Worship Program(Syria) - Sand Springs Church of Christ · Worship Program(Syria) This Is The Day...


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January 19th 2014

Worship Program This Is The Day


Praise Him! Praise Him!

Praise The Lord

On Zion’s Glorious Summit


Oh Lord, You’re Beautiful

Blessed Jesus


Oft We Come Together

Dismissed For Children’s Bible Hour

My Only Hope Is You

Worship The Lord With Gladness


Step By Step

Shepherd Time & Prayer

Leading: Prayers & Thoughts Rick O’Dell

Servers: Matt Aldridge

Richard Barrett Lance Bateman

Bert Hunter Jeremy Moran John Tedford


Homer Weathers……………………. Involvement/Benevolence/Education

Bob Fitzgerald………………………... Missions/Worship/Youth

David Watkins………………………... Fellowship/Evangelism/Building (usage & maintenance)


Elliott Dunn (Pulpit)…………………….

Keith Thompson (Youth & Family)………..


Bryan Benton (Benevolence)………………………….

Ted Bowen (Youth) ………………………………….

Greg Foster (Missions)……………………………………..

Jonathan Hendricks (Growing Families)………………..

Rick O’Dell (Evangelism)………………………

Kenny Tucker (Involvement)…………………...


Nigeria, West Africa ......................... Solomon Aguh

Liberian students at School of Biblical Studies Jonathan Cooper: cooperjonathan87@yahoo.com

Lenin Cooper: lenin.cooper@gmail.com

Calvin Johnson: jusuj909@gmail.com

Saguenay, Quebec, Canada ................ Jean Grenier

Verviers, Belgium .................... Jean-Marie Frerot

Nursery Attendants

Mary Martin, Connie & Cathy Wray

Next Sunday Attendants:

Amanda Aldridge, Joy Dyer & Lorie Ingram

Military Family

Bill Gorden (Syria)

Bryan & Kari Benton’s nephew

Christopher River (Afghanistan)

January 19, 2014

Song Leader: Joe Anderson

Opening Prayer: Tom Scism

Shepherd Time & Closing Prayer:

David Watkins

A/V Room: John LeMasters

Worship Coordinator: Richard Prater Communion Preparation: Susan Hollen

A Special Welcome to Our Visitors

You honor us with your presence and your willingness to join us in worshipping God. If you are interested in a home Bible study or a correspondence course, please contact

the church at (918) 245-3226 or email sscoc@sbcglobal.net. If you are a member of the Church of Christ and are looking for

a place to worship and serve, please consider placing yourself under the

oversight of our shepherds and becoming part of our family.

Sunday P.M

Song Leader David Watkins

Opening Prayer Homer Weathers

Bread & Cup Bob Fitzgerald

Please Stop By Our Information & Welcome Center in the LobbyPlease Stop By Our Information & Welcome Center in the LobbyPlease Stop By Our Information & Welcome Center in the Lobby

for the first time?for the first time?for the first time?


Henry & Dee Moydell’s Surprise

Birthday Party/ 1-3pm

January 26

- Chris Hopson’s Eagle Scout Ceremony/ 2pm

- Area Wide @ Memorial Drive

January 27

- Monday Night For The Master


January 28

Hope Harbor Picks Up Groceries

January 29

Power Night/No classes

February 9

Teen Connections @ Ft. Gibson

February 10

Monday Night For The Master 6-8pm

Memory Verse

Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these

members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each

member belongs to all the others. (Romans 12: 4-5)

Bible Hour


Faith Lethermon

Helper: Jennifer


Baptism: Freddie Walters was baptized last Sunday. He is the husband of Brandee and the son-in-law of Jim & Brenda Kelly. Welcome to our church family, Freddie!

Baptism: Ben Belden was baptized Thursday. He is the brother of Mariann Tucker. He and his wife, Danielle are placing membership with our

congregation. They have a son, Remington who is four months old. Their address is . His cell number is and her cell number is . Welcome to our church family Ben & Danielle!

New Member: Monnie Helms, Alene Lethermon’s mother, has placed membership with our congregation. Her address is . Her phone number is . Welcome to our church family, Monnie!

Sign-Up: There is a sign-up sheet on the back table for those willing to bring desserts for Monday Night for the Master.

Children’s Bible Hour: With the growth in our church family, we will now have two separate Bible Hour classes starting in February. The first group will have 3 & 4 year olds and PreK and the second group will consist of kindergarten through 2nd grade. Please see Paul or Faith

Lethermon to sign up to teach or help.

Sermons On CD: If you have not received a CD of a sermon you requested, please see Torrey Waller. All our sermons are now being posted to our website. Go to www.sandspringschurchofchrist.com and click on ‘Sermons.’ On that page the most recent sermon will be under ‘Featured Sermon;’ click on the arrow at the left to start it. For all other sermons, go to the bottom of the same page to ‘click HERE’. There is still a sign-up list on the back table for those who would prefer a CD, but we encourage everyone to go to the website if possible.

Team Tabora We have a newsletter from Adam & Katy Hacias and Garrett & Stacy East. They have both found homes and are getting settled in Tabora. They were able to travel to Zanzibar for the 2nd annual Church of Christ missionaries in Tanzania family retreat, which was a great encouragement for both families.

Groceries: Hope Harbor will pick up groceries January 28. There is a list of items needed on the back table. Nan Hunt is still collecting money for those who want to contribute but do not have the time to shop.


Power Night: Our next Power Night will be Wednesday, January 29. Everyone will meet at the activity building and there will be no classes.


Kathy Anderson was diagnosed with breast cancer. Brenda Brewer is in St. Francis Hospital. Her bone marrow test came back clean but they are still concerned about her blood count. She will be seeing an infectious disease doctor. Mason & Maxx Gunter are both home recovering from surgery. Homer Jones, Dell Griffin & Walter Jones’ father, is back in the hospital. Jack Lethermon will have a pacemaker put in Wednesday. Wanda Smith will have foot surgery Thursday. Homer Weathers has acute bronchitis. Kenny Smith, Margaret’s son, has congestive heart failure and will have surgery this week.

Continue to pray for.........Lendal & Elaine Bolin, Lucille Burcham, Judy Chainey, Jim Dobbs, Wiley Elliott, Everett & Sue Emerald, Darla Fleming, Dennis Koehn, Lorie Ingram, Ora Moon, Phyllys Nowlin, Melba Prewett, Margaret Smith, Wilma Smith, Cindy Thompson, Teresa Walker and Vonda White. C. J. Ash (Jo & Wiley’s son-in-law), James Blackwell (Jennifer Gunter’s brother), Scott Elliott (Jo & Wiley’s son), Linda Jestice (Phyllis Dodson’s sister), Jerry Upton (Roger’s father) and Debbie Wighs (Kathy Anderson’s sister). ___________________

Eagle Ceremony: Chris Hopson will

have his Eagle Ceremony Sunday,

January 26 at 2:00 p.m. here at the

church building. Everyone is invited to

attend and honor Chris in this

achievement. We are proud of you, Chris!

Surprise Birthday Party: There

is a surprise birthday party for Henry

and Dee Moydell today from 1:00-

3:00 p.m. at Broadmoor Retirement

Center. Henry will be 91 on the 24th

and Dee turned 90 on the 10th.

SAYING GOODBYE TO A FRIEND Today, my friend Rick Reed is being taken off life support.

I met Rick in college at Oklahoma Christian University and instantly liked him. He was kind, encouraging, funny, and a huge basketball fan. I always enjoyed being around Rick because he was the type of person who radiated joy. Amazingly, Rick never stopped radiating joy even as he battled serious illness through much of his adult life. That is a rare feat. Even though he had every right to complain about the hand life had dealt him, to become bitter at his circumstances, or to see himself as a victim of unjust suffering, Rick never gave in to those temptations. Instead, he courageously fought back by shining the spotlight on others and focusing his energy on serving others. And because of that he made a great impact on the lives of many people. His life mattered because he chose to live his life in a way that honored God and blessed others.

Rick and I had many deep conversations, and one of the things that drew me to Rick was his sincere love for Christ. So, while my heart is heavy, I am also filled with hope because I know that the One who conquered death will bring my friend home. Yesterday, I went to the hospital and said goodbye to my friend. It was hard. So hard that I couldn't return to work. I had to give myself some time to cry and reflect.

In my time of reflection, I thought about how a person says goodbye to a friend or other loved ones. Here's what came to mind:

1. Don't leave it to the end. Don't wait until your friends are dying to let them know how you feel. While they are living, let them know that you are grateful for their friendship and why you're grateful, that you respect them, and that they have made a lasting impact on your life.

2. Revisit memories and share stories. Talk about the fun times you have shared together. This assures your friends that you will remember them after they are gone.

3. Be an instrument of Christ's peace. We sometimes sing a song that says "make me an instrument of your peace." This is what I prayed on the elevator ride up to Rick's room at the hospital. Dying people need peace, and we can be instruments of peace to our friends in their last days by our presence, our words, and our acts of love and mercy.

4. Give them a blessing that points them to God. We are simply instruments of peace; God through Christ is the source of peace. God is the one who gives eternal comfort and assurance, so it makes sense for us to point our friends to Him. Don't be afraid to speak words of blessing to and upon your friends. Through your words of blessing, reassure them that their lives mattered, that they made a difference, that they will be remembered, and that God will reward the trust they have put in Him.

I am at peace because I know that Rick will soon be at peace. And I am even more appreciative today of Jesus Christ for making peace possible. Once again, my friend is pointing me to Jesus.

Rusty Tugman Minister at Alameda Church of Christ

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray

with joy.

Philippians 1:4