Working in Today’s Marketplace



How has the workday changed … no longer working 9 am - 5 pm at an office 40 km from home. “shift work” “freelance” “project based” “self-employed” “part-time” “seasonal” “home-based” “contract out” Why has this shift happened?? Who is driving these changes?

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Working in Todays Marketplace
In-school Day #4 New ways to work Working in Todays Marketplace How has the workday changed no longer working9 am - 5 pm at an office 40 km from home.
shift work freelance project based self-employed part-time seasonal home-based contract out Why has this shift happened?? Who is driving these changes? Old Days the way it was Hours 9 am 5 pm 8 am to 4 pm
Monday to Friday every week Today Irregular hours, after hours Split shifts Weekend shifts
ie. retail work ie. seasonal work ie. ???? Old Days Work at the office work in the same location
Commuting taking the bus or car or train Today Options to work from home (home-based)
Save on transportation needs Work in your PJs Stay-at-Home Parent + Career Person Old Days Office location cubicle
Typing on a typewriter need corrector tape for errors Today Home office Computers on-line Conference with overseas partners Old Days Telephone calls carrier pigeon (or crow GoT)
Meetings/Presentations on-site face to face Today Email/smart phones/social media Conference calls Skype
mobile world Why this Change?? Why this Shift??
COST-EFFECTIVE save on rental space, utilities, office equipment & supplies slashed pensions, no benefits bottom line is still #1 remember COMPETE in GLOBAL MARKETPLACE other countries have lower labour costs we need to keep up and remain competitive Why?? BENEFICIAL and PRACTICAL for the Employee
Work from home compared to long commutes Saves money and time Can work part-time from home Benefits to family life Make more money Savings of decreased car maintenance What is driving this?? TECHNOLOGY THE GLOBAL VILLAGE
