Worship By Embra Jackson Administrative Assistant to the Bishop


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Embra Jackson

Administrative Assistant to the Bishop

© HEARTLIGHT http://www.heartlight by Ben Steed & Phil Ware

To live (Ephesians 1) to the praise of His glorious grace (vs. 6) for the praise of His glory (vs. 12) to the praise of His glory (vs. 14)

AgendaAgenda1. Welcome and Introductions1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Scripture – Psalm 103:12. Scripture – Psalm 103:1

3. Prayer – Embra Jackson3. Prayer – Embra Jackson

4. Workshop Session4. Workshop Session

5. Hands-On Project5. Hands-On Project

6. Evaluations6. Evaluations

7. Closing7. Closing



What is our purpose for worshipping God?

What’s really going on with worship in our churches/charges?

What options do we have in how we ought to worship God?

What will we do to worship God truly?

• The object of our Worship– The Person of God Himself– Through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 13:15) by the Holy


• The Reasons for Worship– God Desires It– God Demands It– God Deserves It (Psalm 29:2, Revelation 4-5)

GOALGOAL Jesus said, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.” – Matthew 4:10

Jesus said, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.” – Matthew 4:10

• The Process of WorshipJesus said that we are to worship “in spirit and truth.”– Worship in Truth

To worship in truth is to worship the right God in the right way. It is to worship according to Scripture and not according to the tradition of men (Matthew 15:1-8)

• Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)

• Praise (Acts 2:46-47, Romans 15:9-11)

• Confession of Sin (James 5:16)

• Confession of faith (Romans 10:9-10 [Testimony)

• Scripture reading and study (Luke 4:16-21, 24:27; Romans 10:17)

• Preaching (2 Timothy 4:2, Acts 2:14)

• Lord’s Supper and Baptism (1 Corinthians 11:17-34, Matthew 3:16-17, Acts 2:41-42)

• Offering (Lives [Romans 12:1-2], Means 2 Corinthians 8-9])

• Music and Singing (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, Psalm 150)

• Fellowship (Acts 2:46-47)

• Physical Acts of Adoration [such as lifting of hands, clapping of hands, kneeling, bowing] (1 Timothy 2:8, Psalm 28:2, 47:1, 63:4, 134:2, 141:2)

– Worship in Spirit Let’s think about how we ARE NOT to:

• Worship God with an impure heart that is full of hypocrisy (Matthew 15:1-8)

• Worship God with an impure faith that is based on tradition (Matthew 15:1-8)

• Worship God with an impure motive that desires to be seen of men (Luke 14:7-11)

• Worship God with an impure attitude that involves pride instead of humility (Luke 14:7-11)

• Worship wars are ragingWhat is ironic and especially pertinent is that many debates about worship are just indirect ways of talking about ourselves, not God. Our debates devolve into how we like our worship served up each week. It’s worship as consumption rather than offering. It’s an expression of human taste, not a longing to reflect God’s glory.

If we worship Jesus Christ, then we are to live like Jesus. In fact, Jesus says in Matthew 25:31-46 that our worship will be measured by how we have lived.

The heart of the battle over worship is this: our worship practices are separated from our call to justice and, worse, foster the self-indulgent tendencies of our culture rather than nurturing the self-sacrificing life of the kingdom of God.


• The real crisis over worship, is this: will God’s people worship God in a way that demonstrates we are awake? By loving our neighbor in God’s name? Will we worship the living God as he asks: “to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with [our] God?”

Worship leaders may want to focus only on what seems culturally and socially immediate. But if we are to worship the Lord of all creation, the Savior of the world, then while we are checking the sound system or pondering prayers or sermons, we have to hold on to a wider vision of God’s love.

• Depending upon what is meant by the terms Traditional and Contemporary, the answer might be “neither.” Then again, defined another way, the answer might be “both.” Regardless, the best answer is not a simple choice based merely on preferred style.

OPTIONSOPTIONSShould worship be Traditional, Contemporary of Both?Should worship be Traditional, Contemporary of Both?

Guidelines for WorshipGuidelines for Worship

• A good guide is not merely what we prefer or what really moves us but understanding some basic ideas about Christian worship. Consider, for example, this definition of worship.– Worship is a corporate (meaning common or

shared) act of the church as the Body of Christ, an act that is from God, to God, and done before God.

Rules of WorshipRules of Worship

• Praise God,

• Thank God,

• Confess sin,

• Tell the big story about what God has done in Jesus Christ,

• Apply this gospel to us here and now,

• Give us an opportunity to offer ourselves to God,

• Intercede in prayers for others, and

• Unify us with one another and with God.– Having a list like this can help a church make

decisions about what style of worship is most appropriate. If we want to sing our church’s brokenness in sin, then ask what kind of music allows the congregation to truly access their heart before God.

• Dynamic, effective worship is the foundation for a healthy, vital congregation. It should convey:– A sense of expectation!– A sense of celebration!– A sense of inspiration!– A sense of incorporation!– A sense of restoration!– A sense of liberation!


Ten Ways Worship Benefits UsTen Ways Worship Benefits Us

• Worship dispels loneliness.

• Worship brings hope.

• Worship counters self-centeredness.

• Worship reminds us of important values we tend to forget.

• Worship strengthens courage.

• Worship gives us the opportunity to express thanksgiving

• Worship brings us a sense of forgiveness.

• Worship renews faith.

• Worship is a transcendent experience that helps God call us out of what we are to what we are yet to become.

• Worship is a highly organized form of corporate prayer that brings positive change to people.

Reprinted from Herb Miller’s Connecting with God, Abingdon, 1994.

Essential Components Vital to WorshipEssential Components Vital to Worship

• Vital worship celebrates the goodness of God and who God is.

• Vital worship is alive.

• Vital worship is participatory.

• Vital worship is spiritually warm.

• Vital worship is transformational.

• Vital worship is invitational.

• Vital worship is culturally relevant.

These components affect every aspect of the worship celebration: from the sermon, to the anthem, to the way ushers greet people as they enter the sanctuary. With these elements in place, worship moves from a habitual weekly gathering into a time of celebration and transformation. A quality worship service is key to attracting people to a congregation.

How To Lead An Effective Worship ServiceHow To Lead An Effective Worship Service

• Have the congregation sing throughout the service• Encourage active involvement of the congregation• Limit the number of announcements• Be as timely as possible• Plan the service in conjunction with a worship team that

includes the pastor, musician, etc.• Maintain as much consistency with the service as possible• Celebrate the Lord’s Supper with the appropriate demeanor

that it deserves• Do not try and “cram” a lot of events into the worship service• Remember we are to worship in order to honor and thank God

How to Lead a Lousy Worship ServiceHow to Lead a Lousy Worship Service

Have a lot of congregational singing in one block.

Let the congregation sit passively for long periods of time.

Have lots of announcements.

Wait for everyone to arrive before you begin the service.

Put your watch on the pulpit.

Don’t plan the service.

Change the order of worship frequently.

Have a long, slow, dignified Eucharist.

At the Eucharist, play Beat the Clock

Cram lots of special events into one service

Elements of a Worship ExperienceElements of a Worship Experience• GATHERING – coming together of God’s people in preparation for

worship• PRAYER – entering into a dialogue with God• ADORATION – act of expressing love for God. This can be done via

silence, hymns, etc.• PROCLAMATION – this is centered in the scripture and in the Word of

God• RESPONSE – our response to what God has done for us. It can

include baptisms, the Lord’s Supper, renewal of membership vows, etc.• CONFESSION – the act of seeking freedom and renewed life in Christ

(1 John 1:9)• THANKSGIVING – corporate thanking of God for our many blessings• SENDING FORTH – reminder of God’s presence in the world and our

role in the sharing of God’s love to the world

Create An Effective Order of WorshipCreate An Effective Order of Worship

Divide into teams of church membersSelect a person to portray the role of a

worship team (pastor, musician, liturgist, board chairperson, etc.)

Using the handouts provided, develop a brief order of worship (Remember the elements of an effective worship service.)

Select a spokesperson and present the order of worship to the participants

EvaluationsEvaluationsPlease complete the evaluations. You do not have to share your names or other personal information if you do not wish to do so.

We wish to thank you for attending our session today. We know that you did not have to do so but you did. We appreciate that very much.

We hope that something that we were able to share with you or others shared with you has helped you learn more about worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth.

Closing PrayerClosing PrayerThe time has come, O Lord - for us to leave this place; Guide us and protect us and lead us in thy Grace. Wherever life may take us as we go our separate ways, Help us share with others the things we've shared today.

May the peace of God, the Father, and the love of Christ, His Son, Guide us in the days ahead and strengthen us each one. May the blessing of the spirit fill us from within; God bless us and return us to the fellowship once again.


Sources of InformationSources of Information





