World War I - MISS PRESSLEY'S WEBSITE · Marion Crandall First U.S. service woman killed in...


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World War IChapter 9

Why did it start?

Remember the acronym MAIN

M - Militarism● Massive build up of

militaries● Protection

○ Others? Own interest? Both?

● Intimidation and threats

A - Alliances Triple Alliance = Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary

Triple Entente - Great Britain, France, Russia

● Germany strongest nation in Europe at this time

Franco-Russian Alliance = France and Russia (both enemies against Germany so “my enemy’s enemy is my friend”)

● Others?○ Britain - joined because they were fearful that

Germany would get too powerful and no one country should control Europe

○ Arms race w/Britain and Germany

I - Imperialism

● A country can increase its power and wealth by controlling other people

● Europe countries had built empires in the past 200 years○ Some groups wanted

independence though■ Serbs VS

Austria-Hungary (Russia to the rescue!)

■ Bosnia annexed

N - Nationalism● Pride in one’s country!

○ Want to promote their country’s culture and interests above others○ That makes everyone competitors

● Nationalism fed into Imperialism

● 1914 - Archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand, was in Bosnia and he and his wife were assassinated!○ Assassin was a Serbian Nationalist

Declarations of War! Two sides emerge...




Great Britain

Italy (promised land in Austria-Hungary to switch


Central Powers:



Ottoman Empire


American joins the war… ● President maintained neutrality but the people had chosen sides

(ancestry)● Most favored the Allies

3 triggers for America going to war:

1. Propaganda - information that influences your opinion (media)2. Sinking of the Lusitania - 128 Americans were killed

● Sussex pledge: Germany would not sink any more ships w/o warning

3. Zimmermann telegram - Asked Mexico to join Germany and if they won, Germany would give Mexico Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona

Section 2

Supporting the War● Americans supported the war effort

in many ways● Victory Gardens - Americans planted

their own vegetables in their own gardens to conserve food for the military

● War Bonds - Americans bought war bonds to lend money to pay for the war

● Daylight savings time and “Heatless Mondays” - Created to conserve energy

The Great Migration● The war effort required a lot of workers!● Henry Ford was desperate for workers● He went south and recruited African Americans

to move north and work in his factories○ Other companies followed his idea

● 300,000-500,000 African Americans left the south and migrated north for work

● This is how cities like Chicago, New York, Cleveland and Detroit started to grow!

● Also impacted politics in the north…. They could vote!

● 100,000 Mexicans migrated into the Southwest United States for work as well!○ Farms and ranches

Impact of the War

● American deaths = Approximately 116,000

Joining the Military● 400,000 African Americans were drafted into the war!

○ 42,000 served as combat troops○ Racially segregated units○ Only white officers in charge

● Women also joined the military for the first time○ Only noncombat○ Clerical work, nursing

Section 3: A Bloody Conflict

Warfare● Trenches

○ To protect themselves from artillery

○ No-man’s land was in between● Poison Gas

○ Germans were first to use○ Vomiting, blindness, suffocation○ Allies also began using it soon

after○ Gas masks were developed

Americans in war ● America finally entered the war after a bloody stalemate

● 2 Million soldiers came in waves

● Doughboys - American soldiers were called this○ Inexperienced, fresh

and eager to fight, soft○ Demorialized German

soldiers● Convoys developed at sea

End of the War● Several countries declared independence● German emperor stepped down and Germany

signed an armistice (a truce)● War ended 1918, Peace Treaty signed 1919

○ Treaty of Versailles○ Big Four: United States, Britain, France, and

Italy (allied powers)○ Negotiations for treaty lasted a long time!

Could not agree!● 14 Points - based on principles of justice to all

peoples and nationalities

League of Nations● Wilson called for a general association of nations● A group of nations who get together to preserve peace and protect each other● Attempt at stopping something like this from ever happening again!

The end...● Ultimately Germany was held responsible for the war and punished● The Treaty of Versailles did not address several things Wilson wanted it

to● Congress refused to ratify the treaty

○ Issues with the League of Nations○ Founders warned against alliances like this○ Overruled Congress’ power to declare war because the League could

require members to aid others in an attack○ Wanted amendments

● The U.S. negotiated separate treaties with the central powers● The League of Nations formed but without the United States

○ Dissolves after WWII○ Replaced by United Nations (we are in this)

Outcomes of the Peace Settlements■ Baltic states were created: Latvia, Lithuania, and

Estonia■ Poland became independent■ Yugoslavia was created■ Czechoslovakia, Austria and Hungary■ Mandates: territories administered by Western powers

on imperial■ Led by Henry Cabot Lodge, the U.S. refused to

recognize the Versailles Treaty due to the League of Nations

Page 348 - Section 4The War’s Impact

For the next 5 minutes, flip through the section and explore the impact the war had on America.On the sticky note, write down 3 ways America was impacted by the war ending.

We will share out as a whole group!

Section 4

Economic Impact● Soldiers returned home as heroes… but…

○ Needed jobs! 2 Million people! Factories closing because no need for war materials anymore

● Rapid inflation - people raced to buy rationed goods, businesses raised prices○ Increased the cost of living! Daily living

items more expensive!● A wave of strikes!

○ People wanted more money and businesses could not keep up with inflation

Racial Unrest ● The returning soldiers blamed African Americans for taking their jobs in the north

● Frustration and racism combined to produce violence

● Race riots (25 across the nation - “red summer”)

● The Chicago Riot - Hot July day○ Beach incident○ Riot lasted 2 weeks

● NAACP membership surged

Red Scare● After the war, there was a strong fear of Communism and the idea that

they were trying to start a revolt in the U.S.● Russia becomes a communist state!

○ Surprising and scary to Americans!● Nationwide panic ensued… Red Scare● Workers strikes = revolution = communist influence● More riots and bombings● Russian immigrants targeted (Palmer Raids) and many deported● No hard evidence of communist influence BUT the Red Scare greatly

influenced American’s attitudes in the 1920’s and beyond○ Racism against immigrants

WWI Heroes from Iowa!

Merle D. HayGlidden farm boy

He joined the army in May and shipped out to France three weeks later.

He was killed in the early morning of Nov. 3, 1917

Wayman “Wayne” Minor

Last American to be killed in World War I, just three hours before leaders signed the armistice on Nov. 11, 1918.

A son of slaves, who lived in a small community in Johns Township in Appanoose County.

Company A, 366th Infantry Regiment, 92nd Division, an all-black combat unit.

Marion Crandall

First U.S. service woman killed in active service during World War I.

Born in Cedar Rapids in April 1872, she taught French in Davenport at St. Katherine’s School

Y.M.C.A canteen in Sainte-Menehould

German artillery shell landed in her room and exploded