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Investigating the Necessity of Demand Characterization and Stimulation for Geospatial Electrification Planning in Developing Countries

Stephen J. Lee, Eduardo SÁnchez, AndrÉs GonzÁlez-GarcÍa, Pedro Ciller, Pablo Duenas, Jay Taneja, Fernando de Cuadra GarcÍa, Julio Lumbreras, Hannah Daly, Robert Stoner, Ignacio J. PÉrez-Arriaga


October 2019 CEEPR WP 2019-018

Working Paper Series

Investigating the Necessity of Demand Characterization and Stimulation forGeospatial Electrification Planning in Developing Countries

Stephen J. Lee1, Eduardo Sanchez2, Andres Gonzalez-Garcıa1,3, Pedro Ciller3, Pablo Duenas1, Jay Taneja4,Fernando de Cuadra Garcıa3, Julio Lumbreras2,5, Hannah Daly6,7, Robert Stoner1, Ignacio J. Perez-Arriaga1,3

1MIT Energy Initiative, Massachusetts Institute of Technology2Departamento de Ingenierıa Quımica Industrial y del Medio Ambiente, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

3Instituto de Investigacion Tecnologica, Universidad Pontificia Comillas4Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

5Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University6MaREI Centre, Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork

7School of Engineering, University College Cork


Despite substantial progress in recent years, the global community is projected to fall short in its goal to achieveuniversal electricity access by 2030. State-of-the-art electrification planning models enable planners to outline path-ways towards improving the economic feasibility of extending access. The studies presented in this paper employ theReference Electrification Model (REM) to investigate the value of accurately modeling detailed demand characteris-tics for electrification planning endeavors. Additionally, the benefits of demand stimulation are explored. REM usesinformation about consumer demand, existing grid topology, network and generation components, and other featuresto produce detailed engineering designs of recommended systems for every consumer in an area of interest. Thesedesigns may comprise different supply technologies including grid extension, mini-grid, and stand-alone systems.In our case study, the model determines the cost-optimal technology mix to provide full electrification for a 10,914km2 area of Uganda with 366,946 individual consumers. These consumers are categorized into 20 consumer types.The studies presented are unique from those previously reported due to the high (consumer-level) spatial granularity,technical detail in system designs, and large areal extent of analysis. A number of contributions are made. First,the criticality of adequately estimating demand and its evolution is demonstrated for large-scale planning; notablecost and supply technology sensitivities are observed as a function of anticipated demand levels. Second, the impor-tance of representing demand heterogeneity is elucidated via modeling a diversity of consumer types. In the “centraldemand case” presented, modeling demand heterogeneity results in least-cost plans that are 9% less costly than mod-eling assuming one single customer type. Modeling heterogeneity also decreases prescribed grid extension sharesfrom 89% to 77%, increasing the prevalence of mini-grid and stand-alone systems. Lastly, the potential economicbenefits of demand stimulation are characterized. We show how stimulating demand can lead to positive feedbackloops: increasing electricity demand can lower electricity unit-costs through the realization of economies of scaleand improved network utilization, which can improve the viability of additional electric loads, continuing the cycle.Specific studies comparing the economics of clean cooking via electric and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cookstovesshow how these feedback loops can jointly benefit progress towards universal access to clean cooking and electricity.The demand assumptions modeled show that coordinated planning can reduce electricity costs by 34% and increaseelectric cookstove viabilities from 42% to 82%.

Keywords:demand characterization, demand stimulation, demand forecasting, productive use of energy, energy for growth,electrification planning, clean cooking, electric cooking, universal energy access, reference electrification model

IThis paper documents spotlights presented in IEA’s World EnergyOutlook 2018 [1]. Descriptions have also appeared in [2, 3].

Email address: (Stephen J. Lee)

1. Introduction

The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently esti-mated that roughly 860 million people live without elec-

A MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research Working Paper September 6, 2019

tricity today [4]. While this figure represents notewor-thy progress from the 2016 figure of roughly 1 billionwithout access, there is still significant room for im-provement. The IEA projects that, unless progress isaccelerated, 650 million will still be left without accessto electricity in 2030 [4]. While complex sociotechni-cal factors can hinder progress towards universal elec-tricity access [5, 6], economic constraints predominatefor the majority of cases. In 2018, the IEA estimatedthat achieving universal energy access by 2030 wouldrequire roughly $55 billion of investment per year, withthe majority being apportioned for electricity access [1].These expenditures are almost double the amount of in-vestment expected [1].

“Geospatial electrification plans”1 aim to prescribecost-optimal and practicable mixes of grid extension,mini-grid, and stand-alone system solutions to powerareas without electricity services. They can additionallyguide the rollout of infrastructure over time, improvecoordination among stakeholders, and provide trans-parency to investors [1, 7]. Because of the financial con-straints mentioned previously, geospatial electrificationplans are essential instruments for achieving universalelectricity access in a timely manner.

The use of electrification planning models to assistin the production of geospatial electrification plans haspopularized in recent years. These computer-basedmodels employ optimization algorithms that automateparts of the engineering design process. They haveshown to be particularly effective in supporting elec-trification planning because of the significant technicalcomplexity associated with designing systems that canemploy a diversity of supply technologies in differentplaces with unique demand, geography, and resourcecharacteristics. Traditional and manual approaches toengineering design generally do not scale as well ascomputer-based methods. While numerous electrifica-tion planning models are available [10, 11, 12], many of

1The specific vocabulary describing a “geospatial electrificationplan” is not well-defined in the planning literature. The types of in-dividual consumer-level and large-area electrification plans modeledin this study are sometimes referred to as “comprehensive geospatialplans,” and also “nationwide geospatial coverage least-cost plan[s] forimplementation” and “national electrification rollout plan[s]” whenextended to the country-scale [7]. They are sometimes equated to“electrification master plans,” which may also go by variants includ-ing “rural electrification master plan,” “national electrification masterplan,” “low cost rural electrification master plan,” “rural electrificationstrategy and plan,” and “national electrification plan” [8, 9]. Never-theless, some sources differentiate between the two groups due to thelevel of granularity employed. “Electrification master plans” may notnecessarily encompass detailed system designs in the way “compre-hensive geospatial plans” do [7].

them have different characteristics and occupy uniqueniches, as elucidated by Ciller et al. [12].

Users of some of the more detailed electrificationplanning models are benefiting from improving dataavailabilities, remote sensing capabilities, and machinelearning-powered inference to produce high-resolutioncountry-scale plans. While these methods were pre-viously limited to areas with detailed geospatial datacollected via extensive surveys, they are now able toextend to larger areas as massive data sets of build-ing locations, electrification status, productive uses, ex-isting grid topology, and inferred demand are becom-ing available [13, 14, 15, 16]. Previously, only morecoarse (region-level) electrification planning modelingwas feasible for planning over large spatial extents dueto input data limitations.

The goal of this paper is to explore the value of de-mand characterization and stimulation for electrifica-tion planning. Numerous accounts in the literature de-scribe how characterizing demand is critical to electrifi-cation planning [17, 18, 19, 20, 21]; however, to our bestknowledge, these accounts miss key insights that canonly be appreciated when modeling at very high levelsof granularity and large spatial extents.

The studies presented in this paper employ the Ref-erence Electrification Model (REM) [12, 22] to ana-lyze sensitivities for a 10,914 km2 area of Uganda with366,946 individual consumers, representing 20 con-sumer types. REM uses information about areas withpoor electricity access to determine cost-optimal elec-trification modes (e.g., grid-connected, mini-grid, orstand-alone system) for each consumer, estimate costsof electrification, and produce detailed engineering de-signs of recommended systems. The model takes ac-count of highly granular economic and technical detail:it considers multiple customer types with different de-mand profiles, individual lines, transformers, and gen-eration assets, medium and low voltage network codes,voltage drops, solar resource availability, and even to-pographical and streetmap-level information if desirable[12, 22].

The studies presented are unique from those previ-ously reported due to the high (individual consumer-level) spatial granularity, engineering design detail, andlarge areal extent of analysis. A number of contributionsare made:

1. The criticality of adequately estimating demandand its evolution is demonstrated for large-scaleplanning; significant cost and supply technologysensitivities are observed as a function of antici-pated demand levels. Efforts to improve methods


for demand forecasting are essential to prospectsfor right-sizing system designs. Over the domainof aggregate demand values modeled, the averagecost of service provision range from $0.13/kWh to$0.37/kWh: a nearly three-fold difference.

2. The importance of consumer-level modeling andrepresenting a diversity of consumer types is eluci-dated; using homogeneous consumer type assump-tions can significantly distort costs and prescribeddesigns over heterogeneous representations. Im-proved characterizations of consumer types areshown to decrease costs and yield plans that moreefficiently serve populations of interest. For the“central demand case” modeled, modeling demandheterogeneity results in least-cost plans that are9% less costly than modeling assuming homoge-neous demand. When comparing supply technol-ogy shares for cost-optimal designs, modeling het-erogeneous demand decreases prescribed grid ex-tension shares from 89% to 77%.

3. The potential economic benefits of demand stim-ulation are demonstrated. Mechanisms are eluci-dated showing how stimulating demand can leadto positive feedback loops: increasing demandcan lower electricity unit-costs through realizedeconomies of scale and improved network utiliza-tion, improve the viability of additional electricloads, and further increase demand, continuing thecycle. Specific studies comparing the economicsof clean cooking via electric and LPG cookstovesdemonstrate how these feedback loops can jointlybenefit progress towards universal access to cleancooking and electricity through coordinated plan-ning. The demand assumptions modeled show thatcoordinated planning can reduce electricity costsby 34% and increase electric cookstove viabilitiesfrom 42% to 82%.

2. Case Study: the South Service Territory inUganda

According to the World Bank, Uganda had a 22%electrification rate in 2017 [23]. As a result, universalelectricity access in Uganda is seen as a major nationalpriority. The country split into 13 electric service ter-ritories. The study region modeled in REM comprisesthe majority of current and potential consumers acrossone of them: the South Service Territory (SST). TheSST covers the districts of Masaka, Rakai, Isingiro, andNtungamo, with electrification rates of 37%, 15%, 11%,and 12%, respectively, according to the Uganda 2014

Census [24]. The case study that the following analy-ses are based on was originally produced and compiledby the MIT-Comillas Universal Energy Access Lab inpartnership with German Corporation for InternationalCooperation GmbH (GIZ) in support of master electrifi-cation planning and mini-grid project evaluation acrossthe territory.

3. Methods

The studies that will be presented employ REM andmake a number of general assumptions when analyz-ing cost-optimal plans for the SST. Detailed accounts ofthe methods employed in REM are provided by Cilleret al. and the MIT-Comillas Universal Energy AccessLab in [12] and [22], respectively. Although REM hasthe ability to account for topography when designingelectrification plans, it is omitted in these analyses be-cause this region is mostly flat, it does not affect theconclusions of this study, and disabling this feature im-proves computation times. Lastly, diesel generation isnot employed as an option in these studies; mini-gridsand stand-alone systems are powered exclusively usingsolar generation and battery storage options. This mod-eling decision conforms to specifications of the originalSST study in REM and relates to area-specific ambitionsfor low-carbon electrification.

The buildings across the SST were identified usingsatellite imagery from the Google Maps API and a con-volutional neural network for semantic segmentation

Figure 1: Buildings identified in the Uganda South Ser-vice Territory (SST). An image showing a basemap withthe SST border (white outline), building locations from deeplearning-based building extraction (yellow points), a sub-areawith manual corrections (orange outline), and building loca-tions from German Corporation for International CooperationGmbH (GIZ)-led manual building identification efforts (bluepoints). Note that building points are fully missing in regionswhere high quality satellite imagery was not available (greenoutlines).


with human-based manual corrections. 366,946 indi-vidual consumers were identified, as shown in Fig. 1.Some consumers were not accounted for due to incom-plete satellite image coverage for the service territory.The supplement for this working paper enumerates theassumptions that were used in the base model, includ-ing the network and generation component catalogs thatwere employed in REM, financial modeling assump-tions, and other key parameters.2

While some parts of the SST are already electrified,it is assumed that all buildings are non-electrified in thefollowing experiments in order to observe the full ef-fects of the demand assumptions made on cost-optimalplans. Georeferenced data representing the existingmedium-voltage (MV) grid was shared by partners atthe Rural Electrification Agency of Uganda (REA).

Solar irradiance data is estimated using the NationalRenewable Energy Laboratory’s PVWatts tool [26, 27]in order to describe the generation potential of solar re-sources in the territory. Because PVWatts data was notavailable in the SST, historical PV performance data isused for Mombasa, Kenya, which is assumed to haveadequately similar solar irradiance characteristics formodeling purposes.

4. Why estimating demand and its evolution de-serves more attention

Demand forecasting is the process of projecting howa population’s explicit and latent demand will evolveinto the future. Calculating demand functions is a non-trivial task and forecasting their evolution can be evenmore difficult. A recent review paper by Riva et al. cat-egorizes 85 studies that pertain to long-term electricityand thermal energy planning [28]. The authors classifydemand forecasting methods for developing countriesas belonging to one of five categories: fixed demand,arbitrary trends, extrapolation, input/output, and systemdynamics [28]. Each has drawbacks for use in supportof high-resolution and large scale electrification plan-ning. Additionally, since data constraints are ubiquitousfor electricity demand forecasting in developing coun-tries, it is often common to rely on non-local data toconstruct plausible demand scenarios. In this section,we argue that this problem deserves more considerationby showing how forecasting demand may be critical toefforts for right-sizing infrastructure development pro-grams. Section 5 investigates a related but different di-

2This work was published in [25]; however, document is not pub-licly available as of the time of writing

mension of the problem: the importance of modelingdemand heterogeneity.

The demand scenarios employed in this section andSection 5 should be contrasted up-front. For this pur-poses of paper, we define demand heterogeneity as vari-ability in the demand profiles modeled for the con-sumers of interest. In contrast, demand homogeneityassumes that there is only one consumer type: all con-sumers are assumed to have the same demand profile.In this section, we assume heterogeneous demand typesfor all the cases modeled. In Section 5, these cases arecontrasted with those assuming homogeneous demand.

4.1. Modeling Assumptions

While electricity demand for any one consumer istheoretically a function of price, reliability, individualpreferences, available productive uses of energy, histor-ical consumption, precise time and day of the year, andother factors, we make a number of simplifications inorder to make electrification modeling straightforwardand tractable. For every consumer and for every hour ofa full year, two types of demand are modeled in REM:critical and regular demand. Each type of demand isassumed to have a different cost of non-served energy(CNSE), with the CNSE of critical demand set to a per-kWh value higher than that of regular demand. REMthen takes account of the specified demand profiles andCNSE values in order to prescribe designs for supply in-frastructure that minimize the sum of these social costswith the explicit costs of service provision.


Number ofconsumersmodeled inregion

Demandmultiplierfor low case

Demandmultiplierfor central case

Demandmultiplierfor high case

Cell office 271 8.98 32.08 79.55Coffee washing station 29 6.74 24.06 59.66Health center 91 8.08 28.87 71.60Health post 11 4.49 16.04 39.78Large market 10 58.38 208.50 517.08Small market 65 35.93 128.31 318.20Irrigation pumping 5 13,472.53 48,115.44 119,325.86Milk collection center 10 6.29 22.45 55.69Mining 16 112.27 400.96 994.38Preprimary school 96 1.80 6.42 15.91Primary school 259 1.80 6.42 15.91Secondary school 213 5.84 20.85 51.71Sector Office 67 6.29 22.45 55.69Tea Factory 2 17,065.21 60,946.23 151,146.10Technical Schools 7 116.76 417.00 1,034.16Telecom Tower Type 1 45 1,257.44 4,490.77 11,137.08Telecom Tower Type 2 47 1,257.44 4,490.77 11,137.08Universities and Institutes 18 583.81 2,085.00 5,170.79Water pumping stations 16 179.63 641.54 1,591.01Residential 365,668 0.28 1.00 2.48

Table 1: Heterogeneous consumer type information. For eachof the 20 consumer types modeled, this table shows the num-ber of consumers modeled in the SST and corresponding de-mand multipliers over the basic demand profile shown in Fig.2 for the low, central, and high demand cases.













1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23






Regular demand

Critical demand

Figure 2: The base demand profile. The base demand profileshown corresponds to a residential consumer in the hetero-geneous central demand case. Note that critical and regulardemand is differentiated.

There are two steps required to define demand pro-files for the consumers considered in REM. The first isto specify a basic hourly demand profile or pattern span-ning a full year, and the second is to optionally specify anonnegative scalar multiplier to be applied to this basicprofile to proportionally increase or decrease demandvalues at every hour of the year.

In the experiments described in this section, one basedemand profile was specified for all of the consumersmodeled, shown in Fig. 2. This base pattern was com-puted by taking time series data of hourly aggregateconsumption for the agricultural village of Karambi inRwanda and scaled to match the total energy demandedannually by a typical residential consumer in the “cen-tral case with heterogeneous demand,” which will be de-scribed shortly. Because Karambi has residential loads,a school, health center, bank, government buildings andshops, using its demand profile may be considered areasonable composite for the types of profiles found inother rural parts of East Africa. Additional informationabout the base demand profile can be found in [29, 30].Because appropriate data on the effects of seasonality onbasic demand profiles was not available, the basic pro-file described was used for every day of the year mod-eled in REM.

Critical and non-critical shares for this base demandprofile were differentiated by applying expert-validatedlogic for determining which hours are critical and notcritical for individual consumer types. For instance, ev-ery hour of health center demand is considered critical;residential demand is only considered to be critical inthe evening hours; and school, government building,and shop-related demand is considered critical duringthe day. Differentiated critical and non-critical demandvalues are summed across all consumer types. For eachhour, critical shares are computed as the fraction of ag-

gregated critical demand in Karambi over the village’stotal demand.

Demand heterogeneity is modeled using 20 multipli-ers, one for each consumer type analyzed, as reflectedin Table 1. The same base demand profile is appliedto each consumer type before accounting for the mul-tiplier. Though it is certain that the various consumertypes modeled have different relative demand patternsfrom the base profile chosen, constraints on data avail-ability and the fact that the base pattern reflects a com-posite of residential and non-residential East Africanconsumers justified the modeling decision. The multi-pliers and the number of consumers for the consumertypes shown are derived from a data set shared byRwanda Energy Group Limited (REG) Energy Devel-opment Corporation Limited (EDCL) across the coun-try of Rwanda [31]. The data set provides frequenciesof these various consumer types and peak demand val-ues for each type. Relative multipliers for the differ-ent consumer types in the SST case study are computedin accordance with relative levels of peak demand fromthe Rwanda data set. The implicit assumption that allconsumer types have the same load factor may be rea-sonable since likely load factor variations would onlycause minor distortions. Additionally, while data sets onRwandan consumers are certainly different from thosethat would be most appropriate to our Uganda SST casestudy, they are assumed to be acceptable proxies in theabsence of better information. Each of the 20 con-sumer types are spatially distributed across the Ugan-dan SST in a random manner following a multinoullidistribution. The parameters of the distribution specify-ing the probabilities of each of the 20 possible consumertypes were simply set to the empirical share of the con-sumer types from the Rwanda data set. In essence, themultinoulli distribution reflects a 20-sided die, each sideof which is weighted and represents a single consumertype; this die is rolled once for each consumer, dictatingits type. Although the Uganda SST and Rwanda havedifferent characteristics in reality, it is assumed that theirrespective distributions of consumer sizes and frequen-cies of occurrence are similar enough to provide theseexperiments with an adequate level of realism.

4.2. AnalysisDemand growth in the real world is a phenomenon

with intrinsic uncertainty. Forecasting demand for anypopulation at any future date with very high accuracyis typically infeasible, though on-going research in theplanning community is aimed at making improvementsto current forecasting methods. Because of this uncer-tainty, we try to appreciate the value of demand fore-


casting improvements by modeling three cases that aredesigned to target aggregate demand levels within a rea-sonable range of what a planner may consider. We showsensitivities to aggregate demand in cost-optimal plan-ning under heterogeneous demand assumptions by mod-eling a “low case,” “central case,” and “high case” withannual aggregate demand levels of 103 GWh, 369 GWh,and 915 GWh respectively. Demand multipliers for var-ious consumer types across these cases are summarizedin Table 1; it can be noted that multipliers across cus-

(a) Low case with heterogeneous demand

(b) Central case with heterogeneous demand

200 km

MV Microgrid LV Microgrid

MV Existing Stand-Alone

MV Extension LV Extension

0 50 100 150

(c) High case with heterogeneous demand

Figure 3: Prescribed system designs featuring grid extension,mini-grid, and stand-alone systems. These cases use the het-erogeneous consumer type assumptions reflected in Table 1.Key metrics for these different runs are provided in Fig 5

tomer types are higher for demand cases with higheraggregate demand.

Demand multipliers for residential and commercial& industrial (C&I) consumer types were computed dif-ferently from one another. Residential demand valueswere scaled in accordance with empirical consumptiondata for newly electrified consumers in Kenya. Monthlydemand for a residential consumer under the “low case,”“central case,” and “high case” are 7.1, 25.3, and 62.8kWh, respectively. These values roughly match medianconsumption values observed by grid-connected con-sumers in Kenya at 0.25, 1, and 10 year time spans frominitial connections as presented by Fobi et al. [32]. As-suming demand growth in Uganda may progress sim-ilarly to how consumption growth has proceeded inKenya, the 0.25 to 10 year time horizons chosen maybe considered to be reasonable bounds on the domain ofresidential demand values modeled.

Demand multipliers for C&I consumer types are cal-culated differently than those for residential consumersin these three cases. A linear relationship between resi-dential and C&I consumption per capita for all of Kenyawas discerned using country-level data from the IEA’sWorld Energy Statistics database [33] and the WorldBank’s World Development Indicators data set [23] be-tween 1971-2012 as shown in Fig. 4. Per capita valuesare used instead of aggregate ones to mitigate the effects

y = 2.3623x + 46.979 R² = 0.8631











0 10 20 30 40 50


I co




n p

er c


a (k



Residential consumption per capita (kWh)

Figure 4: Historical relationship between residential andcommercial and industrial (C&I) consumption in Kenya. Ag-gregate country-level statistics from the IEA’s World EnergyStatistics database [33] and population data from the WorldBank’s World Development Indicators data set [23] are usedto understand the relationship between residential and com-mercial consumption in Kenya. Each point on the scatterplotrepresents residential and C&I consumption per capita for asingle year between 1971-2012. This relationship is used as aproxy for how C&I demand could reasonably develop in theUganda SST for the three demand cases defined.


of potential nonstationarities from population growth.Given aggregate levels of residential demand for thethree cases as defined in the preceding paragraph, ag-gregate C&I demand figures are determined followingthis learned function. It is assumed that the historicalrelationship between residential and C&I consumptionin Kenya can serve as an adequate proxy for that be-tween residential and C&I demand in the Uganda SST.

4.3. Results and DiscussionIndependent consumer-level electrification plans

were designed using REM for the low, central, and highcases described. Geospatial maps of the different runsare shown in Fig. 3 showing qualitative changes to theprescribed designs as demand increases. Fig. 5 commu-nicates key metrics from these plans more concretely.For this section, we will only discuss general trends forthe heterogeneous cases (the red curves in the figures).Fig. 5a depicts how total system and administrativecosts increase with increasing total system demand andfollow a nearly linear relationship. While this shouldbe expected, understanding the general shape of thisrelationship is critical to right-sizing planning. Under-estimating demand leads to more non-served energy andlower reliability levels, undermining potentials for eco-nomic growth. Over-estimating demand can lead to un-necessary expenditures and underutilized infrastructure.Fig 5b reinforces this finding, as it shows how the ra-tio of grid-extensions to mini-grids and stand-alone sys-tems can change by tens of percentage points over themodeled range of demand cases. Large demand fore-casting errors can change the supply technology path-ways planned for large shares of a population. Althoughplanners may have the ability to make adjustments, suchforecasting errors are likely to precipitate the need forcostly reactive measures.

Fig 5c reflects the economies of scale that impact per-kWh system costs. The explicit costs of service provi-sion decrease significantly as demand grows: the aver-age cost in the central case is half that in the low de-mand case at $0.18/kWh and $0.37/kWh, respectively.These effects weaken, however, as demand continues toincrease. The average cost of the high demand caseonly falls to $0.13/kWh. These trends reveal part ofhow beneficial it can be to stimulate demand for elec-tricity, especially if demand is initially very small. In-creasing demand can improve the affordability of elec-tricity services for the system as a whole. Section 6investigates the benefits of stimulating demand further.Furthermore, lower per-unit electricity costs can helpaccelerate development. Adequately characterizing theeconomies of scale associated with increasing demand









- 500 1,000


l Sys








e C





Total System Demand (GWh/year)















- 500 1,000


d E



n S



Total System Demand (GWh/year)















- 500 1,000




st (




Total System Demand (GWh/year)




Figure 5: Cost and grid share sensitivities for various demandcases across heterogeneous and homogeneous consumer typeassumptions. The analyses presented in Section 4 only discussthe general trends shown in the heterogeneous cases. Section5 contrasts both heterogeneous and homogeneous cases. (a)As demand increases, total system and administrative costsincrease nearly linearly. (b) As demand increases, the share ofconsumers prescribed grid extension-based supply increasesas well. Homogeneous demand assumptions bias plans to-wards higher costs and high grid extension shares. (c) Finally,average costs per kWh of electricity served show significanteconomies of scale.


can be instrumental to endeavors around planning forinfrastructure and development.

5. Why consumer-level modeling and characterizingdemand heterogeneity is needed

Many of the published approaches to large-area elec-trification planning aggregate consumers spatially whenperforming analyses at the region-level. As a result,they ignore consumer-level characteristics. While ag-gregate analyses can provide value and have numer-ous advantages in terms of improved input data avail-ability, the simplifications they make inhibit their util-ity for detailed system design. Furthermore, evenwhen consumer-level electrification planning modelsare used, they are sometimes employed to assume thatall consumers are of the same “type,” with one singledemand profile and level of annual demand3. Whenthese assumptions are made, it is likely because moregranular demand data is unavailable at high spatial res-olutions. A review of planning models and the methodsthey employ is provided in [12].

5.1. AnalysisThe importance of characterizing demand hetero-

geneity is demonstrated by contrasting the differencein key metrics of cost-optimal plans for the UgandaSST designed when modeling with homogeneous andheterogeneous demand assumptions. The same low,central, and high demand cases are used as those de-scribed in Section 4.2, demonstrating the sensitivitiesof cost-optimal designs to total system demand. Thethree cases previously discussed employ multipliers for20 consumer types as described in Table. 1. Thesecases will now be designated the “low case with het-erogeneous demand,” “central case with heterogeneousdemand,” and “high case with heterogeneous demand.”These cases are contrasted with three new homogeneousdemand cases, each of which are constrained to havethe same total system demand as one of the previousthree, but only have one composite consumer type mod-eled. We refer to these cases as the “low case with ho-mogeneous demand,” “central case with homogeneousdemand,” and “high case with homogeneous demand,”and their demand profile multipliers are provided in Ta-ble 2. As with the heterogeneous cases, the homoge-neous cases reflect annual aggregate demand levels of103 GWh, 369 GWh, and 915 GWh respectively.

3To the authors’ best knowledge, REM is the only consumer-levelelectrification planning model that can be employed at large scales[12, 22]


Number ofconsumersmodeled inregion

Demandmultiplierfor low case

Demandmultiplierfor central case

Demandmultiplierfor high case

Aggregated 366,946 0.94 3.35 8.31

Table 2: Homogeneous consumer type information. In thehomogeneous case, only one aggregated consumer type ismodeled per case. Demand multipliers are based on the ba-sic demand profile shown in Fig. 2.

5.2. Results and Discussion

As in Section 4, the key metrics evaluated for thecase studies presented include total system and admin-istrative cost, grid extension share, and average cost perkWh of demand, as shown in Figs. 5a, 5b, and 5c, re-spectively. In this section, the comparison of interestpertains to the blue and red trend lines, contrasting ho-mogeneous and heterogeneous demand assumptions. Itshould be noted that while the general trends for eachseries are similar, systematic shifts in these key metricsare observed. When comparing the total and averagecosts, as in Fig. 5a and Fig. 5c, modeling more gran-ular types of demand decreases costs relative to casesunder the homogeneous demand assumption. For thecentral demand cases in particular, modeling demandheterogeneity results in least-cost plans that are 9% lesscostly than modeling assuming homogeneous demand.When comparing the supply technology shares of thesecost-optimal designs for the central case as in Fig. 5b,heterogeneous demand types decrease prescribed gridextension shares from 89% to 77%.

Our analyses demonstrate that failing to account fordemand heterogeneity at the consumer-level for large-scale and cost-optimal plans can potentially distortplans in significant ways. The homogeneous demandassumption biases designs towards higher grid sharesand costs. This results in large part from the fact thatsuch an assumption effectively blends C&I and resi-dential consumers into a single composite consumertype. While this assumption keeps demand distributedin ways consistent with average demand across the ho-mogeneous and heterogeneous demand cases and inboth urban and rural areas, the assumption contrasts sig-nificantly with the power law-distributed demand types(reflecting few consumers with very high demand, manyconsumers with low demand, and some in between) rep-resented by the heterogeneous cases, as reflected in Ta-ble 1.

To understand the distortive effects of modeling ho-mogeneous demand, consider a hypothetical examplewith a number of non-electrified rural villages. Eachof these villages has equal land areas, consumer densi-


ties, and distances to the existing grid. In the heteroge-neous case, most of these hypothetical villages will onlyhave consumers with very low latent demand: the con-sumers may be mostly residential with perhaps a schooland a health center. The small remainder of these vil-lages may have very high demand, with the vast ma-jority coming from one or a few massive-demand con-sumers: a tea factory, telecom tower, or farm employ-ing large-scale irrigation. The many low-demand vil-lages are much more likely to be cost-optimally sup-plied with mini-grids and stand-alone systems whilethe few high demand villages are much more likely tobe supplied by extensions to the main grid. Becausethere are many fewer high-demand villages than low-demand villages, the overall grid-extension share willbe low. Now, consider the homogeneous demand casewhere we assume that all consumers in each of thesevillages have the same medium-level of demand. Sincewe are now effectively distributing demand from the fewmassively-demanding tea factories, telecom towers, andcommercial farms across all villages in our example, de-mand will rise significantly for villages that were low-demanding in the heterogeneous case. Such a large in-crease can change the cost-optimal mode of supply frommini-grid and standalone-systems to grid-extensions,necessitating higher infrastructure costs. As a result, theshare of grid-extensions and total and average costs incost-optimal planning can be inferred to rise. The phe-nomena described by this thought-experiment is directlyobserved when analyzing results for the consumer-leveldesigns produced by REM. While other complexitiesmay also affect the designs ultimately produced, theunderlying observation is that cost-optimal plans candemonstrate significant sensitivities to spatial character-izations of demand heterogeneity.

6. How coordinated clean cooking and electrifica-tion planning can yield significant co-benefits andwhy demand stimulation pays dividends

In this section, demand stimulation using electriccookstoves is explored to investigate techno-economicpathways towards the joint achievement of universalelectricity access and universal access to clean cookingsolutions. Although the topic of clean cooking is com-plex and involves cultural and behavioral challenges(e.g., it may be difficult to prepare some traditionalfoods with electric cookstoves, etc.) [34, 35], techno-economic dimensions to the problem are still importantto explore. This is especially true considering that thereare 2.7 billion people without access to clean cooking










1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23






Regular demand

Critical demand, baseline

Critical demand,cookstoves

Figure 6: The demand profile for residential consumerswith electric cooking. This alternative demand profilecorresponds to a residential consumer that has adoptedelectric cooking. Critical demand increases signifi-cantly for three hours out of the day

solutions. Furthermore, under current and planned poli-cies, the number of people without access is expectedto be 2.2 billion in 2030, with significant impacts onhealth, environment, and gender equality [4]. There ismuch to be said about the potential for electric stovesto displace solid fuels and compete with LPG-poweredoptions. In 2018, the IEA reported that around 1.7billion of those without access to clean cooking havesome sort of electricity connection [1]. Urban marketsin some countries, including India, already have a ma-ture market for electric induction stoves. Furthermore,electric-powered appliances including pressure cookers,rice cookers, and insulated pots may be preferable formore specialized cooking-related loads [1, 36].

The studies presented in this section aim to isolatejust the techno-economic dimensions of choosing be-tween alternatives for clean cooking fuels and technolo-gies. To demonstrate the synergistic effects of cleancooking and electrification goals, the Uganda SST REMbase case is used. A new demand profile is introducedfor residential consumers who cook meals exclusivelywith electric cookstoves, and REM sensitivities are ana-lyzed showing the effects of demand from different pen-etrations of electric cookstoves on cost-optimal electri-fication designs. Analyses are subsequently presentedthat characterize the economic viability of clean cook-ing solutions assuming that each residential consumeris constrained to choose between adopting electric- orLPG-powered cookstoves.

Although the benefits of cooking with electric stovesare central to the analyses presented [37], more generaleffects are demonstrated concerning electricity demandstimulation and how notable positive feedback effectscan result from it.


6.1. Analysis

The analyses in this section build off of the “centralcase with heterogeneous demand,” initially describedin Section 4. In this case, 20 consumer types are dis-tributed throughout the Uganda SST as shown in Ta-ble 1. The key difference between runs for this sectionand the “central case with heterogeneous demand,” isthe modeling and implementation of one additional con-sumer type: residential households that have adoptedelectric cookstoves. The demand profile for this con-sumer type is shown in Fig. 6, representing the samebasic demand profile shown in Fig. 2, but with ad-ditional critical demand from electric cooking for fivehours of the day. These modeling assumptions reflect aconservative level of demand from electric cooking, asexpounded upon in the supplement.

Five additional REM cases are modeled for thesecooking analyses. The “central case with heteroge-neous demand,” reflects electrification planning assum-ing there is 0% electric cookstove penetration; addi-tional cases with 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% elec-tric cookstove penetration are modeled, assuming thatelectric cookstoves are distributed randomly across theresidential population of interest.

After modeling REM cases with a full range of elec-tric cookstove penetrations, analyses are performed toinvestigate the economic viability of electric cookstovesassuming universal access to clean cooking solutionsis achieved in addition to universal electricity access.The most salient assumption in these analyses is thatclean cooking can only be brought about using elec-tric or LPG-powered cookstoves and that LPG pricesare $2.5/kg across the study region. Since the fixedcosts of these two different cookstove options are simi-lar, only the energy costs are compared in these analy-ses. While numerous clean cooking technologies havebeen developed including solar and biogas stoves, theanalyses were constrained to LPG and electric cookingsolutions as these technologies have the greatest poten-tial to scale and serve the majority of consumers.

6.2. Results and Discussion

The results of analyzing REM cases with various lev-els of electric cookstove penetration are summarized inFig. 7. Fig. 7a shows a boxplot depicting the dis-tribution of energy costs per meal using electric cook-stoves as a function of electric cookstove penetration.The figure shows that as electric cookstove penetrationsincrease, the distributions of energy costs per meal forelectric cooking shift downward due to economies of

scale and economies stemming from increased utiliza-tion of discrete network investments. As the distri-bution shifts with each subsequent increase in electriccookstove penetration, it can be observed that greaterand greater shares of households are more economicallyserved with electric-powered cookstoves than by LPG-powered ones.

The comparisons of energy costs per meal fromelectric- and LPG-powered cookstoves enable calcula-








0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Energy Cost p

er M

eal ($/HH


Electric cookstove penetration

Energy costper meal forLPG at$2.5/kg








0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Share of HHs

 for w

hich electric





omically viable

Electric cookstove penetration

Share of HHsfor whichelectriccooking iseconomical


Electriccookstovequantity atequilibrium


Figure 7: Positive feedback from demand stimulation viaelectric cooking showing the benefits of coordinated plan-ning. (a) As electric cookstove penetrations increase, the dis-tributions of energy costs per meal for electric cooking shiftdownward due to economies of scale and economies stem-ming from increased utilization of discrete network invest-ments. The boxplots depict the minimum, first quartile, me-dian, third quartile, and maximum energy costs per meal us-ing electric cookstoves, and the dotted line reflects the en-ergy cost per meal assuming LPG is employed with a marketprice of $2.5/kg. (b) Assuming that LPG costs are a constant$2.5/kg, the share of households for which electric cooking iseconomically viable over LPG-powered cooking is calculated.As more electric cookstoves are adopted, electricity prices forcost-optimal plans fall and electric cooking becomes viablefor more households.


tion of the share of residential households for whichelectric cooking is economically viable. Energy costsper meal from electric-cooking are calculated for ev-ery consumer modeled in REM given costs for elec-tricity, the efficiency of electric cookstoves, and the en-ergy required to cook two and a half meals each day,as described in the supplement. It is reasoned that elec-tric cooking is viable if the energy costs per meal fromelectric cooking are lower than those for LPG-poweredcooking. Using these energy cost-based comparisons,the shares of residential households for which elec-tric cooking is economically viable over LPG-poweredcooking is computed as a function of electric cookstovepenetration and displayed by the blue line in Fig. 7b.An interesting comparison can be made between theblue line and the reference line in black, the latter ofwhich shows economically rational electric cookstovepenetrations. The assumption of rationality reflects thefact that electric cookstove penetrations should be equalto the share of households for which electric cooking iseconomically viable. If electric cookstove penetrationsare lower than this share, then some consumers thatare recommended LPG-powered cooking could cookmore cost-effectively with electric solutions, and costscould be decreased by increasing electric cookstovepenetrations. The reverse is also true: if electric cook-stove penetrations are higher than the share of house-holds for which electric cooking is economically viable,some consumers recommended electric cooking solu-tions would save by switching to LPG-powered solu-tions. Costs could be decreased by decreasing electriccookstove penetrations. Because of the characteristicshape of the blue curve in Fig. 7b, positive feedback ef-fects may be discerned. At 0% electric cookstove pene-tration, electric cooking is economically viable in 42%of residential households. A Pareto improvement canbe made by naively increasing electric cookstove pen-etrations to the 42% of households for which electriccooking is less expensive than LPG-powered options.When this is done, however, demand for electricity in-creases, the economies of scale in electricity provisionand economies stemming from increased utilization ofdiscrete network investments cause electricity prices tofall, and the share of households for which electriccooking is economically viable actually increases. Thiseffect reflects a positive feedback loop of increasingelectric cookstove penetrations, falling electricity costs,and greater demand for electric cookstoves. Fig. 7bshows that this positive feedback loop can continue un-til Pareto optimality with an equilibrium share of 82%electric cookstove penetrations.

The analysis presented demonstrates how there is

promise for coordinating planning endeavors arounduniversal electricity access and clean cooking goals.Without coordinated planning, it is conceivable that sys-tems for universal electricity access are planned assum-ing that no additional demand for electric cooking per-sists; a planner may assume that clean cooking mightnot be achieved in a reasonable time frame or that LPGstoves would predominate. Such independent or unco-ordinated planning around clean cooking and universalelectricity access results in cost-optimal plans reflect-ing 42% electric cookstove viability and $0.51 averageelectricity costs per household meal. On the other hand,coordinated planning accounts for positive feedback ef-fects from electric cooking-related demand stimulation,and results in plans with 82% electric cookstove via-bility and $0.33 average electricity costs per householdmeal.

While the results presented demonstrate how coor-dinated clean cooking and electrification planning canyield significant co-benefits, it more generally reflectshow demand stimulation can have profound effects onprospects for the provision of affordable electricity.

7. Conclusions

This paper uses large-scale, high-resolution electri-fication modeling to demonstrate “why estimating de-mand and its evolution deserves more attention” inSection 4, “why consumer-level modeling and charac-terizing demand heterogeneity is needed” in Section5, and “how coordinated clean cooking and electrifi-cation planning can yield significant co-benefits andwhy demand stimulation pays dividends” in Section6. Changes to aggregate demand assumptions and thecharacterization of how these demands are distributedgeospatially can have outsized effects on both the con-tents of electrification plans and projected costs forachieving universal energy access. Improving georefer-enced demand forecasts can help planners to ‘right-size’infrastructure designs and lower risks associated withunder- or overbuilding energy systems. Average per-kWh costs under the central demand case with heteroge-neous consumer types were 51% lower than those underthe corresponding low demand case. Additionally, plansconsidering demand heterogeneity resulted in 9% lowercosts than those employing a single, homogeneous con-sumer type. Section 6 goes further to show that coor-dinated clean cooking and electrification planning canyield significant co-benefits. Positive feedback loops ofincreasing electric cookstove penetrations, lower elec-tricity costs through economies of scale and economiesstemming from increased utilization of discrete network


investments, and increasing electric cooking viabilitiescan have significant effects on lowering per-unit costsand expanding access to clean cooking solutions. Thedemand assumptions modeled show that coordinatedplanning can reduce electricity costs by 34% and in-crease electric cookstove viabilities from 42% to 82%.These same effects are characteristic of demand stimu-lation more generally, and demonstrate the significantpotential benefits of electrifying other economic sec-tors including agriculture and transportation. As betterdata becomes available, more attention should be paidto improving methods for demand forecasting. Whilethe geospatial electrification modeling community hasrecently made significant advances in large-scale andhighly granular planning [12, 22], sensitivity analysesdemonstrate that much of the potential benefit from suchmethodologies can only be realized provided better ca-pabilities around characterizing demand, forecasting itsevolution, and determining ways to stimulate its growth.

8. Ongoing and Future Work

While the version of REM used in this work canbe considered state-of-the-art for large-scale and high-resolution electrification planning models, ongoing andfuture work is aimed at improving modeling method-ologies relevant for this research. The most importantmethodological improvement pertains to how REM iscurrently treating aggregated ‘cluster-level’ demand asthe sum of corresponding individual demands. This im-plies that coincident factors are not properly appliedwhen designing distribution networks. Ongoing workis directed towards better modeling the aggregation ofindividual demand profiles.

Additional improvements are planned around devel-oping metrics for the total costs of over- and underplan-ning system designs, improving representations of thespatial distributions of consumer types, and increasingthe number of basic demand profiles modeled in orderto improve the realism of modeling a variety of con-sumer types.

9. Acknowledgments

This work was made possible by the MIT Tata Centerfor Technology and Design, the German Corporation forInternational Cooperation GmbH, the Rural Electrifica-tion Agency of Uganda, the Uganda Ministry of Energyand Mineral Development, and the International EnergyAgency. We would specifically like to thank AshleyWearne and Ketty Adoch at GIZ and Martin Kretschmer

at the Uganda Ministry of Energy and Mineral Develop-ment for helping us to compile and verify the requisitenetwork and consumer location information required torun REM in the Uganda SST. We are further grateful toLaura Cozzi, Tim Goodson, and Arthur Contejean at theIEA for helping us to frame this research and describe itin WEO 2018.

Additionally, various aspects of this work pertain-ing to the Rwanda customer types and Karambi datasets employed were supported by Iberdrola, the EnergyWithout Borders Foundation in Spain, REG-EDCL, andthe University of Rwanda. Notably, Roselyne Ishimweand Fredrick Kazungu at REG-EDCL were instrumentalto efforts for structuring this information for modelingpurposes. Finally, we are grateful to the MISTI Spainprogram and team members involved in the preparationof data that went the base case, including Reja Amatya,Carlos Mateo, Turner Cotterman, Claudio Vergara, Vi-vian Li, and Javier Santos.

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