World War II. The Effects of the Treaty of Versailles


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World War II

The Effects of the Treaty of Versailles

The Terms

• Germanys forced to accept:

• War Guilt Clause• Reparations• Loss of its colonies• Loss of European

territory.• Disarmament

The Great Depression


The Rise of DictatorsHitler and Mussolini

Benito Mussolini

• Created a fascist state in Italy in 1922.

• Fascism- government controlled every aspect of the lives of its peoples.

Adolph Hitler

• Created the Nazi Party.

• Became the Fuher, or leader of Germany.

Hitler and Mussolini

• Fascism- is a political philosophy meaning the government controls every aspect of the lives of its people.


Nazi Germany

• Propaganda- a campaign of speeches, parades, and rallies to support Hitler’s policies.

• Censorship• Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitic Campaign

The Nuremburg Laws of 1935

• Deprived Jews of their citizenship.

• Allowed for legal discrimination against them.

• All Jews were required to wear a Star of David.

War Time Leaders

Winston Churchill

• Prime Minister of England during WWII.

Franklin Roosevelt

• President of the United States during WWII.

• Served 4 terms as president.

Joseph Stalin

• Leader of the USSR.• Stalin signed a non

aggression pact with Hitler in 1939.

Emperor Hirohito

General Tojo

• Prime Minister of Japan during WWII

Japanese Aggression in Asia

The Path to War in Europe

NAZI Aggression

Nazi- Soviet Nonaggression Pact

• Hitler anticipated a conflict with Britain and France.

• August 1939 Hitler signed a peace treaty with the USSR.

Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact

The Axis Powers

A Mutual Defense Alliance Consisting of:Nazi German


The Road To War

• Hitler glorified war as a means to restore German national pride.

• In 1938, Germany took control over Austria

Hitler re-occupies the Rhineland

Annexation of Austria

Annexation of Austria

Hitler in Vienna 1938

Nazi Aggression

• Next Hitler demanded a region of Czechoslovakia known as the Sudetenland.


• English Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain brokered the Munich Pact.

• Hitler was given the territory for a promise he make no more demands.

Germany Sparks a New War in Europe

• Secret Agreement– Nonaggression pact—

Germans and Soviets agree not to fight each other. This was known as the “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact” signed in 1939.

– Agreement includes secret deal to split Poland

Ribbentrop and Stalin at the signing of the Pact

The outbreak of WWII

• Hitler took the rest of Czechoslovakia.

• Germany invaded Poland on September 1,1939.

32.1 Hitler’s Lightning War

Using the sudden, mass attack called the blitzkrieg, Germany overruns much of Europe and North Africa


• Hitler’s “blitzkrieg” or lightening war tactics, brought easy victory against Poland and France.

A Mechanized and Mobile War

• WWII saw the use of tanks, planes, aircraft carriers and battleships.

• New technologies included sonar and radar.

Germany’s Lightning Attack• The Phony War

– French, British mobilize along French border, wait for German attack

– Many months of no action—the “phony war”

– In April 1940 Hitler attacks and quickly captures Denmark and Norway

British Ministry of Home Security poster of a type that

was common during the Phony War

The Fall of France

• Further Gains– May 1940—Germany conquers Netherlands,

Belgium, Luxembourg– Soon after, German army reaches French coast

The Maginot Line

Was a line of concrete fortifications, tank obstacles, artillery casemates, machine gun posts, and other defenses, which France constructed along its borders with Germany and Italy

The Fall of France• Rescue at Dunkirk

– German forces trap British, French on coast of Dunkirk

– British Navy and civilians take ships across the English Channel to rescue soldiers

British troops evacuating Dunkirk's beaches. Many stood shoulder deep in water for hours,

waiting to board the warships.

The Fall of France

• Germany invades France on June 1, 1940. France surrenders 12 days later.

• The Vichy Government cooperates with the Germans.

A Two Fronted War

• Germany invades the USSR on June 22, 1941.

• Hitler’s invasion is stalled by the Russian winter.

The Battle of Britain• Threat to Britain

– Winston Churchill—Becomes British prime minister and vows no surrender.

Winston Churchill giving his famous 'V' sign

The Battle of Britain– Germany plans invasion of Britain; begins with air attacks in


– British use air force, radar, code-breaking to resist Germany

– Battle of Britain—Air war over Britain that lasted until May 1941

– Stunned by British resistance, Hitler calls off attacks

A pair of 264 Squadron Defiants. (PS-V was shot down on 28 August 1940 over Kent by Bf 109s.)

Aircraft spotter on the roof of a building in London. St. Paul's Cathedral is in the background. 306-NT-901B-3.

Standing up gloriously out of the flames and smoke of surrounding buildings, St. Paul's Cathedral is pictured during the great fire raid of Sunday December 29th." 1940. 306-NT-3173V.

Over 500 firemen and members of the London Auxiliary Fire Fighting Services, including many women, combined in a war exercise over the ground covered by Greenwich (London) Fire Station." Ca. July 1939. 306-NT-901-19.

Children of an eastern suburb of London, who have been made homeless by the random bombs of the Nazi night raiders, waiting outside the wreckage of what was their home." September 1940. 306-NT-3163V.

Two bewildered old ladies stand amid the leveled ruins of the almshouse which was Home; until Jerry dropped his bombs. Total war knows no bounds. Almshouse bombed Feb. 10, Newbury, Berks., England." Naccarata, February 11, 1943. 111-SC-178801.

89.Life in London during the war. View of a V-1 rocket (flying bomb) in flight, ca. 1944. 306-NT-3157V. The British nickname was a “Doodlebug”

A London bus is submerged in a bomb crater after a German air raid.

A group of Soviet POWs, taken to undefined Prison Camp



• On June 6,1944 the allies invaded France at Normandy.

• By August German troops were pulling out of Paris.

The Defeat of Germany

• Germany faced a war on two fronts.

• The Soviet army of five million advanced from the east.

• Allied troops approached from the west.

German Surrender

• On April 30, 1945 Hitler Killed himself.

• On May 2, 1945 Berlin surrendered to the Soviets.

Results of WWII

The Final Solution

• Hitler implemented a program of genocide , or planned destruction of a race.

The Holocaust

• Concentration camps were equipped with gas chambers and crematoria’s.

• Six million Jews were victims of the Holocaust.

The Yalta and Potsdam Conferences

• The USSR was given control of Eastern Europe until elections could be held.

• Germany and its capital were divided into zones of occupation.

The Nuremburg Trials

• Nazi war criminals were brought to justice.

• They were tried for acts of aggression and crimes against humanity.

Additional Results

• The creation of the United Nations.

• Independence movements against the colonial powers

• The United States and Soviet Union emerged and superpowers.

World War II














