World Book Day! everybody made with their book character...


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~ This week’s attendance ~



St Piran Y1

Penhaligon Y2

Boscawen Y3


Y4 Trelawny

Y5 Davy


95.3% 98.7% 95.1% 95.2% 96.1% 92.3% 97.5%

World Book Day!

On Friday last week we celebrated World Book Day. Yet again we were simply blown away by the fantastic efforts

everybody made with their book character costumes! Throughout the week several book related events and cele-

brations have been taking place. The ‘Extreme Reading’ competition was a big hit with some incredibly creative

entries and the book reviews sent in were brilliant! The children really enjoyed our ‘Reading Roundabout’ in which

they got to wander around the school to choose a member of staff to read them a story. We were also hugely im-

pressed by the support of parents and families for the KS1 ‘story time’ afternoon. The hall was packed with parents

and children enjoying a good book. What a wonderful day! Oh and can you spot Wally and his friends on this


Keep Perranporth Tidy - School Litter Pick

This week, Faye Clifton (or Paolo in Yr 3’s mum) came in to talk to the chil-

dren about litter on our streets. With the support of her employers, local

company Green&Blue, Faye has organised for our school to take part in a

litter pick. On the morning of Tuesday 27th March, we are encouraging chil-

dren to walk to school and collect litter on their route. There will be a prize

for the class who have the most bags of rubbish that day and we hope that

this will encourage the children to think more about littering and about not

just walking past and ultimately not dropping litter themselves.

We will have a certain amount of gloves that some children will be able to

take home the day before, kindly donated by Suez, and ask that children

wear their own gloves if they have them and we are asking children to use a bag from home to mini-

mise waste. We hope as many of you as possible will join in with this exciting event and help keep our

streets litter free and inspire our children. There's lots more info on the Clean Cornwall


Children in Yr 4 & 5 will be undertaking some activities with the staff from Suez around

recycling on the morning of the 27th so we do ask that children in these classes bring

some used, and well cleaned, plastic milk bottles before the day.

Finally, if all of that wasn’t exciting enough… Green&Blue are also inviting all children

to take part in a competition to design a poster to promote the school litter pick. The

deadline for entries is next Friday 23rd March with a prize for the best posters from Key

stage 1 and 2. Entries should be submitted on A4 or A3 sized paper so get creative and

keep Perranporth tidy!

Sport and Events News

This week Perranporth got involved in lots of different out of school events with news to share with you. Firstly we’d

like to say a big well done to Kai and Connor from Y5 for showing brilliant historical knowledge and using it to win

the Newquay Schools History Competition! Well done!

We’re also very proud of the Y3/4 footballers who took part in the Treviglas Football Festival this week. The children

faced some tough teams and had challenges matches but still enjoyed the event and showed great sporting be-

haviour. Well done!

And finally an enormous well done to Amy from Y6 who has shown fantastic determination in cross country and

competed in several races throughout the season. Her performances were so strong that she managed to get all

the way to the Cornwall School Games Cross Country Finals which were this week. Amy ran against the very best

runners from across Cornwall and crossed the line in 11th place. This is an incredible achievement! Well done Amy!

Sport Relief

At Perranporth School we are all really excited to be taking part in Sport Relief 2018! As one of the UK’s

biggest fundraising events, Sport Relief brings the entire nation together to get active, raise money and

change lives. This year, Sport Relief will be taking place next week.

To do our bit and raise awareness we will be completing a range of activities across the school. In Key

Stage One the children will complete daily sporting challenges. In Key Stage Two they will be running a mile around

the top pitch on Friday.

As well as having all this fun we would like to raise some money, so we are asking for children to wear any sports

clothing they would like on Friday the 23rd March and bring a donation of £1. As we’re sure you know the money

raised is spent by Comic Relief to help people living incredibly tough lives, both at home in the UK and across the

world's poorest countries, so please donate all you can, to learn more visit

We will also be using Sport Relief as a teaching opportunity so that your children can learn about the

issues other children across the world face, and how the money we raise can help them. We really ap-

preciate your support and hope that you’ll have fun helping our school raise lots of money for Sport Re-
