period is considered as continuity of previous sickness. Injury case by wrong action breaching working instruction cannot be applied.

15. Wages Increasing:


Wages increasing for worker and or promotion is based on job performance, honesty to Company, competency, good personality, loyalty to Company and working period. That evaluation is Company’s management authority and done by management.


Article 15GENERAL

1. In order to support the health of workers and their families, company will:-Provide company's clinics which is free of charge for the workers and families-Register all workers and their families to BPJS health program

2. Standard of medical treatment and health care is aranged by the BPJS accordance with applicable regulations.

3. Member of the families listed are worker, wife/husband and maximum three (3) children. The company has no obligation to register other family members.

4. For workers who have not been included in BPJS program, workers and families can getmedical treatment in company’s linic.


1. In acceptance of new worker, during trial period there shall be a medical check up and narcotic usage by company’s doctor, in case health condition is not suitable for working, company has right to dismiss the worker without any separation allowance.

2. Company will provide annual medical check up for all workers by company’s doctor, the payment of medical check up is fully paid by company.

3. Medical check up is including narcotic usage.4. The worker who refuses to check his/her health company will give sanction (3rd warning

letter) and the worker who refuses to check for narcotic usage, he/she need to resign from the company.



In case there is wrong usage of medical and hospitalize facilities for worker and the family, The worker should return back all payment of medical and hospitalize which is already paid by company and the worker will get sanction of indiscipline based on prevailing regulation.



Occupational safety in Company is very important for two parties, for worker and also for company. The steps to realize it :

a. Company is obliged to provide occupational safety equipment and any safety indication to prevent working accident. In this case, cooperation between company and worker union is needed.

b. The occupational safety equipments which are provided by company should be used during working hour, and worker is obliged to follow any safety indication.

c. The worker who works with machine or engine should install safety equipment on the machine/engine based on occupational safety indication.

d. The worker should keep his safety and also other workers and should immediately report if there is any dangerous thing and it can cause loses.


1. To avoid and prevent working accident and occupational health disease, Company and worker union realize the important of Safety committee in Company. Because of that two parties try to functionate safety committee as much as possible.


2. All workers are obliged to perform occupational safety indications in company3. Every worker is obliged to keep safety and cleanness of job area. 4. Any working accident because of wrong action, breaching working instruction will be a

violance of working Discipline, Article 44


1. Company is obliged to provide protection/occupational safety facilities which are used by the worker whose job will cause any harm.

2. Worker union is obliged to inform to company in case there is any improper protection/occupational safety facility or need to be changed.

3. It is not company’s responsibility for any working accident of worker because of careless in using protection equipment which is already provided by company.



Based on Act No.3 year 1992 regarding Employee Social Insurance, Act No.40 year 2004 regarding National Social Insurance System and Act No. 24 year 2011 regarding BPJS (Social Insurance Organizer) Company register:- All workers for BPJS Labor Social Insurance program - All and family for BPJS Health Insurance Program


Company will pay all the curing fees together with BPJS for Working accident,for any injury because of wrong action and breaching working instruction, it will be trated as normal sickness, and company will not pay.For any injury because of hurting him/herself, company will not pay anything and Company will give sanction.


1. Company gives death allowance for worker and the family, with the following provision :a. In case the worker who is not BPJS Jamsostek member passed away, the allowance will be

Rp 750,000 (seven hundred fifty thousand rupiah)b. In case the wife or husband of the worker who is or not BPJS Jamsostek member passes

away, the allowance will be Rp 600,000 (six hundred thousand rupiah)c. In case the children of the worker who is or not BPJS Jamsostek member passed away

(maximum 3 children), the allowance will be Rp 500,000 (five hundred thousand rupiah)d. In case the worker who is not BPJS member passes away and husband/wife also works in

the company, death allowance will be as point (a) and allowance as pont (b) will not be given

2. The amount of death allowance is determined in collective agreement between two parties (company and worker union), which is attached with this Collective working agreement.

3. That death allowance will not be given if Company already gives funeral allowance already receivefuneral allowance from BPJS


In case the worker passed away whenever he is or not Jamsostek member, for his/her heir. Company will give death relief which is mentioned in Article 51


1. The worker and Company agreed that there is no allowance for housing rent.


2. The usage of company housing based on company necessity and all the workers who stay in company housing should be approved andregisterred by company. In case the worker stays in company housing without approval and but not registerred, company has right to ask the worker to leave from company housing and company will not pay any moving allowance.

3. The worker who stays in company housing should keep clean and safe and repair by himself if the house need to be repaired. In case the worker cannot keep clean and safe, company has right to ask the worker to leave from company housing.

4. Company will do monthly patrol to check the condiiton of housing, whether already got approval and registerred, electricity connection and cleanness.

5. For electricity cost, the worker should pay RP 0000000 every month to the company.6. The worker should pay PBB (tax) for the house7. In case the worker wants to leave company housing, Company will not pay any moving

allowance and the worker may not bring any company belongings.

Article 26UNIFORM

Uniform is provided for permanent worker, with the following items:

1. Daily workers are provided 3 (three) pieces of t-shirt every year. Time to give is arranged by company.

2. Monthly worker is provided 3 (three) sets of Trousers or skirt and Shirt every year.3. Security is provided 2 sets of “PDH” and 2 sets of “PDL” and a pair of boot every year. 4. For Dry Process (Bale arrange) workers, company provide 2 trousers every year5. All workers should use/wear uniform whenever they come to factory including Sunday or

holiday, and it is prohibited to sell the uniform. 6. Uniform design, color and logo are decided by company.7. The worker cannot change the design of uniform, nor take out company logo on uniform

by themselves.


1. For Moslem worker, by considering location and room in company, Company will help to provide religious facility which follows normal requirements to perform praying within working hour.

2. In case Company cannot provide the facility mentioned in point (1), Company will help to build and maintain religious facilities in company area.

3. Company gives a chance to the worker who will really perform “Friday Pray”. Any wrong usage of chance to perform “Friday Pray” is violence of discipline and the worker will get sanction, Warning Letter.


Based on company’s capability, Company will support for Sports and Recreation activity / facility.


1. To succeed Family Planning Program. Company makes Family Planning Unit which the function is to perform family planning service for workers in company.

2. For company which is not possible to have own Family Planning unit, Company can make cooperate / join with nearest company or with public medical centre.


3. Company provides Family Planning Program facility for workers in company as company’s capability.

4. In case there is a formal invitation from authorize department about Family Planning education, Company will appoint the worker who takes care about Family Planning Unit to join.


1. Company could help to form worker cooperative in the company and support all the activities.

2. Based on Company’s ability, Company will help to provide a room for worker cooperative.


1. Allowance for Hari Raya (THR) is only for the worker who already worked for one year continuously.

2. For the worker when Allowance for Hari Raya is paid, His working period is more than 3 (three) months and less than 1 year, Allowance will be given based on pro-rata.

Example: Working Period is 6 (six) months, the allowance will be = (6/12) X THR3. The amount of Hari Raya Allowance is determined by Company with provision that The

Amount of Hari Raya Allowance (100%) cannot be less than one month minimum wages for South Sumatra sub sector crumb rubber industrial which is determined by two parties.

4. Time of Hari Raya Allowance Payment is determined by Company. 5. For the worker who can fulfill all company’s requirements but when company pays the

allowance the worker does not work in the company any more, the allowance will be disappeared.

6. When the working relation is stopped, and already 6 month after the last payment of Hari Ray Allowance, the worker can get Hari Raya Allowance based on pro-rata, counted from last Hari Raya.


1. End of Year Bonus is an additional payment at the end of year from company to the worker. The Amount of End of Year Bonus is based on :a. Company Performance for that yearb. Worker Performance for that year which is decided by :

- Evaluation Result which is evaluated by staff, Manager, BOD- Warning Letter - Absence Data (Over leave)

2. End of year Bonus is given for the worker:a. Having working period in company more than 1 (one) year continuously.b. When End of year bonus is paid, He still works in the company.

3. For Daily Worker :a. by considering the provision about absence without information (Mangkir), maximum

Mangkir days are 16 (sixteen) days.b. Total days for leave and permition per year are maximum 12 (twelve) days, the rest will

be counted as Mangkir days.c. The amount of End of Year Bonus which is paid is based on the comparison between

absence days which can be avoided by the worker of maximum absence days in a year (point a), with maximum absence day in a year.

Example:Worker A, in one year (year 2014), was Mangkir for 1 day. It means the absence days which can be avoided is 16 days – 1 day = 15 days or15/16 x 100 % End of Year Bonus = 93,75 %

The amount of End of Year Bonus for worker A in year 2014 is 93,75 % x End of Year Bonus = 93,75 % of End of Year Bonus

4. For Monthly worker , End of year Bonus will be decided by:a) Performance of the worker which is evaluated by Staff, Manager and BODb) Warning Letterc) Over leave


5. Period calculation End of year bonus is determined by company with the provision that the evaluation time is 12 (twelve) months or 1 (one) year. Example: Period of End of Year Bonus for year 2014 is from 16 December 2014 – 15 December 2015, so period of End of Year Bonus for year 2015, starting from 16 December 2014

6. Payment time of End of Year Bonus is determined by company.7. For the worker who can fulfill company’s requirements but when company pays the End of

Year Bonus, the worker does not work in the company any more, the End of Year Bonus will be disappeared.

8. Company can determine other requirements accordance with company’s ability and situation.

Article 33Business Trip Allowance

1. In case the worker attends join Seminar in Palembang and Company’s car is not available, Company will pay transportation allowance Rp 7,500 for one way (Factory to Destination)

2. In case of business trip to other city, company will pay business trip allowance Rp 100,000/night (which is alredy including meal fee).Although the worker travels in one day(P/P on the same day), or he/she arrives at home after midnight, if the situation is as follows, the company will treat that trip as “Business trip” and will not pay for over time. The trip is more than 8 hours (From departure up to arrival at home), and

the destination is more than 60 km from the starting place of trip.3. Except the hotel fee and transportation fee, the expense during the business trip cannot

charge to the company.(Tips, Snacks, Minibar, Laundry etc.)4. Hotel fee :

Place Max AllowanceJakarta             Rp  1.000.000,-/night

PalembangJambiLubuk LinggauMuara Bungo      Rp  700.000,-/nightSarolangunMuara Enim

Pekanbaru      Rp  800.000,-/night

5. The worker should get the approval for any business trip (1st approval – Section Staff, 2nd

approval – Manager/Director, filed by Personnel)6. During the business trip, the worker cannot count the overtime7. For driver, during business trip, there is no Business trip allowance, but he can count OT.

Article 34Meal fee

1. In case the worker work for 8 (eight) hours and then he/she do over time for 4 hours working after or he/she do overtime in Holiday , company will give meal fee,the period of meal fee is only once for every 8 (eight) hours.- Monthly worker Rp 15,000 (thirteen thousand rupiah)- Daily worker Rp 13,000 (eleven thousan rupiah)

2. For the Driver and Tugboat worker, company give Rp 15,000 for meal fee.

Article 35Extra Fooding

1. Company will provide Extra Fooding For Monthly, Daily worker who works in night shift (24.00-08.00)

2. In case the worker is absent because of sick, permission or Mangkir in night shift for 6 (six) times, the extra fooding will not be given for 1 time period.

3. Total absence in night shift will be counted continuously


e.g: in year 2012, the worker was absent for 4 (four) nights, when the worker is absent 2 nights in year 2013, total absence will be 6 (six) times, so extra fooding will be not given for 1 time of period.

Article 36Driving Liscense Allowance

Company will pay 100 % for Driving License for driver and Operator Liscense for Forklift operator, Shovel operator and tugboat operator.

Article 37Allowance for transfer to other Branch

For workwr who is tranferred to other branc inside Company, Company shall : 1. Pay Rp 2,000,000 as Transfer Allowance,2. Provide housing for worker and family, in detail :

Worker (single) Rp 8.000.000Wife (add) Rp 750.000Child 1 (add) Rp 750.000Child 2 (add) Rp 750.000Child 3 (add) Rp 750.000

3. The transfer cost (person, furniture)of worler and family to new working place shall be borne by Company for one time of 1 way trip. The worker should get prroval from Company on quotation of transportation companies for the transfer cost before making contract with them.

4. In case the worker shall be transferred alone and the family shall not move to new working place, the worker atau keluarga has a right ro claim to the company for Round trip ticket by public transportation of 1 person (worker or family) between new working place and last working place with evidence maximum 1 time in one month. The right cannot be accumulated to next month (only 1 ticket in 1 month) The worker has right total 12 times, and it will be ended when the family already moved to new working place.

In case the single worker shall be transferred, the employee has a rifght to cliam to the company forpublic transportation of 1 person (hi/herself) between new working place and last working place.the right cannot be accumulated to next month (only 1 ticket for 1 month). The worker has right total 12 times.

In case the worker uses this facility and takes leaves, the leaves shall be deducted from annual leaves.

Maximum Public transportation for round ticket as follows :

Palembang– Jambi Rp330,000Palembang– Lubuk Linggau Rp340,000Palembang– Gunung Megang Rp190,000Palembang– Muara Bungo Rp570,000Palembang– Sorek Airplane

(hanya untuk pekerja )Palembang-Sorek Rp 870,000 (keluarga)Jambi – Lubuk Linggau Rp 370,000Jambi–Muaro Bungo Rp 240,000Jambi–Gunung Megang Rp 520,000Jambi–Sorek Rp 540,000Jambi – Sorolangun Rp 180,000Sorolangun – Muara Bungo Rp 140,000

5. In case the worker shall be transferred alone and the family shall not move to new working place, Company shall pay Rp 200,000 every month to support additional living cost up to 1 year from the transfer date. This allowance shall be ended after 1 year from the transferred date or family already move to new working place. For single worker, there is no additional living cost.




1. To Develop skill and knowledge of workers, company will provide education and training program based on necessity.

2. To improve Compliance of workers, company will provide compliance training for all workers.

3. For Safety in Company area, company will provide Safety training for all workers, including temporary workers.

4. All workers should attend any training such skill, compliance and safety training. In case the worker refuses to attend, company will give sanction.



1. The arrangement of working hour and break hour, for beginning and ending time (go back) is fitted to kinds of company and the demands by considering with prevailing law and regulation.

2. 15 (fifteen) minutes before the serene for beginning the work is turned on, the worker should be at his working place. 

3. When the serene for ending the work is turned on, the worker may leave his working place. The worker who leaves his working place (because he wants to go home) before the serene is turned on is considered that he breaks working discipline and will get sanction.

4. The worker who is not at his working place after the serene is turned on is considered he comes late except he proposes approved and reasonable reason which can be accepted by company or authorize officer. In case the reason cannot be accepted, the worker will get written warning.

5. The worker who comes late more than 15 (fifteen) minutes after the serene is turned on is considered that he is absent from work, and company has right to replace him with temporary worker.

6. In case there is an emergency situation such as fire, less raw material, electric problem etc. out of company capability, the arrangement of working hour is deliberated with worker union.

7. The worker may only come and go home through the gate which is determined by company and should pass the identification card to the person who is appointed by company.

8. Every worker should be ready to be checked at the time of coming in and going out factory by security or the person who is appointed by company by considering normal ethics.

9. Workers should always keep working area clean and no gargabe, and follow any activities for cleaning.

10. During break hour, all worker should take a rest in locker room.11. The worker is obliged to care about company’s necessity as much as possible even there is

no special request.12. The worker is obliged to have good manner in the company, obey the regulations,

instruction from superior, indications, and Government regulation.13. The worker is obliged to do his job by himself in other words it cannot be transferred to

other worker without management approval. 14. The worker is obliged to keep company secret, such as :

Production, machinery, method, wages, pictures, contracts with suppliers or customers and other things which the characteristic should be kept. Any violent of this matter is categorized as serious mistake.

15. In working, the worker is obliged to care the quality of production result and working instruction which is determined by management carefully and with full attention.

16. The worker is obliged to report immediately to his superior in case there is abnormal situation in company area.

17. Prohibition for the worker

Notice Letter 1. The worker delays to come to work2. The worker is absent for 1 day without any notice. 3. The worker leaves 1 days after using annual leave (12 days)4. Intentionally not record the time for in and/or out by hand key machine5. The worker does the work slowly or not agressively

Level 11. The worker does not wear uniform when come to factory.2. The workers changes the design of uniform such as cutting sleeves of T-shirt.3. The worker does not obey the instruction from his/her superior.


4. The worker does not follow company activities (such as 5S acitvity, safety training)5. The worker, absent without any notice for 2 days in a week.6. The worker leaves 2 days after using annual leave (12 days)7. The worker leaves from work during working hours without approval of his superior8. The worker sleeps during working hours.9. The worker takes a rest during break hour, not in locker room.10. The worker repeats prohibition after notice letter.

Level 21. The worker is absent without any notice for 2 days continuously 2. The worker leaves 3 days after using annual leave (12 days)3. The worker repeats prohibition after level 1 during the period of previous warnig

letter level1.4. The worker passes his job to other workers without any approval from his/her

superior. 5. The worker passes wrong information intentionally in the Company. 6. The worker brings Personal belonging to working place7. The worker lets the working place dirty and found garbage (food,cigarette buds) 8. The worker does not use safety tools, and not follow any safety warnings and rules

Level 31. The worker does not come to work 3 days continuously without notice.2. The worker leaves 4 days after using annual leave (12 days)3. After 3 times instruction, the worker still cannot obey the instruction from superior.4. The worker intentionally does anything to make him/her not to continue the work.5. The worker smokes not in the smoking area.6. The Worker brings cigarette to working place7. The worker intentionally put him/herself into dangerous position.8. The worker repeats prohibition after level 2 during the period of previous warnig

letter level2.9. The worker does the immoral act at working place and outside10. The worker comes to company under alcohol effect11. The worker insults, or threatens other workers.12. The worker makes any disturbances, fights with other workers in working time and

working place.13. The worker doesn’t report it even if the worker knows someone manipulate the

information/evidence/documents and other wrong action. 14. The worker has personal business in the company15. The worker refuses to check his/her health in annual medical check up

Level 4 (serious false action)1. The worker repeats prohibition after level 3 during the period of previous warnig letter

level3.2. The worker leaves 5 days after using annual leave (12 days)3. The worker does serious immoral act at working place 4. The worker injures other worker intentionally5. The worker passes the wrong information intentionally, which harms the Company.6. The worker drinks alcohol inside of the company7. The worker use drugs/narcotic inside and outside of the Company, unless recomended

by doctor and reported to company8. The worker commits crimes such as stealing, embezzlement, deceit, gambling and sales

of prohibited goods inside or outside of the Company. 9. The worker is arrested by Police not because of the Company’s orders. 10. The worker persuades other workers to breach the company regulation.11. The worker intentionally damages the goods, which belong to the Company.12. The worker brings any arms to the Company.13. The worker is absent for 5 days continuously without any notice and receive calling

letter (2) twice.14. The worker intentionally looses something, which belongs to the Company.15. The worker brings out, borrows or sells the Company’s equipment without

management’s approval.16. The worker asks or accepts money or gift from any suppliers, building contractors or

customers (such as THR, Bonus, expression of thanks )17. The worker asks any suppliers, building contractors or customers to entertain him/her

inside or outside company.


18. The worker makes a false report intentionally, tell a lie in work, manipulate the evidences /documents, or hide the information intentionally which he/she needs to report

19. The worker discloses the Company's classified information, or personal data to any other person who is not entitled to handle that kind of information/data inside or outside of the Company except the request from government.

20. The worker discloses company regulations, manual, procedure, data to out side of the company without approval from BOD.

21. The employee is found doing other job during sickleave

Special ClauseBOD will decide the level of sanction among Level 1 to Level 4 in case of:

The worker makes false action, which cause serious damage to the Company. The worker carelessly damage or lose the goods/property, which belongs to the

Company, and gives serious damage to the Company. The worker who makes serious mistake which has criminal problem, termination of

employment based on SE.13/MEN/SJ-HK/I/2--5

Article 40SANCTION

Implementation of sanction is based on level of mistake:

Level Sanction From Approved by- Notice Letter Section Staff or uppers Department Manager or uppers1 1st warning letter Section Staff or uppers Department Manager or uppers2 2nd warning letter Section Staff or uppers Department Manager or uppers3 3rd warning letter

Section Staff or uppers Department Manager or uppers

4 Dismiss of the worker Department Manager or uppers

Department Manager or uppers for daily worker.BOD for monthly worker

Warning letter is issued based on level of mistake which is done by worker Notice letter is no validity, 2nd notice letter automatically becomes Level 1

1st warning letter is valid for 3 (three) months 2nd warning letter is valid for 6 (six) months 3rd warning letter is valid for 12 (twelve) months The copy of 1st, 2nd and 3rd warning letter should pass to worker union. Dismiss of the worker should be informed to worker union, Gapkindo South Sumatra Branch

and reported to Palembang Labor Department office. The way of dismiss of the worker is arranged in Chapter XIII about Termination of the





1. Both company and worker try to solve directly every complaint which appears between company and worker in industrial relations.

2. The steps to solve the complaints are arranged as following:FIRST STEP, Worker or company who has complaints can talk to the superior (worker

chief, supervisor or staff) or workerSECOND STEP, If it cannot be solved in first step, worker or company can talk to the upper

superior (Department Manager) THIRD STEP, if it cannot be solved in second step, worker can ask worker union to talk with



The settlement of industrial relations dispute is based on Act No.2 year 2004 as the following:


FIRST STEP : Direct deliberation between Company management and chief of worker union. In case there is no agreement or decision during 5 (five) working days starting from deliberation day, proceed to second step.

SECOND STEP : Deliberation between Company management together with GAPKINDO south Sumatra branch and worker union together with Chief of worker union Palembang with limit time 10 (ten) days after ending of first step limit time.

THIRD STEP :In case second step still cannot solve the problem/case, two parties will ask the settlement in level of Arbitress, conciliation or mediation in Palembang Labor Department office with limit time 30 (thirty) days after ending of second step limit time.

FOURTH STEP : In case the third step still cannot solve the problem/case, one of two parties propose the case to the institution for settlement of industrial relations dispute



To solve any difference in understanding, implementation of the content of Collective working agreement, the steps are:1. Company management and worker union directly deliberate (Bipartite). 2. In case the problem is considered as principle, two parties can ask chief of worker union

branch and chief of GAPKINDO South Sumatra Branch to make Ad Hoc committee to analyze and summarize the understanding.

3. If it still cannot be solved, it will be a dispute and will be solved as Act No. 2 year 2004



1. Based on request from the worker2. Not Satisfied with Company3. Continuously sick for more than 12 months4. The worker passed away 5. Based on agreement between worker and company6. Rationalization (decreasing worker number)7. Company Bankrupcy8. Breaking working discipline and safety discipline9. because of serious mistake (Sanction Level 5 )10. Change of Company Status or Ownership11. Retirement


To terminate the employment, as company or worker initiative, should be based on Act No. 13 year 2003 and other prevailing government decision.Before worker leaves the company, he/she should finish all obligations, duties and fulfill “exit clearance“ form.


In case the worker resigns on his/her own will, He/she should submit written notice 30 days before resign. During the time of submission written notice and resign date, The worker should transfer his/her job to successor, in case the worker refuses to transfer the job, company will not pay his/her severance pay and Reward for year service.

In case the worker submit written notice less than 30 days he/she should get approval from superior regarding his/her resign date. If there is approval from superior, Company will deduct the severance pay. The deduction is calculated based on the date of written notice and number of absence days ( in period between date of notice latter and resign, the worker is absent (sick, Permition, Mangkir)). If there is no approval from superior, Company will not pay his/her severence pay and reward for year service.


In case the worker resign by him/herself, the Company can decide the resignation day earlier up to 30 days if necessary. The Company pays the salary up to the resignation day and the full amount of Separation Pay.


1. By considering fairness and justice, worker can propose the termination of employment to the institution for the settlement of industrial relations, in case :

a. Batter, rudely humiliate or intimidate the worker b. Persuade and or order the worker to act that against laws and regulationsc. Not pay wages at prescribed time for 3 (three) months consecutively or more d. Not perform obligations promised to the workere. Order the worker to perform other job outside of the job which has been

agreed.f. Order the worker to carry out job which endangers life, safety, health and

morality of the worker which is not mentioned in the work agreement.

2. If the request is approved by the institution for the settlement of industrial relations, the worker is entitled to severance pay, reward of years service and compensation pay which is mentioned in article 57.

3. If the company is found not doing the acts mentioned in point (1) by the institution for the settlement of industrial relations, Company can terminate the employment by considering prevailing laws and regulations.


In case the worker is continuously sick as a result of working accident for more than 12 months and is unable to perform the work. the worker can request and terminate his employement. The worker is entitled of severance pay, reward for year’s service and compensation pay which are mentioned in article 57.


In case the worker passed away in normal death or because of working accident, company will give death relief which will be paid to his heir, the amount is as mentioned in article 57.


In case the termination is based on agreement between worker and company, The severance pay, reward of years service and compensation pay are determined based on the agreement between two parties by considering the requirements of prevailing government decision.


In case of collective termination because of company locked out or rationalization not because of continuous loss but for rationalization or for efficiency improvement, the worker is entitled of severance pay, reward for year’s service and compensation pay which are mentioned in article 59, exception for different determination which is agreed by two parties.

Article 52


In case collective termination because of Company lock out as a effect of continuous loss or emergency or force majeure, the amount of severance pay, reward for year service and compensation pay is mentioned in article 57, exception for different determination which is agreed by two parties.




In case Termination because of breaking working discipline and safety discipline which does not include in serious false action, the working relations of the worker is terminated by getting severance pay, reward for years service and compensation pay which are mentioned in article 57.


The worker can be dismissed because of serious false action which are determined in article 39; the worker is not entitled of severance pay and award for year’s service. He is only entitled of compensation pay 15 % from severance pay and award for years service.


1. In case the termination because of change of Company’s status or change of owner partly or wholly or location change with new job requirements same as old requirements, and the worker agrees to continue working relations, Company will pay to the worker severance pay, reward for years service and compensation pay which are mentioned in article 57. Reward for year service will be started from 0 (zero) year service.

2. In case termination because of the reason mentioned in point (1), but Company cannot re-employ the worker in the company by any reason, Company will pay to the worker severance pay, reward for year service and compensation pay which are mentioned in article 57, exception for different determination which is agreed by two parties.

3. The obligation for payment of severance pay, reward for year service and compensation pay is charged to new Company, except there is an agreement between old and new company.

Article 56


In case of old age: 1. The age is at least 60 (sixty) years and working period is at least 10 (ten) years2. The age is more than 55 (fifty five) years but the health condition is not allowed to work.

So, Company can terminate the employment because of old age, without approval from the institution for the settlement of industrial relations. For the worker who is terminated because of old age, Company will give severance pay, reward for years service and compensation pay which are mentioned in article 57.



1. The amount of severance pay and reward for year’service for each termination are as following :

Reason of Termination Severance Pay Reward for Year Service

Request from Worker 1 x 1 xNot satisfied with Company 2 x 1 xContinuously sick ( Regular sick ) 2 x 1 xContinuously sick ( Working Accident ) 2 x 2 xWorker Passed away 2 x 2 x Agreement between worker and company

Based on Agreement Based on Agreement

Rationalization 2 x 2 xCompany Bankrupcy 1 x 1 x


Breaking working and safety discipline 1 x 1 x

Serious false action 0 0Change of Company Status or Ownership

22. Re-employment23. Termination

1 x2 x

1 x2 x

Retirement 2 x 1 x

* Calculation of Severance Pay based on year service: Less than 1 year 1 month net salary 1 year to less than 2 years 2 months net salary 2 years to less than 3 years 3 months net salary 3 years to less than 4 years 4 months net salary 4 years to less than 5 years 5 months net salary 5 years to less than 6 years 6 months net salary 6 years to less than 7 years 7 months net salary 7 years to less than 8 years 8 months net salary 8 years or more 9 months net salary

* Calculation of Reward for Year Service: 3 years to less than 6 years 2 months net salary 6 years to less than 9 years 3 months net salary 9 years to less than 12 years 4 months net salary 12 years to less than 15 years 5 months net salary 15 years to less than 18 years 6 months net salary 18 years to less than 21 years 7 months net salary 21 years to less than 24 years 8 months net salary 24 years or more 10 months net salary

2. For each Termination, Company will pay Compensation pay including:a. Annual leaves that is not yet taken and not expired b. Costs or expenses for transporting the worker and his family to the place where the

worker will be hiredc. Compensation for housing allowance, medical and health care is determined 15 (fifteen)

% of severance pay and reward for years service.




1. This collective working agreement is signed on 16th January 2015 in Palembang. This collective working agreement is valid from 1st January 2015 until 31st December 2016 .

2. This collective working agreement is binding the Company and the workers.


1. 90 (Ninety) days before the validity ends, this collective working agreement should be deliberate by two parties to make new collective working agreement

2. This collective working agreement change or extension should be agreed by two parties who made and should be informed to the members and also reported to Palembang Labor department office

3. In case the deliberation in making new collective working agreement which is done by deliberation team of two parties cannot make new collective working agreement and the validity of collective working agreement period 2011-2012 ended, so the content of collective working agreement 2010-2012 will remain valid until new collective working agreement ready.




1. Signature of collective working agreement 2015-2016 manuscript is done in Palembang on 16th January 2015.

2. The parties who sign this agreement are :a. Management PT ANEKA BUMI PRATAMA is on behalf of the companyb. Officers of working unit of Indonesian Worker Union and officer of United Labor union are

on behalf of PT Aneka Bumi Pratama workers.



1. This collective working agreement has been agreed and legalized in Palembang Labor department office, binding two parties who signed this agreement. Starting from signing new agreement, Collective working agreement  period  2013 - 2014 including its collective agreements will not valid any more.

2. The content of this new collective working agreement should be informed to all workers in Crumb Rubber Company PT.ANEKA BUMI PRATAMA Palembang by worker union and/or by company.

3. Anything which has not been arranged in this collective working agreement, later will be arranged by labor laws and regulations, will be valid as it is.

So, this collective working agreement which has been made and signed by two parties who made consists of 15 (fifteen) chapter and 61 (sixty one) articles as described above, without any force from any parties.

Palembang, 16th January 2015.



( Yashuhiro Takahashi ) ( Fendi Heuw )

WORKER PARTY,Chief of Unit of United Labor union

( Harun Sohar ) (Eko Harianto )