World War 2


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World War 2

V-J Day

Victory of Japan Aug. 14, 1945

V-E Day

Victory in Europe

WW2 ends

May 8, 1945


Genocide of European Jews by Nazi Germany in 1930’s and 1940’s

Six million Jews died in concentration camps

Battle of Midway

US Navy engaged Japanese Imperial Fleet in most decisive naval battle of WW2

US victory was turning point in war in Pacific

Japanese Navy aid and waste


Policy of giving in to an aggressor’s demands in order to keep peace

Battle of Bulge

Thousands of Allied troops mortally wounded to secure final victory

Germans staged last major offenses against Allies


Lightening war

1st bomb then move in with tanks and troops like against Poland


1st Japanese city US dropped bomb


2nd Japanese city US dropped a bomb


Prejudice, against Jews


Britain, France, Russia, USA


The government has total control of a persons life, dicatorship

Axis Powers

Germany, Italy, and Japan formed Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis

Had agreements for Alliance cleared way of anti-democratic aggressor powers

“Mein Kampf”

A book by Hitler of his obsessions

Became basic book of Nazi goals and ideology

Concentration Camps

Detention center for civilians who are considered enemies of a country

Pearl Harbor

General Tojo ordered surprise attack on American fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

US declared war on Japan

1942, 2,403 died


Dividing and sparation

Lend-Lease Act

It allowed FDR to sell or lend war materials to any country whose defense the president deems vital to the defense to US


Living space for German Race


Japanese pilots who under took suicide missions crashing their explosive-laden airplanes into American Warships

Ribbentrop- Molotov Pact

German- Soviet Non-Aggression Pact

To divide Poland

Atomic Bomb

Nagasaki and Hiroshima got A Bombed

Japanese cities

Americans set bomb

Yalta Agreement

Feb. 1945

Churchill, FDR, Stalin met in SU discussed post war

Potsdam Agreement

Agree on policy for occupation and reconstruction of Germany and other nations


Pres. US WW2

(32) pres. of US

Joseph Stalin

Dictator of Russia during WW2

Fought Hitler

Adolf Hitler

Leader of Nazi

Wrote Mein Kampf

Dictator of Germany

Tried to eliminate Jews

Tried to take over Europe

Winston Churchill

Prime minister of Great Britain during WW2

Benito Mussolini

Dictator of Italy- WW2

“IL Duce”


Allied Commander during WW2

What was Europe's position towards Hitler's aggression?

Europe didn’t want another war they gave into Hitler appeasement

How did Fascism take shape in Italy?

Mussolini- dictator came to power governed due to poor leadership, high unemployment, high taxes, promoted nationalism

Who were the major players on the global stage?

Axis- Germany, Japan, Italy, France, US, Great Britain

Allies- Russia

How Nazism took place in Germany?

Hitler promoted Nationalism poor leadership and bad economic condition and resentment to treaty of Vers.

What was the attitude of US before US hit of Pearl Harbor?

The US wanted to stay out of the war policy


Some major battles of WW2?

D-dayBattle of BulgeBattle of MidwayVJ DayVE Day

Why were casualties so high?

Weapons more advanced

Planes dropped bombs, A-bomb, tanks, aircraft carriers, subs

Causes of WW2?

Germany invades Poland

Economic Depression

Militarism, Nationalism, Imperialism

Germany angry over Treaty of Vers.

What were the Questions the US had to ask to dropping the A-bomb?

Should US bomb city to save many US soldiers lives to end the war?