Words for Production 1.misunderstanding [ &mIs^nd2`st8ndI9 ] n. [C] a failure to understand...


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Words for Production

1. misunderstanding [] n. [C] a failure to understand something properly 誤解,誤會There must be some misunderstanding. I ordered coffee, not tea.


misunderstand [] vt. 誤解,誤會

I think you misunderstood me. I meant that we should meet at nine in the morning, not nine in the evening.

Words for Production

2. uncombed [] adj. (of hair) not clean, tidy, straight or neatly arranged 沒有梳理的The scientist always had uncombed hair and untidy clothes, so some people thought that he was a crazy old man.


comb [] vt. 梳頭髮

If you combed your hair more often, you wouldn’t look so untidy.

Words for Production

3. cent [] n. [C] ta 100th part of a U.S. dollar or a coin of this value 一分錢In the U.S., a quarter is a coin worth 25 cents.

Words for Production

4. toilet [] n. [C] a bathroom consisting of a bowl, usually with seat and lid, used for getting rid of waste material or water from one’s body 廁所,洗手間In American English, “bathroom,” “restroom,” and “washroom” are commonly used for “toilet,” and “john” is a common informal word.

* consist of = be made up of* get rid of = become free of

Words for Production

5. tap [] vt.to touch or hit somebody or something quickly and lightly 輕拍The old lady tapped the young man on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me, I think you dropped this wallet.”動作 +人 +prep + the + 部位 .• tap the young man on the shoulder• hit him on the head

Words for Production

6. message [] n. [C] a written or spoken piece of information passed from one person to another 消息,訊息The heavy storm forced the ship to send a radio message for help.

information 為不可數名詞一則訊息 = a piece of information

Words for Production

7. pass [] vt. to hand (something); to take something in one’s hand and give it to someone 傳遞Read this article and then pass it on.

Words for Production

8. somewhere [] adv.in or to some place 在某處,到某處 I lost my watch somewhere on my way home after school.

on one’s way advto N


• on my way home• on his way to success

Words for Production

9. bomb [] n. [C]a hollow metal container filled with explosive 炸彈The passengers were alarmed when it was reported that someone had planted a bomb on their plane.

Words for Production

10.cause [] vt. to make something happen; to lead to 引起,導致Strong winds caused many trees to fall during the typhoon.


cause = lead to = result in = bring about

cause [] n. [C] 原因,起因

The man’s careless driving was the

cause of the accident.

Words for Production

11.announce [] vt. to make something known publicly; to state in a loud voice 通告,公布;宣布,發表It has been announced that a typhoon is approaching at full speed.


at … speed 以…速度行進

announcement [] n. [C][U] 發表,公布

The announcement of the singer’s wedding was placed in the newspapers.

Words for Production

12.gate [] n. [C] an exit through which passengers reach their airplane; an opening like a door which is used at the entrance to a field or a building 登機門;大門,出入口The United Airlines Flight 505 to New York is now boarding at Gate 12.

Words for Production

13.takeoff [] n. [U] the beginning of a flight, when a plane rises from the ground ( 飛機 ) 起飛Most aircraft accidents happen during either takeoff or landing.

Words for Production

14.north [] adv. toward the direction that is on the left of a person facing the rising sun 向北方,朝北地Our house faces north, so it’s always cold in winter.


northern [] adj. 北部的

Taipei is in the northern part of Taiwan.

Words for Production

15.ocean [] n. [U] the great mass of salt water that covers most of the earth 海洋In summer, my brother likes to go swimming in the ocean.

go + (運動 ) V-ing • go swimming • go bowling • go camping• go skating

Words for Production

16.attendant [] n. [C] a person who serves or looks after a place or person 服務員,侍者Many girls want to be flight attendants because the pay is good and they can travel.

look after = take care of = care for = attend to

Words for Production

17.gasp [] vi.to take a short quick breath, especially because of surprise, shock, etc. ( 因驚訝等而 ) 倒抽一口氣I gasped in surprise when I heard the news that I won the first prize.

Words for Production

18.continent [] n. [C] any of the seven main large masses of land on the earth ( 地球上七大洲中之任何一 ) 洲,大陸Asia is the largest of the earth’s seven continents.


continental [] adj. 大陸 ( 性 ) 的

Moscow has a continental climate. In other words, it is hot in the summer and cold in the winter.* continental climate 大陸性氣候* In other words 換句話說

Words for Production

19.confusing [] adj.difficult for people to know exactly what is happening or what to do 令人困惑的He didn’t know how to use the machine because the instructions were confusing.


confuse [] vt. 混淆;使…迷惑不解,使不知所措

Don’t give me so much information — you are confusing me.

confusion [] n. [U] 困惑

His sudden change of mind threw us into confusion.

Words for Production

20.plate [] n. [C]a flat, usually round dish with slightly raised edge from which food is eaten or served 盤子,碟子The little boy embarrassed his parents in the restaurant by hitting his plate with his fork and spoon.

Words for Production

21.airline [] n. [C]a business that runs a regular service for carrying passengers or goods by air 航空公司Their good service and safety record means they are a good airline.

Words for Recognition

1. Baltimore [] n. the name of a city in the US 巴爾的摩 ( 位於美國東岸 )

Words for Recognition

2. Maryland [] n. the name of a state in the US 馬里蘭州 ( 位於美國東岸 )

Words for Recognition

3. bum [] n. [C] a person who has no home or job and who gets money by doing occasional work or by begging 流浪漢

Words for Recognition

4. similar-sounding [] adj.sounding alike 聽起來相似的

Words for Recognition

5. Los Angeles [] n.the name of a city in the US 洛杉磯 ( 位於美國西岸,簡稱 LA)

Words for Recognition

6. Oakland [] n. the name of a city in the US 奧克蘭

Words for Recognition

7. California [] n. the name of a state in the US 加利福尼亞州 ( 位於美國西岸,簡稱加州 )

Words for Recognition

8. Auckland [] n.the name of a city in New Zealand 奧克蘭 ( 位於紐西蘭北島 )

Words for Recognition

9. New Zealand [] n. the name of a country 紐西蘭

Words for Recognition

10.Korean [] adj. belonging or relating to North or South Korea, or to their people, language, or culture 韓國 ( 人 ) 的

Idioms and Phrases

1. head forto move toward; to go to 往…去,前往 After he finished his breakfast, Jack headed straight for school.

Idioms and Phrases

2. by the timeat the particular time when something happens 在…的時候I shall have a house of my own by the time I’m fifty.

Idioms and Phrases

3. pull overto direct or move (one’s vehicle) over to one side of the road 把 ( 車 ) 開到路邊 That driver cried out rudely, “Pull over and let me pass!”

Idioms and Phrases

4. with the help of...with the aid of... 有了…的幫助With the help of a dictionary, you can understand what a word means.

with the help of = with the aid of

Idioms and Phrases

5. result into cause 使發生,導致The heavy rain resulted in serious flooding, forcing many people to leave their houses for safety.

Idioms and Phrases

6. in the worldon earth (in a question expressing surprise) ( 強調疑問詞 ) 究竟How in the world did you get a ticket for the concert? All the tickets were sold out a long time ago.

* in the world = on earth* sell out 售完

Idioms and Phrases

7. instead ofin place of 取代,代替After graduating from high school, John worked as a salesman instead of going to college.

graduate from 畢業於

Idioms and Phrases

8. feel liketo have a wish for; to want 想要…After studying for several hours, I felt like taking a break.

Idioms and Phrases

9. turn outto become 結果是,證明是Sometimes things don’t turn out the way we think they’re going to.

turn out = become
